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elon's trans daughter roasted him after his podcast with jordan peterson where he said the woke mind virus killed his son
is this real? if so oof
it is
Insanely based
woah she’s based
what website is this so I can follow her
>negative Jordan Peterson mention
Great, I hate her.

Bullying Peterson is actual ableism at this point.
he deserves it. people should bully him until he becomes dependent on benzos again
Based. Musk nutriders on this board can shut the fuck up now
Why is it on some obscure website and not in the news? That ain't how you win a culture war
i don't think there's a single musk dickrider on this board besides a few /pol/ invaders and maybe gincel
it's telegram but dunno where to see the group or whatever
I hear he's still cleaning his room to this very day
where else is she gonna post it, twitter?
based based based based based
truth social
There is a legitimate section of rightwing trannies who think respectability politics will spare them. They've been begging for her to make up with Musk because they think it's her fault Musk has Tranny Derangement Syndrome
god what cucks
No he doesn’t. He was right about Canada being shit and also feminism.
Show me I want to get mad
Why does she call him Elon instead of dad?
if you go through the effort of legally disown someone then it'd be pretty weird to still call those strangers dad
Could you do the same? Disown the world's richest man as your father just to be yourself?
>entirely fake story
She's a natural beauty but it must hurt her to see the face of her father in the mirror
I am >>36652883 and had parents that went to the tusk school of parenting.
It would feel really weird to call them mom or dad since (1) I don’t even talk to them anymore and (2) they simply never behaved like or were around as much as either of those categories of people. It would feel weird. Like lying.
>confirming that he really was put on blockers
Damn, so at one point elon either was committed enough to pretending to be a good liberal to sacrifice a kid, or was at one point a real neoliberal.
I mean I'm happy for her having the confidence to shake shit like this off, but it's not exactly a "sick comeback"
Holy shit she's based as hell
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She’s so fucking hot
without hesitation. to get any of that cheese, id have to be miserable as fuck. what good is zillions of dollars if you ca t be yourself
> He doesn't know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn't there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my […] queerness.
Too real
i still see rightoids defending it saying "she's lying, there's no way she has memories from that young, and you can still say fabulous at 4"
elon definitely was way way less socially right-wing 8 years ago

also i guess it's possible she still means hormones. but who knows
If I’d kept my relationship with my father I’d have $1-2M coming to me when he dies, which if he’s isn’t dead by now would be in a few years.
As long as you have your own way of making money it’s always worth it. If I didn’t have a degree maybe. But otherwise it’s not worth it to not respect yourself.
yeah shes based
sucks to have a father that has everything but gives you nothing
>>negative Jordan Peterson mention
Very based.
I knew it! That hon didn't have a typical hsts childhood.
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i know this part is true because BEEN THERE

they don't even necessarily do it explicitly but wow even a child understands "you're not allowed to be like that!"
>nooooooo dad I’m not HSTS!!!!
>I’m actually a verifiable run-off-the-mill AGP
Why would someone even admit to this?
She is trying to court the chasebian simps.
No one normal uses these terms
Sending this to her rn
AGPs are real women, HSTSes are gay men in disguise.
She’s guaranteed to make $1 million anyways just on the back of being his child (sponsorships on her twitter because she gets exposure from being his child and picks up a large following from it, invited to speaking events and generously remunerated).
People are retarded if they think she’s at risk of having to go find a minimum wage job and living like the rest of us.

There’s probably even some monthly payments for her from a trust fund that her father can’t claw back.

She’s always going to benefit from being his child, whether or not she has renounced him. Do you think there’d be headlines about her if she was literal who?
your brain worms don't apply outside of this place. touch grass and stop spreading Blanchard's nonsense
Just based on this, I’d put her IQ at 105. This is what Elon gets for impregnating simple-minded models or singers - his once-in-a-generation was diluted and now his middling intelligence children hurt his image and can’t even continue his legacy.
>blanchtards are just stereotypical fags in denial
No wonder you agree with him
can you have an iq of 105 but not know that alot isnt a word
Why would anyone want to be seen as a hussie? AGPs are more valid as they troon due to dysphoria and not because they are gay men with a straight men fetish
> once-in-a-generation
anon, he doesn't invent anything, his workers do that. he's just rich.
Cope chuddy the muskrat has been thoroughly debunked by thunderf00t as a lying con man who can only repost reddit memes to appeal to midwits like yourself
Is this Twitter or some mastodon clone
in a heartbeat. working a comfy middle class job for the rest of your life is leagues better than being associated with the richest most autistic man on the planet when you probably won't get the money until you're 40+ anyways
Threads by Meta
Are you admitting Jordan Peterson is disabled? He certainly is full of himself.
He's a repper
An IQ of 105 is just barely over the North American average

>"his workers do that"
Yeah, basikally any other person kould be kalling the shots, but if we replased the sientists with random other people, we wouldn't get anything done
it's fake, look at the numbers next to the heart
they edited this and its not even her Twitter name
probably so she wont feel nauseous
That's Threads not Twitter
>brother had a Hamilton phase
Sounds like he's the gay one
>Just based on this, I’d put her IQ at 105
2 standard deviations above you then
The numbers tick up retard. I don't even have threads and I can infer that just from the screenshot
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If she had stayed on good terms with Musk he would have personal incentive to ban JK Rowling and old whores for good. I've read the literature of the "New Right" and their methods to ending wokeness and they don't give a shit about trannies.
Its good to have principles trannies are on the cusp of annihilation in the UK. She should be working and planning on saving as many trans women as she can. Other left wings groups can cater to the other minorities.
She chose the wrong hill to die on is all we are saying. Now Musk has incentive to target all the queer creators she's following on her threads account and embrace the British terfs wholeheartedly. This is going to go nuclear.
Boomer ahhh meme
How can she stay on good terms with a father who literally mixed her up with her twin? He doesn't care any of his kids, his family is all over the place with multiple broodmares. They're just tools to boost his ego and breeding fetish.
Unless Musk soon dies of a ketamine overdose, there is no victory to be had here. This is about survival not scoring points. This is the worst thing that could happen to us after Chris Chan and JK Rowling.
Munchausen by proxy is typically seen in preschoolers, well before the age people engage in social or medical transitioning. Nice buzzword though retard
>screenshotting the meme over and over
You're not beating the retarded tech illiterate boomer allegations anon :/
>in a ketamine-fueled haze, he's desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes
This little fagboy will never be a woman
Because it's not about how it's why. Why should you stay on good terms with the guy who can firebomb your village on a whim?
She said herself she never saw him growing up. She could go another ten years without seeing him she just has to kiss his ass on the rare times she does.
The mother transed the wrong one.
Pfizer does not sell estrogen but it's good to know you're a brainlet who thinks in memes
No it actually makes sense that twins are very similar and have that gene- But the other twin just doesn't have dysphoria so he's happy living as a bottom gay man. Mentally, they're both girls.
>Why don't other species of higher mammals have GENDER ISSUES
They do it's called homosexuality
Your posts reek of low IQ.
>durr if you know what you're talking about you're a dork durr
Immediately followed up with
>this woman who gave birth to multiple children has a penis and balls
Literally just substituting memes for thought. ROGD isn't real and you used ok groomer incorrectly. You're too stupid to even be a proper chud. That's a low bar stupid
This is hilarious and perfect. The sudden cut is also incredible
Thank you anon <3
what did she look like before she transition. did she have FFS.
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not to sound schizo, but yes. browbone with a brow lift was obviously worked on.
t. had ffs and have the same eye look as Vivian.
its on instagram threads
What causes people to act like this? It's not strictly a republican thing though it does seem to be more common. You know what I mean? The weird personal lingo "teamtranny" (in all caps of course) the poorly made memes that often don't make sense or are just repulsive for the sake of being repulsive. Like some left types of this person would post this hideous images of trump with a photoshopped asshole for a mouth. And they are always incredibly bad at arguing their point. Is this just what an 80 IQ political content creator looks like? Or is this some sort of condition like schizophrenia?
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ah no my favorite neet jeet got banned ):
why are you blaming retardation on indians when it's obviously a white /pol/tard
It’s always incredible to know that some of us were conscious when the internet "came home"
I still remember my dad buying his first home computer in like 2010 and me learning about how to use it with my sisters
he’s a jeet from canada anon
ask him about it when the ban cools off he won’t deny it
i remember my dad buying us our first computer in 1997 and then first using the internet in like 1999, spending time in yahoo chatrooms with adults when i was 9. it was definitely a more niche thing then. for better or worse i quickly became addicted and was using the internet 24/7 starting in like 2002
I know right? It's fucking crazy to think about
Like, I remember flip phones and nokia bricks
I always think of them as white boomers who can barely use a computer but I don't know anymore, they might just be retarded
>White /pol/tard
Doesn't exist
2010 is a bit late to the game isn't it? We got our first computer in 1996
lol, that's kinda pathethic though
>"touch grass"
i get that you all seem to like her a lot, but she seems to be a pretty mean and nasty person just going by these posts alone
yes passoids are mean spirited and cunty
your point?
How dare she not be nice and happy that her dad, who pays millions to make sure she doesn't have rights, is publicly lying about her. Fuck out of here with that bullshit
God, Elon is even more pathetic AND malicious than I thought, and that says a lot. Since I knew he sucks for a while now.
>bolshevik tranny
>calling others degenerate
>misandrist slurs
>"pick-me," like a roastie
Transbians are the worst people on the planet.
>worshipping a stupid, rude mannish, ridiculous man pretending to be a roastie
Those posts were not written by a woman, brainlet.
Cry more lmao.
you seem upset anonette
are you just blindly defending her cos she's trans btw?
do you want to defend kris tyson next, and out yourself as a nonce too while you are at it?
Oh man the rage is seeping from this post lmfao
oi! you got a loicense for interacting with trannies?
the whole video is basically benzos vs ket
hey fuck you motherfucker, how do you think words come into existence? do you think all of the words ever just suddenly appeared in an all natural dictionary and that's all you can use? alot is a word, i'm making it a word. society will make it a word. get used to it.

>this post is brought to you by the words amaze, avenue, awhile, already
You act like there was an option where he just sucked his dad’s cock enough that through the power of love he stopped being a chud whackjob. That isn’t how shit like this works. Everyone that’s lost family from this knows that’s not how this works.
They’re fine with it, then suddenly they aren’t, and won’t let it go, and will never be normal or decent towards you again, just peck-peck-peck-peck-peck until you die or leave.
This is hilariously retarded, but also I do wonder why white nationalists select for appearances over intellect so often. I think they’re accidentally so misogynist that they literally don’t think there’s a difference between one woman or another. Bill Gates may be a child rapist, but he doesn’t hate women enough to not marry a brilliant dog, and I respect that.
True, it’s like whatever prince lives here now because he married a black woman. He had a ghostwriter write some “auto”biography and instantly made enough to never work again.
Fame is money.
True. The idea of him actually approving blockers is just crazy. I’m literally trans and would never ever put a kid on blockers because I have a fucking brain.
Richest man in the world is also the most gullible
Exactly, she’s always one phone call from getting an advance of $500K from any publisher for a “tell-all book” about “my dad Muskie”, especially now that people are foaming at the mouth against Musk.
Hair looks male.
No, I’m pretty intelligent.
>I'd like my child to be visibly trans and get harassed for life if they're born dysphoric
Great parenting skills hon
>on the cusp of annihilation in the UK

We're in the abyss
>white replacement
Not happening
You submental babbling fashoids think that Herbert Hoover tier liberal economic policy is communism. You are ignorant morons who are beyond parody.
>Leftist authoritarianism
If Kamala promised to send you to a reeducation camp so that you could stop being so retarded I would volunteer for her campaign 24/7.
The sad reality is that genius is not inheritable. It is a special freak thing that happens with varying frequency with different ethnicities but doesn't have a predicable quality to it.
>nooo he’s wrong i wasn’t feminine as a kid
autogenyphile self-own lmao
she seems like she posts on /lgbt/
fuck her and zion don
Memelon is so done.
Ftms are sufficiently treated with testosterone starting at early high school age, and mtts aren’t real and don’t respond positively to cross/sex hormones long term at any age.
So there’s no purpose for blockers. It’s a stupid mtt thing.
I got more Reddit vibes from her writing but yeah she's clearly terminally online.
100%, if he had any sense he’d pocket a few mill from a year or two of grift, change his legal stuff to a new identity, move back to South Africa, and go back to a life of passive useless luxury as his ancestry demands.
It's @Vivllainous on Threads
i wonder if this is what finally gets trannies to use threads lol
Can you imagine Elon suing the HRT right out of Vivians veins for libel, leaving her bankrupt and destitute and forced to suck cock on Skidrow?
Is this wise? Remember Elon went after the Thai cave diver and everyone who tried to unionize against him. Guaranteed rape accusations are gonna come out of nowhere against his daughter soon.
While Xavier was out studying the panty, Jordan was studying the blade.
He is so baste.
Yeah, he likes Israel too much
Lmao oh shut up already
He was unironically talking about transitioning into a literal butterfly person earlier. Yes I think he could have been won over. He's insane.
This is in the news now https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/elon-musk-transgender-daughter-vivian-wilson-interview-rcna163665
Reading to the end, Musk seems reasonable here. All he asked was that she meet him before going on hrt. She met him gave him the forms and then he still signed them. Later she wanted nothing to do with him.
There is a moment in all tragedy when everything could have been resolved but both parties choose not too. She needs to reach out to her father.
He could ban Peterson and end this all tonight.
This article is crazy, wow. Good for her, I hope this gets traction
HRT and SRS were declared not against Islam in Iran because the Ayatollah was impressed by a trans woman who wrote letters to him, I think you're right that it was bad to die on that hill. Overall I'm just disgusted with the airing of intra-familial conflict on social media and talk shows, it's bizarre rich white people behavior.
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>man who lied about everything also lied about his trans daughter
I'm not surprised in the slightest about that
I am however surprised she did not inherit a single of those traits from him
She's blessed, I like her
>tranny has a meltdown and is terminally online enough to post things like "redpilled incels"
>this is based
whats wrong with this board?
quit your crying
what's up tourist?
I'm sorry some MtFs made you feel bad anon, it's fine.
>grooming stole elons son from him
>trannies are mad that elon didnt like this
i dont get it. you reap what you sow
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I wasn't aware that was the reason. But yeah Musk could easily have been won over. He's right that the left has sown discord in the family.
she passes way better than i expected
omg this super rich guy has family drama just like me, we're the same!!!11!111

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