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im a trans male and i fucking hate women. i will never get a girlfriend because i have a vagina and im 5'6. i dont know what is happening to me, every time a woman SPEAKS i get annoyed because i know ill never have a gf. what the hell do i do? do i just settle for a tranny?
you can get a gf but she will see you as man-lite and partially a woman. ive heard ftms have a lot of success with these sorts of women
Just be lesbian
so if i do find a girl ill just be seen as a woman in her eyes?
Just get a bisexual gf? Besides ftm with REAL game can get straightoids. Once they know who you are they’re already too rizzed up.
R u kidding bro? Ftms have it easier with girls the same ways mtfs have it easier with men. Also trans women are all for trans men...
yes, pooners are essentially considered "spicy lesbians" and are not usually regarded as real men. straight women will view you as a hyperbutch lesbian (which is correct)
Is it really that bad being a cis girl? I'd date u if u didn't poon, I'm a trans girl and I'd smash that gash desu
the majority of ftms who date cis women are seen that way by the women they date from what ive seen. you could date a trans woman, but almost every single one ive seen, the trans woman ends up in the mans role and the ftm ends up in the womans role
Gymmaxx n take your shots right fucking now
You're clearly a fakecel. You don't even go out to seek any women instead moping about how you'll never get a gf. Nigga did you even try? To be an incel you have to have at least some rejections under your belt you lazy fuck
It is possible to get a cishet gf despite what this board tells you. May depend on location etc too desu. I have ftm friends with religious wives even.
What you should be after is an honest, idealist women. Not cocksexual "bi" women. If you plan on getting bottom surgery eventually you can figure it out.
I believe in you anon.
But dont say "settle for a tranny" you yourself are a tranny. Get a grip.
Pursue long term relationships while young and get married. Don't be a cuck
>t. 5'5 ftm with cis gf
>settle for a tranny
no self respecting trans woman wants a fake man :3
dan vs.... clocky
then why do they date them
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stop being a cringy lunatic. hating women wont make you more of a man. women are people and dont deserve to get attacked just because not all of them want to fuck you. this is the most reddit phrase ever but as a permavirgin pooner i just hate everyone equally until proven theyre not dumb assholes.

also, i have a ftm friend who got a really cute chaser girlfriend, theyre really happy together.
can't get a cis one
did that before, when I didn't pass to others. Now I'm drowning on cis boy cock :P
Welcome to heterosexual manhood where you aren't genetically fortunate or rich. If you can handle it, just detrans and be a lesbian again. I wouldn't wish being a straight man on anyone, especially being a dickless straight man.
But none of them are self respecting because they're into fake girls :c
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Detransition and date a short straight femboy
can call me a fake girl but at least people wanna be with me :D
That's just you though. Grindr twinkhons are always looking to drill pussy. Dating trannies is an easy option for any ftm who's desperate
Yeah because they have no alternative :/
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Why do MtTs get triggered so easily by the existence of FtMs?
Welcome to the club pooner. Somebody realized that female attention is hard to gain and keep a hold of. Should've stayed a lesbo. Hope the norwood reaper didn't pay a visit. Maybe you can grift to conservatives about the horrors of transitioning. You'll certainly get one last bit of major attention before you spiral into irrelevancy unless you can find a way to keep the grift going.


I'm gonna let you in on a secret, half of men on dating sites don't give a shit that I have a cock and take estrogen. Even if you're an ugly woman, men will fuck just about anything. Lot of average looking baldcels out there that hit the gym in my dms to hit me.
Detrans you actual subhuman room temperature IQ roastoid. Holy fuck you faggots literally shoot yourself in the foot and cry about it, I DESPISE foids, LOATHE roasties, HATE eggless whores
because a lot of them are straight men (trans lesbians) who hate masculinity in anyway and are confused why someone would want to be masucline because in their straight male eyes masculinity is “unattractive”. thats why egg culture and converting young straight boys to become transgender is so popular. They confuse their natural disgust as a straight man of masculinity for being transgender.
That's the thing will you find someone for a cheap fuck? Sure, but when it comes to actually staying with someone it will be a lot harder. You managing to find someone doesn't mean that most trans women have it that easy
I don't like incels regardless if they're born as a woman, I was just clapping back :3

not to sound like i have a black friend, but one of my best friends is ftm lol
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>Yes I called you a fakeboi and talked about dating ftms only because I didn't pass but I have a trans friend so it's okay!!
you better be baiting
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Just liemaxx, dummy.
If I were born female and looked like I do now except with a vagina instead of a penis I would tell women I lost my dick to an IED in Afghanistan and I'm trying to get back into dating but it's really hard and then they'd be all like "I'm so sorry that happened to you, I'm not shallow like the other girls, I still want to be your gf" and you can proceed to stick your tongue in them.
holy based, this
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Well it’s hard to believe ftms are really trans or experience dysphoria when 99% of them are like this
I would personally love to have a FtM bf. I'm really big into st4t.
But shit like:
>do i just settle for a tranny?
Is frankly why you deserve to die alone.
Being an incel is entirely a personality problem.
>you better be baiting
who knows anon, maybe I just like teasing people :)
but no I wasn't, hope u feel like shit for what you said, you will never be in a loving relationship
I really don't get this because I have a vagina and am 5'6" and never had any trouble dating?
As a pooner I would prefer an mtf. I don't trust cissoids to understand or treat me with respect.
I wasn't even the anon you were talking to I'm just worried because you act like a massive retard
involuntary celibacy is and always will be a skill issue barring you aren’t suffering from a disability
well I AM a massive retard, I just get laid and have too many guys giving me flowers in hopes of being my bf :3
Meaningless statement.
I don't know what that has to do with what I said but okay
Maybe OP pass better than you
Because the dysphoria portrayed by ftms is just a feminist manifesto.

mtf dysphoria is irrational 80% of the time.

Either way, the definition of a trans person should just be someone who has transitioned. Because it is impossible to place all the origins of the disorder in the same group, or to say that one is more valid than the other. Both are real.
For me, much of the appeal of a FtM bf comes from the idea of having a partner that understands some of how I feel and I what have gone through. I do not think it is really possible for a cis person to fully empathize with or understand the struggles of being trans.

It really sucks how hard it is to find someone into st4t.
i'm not trying to pass I'm a girl
So you are in no way compared to him lol
It's a dumb thought. You can sympathize with people with any type and issue following this premise. Since mtfs and ftms are not the same inside.

For me, the fun of a romance with an FTM would be to make him believe that he is living a gay romance, when deep down I would never see him as a man. That's why I would never have a serious relationship with one, but to have fun for a while it's worth it.
I would want to find someone like you and pretend to be in love with you while you think you're duping a pooner into thinking he is experiencing a gay romance. Meanwhile, I would be putting weight gain powder and glucose in your food and sabotaging your fitness so that you would get fatter over the course of the relationship.
If you're not fat enough when you want to end the "fun," you will find yourself being too tired to even get up, and become bedbound until you fill up the bed. At this point, it will be difficult to reach and even feel your penis and balls. You will have a deeper front hole than most femoids do. So I will have to flip you over with the assistance of bariatric machinery and manpower and fuck you with a strap-on. Did you want a real cock? Too bad, it's not like one could reach your hole at this size anyways.
You would never walk again, never fantasize about your own duplicity ever again. Sometimes, you would have moments of lucidity and regret, but the constant food-coma and hunger from your captive, morbidly obese, immobile body would make those moments fleeting.
my point is it's not hard to get guys to have sex with me
Well yes because you are a woman. If you are ftm you don't want a straight man to fuck you. Theres no reason why anyone would want to stay with you in a long term relationship if they can leave you for a real penis.
disgusting rapehon man wanting to fuck an AFAB's pussy (not surprising desu)
>do i just settle for a tranny?
well you had my sympathy until that part lmao

at least we dont need to be afraid of you beating or killing women on your t-rage
>im a trans male and i fucking hate women. i will never get a girlfriend because i have a vagina and im 5'6. i dont know what is happening to me, every time a woman SPEAKS i get annoyed because i know ill never have a gf. what the hell do i do?
Congrats. You successfully transitioned. This exactly what a biological malformed manlet man would feel and say and post on 4chan. You have peaked.
It's impossible for anyone to take pooners seriously. Both men and women.

I knew a hyper aggressive ultra masculine pooner once and he just came off as way too try hard. He would get in my face and it was just comical knowing I could just overpower his small body and rape his pussy until he's forced to orgasm.
Fuck did you expect?


t. AMAB incel.
shit larp
R u serious? Why can't I get a girl gooning buddy then?
do you mean a girlfriend or fwb or what? (I'm a girl who likes sex)
FWB lol... No girl seems to like me or even like the type of stuff I'm into. They usually end up leaving and I have to go look for a new gooning buddy...
what kind of things are you in to?
>do i just settle for a tranny?
no, you sound annoying as hell and possibly abusive. stay alone until you stop being annoying.
It's... A lot of stuff ngl. Also some degen stuff ig... Idk I feel kinda weird writing down a list of everything I'm into...
Men will fuck horses. Getting a cis man to fuck you as a troon isn’t impressive
well you have to tell me if you want me to be your goon buddy
Holy skill issue
t. 5'1 pre-t FTM with a heterosexual gf
She’s bi if you don’t look or sound like a man
Get screwed in the poon!
It is your ultimate weapon, given it's not dried out 100%
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90% of mtfs look like this and get made when you want real women instead of them.
>settle for a tranny
You are a tranny.
>ill just be seen as a woman
Yeah. If you date cis people, you need to confirm they literally only get it up for men or you'll only be seen as a man.

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