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can someone explain something to me, from a zoomer perspective so I understand

how is it that twitter cares more about pronouns instead of not falsely labeling someone a pedophile?

would it not be more important to wait for actual evidence before stating such things as fact?
leftists think loli is pedophilia (and they're right)

so just because the grooming is complete bullshit doesn't mean she's not a pedo
Zoomers are completely oversocialized and fembrained. In reality, nobody got raped so I don't care and nobody should get cancelled or go to jail or whatever.
You can be labeled as a pedo for literally anything at this point. You will get called a pedo for no reason so that's all fine and good but you can never misgender anyone
>how is it that twitter cares more about pronouns instead of not falsely labeling someone a pedophile?
It feels like that kind of transphobia basically writes off all the trans people as not being valid. It has nothing to do with Ava specifically, it's literally just transphobia for the sake of transphobia.
She's obviously not going to jail.
they don’t have a perspective because they were raised by psyops and literal Iranian/Chinese/Israeli/Russian propaganda
I think words have meaning and unless a child was actually abused/groomed/raped that using that word doesn't lend itself to holding about pedophiles accountable

if everyone is a pedo, then no one is. when a e-celeb or streamer actually does some fucked up shit one day, they'll get away with it because of all the crying wolf
Most people don't masturbate to loli hentai anon. I hope this has been a wake up call
pedophilia just means you want to fuck kids, not that you have fucked a kid already
ok so let them run a full investigation on Ava and check her hard drives and web history and discord logs and what not
bam problem solved she has nothing to hide
pedophile is just someone attracted to people under [some age]. child molester/abuser is the other thing
i think it's pretty likely all she'll have is loli (which isn't illegal in the US)
Loli and shota is just art. You’re not a pedo for jerking off to it.
she's not a pedo, she was being an edgelord
still an optics nightmare to normans so she’s cooked either way now and should just slink off to the shadows with whatever money she has left
Why do you keep running interference for pedos? Honestly really disappointing.
yes, you are. don't be intellectually dishonest

the real question one should be asking "is pedophilia necessarily wrong?", not trying to say "uhhhhh masturbating to drawn child pornography absolutely is not pedophilia.............."
were you even around 5 years ago
shadman was posted as edgelord stuff to shock people
>she's not a pedo, she was being an edgelord
i think this is plausible but there are so many references to loli it looks kinda bad

maybe she was never actually a fan of loli and just brought it up a lot + associated with shadman to be edgy but it's kinda unfalsifiable

it would really fucking suck if that were actually the case lol. then she would've done literally nothing wrong and now tens of millions of people want her head on a pike
Yeah I don’t own a commissioned print of goatse to hang up on my wall hon
Sorry if this isn’t a relatable experience at all to me
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That's what's happening
he's making the right move. he knows she almost certainly did nothing wrong (at least in terms of grooming) but this way he can take the heat off his brand and wait until the investigators find that nothing bad happened beyond "adults shouldn't have casual communications with minors"
I feel like it's still not going to satisfy the mob though, someone's gonna try to start shit between now and the investigation results
Lolis don’t look like kids. If you’re into birthing hips you ain’t a pedo sorry bucko
> pedophile is just someone attracted to people under [some age]
i don't take things that far but many of my liberal friends do
Don't these people proclaiming all these extreme declarations or insinuations about total strangers feel any shame?
Or remorse?
honestly, this is the more morally and intellectually consistent stance. there isn't just some magic cutoff at 18. i respect the leftists who still call shit pedophilia and grooming even if the person is over 18. they're principled
That's how ironic weeb culture was back then. You pretended to be what you mocked.
>"It feels like that kind of transphobia basically writes off all the trans people as not being valid. It has nothing to do with Ava specifically, it's literally just transphobia for the sake of transphobia."
Y'know what?
I think I kinda agree with this take
ive never pretended to be a pedophile nor have i ever consumed loli/shota or anything pedophile adjacent
why do you pedo faggots keep projecting your insane bubble worldview onto the rest of us?
a lot of people consider having anything to do with loli automatic pedophilia

people have become utterly retarded
I'm sorry you live in a bubble and don't understand irony.
im sorry that you collect child porn "ironically"
not only are you a nonce but youre also unfunny
truly an awful fate
if you believe that loli is child pornography, why do you post on a website that allows it to be posted? there are loli threads on /b/. it's explicitly allowed in the rules. is it because you don't actually think it's a big deal? would you act differently if it was real CP that was allowed?
>different subcultures exist
Metalheads don’t actually worship Satan. However some satanists are metalheads.
Zoomers are also the most selfish generation, they'd rather virtue signal to save their own platform than consider the ramifications of just calling someone a pedophile to millions of people

The irony is that placing "misgendering" above defamation/pedojacketing ultimately harms us all in the end
yeah thats literally my point?
ive been a weeb, ive been a 4channer, ive been on ircs and discords and chans and around g00ns for all of my life
but i dont consume loli or shota or anything even remotely cp adjacent because im not a pedophile LMAO
Biden’s DEI Supreme Court pick literally has written about lesser sentences for the collectorist type of cp holder. Unless you’re saying she’s unqualified? Thems so mighty accusations you’re throwing out there anon.
why do you post on a website that hosts loli and shota then?
by not interacting with it at all? what kind of retarded question is that
A better argument would be: anyone that misgenders Ava obviously has transphobic ulterior motives.
When your entire brain is wired in the late stage capitalist consoomer mode you simply can’t understand why someone would be subversive. or maybe it’s just autism. I feel autistics would find this a difficult concept.
>Person has SFW image from a porn artist
>They're collecting pornographic images because I said so, ok.!?!?
Post pics of their collection, do it.
so you're comfortable posting on a site that hosts CP as long as you don't see it? yikes dude
If she was still a cis brodude, none of this would even be an issue unless some real proof materialized. People just want any excuse to go after a trans person.
Performative virtue signalling in order to get into a group, stay in their ingroup, or get laid.
A test this furry has already failed, because they conceded on the pedo accusation rather than defend Ava to the hilt.
It's just crazy how waiting for actual evidence or a victim is "defense"
Nuance is completely dead and anyone who tries to offer any is attacked
it's kinda dystopian
>Yeah I don’t own a commissioned print of goatse to hang up on my wall
no proof of a comission
no proof she hung it in that group house
you are posting on 4chan, you have consumed loli
only accidentally. big difference
being flashed by gore and cp doesnt mean i consume it
its actually really bumming me out how many of you chomos do these olympian backflips instead of just getting help for your sickness
4chan is literally famous for these things though
you knew before coming here that you would see loli and you came anyway. you sought out loli. why are you a pedophile?
i didnt "seek out" anything
ive been here on and off since 2004, when it was hardly "famous" for anything
Is that nikka Amabautukkam?
so you mean back before loli was restricted to /b/? yeah that totally absolves you and doesn't make you more sus at all
I don't care about any of this but it's a shame that beautiful man ruined his gorgeous skin with all those tattoos
is this projection? ill gladly compare all of my web history and physical drives against yours any day, at any point in my life
it's not projection it's a simple acknowledgment of fact. 4chan is full of loli and if you visit this site you are accepting that you will see some of it
you're not accidentally coming here and seeing child porn. you know it's here and you're coming anyway
yeah let me just tell hiroshimoot to get on that
then i can wag my finger at every other service that allows for user input/upload and tell them to knock it off too
or you could stand by your principles and stop consuming child porn
youre retarded
im not going to sit here and go back and forth with you all day if all you have is projection and repeating "YET YOU PARTICIPATE IN SOCIETY"
4chan is not all of society dude
>I'm not a pedo I just bought child porn as a joke
Jesus you can't make this shit up
you just wrote cp
it's more like making edgy jokes about how much you like loli in public is fucking around. So when you later find out I'm not gonna be sympathetic. It's like if someone was bragging about how good they are at gambling and how they are never gonna lose. I get to laugh at them when they lose all their money.

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