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there's nothing better than seeing a cute afab boi with a belly full of cum. even better if it's mine. something about it is so much better than just seeing a woman pregnate. they're yucky if they're hairy though.
it's pregnant
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cute afab bois are the best!
you know what's actually sexy? literacy
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you're just jelly of my mastery over boiwombs
at least i'm able to use my boy words properly
You're getting castrated
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what's wrong with cute afab bois?
you and what army? i could crush you
you really aren't able to read and comprehend at all are you?
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you keep pestering me over nothing. please state your disagreements more clearly. are you the idiot here?
Just more evidence that chasers only ever want to detrans ftms. You just feel aroused because you consider pregnancy the most effective means of emasculating them or in other words "boy removal". You don't actually respect or feel attracted to them as men and your interest in them is predicated entirely on their intact femininity as evidenced by your disgust at body hair. They're just low self esteem women with male hobbies that you want to predate on.
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it's not about "boy removal", its about a biological urge
well pregnate is not a real word
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english isn't my first language idiot
i don't care? still isn't a word
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Why do ftms love getting pregnant so much? Is it not dysphoria inducing?
i didn't feel like this before hrt. maybe it's a hormonal/fetish thing?
So it's predicated on them having a womb. Do you feel the same "biological urge" to impregnate mtfs?
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they aren't cute and fertile looking so no
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I love vagina bois. And vagina bois who can get pregnant are even better.
you should actually be grateful i kickstarted this thread by talking about your bad english
Nta but lmfao what kind of questions is that?
Mtfs don't have a womb. So no. Lmfao.
T. Honest straight chad
Based. Mt"F"s are autogynephilic low value men, ans I would rather eat a bullet than touch one
Never trust a chaser baka

Impregnation fetish is just about filling someone with hot semen which transwomen are infinitely capable of. I can't imagine why you even use this board unless you're just here for ecelebrity drama threads.
Literally, why would I have a "biological need" for someone who is amab and don't even have a fucking womb. That doesn't make any sense. Androgynous looking afabs with big clits and fertile wombs with little smell of testosterone (not too much) are best of all worlds.
> is just about filling someone with hot semen which transwomen are infinitely capable of
They can't have my children. No womb? No fun.
>I can't imagine why you even use this board unless you're just here for ecelebrity drama threads.
Because I love ftms.
Not even theyfabs, literally, ftms. What's so hard to understand.
Terje is so fucking ugly tho
>pooners know how their chasers talk about them and still give access to the poon
These bitches really got no respect for themselves.
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early t ftms are the best
FTM can stand for first time mother
Most of us don’t fuck chasers
You should.
Yeah most poons don't fuck chasers. They fuck straight men that see them as women
I’ll pass on that one.
>Yeah most poons don't fuck chasers.
>They fuck [description of a chaser]
>ywn be kidnapped by a horny FtM who wants to punish you for being a transmisandrist chaser
>ywn be his rape slave for the rest of your life
>ywn be forced to admit that you're a faggot
>ywn be forced to admit that you're HIS faggot
>ywn be forced to watch gay porn while he jacks you off
>ywn be forced to inhale his boimusk after he goes a few days without showering
Straight men don't even view them as trans so they're not trans chasers. Most poons do so little that they're pretty much still women and get with regular old straight men
Trans people are the ones who call others chasers so it's not up to straight men who is and isn't one
They go after early/pre-T poons for the easy pussy so yes they are chasers.

Total detrans fetish chaser death
Everyone is a chaser for someone else.
Everyone uses somebody.

Learn that quick and be free of the "I'm being used" bullshit AFABs use to transition.

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