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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Why are even gay men more feminine than trans women when they're angry?
I’ve noticed this as well. At my last job the twink came off like more of a girl than the trans woman who looked and sounded like a typical dude but with long hair.
I figure it’s just socialization. Trans women may feel like women and may be women but whilst gays that are out of the closet are quickly integrated into girl friend groups most trans women are instead forever alone and deeply repressed.
One of the reasons people still believe in hsts and agp is because there really is a divide in the experiences of trans women, those who socialized with girls in middle school and those who were repressed and grew up "normally"
Socialization is a cope. It’s the tranner equivalent of institutional racism or a Zionist conspiracy.
its literally a skit
if you watch it without the sound on, its very unnerving at how bad they are at acting and timing lol
its also why the video cuts off as soon as the police "arrive" and park super far away from them
I keep seeing this dude getting roasted on TikTok and I keep seeing Chris is a pedo shit too. I never see negative stuff about trans people on TikTok it’s always super hugboxxy shit. This is getting out of hand
This is the biggest cope I’ve ever seen. The thing on video has HrT tits like a freak
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idk but fem gays are cute
when animals feel threatened they try to appear as menacing as possible
Trans women are masculine men.
Trannies are inherently the most mentally ill part of the LGBT spectrum. Most of them are fetisists and not actually anything like LGB who have an inherent preference that isn't just a fetish. They then make themselves even less stable with cocktails of drugs which can impact the mind so you have this male body and brain being swamped with unnatural hormone balances so they end up just nuts.

Meanwhile gay men are just men who like men. There's no magic or anything confusing there. Same with lesbians are just women who like women. All is in balance there. They don't ask people to lie and pretend they are something they are not and they don't demand that the world panders to them and takes part in their kink like trans people do when they scream and threaten violence or venue bombings when people don't call them by their kink pronouns.

Gays and lesbians can fit flawlessly in any society. Trans are the ones that demand endless accomodations and keep blowing up.
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>Gays and lesbians can fit flawlessly in any society. Trans are the ones that demand endless accomodations and keep blowing up.
At one point in the video you can see the Hon's nipples through its shirt. Of course it's not wearing a bra.
AGPs often harbor autistic male rage that's dying to come out in the right situations.
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Gays calling trans people "mentally ill" considering that...

"In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation."

Two can play at that game... LMAO.
The same survey showed 2/3 of participants knew they were gay prior to that, also she phrased the questionaire as have you had sex with an older guy when underage not have you been molested. Its a shitty survey.
Gay men unironically spend more time with natal women than mtfs
Gay men go shopping with girls, use same bathroom, go to sleepovers etc. They can get away with so many stuff because they are homosexual men.
Basically they are one of the girls.
Meanwhile mtfs
>Are seen as predators and creepy by girls
>Cant stand the fact that women will mog them in every way so they don't have cisf friends
Mtfs are more misogynistic than gay men unironically
Its their own fault most of the time, no wonder why they are all manly freaks
>have you had sex with an older guy when underage not have you been molested
Getting groomed into thinking it's consensual doesn't mean it wasn't molestation.
>Gay men [...] use same bathroom
lmfao no we do not
It regards any sex between boys and those 6 years older as molestation. The study was conducted at a 2001 pride parade under false pretenses. Most gays said they knew they were gay before having sex with an older man so she altered the discussion section to falsify it and claim 2/3 had NOT known they were gay before the sex (but the table contradicts this)
If these results are true why do you only ever quote this one single study?
>It regards any sex between boys and those 6 years older as molestation
As it should. Though I'd argue it should be more like 4 years. A 20 year old having sex with a 15 year old is still molestation and the 20 year old should be killed.
There was one femfag in my high school that used female bathroom with group of girls
Nobody ever saw it as an issue
Gays are performativity feminine. They perform feminity in a competitive, ironically masculine way. Trans women are authentic and more likely to act like an actual woman.
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Oh my bad. They weren't "molested" they were raped. You cannot have consensual sex with an adult when you are underage. Doesn't matter if the child "consents". That is still grooming/rape.
You absolutely can have consensual sex with an older guy as a teen.
Thats not rape but okay
What, how? Make the connection for me i'm stupid
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Are you fucking serious? You call trans people "groomers" and "mentally ill" for wanting to transition when we were younger yet gays (like you specifically) genuinely believe a TEENAGER can have consensual sex with an adult.
Yes, go be hysterical about puritan values in the 17th century.
I used to lie about my age on Grindr when I was a teenager. I was a horny lil devil.
Fags am I rite. Society loves these guys now whlist they hate us, when we take drugs they used to use to chemically castrate sexual predators with. We're the "predators".
>"Trans women may feel like women"
What exactly does this mean?
I feel like I would be a tomboy if I was born female.
You a victim homie

Are we cooked? Like legit this is so fucking hard to watch in real time everyone hating us. Like I know I’m not a real woman. I’m a trans woman. I transitioned to alleviate my issue and I feel so much better. I just want to live my life I don’t care if I’m clocked or misgendered
picrel hits so hard, the amount of times Id see online trolls desperately try to rationalise about how their feminine AMAB character who lives as a woman is "nothing like" a trans character because they personally found trans women to be cringe is wild
Agreed. Also feel the same way about tomboy characters. As an ftm, I used to love tomboy characters in anime.
if the character doesn't identify as a woman then he isn't a woman
you should also link to the study about how the children of gays and lesbians grow up to be extremely fucked up or perhaps you shouldnt because we aren't allowed to talk about that.

trannies dont have kids because we are too based and we are too busy making enormous contributions to art and music to be bothered to have kids to screw up

see: SOPHIE, Ethel Cain, Wendy Carlos, Laura Jane Grace, the list goes on.....
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say it with me
>Gays and lesbians can fit flawlessly in any society. Trans are the ones that demand endless accomodations and keep blowing up.
characters don't exist, they can't identify as anything
Real. I wanted to link more but I doubt the gay I mentioned would actually read any of the resources I would've quote/link.
characters have pronouns anon, which refer to what they identify as
pronouns do not refer to what you identify as, and as i already said characters don't exist and can't identify as anything
if i call you she it doesn't mean you identify as a girl.
idk why you're so set on making every feminine male character a tranny
if they like being called a man in the piece of fiction they are in then they are a man
ironically he probably dances at his gay man bars to a lot of music that's probably produced by SOPHIE. but then he'll go on thinking how much more naturally fem he is and how we're all just mentally ill men
Dude can you stfu. People gender bend characters all the time. Even some gays like to make assumptions about their favorite characters sexualities.
i'm not. characters can't identify as anything, they don't exist. they can't be trannies either if your measurement for whether or not a character is trans is identifying as a woman, something a fictional character can't do
fictional characters can do whatever their authors want them to do within their story anon
Isn't this stuff ironically sexist? I've seen plenty of black cis women rip off their weaves and get down.
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Well, I'm ftm (medically too)... so he'd probably just think I'm being "brainwashed" by the evil tranny community... LMAO.
The pc music record was a massive flop lmao, rest in poo
within a story yes. but a thing happening or being done in a story is not that thing happening
>anon used a djinni wish to turn you into a sponge
that didn't happen, it also can't happen. the story i wrote is filtered through my perception of how things work and a fictional layer i'm using to decontextualize the violence i'm wishing on you. but i'm still wishing violence on you, and it would be stupid to claim otherwise just because i said it in a silly nonsense way.
in the same way, writing a character that is overtly trans but not explicitly, and then pretending the character isn't trans and is actually some totally unrelated fantasy concept would be really stupid
the character isn't trans just becuase you think he ought to be
write your own characters and stop being autistic about other people's creations
stop being autistic about other people's interpretations
I'm simply saying the character is what the author wrote
you're the one going on autistic rants about what counts in fiction
and i'm saying that what the author wrote is based on their limited perception and isn't infallible
the author of fifty shades of grey insists christian grey isn't abusive in the books but he directly admits to getting ana drunk so she'll sign a contract agreeing to be his sex slave. that doesn't cease being abuse just because the author doesn't know what abuse is.
“Socialization” is a fairy tale troons tell themselves to make themselves feel better. It is magical thinking. They believe “Oh, if only I had been ‘socialized’ the right way I wouldn’t be such a honbeast.” But it’s not true. Just a comfortable lie.

The truth is that you are what you are. No inbetween. Men (“MTF”) act like men, period. Because of their male hormones. Their unchangable MALE bodies. It’s hard science. A fact. Etched into the rock-hard foundation of reality. Not sissy “social science” that bends in the winds of effeminizing degeneracy. “Socialization” means a man born with a penis could somehow “learn” to be “not a man,” if only he was taught or tried hard enough to learn. Which is simply not reality. It’s religion.
> we take drugs they used to use to chemically castrate sexual predators with

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck
Speaking as a gay black femboy, I don’t need every character to be gay and black and a femboy to relate to them
This is just that post-modernist “death of the author” bullshit woketards love to believe in so they can say things mean completely different things than what they say. Gee, kind of like saying a man can actually be a woman if they just believe hard enough.

It’s part of the woke left’s plan to redefine reality so they can more easily control us. Men are women. Disease is treatment. Slavery is freedom.
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>they don't demand that the world panders to them and takes part in their kink like trans people do when they scream and threaten violence or venue bombings when people don't call them by their kink pronouns.
the normal ones don't get recorded and posted online
its like if your only exposure to white women was karen videos on twitter
then your expectation would be that all white women are entitled and insufferable

normal ones exist, and when stuff gets bad for them you don't see it bc they're fairly normal people and not the weirdos alt righties like to basedface and point at online
socialization decides your values, how you react to things, how you define things, etc., all fundamental things which I don't understand why you're dead set on minimizing. There's a clear difference in male and female socialization which is what that post was getting at.
>Men (“MTF”) act like men, period. Because of their male hormones.
so replace the hormones with female hormones
>Their unchangable MALE bodies
but the bodies change under HRT? When they grow tanner V breasts are those MALE tits which are super MALE and MANLY?
>It’s hard science.
you don't seem to understand something as simple as how hormones mediate gene expression
i wasn't a misogynist until I transitioned and became one of the girls
It's a mystery
Using this dumb thread as an excuse to post this masterpiece
Nta, but I agree with the other anon. Even if socialization was a thing, it would only be flexible in early childhood. If you grew up with dudebro socialization, you carry the dudebro socialization for life.
Hsts and femfags are feminine in childhood, so they come off more like a girl. They too can't change that even of they want to. So unless the honbeast has a time machine, its too late to do shit about it
Actually I grew up around white women, they're worse than Karen videos would imply it's just the insidious type of worse that would need a whole documentary to record, compile and present exhaustively in which ways they are worse and evidence of how they go about enacting their cold blooded cruelty on the world around them.
I like the subtle nod to bi erasure here
Probably a degenerate "gold star" gay. Lmao...
total tourist death KYS

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