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>Notable trans people in the public eye don’t be an absolute optics disaster challenge: Impossible.
you keep trying to make this into a thing and i keep hating you
>Retard tourist don't post the same thread that exists 15 times on the board challenge: Impossible.
im gonna post another one just because of this post
>t. cis male who has used this website for 15 years now and already made a thread about the topic
>Mia Mulder
>Hunter Schafer
>Jazz Jennings
>Laura Les
>Antony Hegarty
>Laura Jane Grace
>Paris Lees
>Laverne Cox
>Munroe Bergdorf
>Parker Molloy
>Liv Agar
>Hesse Denni
>Gale Na
I dunno if I'm missing anyone, but these are the notable trans woman public figures I know of, all scandal-free
>does thing OPPOSITE of what someone else wants because that'll show em
why are men like this for real though serious question ive never understood it
>That girl that made comics about being trans and a bunch of trolls harrassed her until it turned out she was passing and cute (forget the name)
>That trans voice actress from video games
Someone else take over for me
>Parker Molloy

mediamatters faggot.
taftaj should have a scandal for being a retarded pickme
women do the exact same thing, it's literally a part of human nature you fucking pseud
media matters is based. no one makes chuds seethe more
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how many of those are AGP, just curious
>List includes open drug addicts, unironic nazis and sex workers

i literally only do what my boyfriend tells me to do so youre wrong
stop doing what your boyfriend tells you to do
The reality is all trannies are disasters so finding a tranny safe for publicity is impossible
>open drug addicts
Lmfao what does that even mean. Would you rather they be secret drug addicts?
Fucking yes. Are you fucking retarded or something? Have you lost are your normie-sensibilities from getting your brain fried on this board?
What ever happened to Emily from Linus sex tips? Is she just transitioning out of the public eyevlole a normal person?
nta but are you actually intellectually challenged? no shit we would rather the public-facing trannies not be open about being druggies you fucking mong, your drug addiction only hurts other people as long as you let it hurt other people. keep that shit to yourself
As much of a non-argument as the "trans shooter scare"

For every trans person who has a scandal, there will be 10 cis people with one

The difference is the amount of content they generate or attention they receive, which is disproportionate for reasons I don't have to explain
How come every other marginal group understands that their front-facing public figures are under extreme scrutiny yet trannies can't stop themselves from getting into drug and sex scandals.
>For every trans person who has a scandal, there will be 10 cis people with one
this is not a good thing you fucking idiot. consider how many people are trans in proportion to how many people are cis.
given the most generous estimates possible, 3% of the world's population is trans (it could be as low as .6%)
there are 8,000,000,000 people on the planet. if we assume 3% (once again, very generous estimate) are trans that means 240,000,000 are trans and 7,760,000,000 are cis
that means for every 1 tranny, there are ~33 cis people (and once again, this is being extremely generous)
so trannies would be 3 times more likely to have a scandal than cis people
>i wasnt being sincere, it was just rhetoric
your rhetoric is flawed
>whatever schizo
be smarter
yes sir
This is the most retarded shit?
Cis gay men are like.. THE reason the "kink at pride" discourse happens every fucking year
Cis gay men are the reason people immediately think of sex whenever they think of gay people

And wtf do you mean "trannies" don't understand??
What do you think all the crying and the bitching the past couple of days was all about?
They know that because of what Ava did, they will all get punished
you just did something without your boyfriend telling you to do it. you have failed your boyfriend and now he won't love you any more. you should post a picture of your cock now for me to masturbate to
All trans people are weirdos, but must of them don't have spotlights
She's been transitioning ofline from what I know
No one has seen her since the announcment
Only heard her in videos a couple of times I think
you wont love me anymore?
how did you know it was me
Your argument operates on the condition that cis people are receiving an equal level of scrutiny that LGBTQ people do.
What constitutes a "scandal" for a trans person would be breezed past for someone cis.
and trans people have the benefit of being a protected class and so can easily shrug off any and all criticism by the very nature of being trans
look at how many people are willing to defend ava just because she's a tranny. you can larp and say "ooooohhh noooo it's just the transphobes making a big deal out of nothing!" and that's literally you employing that defense
Im pretty sure that trans voice actress died. She had a terminal illness or something
You didn't just list tajtaj, as notable did you?
Worse, listening a sex worker who is personal with friends with actual Holocaust deniers as 'scandal-free'.
We need to ban transition altogether and forcibly detransition all trannies. It's the only way to stop them from having bad optics.
jamie clayton
kim petras
ethel cain
That's what you claim but it's not what's happening for me.
I judge scandal and accusations based on the evidence behind it, not the subject of it.
If you want an example of cis people with scandals I have defended, then Armie Hammer is a good one because he's the victim of a stalker's hoax. Has nothing to do with defending him because he's a man, he's just innocent.
SOPHIE was pretty universally liked and scandal-free afaik
>>List includes open drug addicts, unironic nazis and sex workers
which one's a nazi
Didn't SOPHIE wear blackface once?
Hunter had that AGP “I wanna be a rapeable wittle gwirl and murdered” journal they posted
What did he do? I heard the accusations, but idgaf enough about eceleb BS to read or watch much. Can someone post 1 screenshot?
supposedly exchanged inappropriate jokes with a minor some years ago, who has come forth and said it was not something negative or harmful or "grooming" or whatever

I think that's literally it
no she didnt
I saw a photo of it though, it was pre transition I think. I might be wrong
this is a completely retarded way of describing that journal entry, which she was 100% real as fuck for so you can go fuck yourself retarded faggot
god i hope that's not true, is there any proof of this?
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mmphp mmhhh
it was photoshopped. and even then it wasnt proper blackface. dw sophie is clean
Simp more Hunter won’t suck your gock
jokes on you; it'd be my fucking gaping rotpocket actually so you can go fuck yourself
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It's not photoshopped, it was a scrapped photoshoot for her cancelled Transnation album allegedly. It's probably meant to be a spray tan, because she was parodying celebrity aesthetics or something, but she should have known better really in this day and age
that does look like that weird brown cream and fake spray tan with bogandoff features
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I like trannies but this shit is hilarious, not only is Kris just an optical 9/11 for trannies but she's killing mrbeast to the point where I'm sure he'll just start doubling down on some transphobia to compensate and try and salvage his audience.
Anyway get rekt all those faggot trannies who tried to defend Kris and who told me I was wrong for calling them morons for doing. Congratulations you made things worse.
Huh I thought it was earlier
>Jazz Jennings
You mean the child who was exploited and groomed live on tv by her insane Jewish mother, who had to get a botched asspussy surgery because puberty blockers gave her an unusable micro, who bloated up and became suicidal while her Munchausen by proxy mother made sure she was unfit to ever leave her?
If more people knew about the kino that is the TLC freakshow they'd be straight up calling for total trans abolition.
why does she get to pass? it’s so unfair
money and by extension a largely stress-free life
its only a matter of time
Haus is turning into a lolcow
the one from dead by daylight did infact die, she had a really weird final facebook post about God or something, but i think they mean that other trans VA who's bayo or something with the bob
The point of saying they are open drug addicts is that the person who posted this list should have known. This is a common thing in the community. Look the other way at obvious things going wrong.
men are retarded knuckle dragging apes that's why, anything they ever tried saying about blacks are literally just man stereotypes

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