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Don't you genuinely feel that the more time you spend stealth, the less you feel like a tranny? I'm intersex, but I related to trans people for a while because of similar growing up experiences, I guess. However, as time goes on, I find trans spaces less and less relatable. Does anyone else feel the same? Every day, I feel like I relate more to cis women than to trans women, especially the "lesbian" type, who just feel outright like straight men to me, You can also tell the meta-attracted ones apart because of the way they behave (like men), too.
yes. nobody wants to admit this but it should be the goal-to just be a woman. those who are loud about the trans label tend to be in the middle of transition and half male half female as a result.
only exception really is long term transition era coming out as some show of support that it’s possible to get to the other side and be a woman-but that just reinforces the point
that goal is completely unattainable for the vast majority of trannies that exist currently and were born after 2006
which is why it was easier and more ethical and "fair" for them to move the goalposts
Yeah it's great. Outside of my occasional self hate episodes I completely forget that I'm trans since it's now such a minor part of my life
oh look another thread meant to poison the well
The goal should be to be happy. Being amongst my kin is helpful for making good friends and people that understand me and I can relate to.
This is how most straight stealth trans women feel. No one is poisoning anything.
Wrong. Fully accepting yourself as a transwoman is the final stage, not pretending to be cis just because you can. At some point you realize its stupid and all women want is to be special like you already are.
Youre on tttt stop lying
This shit changes you completely you wont and shouldnt forget that. Idc how stealth you are or how early you transitioned.
Yeah imagine saying "I don't even think I'm a tranny anymore" on tranny dot com
Although I can relate in that I don't feel like I fit in any group and seldom if ever say I'm a tranny to people even trans but I just don't see the point and that keeps me safer
yeah well being happy is being a woman
I never said that but practically in day to day life it fades away and becomes a rare medical thing you got over. I agree with op that most of what people talk about in trans spaces is just totally irrelevant to me. At some point you move past "oh my god I got a skirt but the cashier misgendered me" over and over again.
The final boss is getting past trans women and cis women as completely separate groups. Used to be transsexual vs woman. We changed the language but not necessarily the thinking. You have to know you belong to the female group.
And the problems I actually experience (doctors are still weird; when to disclose to men come to mind) aren't talked about much on here besides rare threads like this. People talk about men all the time, but it's not the same because I can just go have sex without saying a word. Hell half the threads I join I end up accused of being afab or a cis woman.
yeah this
I understand that it would be better for "the community" if us stealth troons were openly trans so we "improve the optics" or something but most of us just want to be regular women and as we all know cissies will never ever truly accept you as one of their own if they know you're trans so of course over time you sort of forget that part of yourself.
yes. i feel like transitioning relatively early (in my early 20s, not super early but still earlier than most trans women) has had a major impact not only on my physical results but my socialization too. i fit in better with cis women, i make friends with them easier. i often can’t relate to trans women who transitioned later on. anyone who’s spent decades living or being treated as a man is going to be impacted by that. it’s not their fault, but it does influence the way they treat others and act in general. there are certain social etiquettes for women that often go over their heads. they’re often more mean and they tend to be hypersexual. i think it’s a result of them only being able to explore femininity/being a woman through a sexual lens for a long time.
I'm talking about during the day when I'm just living my life lmao, why are you so angry about it?
This. Fuck living in fear of someone finding out. Just be open about it
until it’s seen as an unremarkable medical thing like pcos or endo this is not a good idea
this was my mentality too, the times I tried living stealth were anxiety ridden affairs wondering about what surgeries to get next and feeling like a ghost with no connections anywhere.

now im in a "dont give a shit" mentality. If people clock me, fine whatever but dont be a dick about it. I have accidentally outed myself a couple of times though because I thought people knew
Yes absolutely. Most trannies are fucking mental asylum patients are hugboxers. In all honesty I shouldn't even be on this god forsaken website, but here I am, relapsing for the first time in 10 years.
You say the wrong thing to the hugboxers and you're banished. As for the for the loony troonies, it's EVEN WORSE somehow. Utter psychopaths. Like carmin
>I have accidentally outed myself a couple of times though because I thought people knew
Lol same.
I am on the giga enlightened mindset of stealth passing and being discreet and DL about being a tranny but not at all ashamed or paranoid or trying to hide I'm trans. If people find out and hate me that's their bad morals nor mine. Worrying about soemthing I can't control is pointless.
I'm on the same boat.
I don't give a shit what happens or who finds out but I won't be the one to say it myself
>If people clock me
Hey OP here. this explains your situation, you are like this because you don't pass. To be stealth you need to pass... I'm literally never "clocked" because I look like a normal female.
Yes 100%. Ive been stealth the entire time, since i was 12. I can not relate to trans women at all. It feels like every trans woman i talk to just uses transitioning to get their dick hard. Im trans because i was born with a shitty mental disorder that would not let me live as male, but almost all of you... youre just horny coomers that use this community as an excuse to be gross. And i simply do not have the lived experiences as 99% of you. Like i am genuinely sorry to the dysphorics that transitioned in adulthood that i got to experience a female adolescence and you didn't. But like im sorry, if i need advice on life i just can't talk to any of you because Im a teen girl moving into to adulthood, and almost none of you have been that. I talk to cis women about my problems when i can because they can relate to me better than even most of yall. I was just seeing my doctor yesterday, im her only trans patient, and every 2 minutes she just had to say that all my problems are really normal for women my age. Ive had countless conversations with my mom where she tells me she experienced the same stuff as me at my age. I probably relate to OP better than 99% of the troons here. Like how am i supposed to talk to a 24 year old trans "girl" that just started last year and is in some lesbian polycule begging to see my boobs and feel like we have the same issues??
Are you straight?
I'm OP, I agree mostly, but you sound like a minor and should abandon websites like this. I have noticed that often, early transitioners are a bit male wired for some reason too, the only girl who I can sorta relate all this time is intersex like me , weirdly. Most trans women I have talked with feel either like gay men or straight men, sometimes they have underlying issues like BPD and autism as well.
im 19, almost 20, yeah youre right i should not be here. Ive mostly been off and trying to enjoy real life more and dating boys, but i felt pretty bad today and wanted to come here to pile it on.

>a bit male wired for some reason too
>begging to see my boobs
why do they always confuse social support groups with sex groups?
I started in my early 20s so yeah I desperately wish I could've started at 12 WHEN I TOLD MY PARENTS and can't relate to some of that but I'm 30 now and have a similar experience. Other women are universally a better resource (and more available... I know zero trans girls in person) than "trans girls" who almost universally started seemingly yesterday.
and my experiences at work or with men these days... it's misogyny not transphobia and no I'm not on grindr topping anyone (I don't even have a penis!)
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I'm literally a regular woman at this point. 6 years stealth. I only mention it to my dr.
It's the best thing ever, it's what being a tranny used to mean, fitting in as a regular girl.
>and more available...
Yeah ive never personally known any trans girls that transitioned near my age. Idk how many there even are

Also i feel like so many people who just started transitioning recently like.. dont listen. I try to give advice but they dont listen. I felt like when i started most of us listened to each other but maybe im misremembering. After all i thought most of the people posting "skirt go spinny" were like 13 just like i was... they were probably not. Feel like the only one who acts age appropriately (picrel)

>and my experiences at work or with men these days... it's misogyny not transphobia
Yeah ive always expirienced way more misogyny than transphobia. I think the only time i experienced pure transphobia IRL was when i first started. By the time i was 15 it all moved over into pure misogyny. And like even when i talk to cishet boys on dating apps they are also way more misogynistic and incel-like than ever transphobic
I don't know, I met a tranny who started HRT at 13 and other at 12, both seemed to be very "male like", one was literally like a straight male with low T (to be fair that's what he was) and the other one seemed like a catty fag, not a woman.
I think it's a combination of trauma and lack of experience and the sudden excitement of fixing their life all at once and it just comes across weird
idk I never tried to date when I was transitioning because I clearly had other problems and you were a literal child but so many try to anyway and bring all of THAT into the relationship and it inevitably creates all sorts of problems. Then they discuss them and I just don't relate because I never dated until I was already female.
is attention whoring on 4chan really the pinnacle of femininity kayla
seriously you need to get a life i see you in every thread posting borderline MEF shit
Attentionwhoring on 4chan is fun for a moment and then it just gets boring when you realize attention from porn addicted incels can never compete with attention from actually attractive men
im half male, half female right now and I hate it so much it is unreal

i want to be done with this

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