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Do all reppers end up killing themselves or breaking down or is there any positive result gained from repression
if you are strong enough, you'll die of natural causes
reppers who survive the filter are Übermensch
i wager the majority of the greatest men who walked this earth where reppers.
The only sustainable way to repress is to be a very openly effeminate man while maintaining plausible deniability about being trans. Macho coping doesn’t work.
I'm doing exactly that and it's completely and utterly destroying me inside regardless
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Do not EVER post me again without permission you fuck. I WILL come to your local post office and I WILL mail you a strongly worded letter you fucking fake.
Life expectancy
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most reppers end up dying unsatisfied
no, there is no positive result whatsoever to be gained from repping
Get the fucking outfit faggot, get the leather jacket, boots, shirts, everything before posting this, you post like you have testicular cancer in your bloody head, dick head
Also this
Almost all "reppers" are just lost men who realized the tranny sthick is an overblown meme in their mid 20s. Successful "reppers" grow a pair and go careermax to find actual fulfillment in life (increasingly harder in today's economy, hence the troon epidemic exacerbating over the years)

Careermaxing is the cure. Every man has been a workerbee and you just have to accept that you aren't any different. Life's a bitch but the more you fight the easier it gets.
Are you that one insecure short incel anon or do you just have similar typing styles
1) this is a LARP
2) see 1
nah its accurate to the repper experience
I'm 6'5". It was gigahon or careermax. I was 6'2" by 13, balding by 19, and barrelchested since birth. I'm 28 now. It was over before it began and I think that's the case for a lot of reppers and manmoders despite the smoke trannies blow up our asses. I'm pro trans rights but there's a lot of failed men who would be happier with a different path in life.

Had I transitioned I probably would have been dead or homeless by now. Instead I'm making decent money as a public accountant and drive out the sorrow with well funded vacations for my parents and I.

Being a gigahon is an awful choice and more reppers need to consider their options. I did you a favor choosing not to transition. You're welcome.

Not everyone would be happier as a trans woman, even if they have gender dysphoria. I genuinely believe that.
I repped till 30 and I regret it, I gained nothing but lost time and opportunities by deferring life as myself
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"How's this sound? You give me that last Krotchy doll you've got hidden up your ass, and I'll give you this freshly autographed Gary Coleman book."

I get called postal dude all the time I don't need the fucking clothes even though I'd look sick and I do have a leather jacket. You are some fucking mailman cunt that can't compete. You quite literally hate me cuz you ain't me, I don't gotta prove shit to the fucking mailman, The mailman delivers MY mail to me you mailcuck.

"Fuck you"
I'm god's strongest repper, and I will not be killing myself.
like >>36659412 her?
Proof you have the willpower to crush any and all who oppose you and your goals. Pure power level.
No, I don't intend to regret my choices either.
u will
We'll see about that

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