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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Chuds, post who you want to lead trans genocide.

Trannies, post who you want to defend against trans genocide.

I’ll start as a chud.
tranner here
i submit goku
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not a tranny but have this pic
i dont fantasize about genocide because i dont have divorced parents
Hi discord
>i dont fantasize about genocide
I don’t want anyone to do trans genocide though, hurting people and depriving them of body autonomy is bad.
Trans genocide isn’t real. Even people who dislike trans individuals wouldn’t advocate for them to be openly killed. Not only would this go against pretty much everything American it would also be a major war crime and the world would turn against us. Be for real.
You're not special enough for anyone to want to genocide you. Nobody cares about trannies
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Republicans outright admit to wanting to commit a genocide but for some reason people like you keep trying to gaslight us into thinking otherwise
I can’t eye roll hard enough.
so, i'm nta but i feel like this misunderstands what (presumably) the majority of republicans think of "transgenderism" as
because a lot of them don't think in terms of "trans people", they think "people with transgenderism"
it sounds like semantics but it essentially makes all the difference - because talking about "eradicating transgenderism" to them isn't "rounding up trans people in internment camps", it's "finding a cure for the "disease" of transgenderism to save our children from degeneracy"
this is why i don't really get the argument that republicans are literally nazis because i don't think the vast majority of them actually want a *genocide*, it's just that their actual want (normalcy and a return to a "status quo") is easily conflated with that
is that a kinda fucked and harmful understanding of trans people and trans issues? yeah, but it's not like they're going to ship trans people off in droves to get cremated
Well it’s also because the rhetoric about trans genocide is as abstract as genocide itself. Forced assimilation is still classified as genocide so a genocide could fully take place without any murder.
Ethnicities and languages die with virtually no force because of economic incentives and nationalist myths. Kids are beaten for speaking the wrong language until they decide not to speak it or teach it to their descendants. Thinking the identity is a dead end for their children and not wishing for them to suffer like they have

This abstraction means people can frame a trans or a lgbt genocide as an attack on lgbt people without using lethal force. Such as a government mandated forced hospitalization or forced conversion therapy, or perhaps a policy that removes the non discrimination protections. The people do not die but the other is nonetheless removed from society as much as possible.

As such any policy that makes it harder to be trans is seen as inherently dangerous because to the trans person, it means the government actively wants less people transitioning and less trans people in society. So there is immediately an anxiety that if this does not work their means of transitioning or maybe even existing in public life will be the next target of the state.
Depriving someone of bodily autonomy isn’t genocide
Also I must add that America isn’t exactly a bastion of humanitarianism or anything like that, we had de facto chattel slavery till the 40s in the southern states, we constantly funded foreign death squads, utilize torture in both the military and domestic police, we use Japanese internment camps and still haven’t given Indians or African Americans reparations for destroying their communities, we constantly bomb and destabilize countries because the military is only good at murder not at building a better future. American principles and ideals are constantly undermined within the country and by the very state that leads the country. They are a suggestion that the electorate has by and large given up on because to the powerful, mercy and kindness are a weakness and a liability
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Kim Petras will stop all the haters
Yeah and the nazis didn’t actually hate Jewish people they only hated the “Zionist occupied government”. Framing a group of people as an “ideology” to be defeated is one of the oldest tricks in the book of bigotry. See: the gay agenda for another example
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Who I want to lead the trans genocide.
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As defender.
Depriving others of though autonomy good though.
Trannies only transition due to external social pressure.
Trans people deserve violent genocide.
I don’t care who does it.
>Trannies, post who you want to defend against trans genocide.
the chud reading this :3
after the genocide the only ones who are not dead will be the ones we call rapehons and gigahons..
Marxism fried your brain
Nothing I said was Marxist tho? I’ve never read a political science book so I wouldn’t know how to define it but I don’t think what i wrote had anything to do with a workers takeover of their industry.
You're spewing social Marxism
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hey, trannies talking about Project 2025 (whatever that is) and about how we're gonna genocide you, this is what you look like to most people just FYI.
The medical industrial complex doesn't want you to know this, but gender dysphoria is best treated with therapy, not hormones and sex change surgeries.
There is only one man qualified to lead the trans genocide
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Forgot photo
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kamala will put felon don in jail
trans rights will reign
chuddies can cope and seethe
They despised jewish people and jewish blood what are you on about
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Chicago Convention is gonna be a war zone that will ruin what is left of her electability and her party.
The Donald will reign for another 4 years, followed by 8 years of Dr. Paul.
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her vs some geriatric new york billionaire.
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Me. I will defend against the trans genocide.
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doing what?
1v1 on Rust?
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transexual here. I choose Kazuma Kiryu
you're a good looking young lady.
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fighting in the tranny wars. she could beat that boomer too
Omg ty

Add me
i want to fight u so bad
t. twink chud bottom chaser
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I'm stronger than you I guarantee it lol

I did 30 push-ups / 100 squats today. I try to only eat when I have to. It's not hard. Sam tries to feed me so much and I'm like nah - she thinks I'm anorexic but I'm just lean af and I know what I'm doing.
call me a feminist because i love strong women
You exist to serve me. Add me on Discord (secondclass).
sorry im a larping tranny
im not a twink chud bottom chaser
I literally don't care about physical appearance. You're a human being, you can be useful to me.
you're cute.
what do you wanna add me for?
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Friendship and potential soldier
>potential soldier
a hwat now.
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you better not be a cultist
Didnt you dump a bunch of info about some friend today like your dms because she cut you off?
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No it's definitely a cult. The Carmen Cult, in fact.

Yup! I did nothing wrong. Discord DMs aren't private - no one ever said they were. It's all public information as far as I'm concerned. Be mindful of that before you DM me on Discord - or honestly, on any social media.
What did she do to you?
your emote posting is pretty cute though.
so what should I hypothetically do to avoid making you leak /our/ DMs?
this is scary. but also kinda attractive. i cant follow all of it and you look crazy in it. you did this because theyre cis?
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Not DMing me at all would be my recommendation, then. Just join my trans-positive server, instead.

And thank you! It's not avatarfagging - it's called having a theme/aesthetic. Photos are the best way to represent yourself, and this IS an imageboard, after all.
No? They were a 21 y/o fellow tranner
yeah honestly i was probably gonna ask you to send me feet pics anyways
best of luck!
what did she do to you?
we need to genocide the chuds before they genocide us, its a preemptive self defense genocide
Read the thread maybe
and the best, and really only way to truly eradicate an "ideology" is to wipe out everyone who believes in it, you fucking nigger
its about a domme discord and it mostly seems unhinged and delusional.
maybe just be coherent and type a few sentences here instead of being a fucking retard about it, actually no wait, don't, no one actually gives enough of a shit
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I am fucking off. I wish you no harm. I apologize for not presenting myself well. I'm smoking real weed finally while listening to Behehlit on loop, so I'm doing pretty well. I sincerely hope you and whoever else is reading this has a good morning/afternoon/evening/night, and yeah thank you again for not killing me
Incel pride worldwide.

eghh, why troons always have to be a low value autogynephilic men
Okay, maybe I wasn't clear enough the first time lol.

I'll repeat.

GET LOST, YOU LOOKIST SCUM. Fuck off, go set yourself on fire. Fix your fucking heart or die already.
you're pretty cute imo, ignore the one retard who said obvious bait
I hate jews so much
But not in /pol/ way
I support u
Thank you <3
<3 <3 <3
nta but they didnt say now, they made it clear that wouldve been a campaigning strat then and there, retard

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