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poo >>36653276
Hey guys I’m back from my skincare routine and olive snacking. What’s poppin?
My poosay
anyone else got like
multiple conceptions of themself
my ear
had the fan on too much
I get stared at so much it makes me not want to leave the house
I could go to the store and get a sandwich and notice some person staring blatantly at me
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That looks ai generated.
You're schizophrenic. Fitting for a narcissistic bitchsexual.
Why majority of sodomites are twink chasing pedos?
no i think you're just a grumpy thread gremlin
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You must be really really really really good looking.
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/int/ twinks
these editions have sucked since the bucko one
Even if I was I hate it and would want to look normal. It makes me feel like a freak or I look really weird for there to always be someone staring at me
haribo is bishit
I feel like I’ve seen this posted on 4chan many a times.
yeah its spamming and flooding
no im holden
crazy that he achieved the bi dream of marrying & raising kids with a woman
/int/ twinks (ugly little lesbians)
It's the run-of-the-mill twink bod. It's a dime a dozen.

the lowercaseschizo returned, somehow
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Real men don't use axe or old spice
They use the cheapest bar of irish spring soap
I was back 3 days ago but someone in here is severely mentally ill and keeps report bombing all my posts as off topic
Someone did that to me too recently.
I want them to do things to each other
same the usual anon suspects are up to their boring ass old tricks again
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i don’t like you but i would never report your posts xx
Isn’t it weird how the handsome posters that don’t look like underage twinks get harassed? Really makes you think
it's allegedly haribo
I want (You) to do things to me :3
touch grass please
reminder to never date bisexuals
Haribo is out of your league :-)
Fr. How are you? Feeling better?
Need a foot massage something fierce rn
it made me giggle
I got banned recently for being “off topic” when I was talking badly about Argentina. I wonder who could have reported me hmmmmm
my jasmines are thriving
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WhY? I love bisexuals
No I’m honestly having the worst 31 year old summer of my life but there is a wealthy inheritance arabic light at the end of the tunnel. I am just being tested. I refuse to stop pushing. How’s your tummy?
>claims to be 20 on 7th of July 2023
>claims to be 22 on 30th of July 2023

maybe stop committing bannable offenses luv? lol
You don't love yourself.
bisexuals are either:
a) repressed gays = too much mental baggage to be worth dealing with
b) bisexual type a = will cheat on you with men and women
c) bisexual type b = will eventually leave you for a woman
Thanks for telling us how to get rid of you
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>buy a pink thong on Amazon
>in comes in this packaging
What do?
I'm sorry about that, handsome
based committing to it too but he just posts off trip having a meltdown
there's no packaging in that image
>handsome posters
Ideal B?C top.
day 2 of hating mentally ill faggots
>in this packaging
it comes with the guy?
what makes you think a guy is going to spend his inheritance on you lmao
You forgot about the incel type
Only bisexuals don’t see the package. You failed.
they can't help it
incel type will either remain incel or evolve into one of the above
an incel has no sexuality
Because he’s never going to do better than me, duh.
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I’m talking with a bincel and he literally asked to fuck me
There are good times and bad.
thats fine

the thong isn't in the packaging
the package is in the thong
this board is way more catty than mtfg
>The best summary of his character as a man and a statesman, by Marcus Velleius Paterculus, describes him as "of sleepless vigilance in critical emergencies, far-seeing and knowing how to act, but in his relaxation from business more luxurious and effeminate than a woman."
he just like me frfr
ideal top physique
That’s because we’re fuckable
this isn’t a board luv
you are such a gigantic parasitic loser its almost a privilege to witness it
u know what she meant babe x
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the only thing worse than a jannie is the jannie dickriders
now post the same ugly picture of you
no santino is worse
Squirtin' down my ass, get your windshield wiped
all my homies hate santino
mtfg isn’t a board either luv
ok anonymous nobody
this thread is full of retards
was everyone in the past more eloquent and sophisticated?
have sex, incel
not if he was there
wash your face greasy
He seethes at me because I exposed him as a fake, he was using some Italian dude's pics
gagged her
no i just feel like poop posting cause im pooped
all ocd'd out
im a retard myself anyway
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Bottoms are going to starve.
reminder your Italian character only started desperately posting for validation after lukie was a thing :3
Trip on
is this supposed to be an insult? i’m not npd like you dan, i don’t care about being “somebody” in the faggot thread on the tranny board of 4chan.com. it’s incredible that you made 30 and still can’t see how dysfunctional your mind is.
not she thought Italian was the new meta
Is it weird that I looked like 36 when I was 16? Apparently Lenin had the same thing.
(Saw a discussion about twinkdeath which is why I came here.)
>anonymous? on heckin 4chan
>why i never
Santino decides his race depending on what plays well in the moment
Bottoms should eat liver to get enough vitamins to take Big Santino Cock
this was one of ur finest moments u really ended that fraud ... still hate u tho
Based nutritious bottom enjoyer.
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left or right?
unironically true
how old are they
Debbie put the trip on don’t be afraid of me blowing you the fuck out again
the fuck is this? why are they white? i need BBLC rep on my olympics
do you think i'd be able to find a cute twink to cuddle & watch a movie with and maybe suck each other off or smth or will I just get spammed by 40yo married pedophiles that will go after me cuz I'm a skinny 18yo
lol the only thing you’ve ever blown out was your own asshole sissy
just had a deep realisation in my heart that i am a chaser and my role on this earth is to be the bf of a mentally ill trans woman
with that i must depart, my planet needs me
I’ve posted my asshole here before you’re gonna have to get more creative bitter incel
your name is literally damaged anus anon, grady
gag on that tea
forgot to mention it'd be on grindr
left is 22
right is 30 (I couldn't believe it)
there are no twinks on grindr
Most skinny 18 year old twink on Grindr want to be hollowed out by the nearest and biggest bull.
Debbie hahahaha. I’m not taking giant cocks but hole is peachy. Love a good tongue bath. More than you get from your fake lover.
not even in europe? :/
Try turning the screen on.
maybe its an england thing but men on grindr are either old; weird looking blokes; or the most bizarre essexian plastic fem things you've seen

or maybe im just not actually into dudes & that's the actual issue
r u really in bristol?
why do virgins write posts like this
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they said "oh its just a small town issue", nope same shit wherever
maybe the app is just cursed

tinder/bumble are far better imo
grindr is full of ugly old people
Oh you think I’m joking?
haribo lives close to you like within an hour
you should talk
is that fem torso haribo lol
no i think youre writing unrealistic sex fanfic
Which part is unrealistic?
If you're actually attractive it isn't. The ratio I get hit up by average/hot dudes to ugly old dudes it about 5 to 1 and I live in a town full of old people.
>Most skinny 18 year old twink on Grindr want to be hollowed out by the nearest and biggest bull.
this part
Fugly Debbie, and his one fan, or samefagging, mind broken, posting off trip. Hated by all.
What do you think goes on at Grindr?
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cant believe hasan was once this fat
i wouldn't meet someone irl tho

i wonder if me having a faceless profile & never messaging anyone influenced things
I don't find Hasan attractive and I feel like the only gay in the universe who doesn't
Better this way I fear
debaser won, gaydy lost
The cersification of Dan
how do people even do grindr

my city is medium size but i know enough people to be afraid to ever show my face on that app. Doesnt it even show your general location or smth?
Oh fug, maybe I should download it. I've never tried a dating app before.
If I get reincarnated as a human again I want to be a cute Jap boy like this >>36654048 but with a hot taller jap boy not this blonde uggo
people triangulate exact locations all the time
have you tried sniffies.com?
You can fuck hot guys without having to post face if your ass and body are good enough
im not really interested in casual sex
Not sure this has ever happened
No it’s gross and people will stalk you I hear. Like here.
Buy an ad
hell yeah
> I think about it all the time
> That I might run out of time
> But I finally met my baby
> And a baby might be mine

If my fattie BF died I would marry the 27 year old (BEAUTIFUL, DORKY, SWEET) pale twink I'm into and in ~6 years we would adopt or do in vitro.
I thought that was a possibility but it puts me 5 streets away from my location
Doxanon's gonna get ya!
It’s not that it’s where you are, it’s the app. Being on Sniffies in general gives creep gays automatic permission to come knock on your door. That’s the level of degeneracy. Grindr they will ask first.
shaking my head why am i even pondering a homo side to myself when im not interested in hookups & casual sex
its like spending all day on a fishing forum when i dont want to fish
"The app ensures that while you're visible on the map, your exact location remains confidential, offering a comfortable balance between openness and privacy."
do you think you can be in a romantic relationship with another guy?
I’ve never used the app. This is just what I’ve heard.
it's not an app, it's just a website, I don't know why they call it an app..
tbqh im kind of tired & OCD'd up and i think even "sober" i'd struggle to answer such a question with any accuracy to my true wants if such a thing exists

probably not. i don't think i'd want to put someone through that lol
Why are you here then? Fuck off somewhere else
maybe your like Elton John and don't figure out your really gay until your 40-50s after having a few girlfriends and a wife
Have you tried truckersucker?
no but it sounds funny so i'll check it out
u do know u can just ignore posts rather than screeing about them each time

it'd be cute & simple if i was just gay
but nah
i know im bi, and its not an easy simple bi
i dunno i probably just watched too much porn growing up
>u do know u can just ignore posts rather than screeing about them each time
they literally can’t rofl
Gay monogamy is a myth
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have you ever talked to black eagle on here or discord?
she was obsessed with you in 2022
you're like her number one british crush
she's a black trans woman now from D.C.
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How about now?
lol maybe i can't really remember
tbqh with you recently i thought black eagle & santino were the same person

fun fact: there was a black cis girl i knew when i was about 17/18 or so who offered via a friend to take my virginity
somehow i autismed out of it and I really regret it cause she was hot (kinda chubby too)
and now i live in the doomed world i have created
>i'm being stalked by ONE SINGLE entity
Please take the medication for whatever mental disease you're having, biscum.
black girls are an easy score. you can find another one, look for the ones that wish they were white and have a white boy fetish. They're not hard to find.
I accidentally monogamized a lying alcoholic barely vers disrespectful drug addict.
i feel the sex boat has passed
26 is old & weird to have not had sex
it’s not hard to obtain
bro I'm the one who's been constantly talking about how as a newfag (never thought I'd use that term in a literal sense lol) hookup culture is disgusting and l*ve is 100 times more valuable than soulless fucking
although if you aren't interested in a romantic relationship either I don't really know what you're looking for
Broo listen to yourself. Do you know who wants 26 year old guys? 18-20 year old girls. They're usually interested in dating up in age, while we date downwards. Get your torso in better shape and if your face is decent you can score an oreo
im just ocd & have recently returned to an old topic of fixation

can't really be fucked with any of it
lol i sound like im aging into a bisexual delta
What happened to Crsi?
no one knows, she stopped posting at the end of last year
Word on the street is he got aids and left forever to carry out his vengeance on his fat ex before he decomposes like the rest of the faggots (his words).
wish i could have sex without actually having it so i could tick the box and move on
You’re scared. Just do it.
no point in doing it just to tick a box
why not?
It’s not just ticking a box. It’s the first push of a cascading snowball if you will.
a lot of effort just to tick a box
some imaginary box isn't the boss of me

into what
some compulsive sex app whoring?
>wish i could self-sabotage having my first time with someone i love by doing it just to get it over with with someone I don't even know
actually horrible
sex isn't effort at all
Or never because of crippling mental issues.
don't think she likes anyone else but herself love
lol its been a thought of mine since i was a teenager & first got insecure over not having had sex

either way, as odd as it sounds, i don't care too much to seek it

there's been plenty of people i've liked a lot
too mentol for it all tho
10 years from now probably be in the same position and so on till im fertilising a tree

anyway i've yapped enough. gonna go sleep
not true
>i don't care too much to seek it
They probably are desu
no it really is more like ticking a box
average gay male is a demon worshipping autopedophile or pedophile aka twink or twink lover who would kill his bf of decades to date a younger guy ... and keep in mind this is gigi longest running relationship there is no hope for you anons
i may post horny nonsense here and they're but its trash posting & trash behaviour and reproducing such behaviours in meatspace is no better & likely worse
i see no superiority of the sex app sex haver over the armchair coomer
hurr hurr bottom top le vers ass armpit pics for the trans girls etc etc etc
bust a nut in some ass or a towel
wake up the next day and go to work
For u.
very bisexual post
>i see no superiority of the sex app sex haver over the armchair coomer
Its deja vu
I'm not gonna pretend to actually have experience with this but I really don't think you should do that
i think i know what u mean
Very mentally ill gaygen afternoon (myself excluded)
i can’t believe y’all still entertain ****** five years later
the only sex i'd value is with a romantic other
if its casual or nothing then i'd choose nothing
I'll pay $500 for swabs of your toe jam
ig you can't relate to my superior impulse control
i'm not bish
>if its casual or nothing then i'd choose nothing
no he's right
i wish youd make better use of the noreply meme
I just don’t believe in protecting your male virginity past the age of 25.
Good, I'm counting on you.
Are you a nutritious bottom, anon?
sorry i meant the thing about not doing it to "check a box" to bshshsh
say no more. you have my support.
I want my fat BF to die lol. Please for fuck sake pray to Satan for me.
i guess somehow i'm entertaining
lol i feel a bit bad at times when i take over the thread but i feel i need to reply to people replying to me

why would I do it? to practice for when its meaningful or what?
You aren't
i lost it years ago which is how i can say with confidence that it's more box-ticking and less snowballing
he's 100% right tho
I am until I need to resupply then I’m a hungry top.
Don't worry, they won't miss you
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It's offensive when fat BFs don't have heart attacks or strokes. I would immediately go out to a bathhouse and have lots of raw anonymous sex and celebrate drinking a ton if my fat BF had a heart attack. I read like 25% of all deaths in America are heart disease. But they said heert disease is usually in people eith low blood pressure but he has high blood pressure wtf.
are you still shitting excessively and with great force?
I feel like for someone with his brand of mental illness you’re wrong.
Thanks. I'll set it up. Goodbye for now, and I love you.
If you had a fat BF with a small cock (to be fair he's a total bottom) and dirty underwear what would you do?
Call me The Mack cause I put my bottom's Willie in a Hutch (cock cage)
I'm going to eat your nutritious ass

No, but my tummy is still very sensitive
yeah its not something i can speak on obviously, but from all ive spoken to its nothing magical
and not much greater if greater than a good wank

the way for me to deal with my current behaviours is to not do them
there's no magic switch for me to flick whether that's sex or some grand realisation of what i want to stick my phallus into or what have you

i need to stop doing compulsions & go live life
We try not to, she usually barges in unannounced, talk and replies to herself, begs for attention and (You)s, and drags the same conversations for weeks if someone foolish enough takes her bait. This act has been repeated for months if not years.
And my farts are worse than ever, they smell like rotten eggs with acid
how can someone with a name and trip code be unannounced
>why would I do it? to practice for when its meaningful or what?
To clarify I meant do NOT do it just to "practice"
lemme get one skylake with a side of atmos, hold the bligger
>The way for me to deal with my current behaviours is to not do them

>i need to stop doing compulsions & go live life

Makes no sense.
Because no one waits him there. Or anywhere.
i literally summoned him so you’re wrong
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Im the eldest here and I demand respect.
I wouldn't have a fat bf in the first place
i'll reply "lol" to your Grindr message then block you and you'll like it
your going to have to accept that you need to break up with him
or accept that your going to spend the rest of your life with him
these are your two options
he is not going to suddenly drop dead, obesity doesnt kill until your about 60-70
Imagine gaygen without trip posters. You literally cannot.
then maybe ur tarded buddy
but its not your problem to deal with so dont worry about it

goodnight anyway, ive wasted enough time here & i have neglected hobbies

tomorrow i could post about femdom twink top trans mtf gf well what if X what if Y maybe im B maybe im C yadda yadda yadda or I could go do literally anything else better aligned to what I want to be spending time on
sex, posting on 4chan, gooning, scrolling tiktok, all the same shit
I strongly dislike your demon sidekick. Please find the less phony one to pray to.
True crime enjoyer here. Was there a case of a gay incel like normal incel

Also my life sucks because gay bara men doesn’t like skinnyfat autismo me.

Also gaynons I recommend you all write a personal diary (not a joke)
a fatty woman smiled at me while i was taking the garbage out. we're so ack bros
omg why would I be on grindr? I cant even find good lawn service there.
this latino guy next door always says hi to me when im outside smoking 2024 is gaygens year
her name was debaser you biggot!
based and we gonna mack it pilled
post old penis
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I got a like from this guy today. That was pretty cool. He's crazy smart.
but his face...
how old are you?
There's nothing wrong with casual sex on Grindr. It's better than a straight relationship at least.
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Bruh, you should only worship God. This is cringe
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*disrespects you*
>no foreskin
he looks really good idk why he gets h8
That cat seems like he could be on the cover of a rap album.
this is so fucked truly
probably the white supremacist thing?
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litrally? i like this guy now
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He's probably like, 28 or something.
ill pursue a relationship soonish i think
open to all but my internal predictor predicts a trans girl or twink
but both of those seem riskier than playing it vanilla
but fuck an internal predictor it's all shit anyway
i guess the closest semblance of a straight relationship has the most societal perks
It's obvious how to improve my body but how do you suggest I improve my face
I like looking feminine
>ill pursue a relationship soonish i think
What do you even look like
and you'll be lolling away watching your bnwo webms

while I'll be holding hands with my trans gf by day and eating her ass by night

early thread
>trans girl
nvm you ain't with me anymore
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I haven't used this site in a few months, anything new?
>gets aids

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