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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Soooo how did you come out to your family? Did you gradually lead into it or just kick the door down and say "I'm a tranny!"
i plan on letting them figure it out eventually
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The clinic handling my case outted me to my parents without my consent. Id still be in the closet if it wasnt for their sheer ineptitude
i started wearing makeup around them without really acknowledging it and gradually just trickle-fed info until they got the idea
i tried
but i was young and i was stupid and i was in a place that hated it, berated me for it, and kept feeding into that self hatred i've always had
then i failed
and i receded back into being what everyone wanted me to be in the first place and created a stupid fucking complex around it
i don't know what they think of me anymore
a part of me hopes they think of me as a bad person for it because at least i won't have any bridges to burn if i ever work up the courage again
not that i ever will, probably
it still hurts that i let my mum down like that to begin with
I was 4 months into HRT when my mom needed some money which I didn't have because I spent on the hormones. We talk and I eventually come out to her opening my hoodie and she was like "Oh yeah I noticed you have breasts now but I didn't to rush things"
She was very worried I was buying drugs or doing crimes with the money so she was relieved when it was just hormones.
At first she didn't know exactly what I meant as transgender because she was kinda of confused about what the hormones would do.
Then she went became transphobic for one half conversation saying I was mutilating my body and God didn't like it but I told her I don't like Church stuff so she dropped it.

Nowadays we're closer than ever, I tell her I love her every day and hug her and all that good stuff. I kinda of feels back when I was a kid, I was very attached to mom. She even takes care of my hair now.

As for my family she kinda of told them one time when she was over for lunch on my Aunt's house and they were all fine? I actually haven't spoken with any of them in months now but she said they were all fine and "Oh yeah that's normal nowadays lol". We have gay people in our family so I guess that's a normal reaction.
Besides it's just me and my mom so I'd to think if she's cool with it they wouldn't really say anything about me.
I love my mom she's awesome she comforted me the other day when I was crying in my room in my blanket I do not deserve her

8 hours of crying to the most supportive parents in the world

+ not coming out to anyone else except them, probably ever
my school forced me to out myself but my mom didn't really understand what trans is and i think she thinks im just a cross dresser. Anyway it doesn't matter because it hasn't been brought up for like a year and i think she's forgotten. So i just plan to let hormones work, troon out in uni and then have it be obvious that im not just a cross dresser.
well I had told my parents multiple times in childhood and it had been brushed off and they convinced me to desist so I just kind of told them I was an adult and transitioning now (they said there were no signs)
I just broke the news outright. It didn't go well.

>parents force gnc behavior out of their kid
>kid transitions later
>"there were no signs!"

Many such cases
my dad (worst person i've ever met) found me using my name on schoolwork back in high school while he was looking through my shit and started screaming about it loud enough my mom AND the neighbours heard so...
I didn't. I ate some fem n' ems and then on halloween of the next year I posted (just so you know, a very attractive and feminine) photo of me in a dress on facebook and changed the name on it.

They can put 2 and 2 together. Not my job to care about their opinions
like I literally told them I had gender dysphoria and wanted to transition into female and they were like no that's just because you're confused because your friends are girls and you walk like a girl (which I didn't know...) but you should man up. Now they deny that conversation every happened.
"I have gender dysphoria and I want to transition to female"
Got asked one day (when I was around 15ish) what was wrong because something "seemed off". I had a pretty late puberty so i was old enough to know what being trans was and could kinda apply that label to myself while going through puberty which was a little horrifying. Told my parents that "I think I want to be a girl" and got interrogated for 3 hours after that (until I started crying so much i couldn't respond) . My mum mainly asked medical questions and tried to tell me that everyone feels 'trans' when they're younger. My dad mainly asked about sex things. After that it was very mild and very slow and they never really asked questions mainly because I think they wanted me to desist and not asking me anything was an easy way to pretend to. Occasionally there'd be reminders that I hadn't desisted in which case they would blow up again and ask the same questions except a little more malicious every time it happened. I'm 18 now and my dad caught me taking hrt which i think set in stone for him that I'm really a tranny. Same sort of questions as before but I'm an adult now so they can't really stop me other than kicking me out or something which I think they don't want to do. So I really don't think I've ever come out to my family. I've tried to keep it hidden because it's clear my parents don't like it but they found out regardless, on their terms, not mine.
I realized I was trans at age 15.
Of course there were many signs before that but neither me or my parents or the many different therapists and psychiatrist they had me see had figured it out.
I texted my parents that I was trans and wanted to do therapy when I was 17.
I mainly was able to write that text because of the support my then best friend gave me. (He later pressured me into sexual stuff because he „did so much for me“ and so on so fuck him and fuck me for engaging in it)
My mom came up to my room and wanted to ask questions but I got a panic attack and started crying and pushed my bed in front of the door.
For the next two weeks or so I only came out of my room at night to go to the restroom and to eat and drink.
Eventually everyone acted like that text never happened and I was fine with it until my dad asked me if I wanted to talk about what ive told them in that text and that it’s totally okay and that they wanted to help me.
Ofc I, because I’m an idiot, blocked the conversation again.
The repressing continued until shortly before my 20th birthday when I realized that I had to do something or else I would be dead soon.
I started calling therapists and psychiatrists that were knowledgeable on trans topics to ask them for an appointment.
After calling almost 15 therapists and always getting put on a waiting list or getting no chance at all I decided to write an email to a local one because they didn’t pick up.
They mailed me back the following day telling me I could come in in about two months.
The day came where I had my first appointment so I told my mom I was meeting with a friend when in reality I was taking the train to the therapist.
The appointment went well and we discussed the next steps.
When I came home in the evening my mom made food for us and we had dinner together.
After we had finished she point blank asked me whether I was trans or gay.

I started stuttering and I told her she can’t ask me a heavy question like that to my face.
After two or three minutes of sitting in silence I told her that I was trans.
I started sobbing and she came around the table to hug and comfort me.
We sat down on the couch for like 2 hours and discussed everything.
What surprised me was that she was very educated about hrt, surgeries and voice training.
She and my dad must have researched the entire thing when I first told them or possibly even before that.
A while later I told two other family members and they turned out to be very nice and supportive.
My parents decided at some point that they have the right to tell everyone else from my family which made me highly uncomfortable at first but everyone was really chill about it and treated me nicely.
I told my mentor, my boss and the hr lady next after my COO found the LinkedIn profile I had created under my new name and put one and one together.
They were totally fine with everything and my name and email address was changed everywhere within hours.
A friend from Uni I still talk to was rly chill about it as well he just didn’t care and wanted to continue exchanging memes and tech knowledge.
By now-bf knew from the second we met that I was trans. (We met in counter strike)
I hope I didn’t forget anyone but yeah that’s my coming out story.
When they were on holiday I messaged them "Im prettu sure im transgender" dad thot i was going to kms
I goy high on DXM and told my sister that I should've been born the other sex, simple as that. From there, she told my mom. And from there, my mom told my stepdad. The hardest part was coming out publicly, and coming out to my grandparents. But once I did that, I got overwhelming support. I'm privileged and blessed to have such a supportive family, to say the least.
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*got not goy omfg
My daughter came out at 14 and it wasn't really that much of a surprise. She just came out and said "I think I might be trans I've always felt like a girl". We went through a process and she started her transition at 16. I think she still blames herself for putting the nail in my marriage but it really wasn't her fault.
telling my family i was a girl and wanted a sex change when i was 6 didn't work. so i'm probably just gonna put it off. i probably will only really need to come out to my brother and mom anyway, my dad's already dead, my grandparents on my mom's side too, and i rarely see my aunts/uncles/cousins. my maternal grandparents are in their 80s and my grandma is in pretty bad shape
wasnt the only thing they heard was it
I was 16 and I was extremely depressed and suicidal, I eventually just told them but because I was so panicky (and honestly I'm still I'm) that I ended up freaking out the moment I said it and went outside to chain smoke a whole pack of cigarettes, they don't really acknowledge it or well, acknowledge any problems with me at all desu, they're not really supportive and I try to avoid bringing it up with them because I know they're just trying to pretend I didn't came out as trans to them ages ago, surprisingly they don't mind the pan stuff too much for some reason, just the trans thing
i goy.
They figured it out after a year of hrt and laser, werent exactly pleased
Goy cock for Jewish trannies.
tfw you will never be a jewish tranner, so you can't suck goy cock.
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It's the ideal aesthetic, thick veiny hairy uncut greasey non-koscher greasey goymeat and small soft useless shrivelled up cut gock.
None of y'all are women btw
Just mentally ill men
I didnt have to come out, my mom found me sexting some man on my phone lying to me about being a 13 year old boy with an 8" cock when i was 12, caught me before i tried and find a way to meet him. i so fucking stupid

I came out to my dad by shoving a coming out letter in his pocket before boarding my flight back home cause i was too scared to actually tell him i was about to go on blockers luckily hes a jew in nyc so the all that happened was i got no bar mitzvah
my mom noticed my bra when she was visiting me one time
i don't recommend this method
Amazing series if repeating digits, wasted on sum dum goy
They came to my apartment and rifled through my stuff until they found my HRT
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>moved out if state for college
>dropped out of college cause trans/depression
>worked full time to pay rent
>lost job cause of depression for being trans
>called parents when rock bottom
>came out to them on the phone
>they said they still love and support me and just want me to be happy
>they drove up 2 days later
>packed up my things
>moved back into their home
>forced into conversion therapy, put me on anti psychotics, took me to various doctors and health quacks to find out what wrong with me
>told what a sinful confused man I am
>couldn't bear it anymore after a couple months
>took what little money I had left in my savings and fled to the nearest liberal city
>started another full-time low-wage job
>transitioned while being poor and having no college degree
That was 2007/8. I managed to get my shit together and finish college and have a career and things now, but my entire family is still 100% unsupportive of me, still deadname me, and still misgender me all as a matter of moral principle for themselves. I wish my life was different.
Absolutely brutal
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I think it should go something like this
just told them officially a few days ago, but i gradually told them over months, they knew i was thinking about it for a few months now though
Hii, can you please elaborate?
Were there any signs for if your parents were going to be supportive or not? I'd like to come out one day, but my parents got radicalized in 2016 and hate trannies now (so i think it's over for me regardless xd). I've grown out my hair, have tits (kinda), and malefail in front of them now, and they are sorta ok with it? They have to suspect something by this point... it's been over 2.5 yrs...
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Go away, pathetic creature
she freaked out and called me a pedophile and a transvestite and told me my gf was ashamed of me
i texted my mom “im a girl” and then panicked
I heard them talk shit all the time about similar stuff like this so yeah, there was signs which is why I didn't fully come out to everyone, just my mother and one of my sisters and that was only because on her side of the family already had someone who came out as gay, my dad and the rest of my siblings on the other hand?, just no, the best case for me was my mother not really caring which is somewhat what happened, it just depends on the person cause you can pretty easily tell who'll support you or not

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