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Have you ever been in this situation? I saw this meme and thought maybe someone, somewhere, fucked a troon and then reality hit them; "Okay, I'm an incel, and since I can't get a real woman, I settled for the cheapest imitation of the female form in a desperate attempt to emulate a sexual relationship with a woman."

And then boom "Oh no, I fucked this mentally ill man, there is no turning back now, I will never forget this, I must never tell anyone about this serious homosexual act I have committed"
yeah thats literally
the image
Funniest part about this is that doomerjak is completely clean shaven, what a faggot.
mentally ill men make the cutest girls
pink boy is sooo me
Not really, I don't know how anyone can have sex with a trans women and think they just had sex with a man.

Men, unlike both cis and trans women, don't cum from foreplay. The way you engage in sex with another man is very mechanical focusing on the act, while with a women it's much more holistic also involving emotional state and the whole body.

Anyone who thinks they just fucked a man after having sex with a trans women probably never had sex with a man

>t. Bisexual who has actually fucked trans and cis women and men
Not like that image though. A year or two after college. A coworker. According to all of the standards of this board, “she” was trutrans/HSTS/whatever word salad for “real woman”. Literally he liked to knit while watching Gilmore Girls. He acted, superficially, more or less like actual women I’ve dated before and since. I was a good leftie, still am aside from the Mt”F” question.
I knew as soon as my dick went in. It isn’t…it isn’t a human body part. It’s like an ear gauge. It’s dead and inflexible and awful.
And then it was like a spell broke. He was now comfortable with me in the way sex gives that weird undeserved intimacy between people sometimes. And it just became obvious. He didn’t talk like a woman, not really, didn’t think like one, didn’t move like one.
It’s just a fag.
Good ending was it made me find another job that was way more pay and I wouldn’t have met my wife and had my kids otherwise. It was a rock bottom sort of thing.
Ikr, a femboy has more body hair :D
Probably the only reasonable post this doomed thread will witness. Thank you for your service.
>and this is why I still come to this website to furiously jack of to trannies
Non-passable flat chested scratchy trannies feel more like a man than like a woman.
Based sex haver<3. Also your description of the experience is hot.
Why else would anyone fuck a tranny?

It's never a fetish it's desperation, like being prison gay.
>"Okay, I'm an incel, and since I can't get a real woman, I settled for the cheapest imitation of the female form in a desperate attempt to emulate a sexual relationship with a woman."
i'm still at this stage. also i fucked a trans escort before and liked it so i don't think i'd be disgusted
>feel more like a man than like a woman.
What do you mean by that? The whole way you have sex with a women is different than sex with a man. Unless they are early/pre HRT in which case yeah they are just like men. But with any trans women whose been on HRT for a year or so, it's a completely different way of engaging in sex than with a man
I’m black so I have no shame about it. As long as they have a gropable ass I’m unphased even post-but clarity
Because she's a wonderful person and you love her?
>black therefore can't afford dignity and self esteem
they are barely human, ruler by their basic instincts. Don't be too cruel. Animals can't control themselves or understand concepts like shame. That's a human trait.
Why else would anyone fuck a cis woman? It's never a fetish, it's desperation.
so you're saying all men want to fuck trannies and have to suppress that urge to be civilized?
t. Coping MtT
>i'm a diversity-loving, collectivist, authoritarian leftist
>and a good boy
>the only LGBT group is trannies and tranny chasers
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My male friends tagged me on this shit saying they would fuck me in our messenger group
I meant blacks not men.
No u
Adopt the classic Roman/Slavic mentality on sex: there is absolutely nothing wrong with penetrating anyone you feel like penetrating. It's only gay if you're the receiving party. This was probably also the view held throughout the vast majority of human history, given how this kind of culture arises, without fail, in every community consisting of isolated men.
what else on tonight's episode of /tttt/
why do blacks have an instinct to fuck trannies but whites don't?
That anon is the opposite of coping, he's the only sex haver in this incel den.
this is just a repper realizing she's a) a troon, b) she's straight, & c) a transbian took advantage of her, all at once
>what’s really important is that you stay misogynistic.
whites are lower T
Take the compliment you kinky slag.
We get lonely, and twinks don't like carrying heavy things.
On the contrary , niggers experience higher levels of estrogen and are more likely to engage in homosexual acts.
I once had sex with a bi tranny with all the characteristics I mentioned and honestly felt like a weird ill dude. Don't know how much time was she on HRT.
Sex with trans women is gay sex whether you top or bottom.
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I watch gilmoregirls and want to crochet... am I a malebrained agp???
fucking me would probably be like op pic
i don't deserve love im a manly freak
Ok, so except they literally can't be anything else than a cis straight dude by their literal words. If they were bi they wouldn't feel disgust fucking "men"
Is it not harder to date a semi passing / passing tranny than a cis woman? I read that the demand of sich trannies is very high
you do kinda have the hair if it were just into a long braid...
its over
>attention whoring
>guilt tripping
They could be a trans man, bigot
the saddest part of this picture is that this guy is actually trying extremely hard to portray his favorite female stereotypes. But they fail at it miserably. Look at that strong jaw and facial structure.
this reads like one of those tiktok shorts where an AI describes literally what we are currently watching
They are like women but they aren't women. Kinda worst of both worlds.
what stereotype am i portraying besides having long hair? tf .im just a guy
Unironically correct. I don’t care about labels
>he fucked a post-op hsts
Big mistake
Bi/straightcoping non-op agp girls are the real deal, they feel like genuine women (but with autism) while hsts's feel like part of gay culture
Fucking delusional
Trans men are women.
I only have ever had sex with gigapassoids, so I never had regret.
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this is your fetish, a woman like this this is what you are trying to imitate so desperately. I would say you are doing your best effort. But you will never be her.
it's certainly not a fetish. id give anything to not be a freak
I'll probably kill myself soon
You have sex with other delusional self hating gay men who want to larp as straight. You both look equally male.
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think tyranny think, you will never be like her.
Trans men are men
Trans women are men
Simple as
Shut up chud
it was worth trying, at least i tried. it didn't pan out. at least i tried I won't be a john 50
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fair enough, at least you are not delusional. At least you can watch her pictures.
Trans men are women. Trans women are men.
agp exist who fuck cis dudes, though?
>Not really, I don't know how anyone can have sex with a trans women and think they just had sex with a man.
Because they understand truth and biological reality rather than drowning themselves in a fetishistic fantasy 24 hours a day.
Chasers are just living a lie.
They are attracted to feminine men.
Why do you even come to /tttt/? Just to dab on 'em trannies to feel better about yourself?
thats brutal sui fuel
world destroying mogging
hey bro, I like bullying troons too but that's enough buddy, even a chud like me knows the limits, these freaks are extremely mentally ill, you could drive them to self harm.
You are gay.
who cares lol
i was going to end things sooner or later
Alright, im not heartless, I'll stop now.
How many suicides do you think you've caused so far?
Does it give you a boner?
alright troon, i deleted the picture, im sorry. I apologize. You disgust me but I don't wish harm upon you.
it literally doesn't matter
i came on here to oush myself over the edge anyways so thanks
Sounds like you’re referring to a femboy

Hrt makes some changes and body hair is one.
post a pic. it can't be that bad
I kissed and touched a bi tranny and didn't felt like a woman. Only partially but not enough for me. "She" kissed me like a dude and the face and chest were scratchy. Fucking gross.
idk my current bf treats me like a girl even if i don't pass that well and will be classified as a man by you.
We are both happy, and maybe the only unhappy and uncanny people are the online coomers that obsess over who has a relationships with who?
How are women treated differently than men apart from pronouns?
>Cheapest imitation
What's an expensive imitation?
with care and taking me places and buying me stuff and grabbing my hand and being really gentle and controlling in bed
prostitution is the expensive imitation of a relationship with a woman
You are both gay men in denial.
Maybe I'm just brainrotted beyond saving but this thought never really bothered me or my boyfriend, maybe we just got lucky or I spend too much time masturbating to anime and spending time online.
>born with decent genes so I was an asian twink growing up anyways
>boyfriend likes asian femboys and goth girls and is obsessed with me
>think real people kind of just look gross in general, so I'm either a freak who looks like a cute girl or a freak that looks like a ghoul
>we're both kind of just internet coomers who like each other and share a lot of hobbies
Yeah we're probably just two gay guys settling for cheap but hey, world sucks and I'm pretty happy with my partner choice.
Okey :/
no but i was in a t4t relationship when i was early stage tranner and we had these same lights in the room that gave it that same shade of pink and i remember thinking about how bad it felt.

then i started passing better and dating cisf and ive been much happier since
how did you meet desu? don't have to be too specific of course
The shit TERFs make up
We met over FFXIV. It started as an in-game relationship, but he fell head over heels for me when he found out I was cute, and we shared a lot of interests. I told him I was a tranny and he was pleasantly fine with it, we're planning a month long visit with each other around Halloween. While there was a lot of luck involved, I feel like I drew pretty well despite being on OP's picrel side of life.
lol they caught me they're gona pump my stomach lol fucking
The most similar situation I've been in is that I fucked one of my fuckbuddies once, a busty ukrainian milf.

Her pussy looked like a tranny axe wound from a certain angle once, I got so fucking disgusted that I ended the hookup there and then. And the thought of meeting up with her again disgusts me.

But no I can't imagine what it's like to fuck an actual tranny, I feel sorry for you guys.
This is entirely based off a couple old popular greentexts about "incel stoops to fucking tranny and it's gross"
They got so big people would regularly make up their own versions of it all with the same fake transphobic tropes that you obviously know aren't true if you've ever actually known trans women
No straight man likes to see a male junkie and a male frame. Only bidegenerates can truly enjoy that.
Why do you even challenge the truth for the sake of not hurting others? Do you think that a persons feelings is more important than being correct?
Yeah sorry bud I know I wasn't supposed to bring the truth in here it hurts your narrative
what narrative?
I don't really give a fuck about my male/troon partners though. I love making a woman orgasm, but the others I just use as fuckholes.
It's funny to hear gay men loudly feign interest in women on the gay board and expect others to believe them.
Believe whatever you want.
This is the tranny board, not the gay board.
The gay board is /pol/
You really think gay men have never lied and claimed to like women to fit in?
Have you ever fucked a girl? What did you feel?
I have no doubt that many have, especially ones more in the public eye. But I'm not one of them. I prefer women, but occasionally like to pin down twinks and the like and rail their brains out.
a real relationship with me is way more expensive than a prostitute
You fucking dorks talk about biology 24/7 and then the moment it's time to get into specifics you make a fool of yourself. Lmao
emotionally? nothing
it was pleasurable like the physical vagina is but I felt no real connection to the woman nor any enjoyment of her pleasure whereas with a man I enjoy when he is feeling good
Do me a favor and get out of my head?
You actually pass as a slightly frumpy girl
Yeah, but the thing is- they can easily be better than the average woman in terms of personality.

If you get with a smart tranny (i.e. programmer at semi-respectable company) it becomes more like the best of both worlds. In my spare time, I've been reading blogs by trannies and I honestly respect the amount of autism driven work these people put in to their hobbies and careers, it is almost on par with the asians.

I mean- just logically speaking, if you meet a tranny with semi-passing looks and good indication of intelligence then why would you go for a woman? The trannies are just better, honestly.

This is what i'm saying. THIS is the ideal.
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You’re a fucking weirdo.
yeah i really dont get this. the way these sorts of images are presented makes it seem like they think body/facial hair are inherently ugly, yet at the same time you're not a "real man" if you dont have it
I love fucking the mentally ill
This happened to me a couple of times as the girl though. I hooked up with a guy and things were going fine. He was staying with me a few days and I sucked him off a few times. He busted in my mouth and cuddled me and kissed me so I figured things were good. Then he saw me fully naked after a shower when getting ready for anal. I could see it right then and there. Something changed in his eyes and he just couldn’t look at me directly the rest of the time he was there. I tried to get him to fuck me but he didn’t really go for it and then when I sucked on him he was limp the whole time. We didn’t really bring it up, but we both knew what was going on. He left and then we never really talked again.

Another time it was a fwb I was seeing for a while, but we never fucked just me blowing him. I was madly in love with him. I kept hoping he would fall for me too and when he wanted to have sex finally I was like omg omg it’s happening. Best sex of my life. Afterwards I was so so head over heels in love I was extra lovey dovey. I buried my face in his chest and wrapped my arms around him and squeezed tight and asked him if he would be my boyfriend. I was so happy that I didn’t even notice that he had become uncomfortable and uneasy. He politely rejected me and moved himself away from me. I was so confused. I dunno what happened to him but in that moment he realized what he was doing and wanted no part of it anymore. Within a week of that night he found himself a cis gf.

I’ve honestly kind of given up finding a man who actually likes me.
I'll take stories that never happened for 500, alex
fuck that made my nipples hard
Find GAMP men. They will absolutely fuck you right.
I tried this but not even troons want a manlet. All women, including trans, are chadsexual and only want 6ft+ chads, meanwhile the sub 6fts are ostracised from not only the dating scene but all of society. And yet they STILL claim oppression because I don’t want to pay for their pinkpills. Nobody’s paying for my LLS why should I pay for you to get gyno? Eat mcdonalds or something retard
>agp girls feel like genuine women
Even for this board's standards, this is exceedingly retarded.
AGPs are absolutely the worst. These motherfuckers are just straight men with a fetish. They are not feminine at all.
I see what they're doing with this. They're trying to recreate the magic of that "wojak fucking the fat girl" meme, but this one is so forced. They want to gross you out with the dirty smell dildos and you're being trick to think it's bad because wojak actively has a disgusted. In reality, butts feel amazing. They've made me cum every time and the body hair isn't a big deal.
This is so untrue lmao. My boyfriend is around my height (I’m 5’5), I personally don’t really gaf about height and I know plenty of other trans people that feel similarly.
Women only date sub 6ft to betabuxx them
>Men, unlike both cis and trans women, don't cum from foreplay.
The level of retardation is off the charts.
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The sex I've had with guys has been amazing, and I get my body waxed and I'm curvy from hormones so fuck you. I don't care if my bf is hairy I enjoy it, makes me feel more weak and helpless in his arms.
That sounds so fucking grim
Nah, I like my bf a lot. He’s really handsome and cool :3
thank u, u r nice
t. straightcoping agp
yes, but i think they are only ever chasers, bu or gay(but is okay cause trannies are amab). love from a straight cis male os probably impossible
Why are you hiding your penis? I get it from women, but it's ridiculous when trannies cover their flat chest or dick as if they were teenage girls

Every time I post that pic uncensored i get a 3 day ban.
I guess hubris is the only thing they can cling onto.
interesting, thats a valid explanation.
just find a gay/bi man lol
Post a pic
I want to know if you're actually ugly ugly or just unlucky
nah, I love those twinky little T-Girls
Insanely based and same
>t. pansexual degen who has had sex with every variety of person
I'm 100% certain this is a larp

There's a chud poster on this board with the exact same writing style, this never happened
I don't think most incels end up with trans women out of desperation.
My guess is most tranny chasers are really into mtf persons. It's mostly a kink. I hardly doubt anyone else see them as anything but kink material, unworth of any value.
I used to occasionally run into tops like this but obviously after that you're out of my life buddy, deal with your own mental issues or maybe just simply DONT FUCK MEN
So this is the type of person I have to blame for not being able to find a gf
I have fucked trannies on pussy-droughts and well, sometimes it's better than nothing. I don't like penises, only vaginas. I only fap to cis women.
it was the reverse situation for me, I was so happy to date and have sex with a trans girl, I loved her so much
I miss this feeling...
You and only you are to blame for stuff that happens to you.
What happened
I'm sure the idea of a girl-like person with a dick hanging flavoured the experience. Maybe this drought you call was because you were in a mood for trans, and nothing bad about it.
I'm sorry that I'm not charismatic enough to ask people out on dates who are predisposed to hate me and just looking for sex
I don't want to see/interact with the penis. I just focus on the feminine parts.
insane cope
^i bet you think this isnt a larp though
you are just as gay as any other gay man
>ok i have sex with gay men but I do so RELUCTANTLY I DO NOT ENJOY THE PENIS
I do because I've done the same thing. Through I disagree that men can't cum from foreplay, the rest is absolutely true. Men CAN be aroused by their emotional state, but it's rare to find a guy that in tune with their emotions
I still won't fuck your ugly ass, Gincel.
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you'd have a field day with me
Unfortunately babe from all my conversations with cis girls, this isn't that different from how cis guys treat them either. Men are just consistently shit and can't make up their mind about they want. It just be like that sometimes, don't take it to heart
all trans are women
My face is kind of cute, but I’m obese and have a huge man skeleton. All I really have is okay boobies going for my body.
See when you say that, I still can't be sure whether you're big or just girl "big"
Brain goblins never allow real communication
I understand. I'm over 300 pounds and 6 feet tall. The only brain goblins I have are the sexual fantasies about being made into a sex pet by goblins.
>over 300 pounds
See now I can understa-
>and 6 feet tall
hmm, back to square 1 then
lol you're being cute and sweet anon thank you. I kiss a lot of foreheads and tops of heads when I hug people and if chairs have arms I can't fit into them. If there's a place where I'm not considered big please show it to me.
Sorry, I couldn't read the end of that post because I started imagining getting a forehead kiss and now I'm frazzled and can't sit correctly
Chud cope post. End it!
but literally how do i find those types? do they even exist in real life or are they all autists on the internet?
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No I just think it's hot to fuck trannies. I've cheated on multiple cis girls with trannies.
I would ruin my life for this
average straight man
This isn’t that difficult to achieve
And yet
Oh it sure is. A guy wanting a girl to kiss his forehead and let him cry in her chest is hard to find. Trust me a guy who wants a forehead kiss wants the other too.
Actual women can get away with being fatties. You can't, sir.
I do not want to cry in a chest, I want to cuddle and breathe in girlsmell until the raw contentment forces my body to fall asleep on its own like a small child
Do not paint me with this slander
>No I just think it's hot to fuck trannies. I've cheated on multiple cis girls with trannies.
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yeah that's why I am always on guard around men, there is too many stories like this :( Even thinking of getting completely naked with him makes me feel panicked. And I don't like making eye contact because of what I might see in his eyes. But then guys feel weird that I'm acting scared but I don't know how to get rid of the brainworms
If I'm so cute, then come kiss my forehead and let me nap
we lived too far away, she couldn't handle it
if you went through that and are still a leftist while KNOWING leftists tell endless lies like this, you are maybe more insane than a tranny is
Nope, but from a different perspective. I dated women first, then I had one ftm boyfriend. After that, I dated a cis guy. Based on my experience, dating that ftm was a lot closer to having a boyfriend than a girlfriend.

I assume it would be the same for mtfs. Unless you're talking about femboys, I don't know shit about those.
>He didn’t talk like a woman, not really, didn’t think like one, didn’t move like one.
>It’s just a fag.

ahahahahaha, yeah
>It's mostly a kink.

Yup. Going after transexuals or being one is a kink IMHO. Nothing bad with it.
Kiss kiss. Now use my chest as a pillow
>Men, unlike both cis and trans women, don't cum from foreplay
Is this some kind of joke
Yes lol
I am both bi and GAMP
Hm what?
I’ve met and fucked FtMs and the spell never broke though. They’re just guys in a bad situation.
The only part dems are wrong about are MtTs.
>fucked MTFs in the "vagina" and kinda felt like men (okay)
>fucked FTMs in the vagina and felt like men (wtf anon that doesn't make sense)
Not according to physical reality lol.
Virilization is unidirectional. Only trans men exist.
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this is so sad...
>such a bigot you assume non op
The absolute state of MtTs
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she has said she was post op many times
I just want a guy to fuck me, hold me and be happy to be with me in public
you are two people anon
No but I would never have sex with someone out of desperation.
Me on the left fr fr.
I guess that means I deserve to be heartbroken left and right
*sighs longingly*
hug, this is why i don't let myself hookup with men, can't trust em. my first ex was a guy and it's been hard to even let myself date one after he dumped me.
no, but you do need to recognize that people will find you more appealing if you're in shape
yeah this is pretty much my nightmare scenario that my bf would be thinking about me
and i think it's real... now that i've written it down i'm worried it will become real.

but it's just a mirror image of dysphoria and so i move on and get back to doing other things
can u tell me what kissing like a dude means? i dont think ive done that but now i feel paranoid about it
they're all bishits.
Fully straight sexually experienced men will always get post-nut clarity. Not even a gigapassoid can ever really have the fully authentic experience of straight sex with an experienced man who is truly 100% only into women. A virgin who has never eaten or fucked a real pussy and doesn't know what he's missing is probably the closest they can get. If a man was never told a gigapassoid was trans, he might never clock her in day to day life, but once you know, you know. It's like having a veil lifted, and then you can see it and a spell that gets broken. That spell has to be broken before sex, or it will be by sex, even if he is horny as hell and the clarity only comes post-nut.
I found myself staring at this pic and it representing something very wrong with all of this. We all have sexual urges and need intimacy. Just be honest about it all.
I think that's a given anon, how are you going to be appreciative of male feminization and not be some degree of homosexual lol
Just do whatever, John.
>why would you go for a woman? The trannies are just better, honestly.
Because some of us actually like PUSSY.
The one guy who fucked me was not unhappy like that. He was super happy but did ask for it to be secret lol, scary

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