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ftms post what you would like to look like. i dont care if its a drawing or a picture, bear or a femboy, too attractive or too ugly, post it.
i go first (picrel)
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if i woke up tomorrow looking like this but i had to stay emo i would
We're the same height so maybe its achievable
i not ftm but i want to look like rodrick too or just a tall white and skinny emo boy
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also this guy
are you black
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Poonchad 4eva.
Basically already look like this guy
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twogami with a fedora
>i dont care if its a drawing
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i hope we get a bara pooner someday. we need one in our community
Curiosity bump
Mental illness
ive seen your pictures gloves you look like him already, you need to looksmaxx a bit
hehe im not used to there being other non white people here, sorry
Yooo another poc ftm
Chasers want me, ftms wanna be me
It's a rare find. One day we will rise and overthrow the whites
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This guy is everything I ever wanted to be.
It's absolutely achievable if you're able to grow facial hair (and you should be able to on T, though even some cis men - like me for example - can't grow much facial hair so your mileage may vary depending on your genetics)
Why ftms look at clocky twinkhons over regular ass dudes and think yes this is ideal?
Man with long hair = "clocky twinkhon"?
Long hair, lanky motherfuckers with no facial hair and soft skin is the general non passing mtf archetype yeah wdym
Anon you were replying to two metalheads and a gay man…
any day now brother o7
Not every skinny man with long hair and no beard is a non-passing MtF you moron
Mtfs don't own long hair twinks
It's the same picture anon half of all unpassing mtf trannies look like that
>wanting to emulate a literal serial killer
EXTREMELY malebrained holy shit
I think I have good genetics, I started getting decent facial hair for being a short while on T (under 2 years). Biggest hurdle for me is getting fit, I have a hard time sticking with an exercise routine long term.
In that case all you really need for the Cr1tikal look is long hair, some tattoos, and half-decent muscles. He's not super ripped or anything. Though unfortunately I cant give you much advice about fitness because all I do for fitness is go for walks around town.
im just an average mixed latino, insane to think im not white in other countries
Patrick Bateman or whatever idc
if youre that trans guy i met on discord who was a total emo passoid, come back to me
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So cishet men with long hair are "clocky twinkhons" because they have long hair lmfao. You got the idea of twinkhon completely wrong.
I think the word you're looking for is a manmoder.
This is the same as saying mtfs who want to be cis tomboys just want to be non passing ftms.
I'll give you that one manmoder is much more appropriate then twinkhon

Even weireder the average ideal male for a ftm to transition to is a manmoder kek
>wanting to emulate a literal serial killer
>EXTREMELY malebrained holy shit
I got many people told me its fembrained because he is le jojo character
Manmoders usually look like normal men so why would it be weird that ftms want to look like them?
Trust me the equivalent is not true in reverse, the reverse of manmoder would be a tuna pooner not a cis tomboy.

The ideal woman for MTF to transition to is not a non passing overweight tuna pooner with a patchy beard and round face.
>I'll give you that one manmoder is much more appropriate then twinkhon
Yes, because twinkhon almost pass as woman but looks little bit clocky. Still, you can tell twinkhons obviously don't look like men.
Meanwhile manmoders do.
Doesn't mean every guy with long hair is a manmoder but I wouldn't mind waking up in a body of a manmoder desu.
Not every slightly feminine guy is trans
>Trust me the equivalent is not true in reverse, the reverse of manmoder would be a tuna pooner not a cis tomboy.
>The ideal woman for MTF to transition to is not a non passing overweight tuna pooner with a patchy beard and round face.
I wasn't talking about tuna poons obviously. Nobody sane wants to look like that. I was talking about theyfabs and pre T/repressing ftms.
nah, it isn't fembrained. It would be fembrained if you just thought he was hot or wanted to fix him or something like that (because waifuing serial killers is a very womanly thing to do) but you want to BE him so it's different. A woman wouldn't fantasize about being a handsome psychotic man who uses his magical powers to murder women so that he can have a sexual and romantic relationship with their severed hands.
JoJo is also malebrained because it's literally about hot muscular men beating the shit out of each other for family and honor and because it's the right thing to do. The first 2 parts more so, of course, but even the "gayer" parts are still malebrained.
sir please sir please i need you
I figured you would want to look like an attractive masculine man not an attractive feminine man.

This makes sense to me wanting to look like a manmoder doesn't idk
>A woman wouldn't fantasize about being a handsome psychotic man who uses his magical powers to murder women so that he can have a sexual and romantic relationship with their severed hands.
This is literally a transition goal.
I really hate how nobody can call someone "sir" on the internet anymore without coming across as an Indian
like if I want to simp for a guy what am I supposed to call him? "daddy" makes my skin crawl and makes me feel like part of a gross incest fantasy. but if I say "sir" then I sound like a fucking pajeet and that's even worse
>I figured you would want to look like an attractive masculine man not an attractive feminine man
Honestly idc what he is. But I would do anything to look like him or anyone similar to this.
Stay true brother o7
Can you shut the fuck up already. post transition goals or gtfo
Testosterone makes you hairy oily and and with a male fat distro good for looking like a typical hairy chad not for looking like that.

Honestly reckon facial masculinization surgery, top surgery and working out on SARM's and avoiding T would get you way closer to that aesthetic them taking T at all
>This makes sense to me wanting to look like a manmoder doesn't idk
Nta but "manmoders" are literally just normal ass men. They aren't even boymoders (which are trannies that almost look like a twinkhons but still goes by he/him).
The reason why you connect these men to manmoders is because manmoders usually have long hair to look at least little bit effeminate. Which isn't true for all AMABs. Most of men with long hair are just cishet guys who like metal.
I don't see the issue in ftms wanting to look like these men.
Is it fembrained or malebrained to have masturbated about cumming in his ass, slapping against the back while his "girlfriend" jacks his cock so much (Stand power increasing the cum capacity) that he looked pregnant with cum?
>Honestly reckon facial masculinization surgery, top surgery and working out on SARM's and avoiding T would get you way closer to that aesthetic them taking T at all
I already know I will get myself bogged as fuck lol. Still need T for deep voice.
Normal men don't look like that you need to have a male bone structure then try to feminized yourself as much as possible.

I explain it here the average ftm is going to get further away to looking like that by hoping on T
Its faggot brained
>Normal men don't look like that
Have you ever see average mental fans in real life? They aren't effeminate they just have long hair.
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I'm not talking about metal heads I'm talking about wanting to look like this, you are the one that conflate looking like the guys in these pictures to metal heads
Oh fuck yeah, who doesn't want to be Tyler Durden? Need me a Marla
Where are you from, little girl?
I'm not that anon. Just saying I saw few guys who look like this. They usually are into metal.
Damn guess I'm a faggot for wanting to duwang him
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Obligatory L Lawliet post
1. Boring but semi-realistic answer (minus height)
Real answer
hand attraction is lesbo brained
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only good goal itt
Does master feel like too much? What about calling someone your lord? won't work online but maybe try referring to someone with their last name
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If I woke up tomorrow as a fit 6’2”+ attractive male I don’t think I’d ever experience a negative emotion again
Same. Hell, even if I woke up as a FUB, at least I have the discipline to crawl out of that hole and I finally will have a cock.
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god i wish i could wear suits often
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whys he tan
He's blushing because he's shy.
He was right and did nothing wrong
He's partly the reason Jimmy was the way he was
That's not Howard
Nope sorry, I’m an Mtf androgynymaxer
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wish i was a middle aged man
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Not particularly surprising
Am a white Mexican, 5'1, and on hrt... (People assume I'm a young teenage male). not posting what I look like but this is what I'd want to look like If we lived in an ideal world... Yeah I'm a furry/shotacon btw.
I'm latino and this is my dream. Maybe not the hats and the clothes but the bodily structure and face for sure
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Though desu I would be okay with just looking like a normal man without needing to be this hot
Ugh same I'm mexican and I wish I could wear the stupid cowboy hat plaid button up shirt and belt with huge buckle combination.
Go back
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I'm here to stay white boy
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same but when im older. i actually wanna be a cool gaucho
those clothes look really comfy
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am i faketrans for wanting to look like these
t. mtf
Wanting it seriously yeah, if you are just a bit aap or something it's fine.
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please look at this.
gauchos are insanely cool and im glad theyre from my country
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Ugh, Charlie is so submissive and breedable
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I wish there were russian civil war reenactments in the us
based and yakubpilled
hell yeah brother charlie is the best so far
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because being a man is too alien to them
>pooners NOT gooning to East Europe:
>challenge level... impossible
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hear me out but trey parker. specifically in orgazmo (1997)
> we need one in our community

We need more than one I need to be surrounded by poonchads. What some of us wouldn't do to be smothered by beefy guys.
true true
What a sick joke
Is he a pooner
no idea, dont think so, i just wish i looked like him
Wait is this a widespread thing with other ftms? I have a weird fascination with traditional Russian culture and used to want to learn the language.
I was obsessed with germanic cultures (especially 1500-1900 austria) pooners are autistic, who knew?
Based fellow ftm russophile
>want to jerk off
>mom is screaming and laughing loudly on the phone right outside my bedroom.
is it fucked up if i jerk off anyway, im wearing headphones. god i want to live on my own
Who is that guy? He's hot.
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You already know
We post transition goals here sir
ah fuck i thought this was ftmg sorry
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I've jerked off in more fucked up situations when I've been young, horny and desperate. go for it.
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More or less
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34-year-old chubby pooner here
total transformation
Viggo Mortensen in the film Eastern Promises
David Bowie
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im a transgirl but i wish i was a bi top who fucked twinks in their little butts. instead im cursed to be a bottom with a 3” pecker who transitioned so i can trick straight men into liking me.
Based but he looks like a hon here ngl
i actually wouldnt mind being a forever twink devon bostick over being a tranny desu
>Based but he looks like a hon here ngl
He give kinda honnish look because he used to wear make up sometimes.
But without make up he is just a normal guy.
Why do his pecs look like that
Fuck, sorry I bummed this from the dead, but someone had to say it. He would've been the GOAT of rap if he lived longer, IMO.
I had this in high school, everyone thought it was cringe
why are you a negro
Facts bro. So much talent at such a young age.
I’m shocked anyone here knows who he is. Very nice.
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>be me
>be cis girl
>meet big hand some man at bar
>go home with him
>see that
>takes of his pants
>hes got a stereoid-engorged, deformed clitoris where the dick should be
most realistic goal in this whole thread for ftms
>cis girl
>on 4chan
>calling herself “cis”
Nice try, sir.
You'll enjoy it too
>most realistic goal in this whole thread for ftms
This unironically only happens if you take high doses like water and don't take care of yourself.
Ftms can always take care of themselves and get bogged. Just like everyone else.
>doesnt like roidclit
terrible taste
I look like this unironically (I'm a guy).
lol obviously it was a joke you brain dead deformity, irony has loss all meaning
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i need like half of you NOW
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holy kino ...

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