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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Remember. These are the type of gays who are transphobic. Don't ever feel bad for these people. They'll call trans people "mentally ill" yet agree with retarded shit like this. Link to thread... Lmao.
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Both teenagers having sex with adults and teenagers transitioning are morally acceptable
What’s the problem here? They’re correct. I’m not even gay either I’m just here to find sexy tranny pictures to goon to.
Trannies are disgusting and nobody takes you seriously
You trolls are all proving my point...
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What is the moral issue with teenagers having willing sex with adults?
Arbitrary laws are not a moral argument btw
How is it trolling? 14 is the aoc in some countries. 16 in mine. Sex feels good. What’s the issue?
Yeah is that not obvious lol
Male homosexuality isn't love, its pederasty all the way down. the only reason i'm pro gay marriage is so gay pooners can get married
Trans women are men.
I don't care, i'm not a trans woman
You think they aren’t just men larping.
>homosexuality isn't love, its pederasty all the way down. the only reason i'm pro gay marriage is so gay pooners can get married

Based asf...
-bi ftm gooner
Nobody cares about 14 year olds fucking 16 year olds

25 year olds fucking 16year olds is gross even if they are gay men and the age of consent is 16
Bc they are women who are trans... Not a hard concept to understand...
Don't argue with this retarded groomed faggots. They'll still believe a child is able to consent to having sex with an adult just because they both happen to be "gay".
>You think they aren’t just men larping.
Most of them exhibit the worst traits of both men and women. they're women as long as they look like women
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Ur literally a pedophile larping as a gay man lol
That's called a bpdemon btw. Only women have these type of illnesses.
I'm talking about how certain trans women particularly transbians still display inkwell/simp behaviour

Its pathetic and it makes me dislike them
Based desu
Why is it gross? I fundamentally don’t understand why the presence of shortened telomeres make the contact of sexual organs any less or more acceptable between two parties in mutual agreement.
They never look like women in real life.
Literally proving OPs point jfc
Crazy huh? It's almost like there are trans women who are ugly, and trans women who are beautiful...
I think I hold true that it can be normal for teenage gays to want to fuck adults, but that it’s abnormal for the adults to knowingly reciprocate
Attractive men still look like men, even if they crossdress.
yeah they do, ive met some which i would mistake for normal women cause they started at like 13 years old
either way you're a biased GRIDS transphobe >>36658532
I’m not even into people younger than me at all. I just don’t see why it’s wrong for others to be.
Straight men would also fuck underage people as often as gay dudes do if they thought they could get away with it

My sister had grown ass men hitting on her from the time she was 13 it's beyond disgusting
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Bigoted gays wanna shit on bi and trans people, call us sexual degenerates/pedos yet say the most disgusting shit, and low-key prey on kids/teens and condone pedophilia.
Transphobia is based.
People act like this is some big revelation. I think zoomers being coddled on the fact men are wolves is a huge reason pooners exploded in numbers. It would be like a freaky twilight zone episode for a girl who hits puberty and suddenly everyone treats them juuuust a liiiittle differently.
>oh my god won’t somebody think of the teeeenagers
Jfc can you imagine the kind of funko-collecting Reddit soifaces we’ll get from gen z and gen a in 10-20 years? Manmade horrors beyond comprehension
>It would be like a freaky twilight zone episode for a girl who hits puberty and suddenly everyone treats them juuuust a liiiittle differently.

That's the average pooners experience, suddenly guys dont want to be your friends anymore when you get older and start going through puberty and you end up in a friend group with the only guys who are willing to be friends with a "girl" (other autists who arent bound by social rules)
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>it's le bad because um it just hecking is okay
Nobody can actually argue it because evidence for harm in willing nonviolent scenarios is basically non-existent
>everyone who thinks me (40 year old disgusting NEET) having poopsex with 15 year olds is disgusting
>is le reddit
She won’t date you
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I'm engaged and getting married next year GRIDsmonkey
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>everyone who thinks me (40 year old disgusting NEET) having poopsex with 15 year olds is disgusting
It’s so weird how people who are usually on the side of post-modernist thought, breaking down norms in regard to sex and gender, asking “why is it wrong to dress like this?” “why is it wrong to have this kink?” “why is it wrong to behave and conduct myself in a way that my culture expects and rewards?”, absolutely fall to pieces over age gap stuff and can’t even engage with it.
This is literally the only reason we are now so militant against any perceived pedophilia, no matter how asinine it may be (17 year old GROOMED by SICK 18 year old PEDOPHILE FREAK). When you allow it, birth rates go down because women don't control all the sexual power any more and men would rather be abstinent than deal with them. The rise in tranny love is just another facet of this, and this is why trannies are now on the chopping block. The powers that be are most happy when every man is tethered to a miserable, bitchy woman who will prevent him from becoming too happy.
Minors shouldnt be exploited by perverts its not complicated
How are mutually enjoyable sexual interactions exploitation?
wowwwwwwwwwwww it's almost like the literal foundation of what is the current LGBTQ community is pedophilia and fetishism!!! Wow!!! How shocking!!! The lgbt protests in the second half of the 20th century had many pedophiles that just wanted to diddle little boys. The literal concept of the distinction of sex and gender was made up by a pedophile that sexually tortured 2 little boys and turned them into troons, who later killed themselves because of the trauma

The fucking gay choir that sang the "we're coming for your children" satire thing had like 20 registered pedophiles out of 80 singers.

Most gays will tell you how their first sexual experience was at like 13 or even younger with a much older guy. There was a facebook posts with a shitton of replies asking this question that was later deleted

All the femboy, twink and tranny cutesy culture garbage is built upon pedophilia and fetishization of youth. It's the literal modern continuation of the most common historical form of homosexual behavior: pederasty.

In other words, I hate you all and I am glad I am Bi and pass as straight and don't have the need to rape little kids or groom them into being troons
all arbitrarily defined loaded words that don't present an actual moral argument
>you dont get it bro the 12 year old actually enjoyed it and consented dude please just let me go after the most vulnerable age group with no actual life experience because I'm too retarded to go after someone whose brain is actually atleast slightly developed
Do you remember being 12? Idk about you but maybe my opinion on this is tinged by the fact I IQ mogged all the adults in my life by age 10. They’dve had less ability to rationally consent than I would’ve.
>the 12 year old couldn't possibly enjoy it and have participated willingly because um sex is like special magic that traumatises you for life if you get touched below the arbitrary age in your location or something
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All it takes to get gays riled up is to call them out on their true nature. What a joke
to be fair if you called literally anyone a pedophile i think most people would be "riled up" about it whether they are or not lol
you're a gay pedophile
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actually I'm an MtFujoshi, conversation derailer rejected
for something apparently so obviously immoral people sure seem to have problems explaining why
youre gay pedophiles
homosexual transsexuals are gya pedophiles
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This is extremely common irl. Really gross.

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