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How come normies are allowed to sexually mutilate kids, but trans kids aren’t allowed to do the same?

I fucking hate them so much it’s unreal.

Children should have access to safe transitioning surgery!

mine is extra small and my parents still do that so now having srs is even more hard one day
idk its cuz im huge down there or its cuz i did the surgery when i was 7 and not when i was a baby, but the cut isnt even remotely like that, its way bigger, it goes like way below my head, either way im a top mtf so it doesnt affect me cuz i aint doing srs cuz i will be using my cock

so glad i was free from this legitimate form of child abuse
my mother told the docs to circumsize me and I found out when I was an adult that she didn't even know what it even meant at the time
Bring up forced ritual circumcision and the anti-SRS crowd shuts the fuck up real fast.
No one should be mutilating kids. Why is the solution seen as more permissiveness for adults who want to harm kids for aesthetics?
>simple operation to remove useless part
>people mad about it for some reason
my dick was also very useless
yeah mine is completely gone too I don't understand why people want to keep them
radfems are so desperate to downplay how bad circumcision is lol
they cant admit that males are systemically harmed in any way
My dick is like 40% foreskin
Maybe I shouldn't but I start to question peoples motives.. it seems like a borderline sadistic act. Or like domination
unironically, jews.
Society hates males. We are told to fend for ourselves while women are supposed to be catered to. We are told to "get over" being violently and fetishistically raped and mutilated as soon as we are born and to even bring it up in the first place seems to be seen as completely ridiculous and perhaps entitled. Men are judged for feeling entitled to our own bodies. We are not worthy of being physically whole.
Ultimately, yes, but it was popularized in America by some quack doctor-industrialist who fed his own cereal to mental patients and claimed it helped them.
I also think that for neurotypicals, narcissists, and other people who want to conform to society's expectations and be glorified by society, the more fucked up the act of assimilation to mainstream culture is, the more it designates them as part of the desired ingroup, and the more it has to be made taboo.
my mother laughed at me when i said i was upset she did this
it's so deeply ingrained as acceptable somehow that it's impossible to reason with them
it just goes to show how incredibly fucked up and irrational people can be if it's the current cultural episteme
I think it's more of a case of the cultural norm being so strong that it overrides the obviousness of the situation. Like they legitimately view it as no worse than clipping fingernails
FGM societies are just as brainwashed about amputated vulva parts with the exact same arguments as MGM ones are about penises, takes a lot to break someone out of that (inb4 "infibulation is worse tho" - yes it is but that's not the point plus it's not the only type)
NTA bit I think the psycho-sociological reason that the norm is so strong is because to realize it is to realize you come from a race of baby torturers who will do anything their culture tells them to do and that is a conclusion people want to avoid. They don't want to think "my parents and society are awful people who hurt me and hundreds of millions of others like it was nothing. People don't want to be anti-abortion for the same basic reasons. The abortion in the US in terms of lives ended outdoes the holocaust people tend to hold in their minds as symbolic of total evil.
I think part of not wanting to realize how fucked in the head Amerca, Americans, and American society is, is because it is injurious to one's self-concept as part of this collective, and also because evil people are not safe. Knowing that 1/5 of women has had an abortion and that most males are circumcised induced "paranoid" suspicion and a low view of one's surroundings. Things are miserable and hopeless after the realizations. We all probably know people who have done these things.
*Anerica, induces
Do men constantly think about how other men are circumcised. Also do uncut men think they're better than everyone else?
(I know women who haven't had an abortion think they're better)
Very true
I don't understand why you Americans even get this done, I would imagine it also makes srs harder than it needs to be, why does American even still get this shit done?
it's literally not useless at all
obviously first of all it protects the sensitive glans from the elements and whatever, but more importantly it acts as a buffer between the vagina and the penis to reduce friction. A circumcised penis is like a dildo, it just goes in and out. There's a lot of friction between the skin of the penis and the inside of the vagina, and the air pressure is changing with every thrust which causes queefing, stuff like that.
In normal sex, the foreskin stays at pretty much the same position relative to the vagina, while the penis moves in and out of the foreskin. The extra skin acts as a sheath between the penis and vagina, which means first that there's much less friction, and second means it's able to form an airtight seal at the opening of the canal where the foreskin isn't moving, so that queefing is reduced and the air pressure inside the vagina is stable. It's actually a really significant difference and absolutely not a useless part in any way. The foreskin is not some sort of vestigial organ, it has very clear and specific uses in sex.
I have seen people who are cut and uncut say they are better. I say women who have not had an abortion are better than women who had, if the pregnancy resulted from voluntary sex. That is just killing someone to have fun and pleasure. That is what extreme sadists would do if they could. I understand that sometimes it is rape or incest, but most women who get abortions are just bad people. The positive aspect of giving them the ability to execute their own child for the opportunity to have (probably bad) sex is that bad women make bad mothers, but a more humane option would be to rip out the ovaries before the mental diseases have a chance to spread through another generation of trash.
A cereal tycoon said it would keep boys from masturbating. He also advocated an intentionally bland diet. He made corn flakes, I think.
Judeo American brain damage.
If you're gonna talk like this, I think I'm within bounds to say, why not watch the actual procedure?
And think about doing it
age restricted and I'm not signing in
anyway I've watched vaginoplasty and had it done so whatever
Callous towards an infant
The fact you felt it necessary to write a paragraph is why no takes you cranks seriously.
If it wasn't the paragraphs youd pick something else to be a coward over
Mutilating child genitalia is the sort of thing people get worked up about, as I'm sure you've noticed.
>what is this, an explanation?
>I'd rather just be wrong thanks
i'm so glad this sick practice isn't common in my country
mutts are insane to normalize something like this
I don’t even have a penis, but thinking about having had just the equivalent part of the clitoral hood removed seems like something I would seethe about every single time I thought about it or saw my genitals. And the way I masturbate would be completely different since I wouldn’t be able to use it as a sleeve/surface. Like I can tell just as a thought experiment it would completely change that in a bad way. I’d go through twice the lube and it wouldn’t be as good at all.
I did have a penis and they did remove it and then later I had the whole thing removed and now I have a clit hood (and in fact had a second surgery to make it better) and... idk the second part of that seems a lot more important than anything they did with my penis but maybe I'm just biased
It’s done practically at birth and for a long time was basically pressured on the parents when they were still exhausted and fucked up from the birth.
lol they botched mine and sliced the main nerve and i grew up with a completely numb penis. anytime i even so much as look at a woman i feel suicidally frustrated that this mutilation pretty much forced me to be a gay bottom. anytime i try to vent about it people pretty much say
>well female circumcision is much worse, so, stfu! :)
as if FGM is even remotely accepted anywhere in the first world. hopefully SRS will allow me to forget about it and I can just pretend im a normal woman with the privilege of not having my non-consentual genital mutilation normalized and swept under the rug
I’m too tired to either pretend you have a clitoris or be a dick about it
I always love the hyperbolic language of "mutilation". Mutilation is apparently when your cock still looks like a normal cock at the end of the procedure. It's so fucking weak to obsess over this. We get it. It's symbolic of your lack of agency over every other part of your life. You can drop it with the frudian bs.
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Honorary ftm, rip
so I have a what exactly? tiny penis that doesn't pee?
lol pretending im an ftm who just got a botched phalloplasty has actually been a lifesaving cope because it makes me feel like i was in control and it was a personal mistake that lead me here
Yes, the psychoanalyzing deflection. I guess everythings okay as long as its standard procedure. We're not talking about whether somethings normal or not idiot, That's not the priority. And I'm fine with having passion and typing more than you, is that a strategic error on dumb internet battles, I'd rather mean what I say
That’s really sad man. I’m sorry. At least it’s current year so your parents just ignored it instead of you getting David Reimer’d.

Circumcision should also be illegal for children, unironically. But circumcision also doesn't sterilise a child. It's really a retarded argument to make, but I'd expect no better from a braindead faggot who wants to cosplay as a chick.

And let's not even begin with the irony of opposing one Jewish practise while you engage in a far worse one.
I seriously wish they did that to me, instead they forced me to wait til 21 for HRT so now I'm a gigahon on top of it all and people accuse me of being some kind of pervert for being trans when in its not even physically possible
>13 year old trying to not sound like sephiroth challenge.
you're responding to obvious bait you dumb fuck.
foreskin helps srs results
radfems are misandrist enough to want circumcision
the person who made it popular in the west is an actual psychopath
>but thinking about having had just the equivalent part of the clitoral hood removed seems like something I would seethe about every single time I thought about it or saw my genitals.
it is. i'm actively trying to restore it and i will spit on my parents grave once they die over it.
it makes me feel less bad about living off them tbhon
Just give the people in favor it their share of psychoanalysis is all
doctor makes more money for the hospital if they convince the parent to do it

>Ultimately, yes, but it was popularized in America by some quack doctor-industrialist who fed his own cereal to mental patients and claimed it helped them.
first it was some quack cereal mogul. then it was some austrialian circumfetishist. hope they both burn in hell
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every time i spend the 2.5 seconds it takes to wash my pp i have a chuckle to myself thinking about all the american doctors and scientists claiming its necessary to cut the end off to keep it clean, lol fucking retards
would make more sense to ejaculate on their graves

It's no dumber than actual things you believe, how am I to tell the difference.

You're literally men who pretend to be women, there's nothing you could say that could be distinguished as satirical as your actual worldview is retarded beyond comprehension.
I'm sorry. I just don't have a deep seeded resentment towards my parents or have some symbolic belief that not being circumcised would have significantly changed my life. I've somehow managed to get multiple women pregnant even with my deformed cock that can't create a perfect air seal. I'm sorry but I simply don't share your sense of body dismorphia that causes me to constantly think about and assess my self worth on the aesthetics of my cock. I know you're too close to it but it's a weird thing to obsess over.
So basically capitalism is why you Americans are missing your foreskin, ya'll need to fix your healthcare system and badly
>no u
For me personally, all that bothers me is people thinking it's okay as a thing to do to an infant. Did you do it to your kids? That would explain you shooting me down
well i'm not going to masturbate in public
ultimately it's just something i'll resent and keep to myself. there's no point in making them feel bad about a decision they probably put no effort into making
there's no revenge to take, nobody to seethe at besides circumstances for making me male with retarded parents who get tricked the by doctor
i'll just live with passive resentment and take whatever money and inheritance they give me without guilt
>I've somehow managed to get multiple women pregnant even with my deformed cock
to be fair i don't think anyone in this thread besides you wants to impregnate a woman
circumcision is no longer being covered by some insurances and circumcision rates are dropping rapidly

>ya'll need to fix your healthcare system and badly
a bunch of right wing moralfags are trying to hijack it. they're planning on banning hrt and abortion, i wonder if they'll also get rid of circumcision. if not holy shit those useless fucks can't even do a single thing right can they
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I had to do it when I was 11 because I couldn't peel my peepee skin. It sucked, my cock looked like a meat twinkie after the surgery but at least now I can clean it properly.
>Mutilation is apparently when your cock still looks like a normal cock at the end of the procedure
obviously mutilation isn't about appearances, but circumcised penises literally don't look like normal penises
>circumcision is no longer being covered by some insurances and circumcision rates are dropping rapidly

So I'm completely right then, capitalism literally is stealing people foreskin and judging by the correlation, one of the main reasons the rates going down is because it's no longer as profitable as it used to be for insurance companies, I know correlation doesn't always mean causation but holy shit, capitalism went so far in America that people literally allowed their own kids to get their foreskin cut off just cause it was profitable to someone that wasn't them
I'm not going to claim surgery isn't painful but speaking personal I'm happy it was done when I have no memory of it. I don't get the body autonomy argument in this case. If you're going to have a circumcision the time to do it is when the patient won't remember it. Is the crime of not having a say worse than the psychical pain of consenting to a surgery at the age of majority? The majority of your life is going through things you don't have control over. Putting so much weight not not having a say in this specific case is why I have to believe you're angry about something else here. This is such a weird thing to symbolically attach yourself to. I agree it probably shouldn't be standard practice because it is ultimately unnecessary most of the time but at the same time it's extremely difficult for me to believe that it's just the topic on the page that your upset about any time this topic comes up.
yes, that's also why americans get their wisdom teeth pulled at a higher rate than other countries i believe
I was about to bring up that they collect our teeth too.
tooth extraction isn't really a big deal since that's consensual and usually done to adults who can actually agree to a procedure being done to them
although dentists do push that shit hard to the parents but strangely enough parents are way more afraid of getting their kid's teeth pulled than cutting their foreskins off
circumcision is genital MUTILATION
and the fact that nothing can be done about it because MUH RELIGION is so fucking stupid
This is completely made up and you've never had sex
is it ok to inflict pain on infants for no reason just because they won't remember?
t. moid who can only think about his male role as a disposable tool of procreation
>If you're going to have a circumcision the time to do it is when the patient won't remember it.
If that's the time for an unnecessary violation, I'll defer to the reasonable adults. That would also be the time to sexually abuse "the patient" (infant), given its all off the record. And I don't feel weird about caring, why, because it's private parts? You're correct in thinking it's connected to other grievances for me. Like I said, what bothers me is people thinking it's okay, those last 3 words being key. Not the ramifications so much, but the act.
>"The double-layered fold of the foreskin acts as a rolling bearing during intercourse. Once the penis is inserted, friction from the vaginal walls holds the skin of the penis relatively stable, allowing the shaft of the penis to glide in and out of its own skin sheath with the motions of intercourse, instead of rubbing directly against the vaginal wall. The gliding, non-abrasive movement makes intercourse more comfortable for both partners (O'Hara & O'Hara, 1999; Scott, 1999). The mobility of the intact penile skin also plays a facilitating role in foreplay, masturbation, and insertion of the penis (Kim & Pang, 2007; Taves, 2002). One physician described the latter function in this way: Penetration in the circumcised man has been compared to thrusting the foot into a sock held open at the top, while, on the other hand, in the intact counterpart it has been likened to slipping the foot into a sock that has been previously rolled up (Morgan, 1965)."



read these articles from beginning to end and be enlightened
Stop being a sexist moid and chop off the babies tip now!
>The resale value of neonate foreskins is dizzying in that from one baby boy’s foreskin can be grown bio-engineered skin in a lab to the size of a football field. That’s 4 acres of new skin or around 200,000 units of manufactured skin, which is enough skin to cover about 250 people and sells at up to $3,000 a square foot. Considering that there are 1.25 million neonate foreskins circumcised each year in the U.S alone this is presumably the most lucrative trade in body parts in the history of humanity.

Wow, guess I live under a rock.. Didn't know my dick had contributed to the economy in that way.
>it has very clear and specific uses
like cultivating dick cheese
if this was true why couldn't they make use of this extra skin to make my vagina?
The literal reason it caught on with non-Jews in the USA was because people in the 1800s thought it would stop boys from masturbating
prepare for some endless barage of spam how akshually the smegma generator is le good
I guess contact BioSurface Technologies
>it was popularized in America by some quack doctor-industrialist who fed his own cereal to mental patients and claimed it helped them.

Didn’t Kellogg also prescribe yogurt enemas and the people that did it liked it so much they kept coming back for more
I put yogurt in my pussy once
Normies in America literally think a non-mutilated dick is ugly, unnatural, and prone to disease. Try to convice them otherwise they go into full denial mode. Especially men.
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First post in the thread and I just want to say that after many years on the internet unironic genital mutilation defenders are one group of people who still make me feel pure murderous rage and I am not even from US

I could watch their ears and other body parts get hacked off, their protests of mercy be met with cold robotic voice saying this is for their own good and I would smile with joy
Did you have a yeast infection
no bv I think I was trying to cure it (didn't work)
its a pact with god. youd know if you werent a fucking heathan
Based. <3
It’s not entirely because it was profitable
Yes the American healthcare system does profit from it, but so would every healthcare system in the world profit from it because even in countries that have government subsidies that just means the bills of the hospital are payed by someone else, so hospitals can still be incentivized to do pointless stuff since it would still mean more money for them at the end of the day.
American circumcision rates are actually caused by the Christian Science movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The YouTube channel Knowing better has a really good video about the Kellogg family called "four times a day" about how their notoriety (they used to run a nationally famous health clinic that was full of random bs) still impacts American culture. Notably by being the source of the American obsession with stool health, and yes, circumcision! Although the latter was moreso because Christian Science thought that sex was unhealthy and detrimental to the body, as such circumcision (which makes it harder and less pleasurable to masturbate) was seen as desirable, and it stuck cause of the like 1 health benefit of less smegma/disease and i assume doctors being sick of telling their patients to clean their dick lol
Glad it's not the norm here. Huzzah Catholics.
boomers at least
most women under 40 think circumcised dicks look weird
god isn't real. the retards who pushed for circumcision died and are gone forever since there is no afterlife

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