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I hate “boymoders.” Not actual boymoders. I’m talking about the BDD infested idiots who pass seamlessly and have the audacity to claim they don’t pass, despite everyone and their fucking mom immediately gendering them as female. You aren’t a boymoder, you’re an insult to them. How dare you masquerade in a mask that I’m forced to wear. I don’t get a choice. I’m made to boymode, because no-one would in a million years ever believe I’m female. You do it because all the years you’ve spent on this forum have rotted your brain into a delusional, chemically poisoned lump inside your head. Go tell your boyfriend, and your employer, and all the people in your life that you’re a “boy.” Watch how they laugh. You pass seamlessly and you fucking know it. This is a joke to you.Well it’s not a joke to me. Try living my life, constantly teetering on the edge of suicide because you know that you can never live normally. I’ll never have a relationship with a cis person. I’ll never be able to try on pretty clothes without being seen as anything except a freak. I’ll never be hireable because no one wants someone like me on their team. You like to imagine you suffer but I live with that suffering, every, single, day, of my life. I can only hope that everyone is either spared from my fate, or that those unsympathetic to it eventually succumb to it themselves.
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a few fucking morons think in secretly a bdd passoid when im literally not. an unsee would prove it but fuck you im not letting someone crop my face when their full IP doesnt cover my face so they only gotta reveal like 5 numbers of it to leak my face for all eternity. ill do it when i pass to show off but not yet.
i dont have a boyfriend btw but i want one
It honestly sucks the extent to which it's impossible to find coping strategies for being a perma non-passer.

It's either people who don't believe dysphoria even exists because you're an evil tranny groomer, or they think dysphoria isn't real because you just need to accept yourself and get over internalized transphobia.

It's only the occasional posts here and stuff where you can become less insane by knowing others are feeling the same.
you get it. i think they are actually mocking us, laughing at us like zoo animals. they don’t have bdd, they just want to see us in pain, just want to feel better about themselves
It definitely feels like it and it’s genuinely driving me insane. I got invited into a group of mostly passoids, and they always do this stuff. It’s mockery and they know it.
I am a bdd passoid. I "boymode" because it's fun to hurt you
Aaaaaandddd this is exactly what I was talking about. Thank you for proving my point dumbass.
well then if you post an already cropped image of your face itll have the ips all over
pics or you’re bdd
>I’m made to boymode, because no-one would in a million years ever believe I’m female.
then you're probably a manmoder

boymoders are trans girls who don't pass as adult males but still want the safety of presenting as them
Im just malding that I'm not the cutest tranny to have ever existed
t. "bdd" passoid
Thats called a manmoder or gorillamoder or something
the definition of a boymoder is someone who could potentially pass with some effort but doesnt do it for some reason
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boymode malefailing is literal scary
i wouldn't know
i just look like an underage boy q_q

i have a childish haircut right now
so it'll get a bit better when i grow it out i think
Yea that’s how I am. I look like an underage male and as a result it makes it impossible for me to pull. I’ll never have a boyfriend or be loved in any legitimate capacity.
never underestimate gay pedophiles

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