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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Do you have homophobic/transphobic friends? If so, why?
religion mostly
If you count my wife, yes.
Trans people are all homophobic.

Transphobia doesn't exist. Transition between genders isnt possible, anyone who realises this knows transgender people don't exist and can't fear them.

Most of my friends know trasngedner people don't exist. A few of them pretend to believe it, and I tend not to associate with them any longer as they have shown their cowardice. I've know a few people who claim to be transgender and them I never see again.
You're a loser whose entire life revolves around shitting up /tttt/ threads to make yourself feel better about being a sexless loveless incel. You are more pathetic than any tranny, kys and get it over with
I know a lot of cool trans people though :(
We're the voice of reason fool.
We'll tell you what you need to hear.
You're deeply delusional individuals.
I don't. I know a few batshit crazi kuku trannies kek.

Are gay af weaponized WORDS used to deflect condemnation & criticism.
I'm the homophobic/transphobic friend friend

>tfw you make your entire life how to spew misinformation as the hecking wholesome gold star fresh never frozen GCF lesbian crystal gemmy chudbian anticis female and then gay people exist
shut up retard
ROGD is amplified, ubiquitous , & all pervasive. Stfu
not in any meaningful way. i had to explain to a couple of them why trans women find "trap" offensive, and one of my friends sometimes uses the wrong pronouns for his nonbinary sibling, but they're generally at least well meaning. my middle school tumblr usage made sure i was an outspoken progressive for the entire time 90% of them have known me, which helped weed out the real bigots
>must. hate. trannies. more.
>must. spread. more. terf. propaganda… NOW!
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no bc no frens :>
I really need to rewatch that anime
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no, all of my friends are too intelligent to be viscerally homophobic or transphobic, although plenty of them disapprove of eg gay marriage or the lgbt phenomenon in the abstract
it's great.
i dont have any friends
Nah, I find it repulsive. I don't judge others if they do, but I've tried to be close to people after I find out (usually it's their issues with nonbinary people because I'm not and they start thinking it's safe to say a bunch of vile shit) and I just can't maintain it. I drift away out of distaste.
sorta, some self hating trannies
Yes, because I like them as friends and not because of their political views
I don't respect myself
My boyfriend
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yes thats part of the burden of being stealth
blablabla nigger nigger faggot kike kike kike no one cares kys
My one friend is a corrections officer and wad joking about an ftm in the women's section
Yes and I respect their opinion. My friendship with straight people doesn't revolve around sexuality, we have other things that unite us.
Even my parents are but they clearly love me based on their actions. Difference in opinions is perfectly natural and I would freak out if they suddenly changed their view just to appease me.
Yes because I like changing people's minds and I feel like I'm good at it.
My two best friends were both extremely transphobic before I trooned, now they send me sappy trans positivity memes. Also got some /pol/fag to stop hating trans people.
Oh yeah and all transphobic homosexuals are pedophiles. Two can play at that game.
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No all my friends are white and not poorfags
Very mature of you anon, well done.
You cand change people you hate, you're going at it from the correct angle, that's very intelligent.
Gulp, the rapehon is getting angry LOL
You can be white and homophobic it’s not an Arab thing
Homiphobia and transphobia aren't political views
>Transition between genders isnt possible
true. you transition by changing your primary and secondary sex characteristics. it has nothing to do with gender. frankly transgender is a nonsensical term, transsexual is the one that makes sense, even without bottom surgery, you're still only altering your sex characteristics and not your gender
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>If so, why?
i have no one else
I'm a repChad so I only hang out with people who hate trannies.
Nope. Although some ex-friends who burned bridges by being horrible cunts have later gone mask-off and revealed themselves to be transphobic. There's a correlation here.
Technically yeah, probably. I don't hang out with anyone genuinely bigoted enough to harm another person but I do have a diverse array of acquaintances. Most people who know me irl think I'm a cis woman. I've heard some occasional light homophobia.
>Terf Propaganda
How is this Turf Propaganda? All of her sons are pretending to be girls.
not anymore. i dont consider people my friends if they wont afford me even the most basic human respect
>Do you have homophobic/transphobic friends?
Yes, my real life highschool friend group (that has survived) is like half transphobic-lite and my online gaming friend group is normal homophobic/transphobic.
I met most of my highschool friend group back in kindergarten, and the ones I met later dont have any problems with lgbt (two are G/B lol). Even then, one of the phobic friends is a mega coomer who would probably fuck a transwoman if she were hot.
I met the gaming group randomly one day, and I'm not as close to them. I think one of them could be a lifelong friend. He seems to be losing that "edgy teen" thing that the others are holding on to.
FYI, I live in the most conservative non-rural part of my state and it's a miracle I even have these friends. I have no girl friends unless you count my coworker °~°
Yes. Why should I care about what they think about my sexuality if we don't have a sexual relationship? One of them outright told me that the only way to lose his friendship would be either banging his GF or make a move on him, which is fair.

>t. Bi guy into standard masculine hobbies with mostly straight male friends.
Based & correct.
People who can't be friends with those who have different beliefs or values are insecure about their own.

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