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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Gay Bros Only

OLD >>36657531

No Transgender People Or Trans related material
i am a chud
where do you find the most ugly human beings from every thread
>but OP, I AM the chud top.
right wing gay men are stupid slaves
child death is still beautiful to me
drag them sister
you just know he has a fat uncaring becky gf when a gay guy would love and adore him
I haven't used Grindr before especially in the town i now live in and uh
holy fucking shit it's gross and sketchy. weird middle aged men, people with weird standards or tastes, just all around unattractive people with 0 self awareness it seems

should i really wait for a good relationship and fuck then or like what?? because being a virgin at 25 is kinda pathetic even if i turned down sex from previous people interested in me. shit
Go get your holes drilled by gay farmers. Who gives a shit
Debaser? More like crazy little bitch that is beneath me
sucks for you i just had 3 cute guys message me in a row and sent them nudes
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virginity is a construct, you should never have sex with someone just because you feel pressure to do it.
he’s wearing papi underwear dingdong
Unless you're a twink, then yes you should feel pressure. When I tear up that ass.
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and thus anon's conversations ended
that's so gross anon you have GOT to see these people. idk why its so blackpilling to me seeing these weirdos
i'm looking around more rhan anything so i didn't even add a pic to my profile. there was 1 cute guy but even he gives off this vibe of "you'd be lucky to get with me". its so weird
>should i really wait for a good relationship and fuck then or like what??
no they messaged back saying they need to fuck me :)
Oh you can actually make a profile without adding a picture? didnt know that
most people on grindr are unattractive and I can't envision them in a sexual context whatsoever.
>be me
>chud twink top

Just turned on fox news for my daily chud news. looks like cacklin' kamala is at it again
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Favorite fragrance?
I'm a 25yo that gets carded for alcohol still so i must look early 20s twinkmaxxing i guess. the messy dirty blonde hair with a fringe might be making me look younger tho
ya. unfortunately it needed my actual phone number but :/ kinda wasn't worth it because i'm getting my blank ass profile checked out by closeted married 40yo construction workers with selfies taken straight ahead as their pfp
children are so ugly
Do you know if it's possible to make a mostly blank profile on apps for longer-term stuff?
Musky Arab (construction worker) armpit
Yeah, I want to tear that ass up. Where you at?
Shower fresh hole
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Period't. MoistCritikal made a whole video about the Kris Tyson situation and didn't properly gender her once.
>closeted married 40yo construction workers
thats what most 25 yo bottoms are into, cant blame them for sending a message
pleb take, god what a moron
>please use appropriate pronouns for the pedophile!
trannies are only tolerated by everyone in secret and hate themselves and each other. dying fad
i desire to rape them, choke them, pull their hair and spit on them. just between you and me.
wym? most dating or whatever apps allow you to put anything as your pfp as long as its not nude. grindr wants me to pay like $30 to view people at longer distances than my area lol
I AM NOT A BOTTOM STOP IT idk what I am i kinda want an equal thing going with a partner idk
also these are not gay male stripper construction workers thid is "unhappy marriage to my bitch wife" type older dudes
>19 male new with guys
>depressed with college so I start taking zoloft
>bored jerking off a lot
>go on Grindr
>hook up with both guys and I can't cum
>feel really bad even though I made the other guy cum

What should I do? Am I not into guys or is it just the meds? I always get hard but just can't finish and it makes me feel kind of sad. What should I do?

sorry if this isn't the best place for this post
>needing to view other profiles
Skill issue lol
sexual side effects are super common on ssris
Oh its that guy that I mentioned got his legs blown off in Iraq and all the edgy gays here laughed proving my eternal point that gays are basically shit broken humans and have no humanity even towards their supposed porn heroes and turn on everyone eventually.
oh look npdan is at it again
>got his legs blown off in Iraq
shouldn’t have been in iraq
anon youre on fucking 4chan you're gonna get that
Men cant be virgins its literally in the goddam word. Lose the goddam jew speech. To add there is no chastity about an asshole.
You will be when I'm done.
>>36659632 #
We both will be when I'm done.
yeah. I'm not voting for Kamala, I'm gonna vote Trump probably
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I dig the vibe.
The christian nationalists are a problem, though.
You get called up and sent there :/. Have some empathy
The Costa Rican guy doesn't cum during sex despite me never tapping out. Like we can go for an hour straight and he doesn't cum. He's uncut too and we go raw so I don't get it.
Life is stressful
I can't wait to have a beer tomorrow
Thanks Steven. I think we’re kindred spirits. Be safe out there.
no one compelled him to join the military, he made a dumb decision and paid the price for it.
>become ditzy and gay when i drink
poor quah (spanish)
your inhibitions falter when inebriated
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>like it's magnetic~
i have a personality disorder
don't you have a miata to tinker with or smth
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Its 11PM
Sleep soon
i hate children that lie about their age
most children are smart enough to know they
can get away with anything because theyre a child
i hate the one that refuses to accept theyre
a child. thats just dumb to me
cluster a?
Imagine being east coast
hyacinth post guitar vocaruwu
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you know what i hate?
i hate when they're unintegrous. they're two types of people when a fire gets lit under their ass. those that rise to the challenge and those that burn to ashes.
Should gay men have their own prison? Bottoms get force femmed, raped and passed around for cigarettes in straight prison. I think an all gay prison would solve a lot of problems.
I will. Thanks
why don't you just obliterate my bussy with your big hard dick. and call me a fag bottom while you're at it
because im a bottom too -__-
someone forgot to jerk off before posting
you planning to get sent to maximum security gen pop prison any time soon?
Why are you talking to children sis?
unlimited amounts of strong, virile, BBC
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Life has been good to me this summer. A neighbor chick I know dubbed US34 Speedway 34, and it's true, at least around here--happy driving in the 80s and 90s listening to Bach without a hint of cops anywhere, on a surface paved like a runway across miles and miles of corn and basedbeans. My favorite track from the whole CD is this.


This one was used in the movie Dangerous Liaisons:


Wish you well, and wonder what stresses you.
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duck tastes delicious
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c :(
:-( are there any treatments for what you have
i want to cuddle with a fem twink
I have to do it. No more excuses.
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i think i have ppd and avpd. shit combo.
one time i larped as aspd and got so much interest, randos asking to date me lmao. i would trade my pd to be a psychopath.
are you a woman
are you ok?
kamala's so hot right now.
Do you think she smells like cocoa butter or curry and faeces?
yes thank you for asking
coco de chanel
then how do you have postpartum depression
travel-sized boyfriend
what do you think
paranoid personality disorder.
they think everyone is out to get them.

sometimes they just suck and instead of getting good they wallow in it.

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Even rich Indian tech ceos smell like shit so it's still a toss-up
lol ppd= paranoid personality disorder. Often times I'm completely confused by people's intentions towards me, and I think they're setting me up to do me harm, when they aren't. That's ppd.
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you sound familiar
it should have been kamala vs vivek ramaswamy calling each other bloody bhenchod bastards on the debate stage
he lickin' on my neck, the rats watchin' from the sewer
i can't wait, i can't wait, not just anybody's date
tuck ya' napkin down your shirt, then sauce me like a steak
The inorganic Kamala push on top of her just receiving the democratic nominee position when it isn’t supposed to work like that is further justification that none of it is real. Protect your loved ones and try not to die in a desert as cannon fodder. I hope I am never put in a self defense situation where that is asked of me.
>Protect your loved ones and try not to die in a desert as cannon fodder.
viva the palestinian resistance
I guess there's no helpful advice to accompany the critique.
>Dude, just like think differently!
Jumping in before bed to say that’s all you can do. It is hard to manually force it, but time and tribulations will force you to, or you will succumb.
are they wrong, tho?
personality disorders are incurable and represent the dysfunctional cognitive framework of people with mental illness. I really do appreciate your post Dan, and encouragement but whatever positive results a normal person could achieve from attempting to change their thinking would be significantly less if none at all with someone like me. That's why my personality is disordered.
Personality disorders are complex and persistent patterns of behavior and thinking that deviate significantly from cultural expectations. They often involve deep-seated traits that influence how individuals perceive and relate to the world.
I perceive and relate differently to the world every day because different events occur and different things are asked or forced upon me. It’s the same for everyone else. I’m not trying to minimize your experience but I am surprisingly sane for having experienced domestic abuse and four to five years of chronic pain and discomfort. It is what you make it.
Also, everything I say is filtered through a lens of profound irony and absolute freedom, so take it with a grain of salt. I’m just built different.
My path to mental illness started in childhood, where both of my parents were violent to each other and me+ my siblings, and eventually culminated in the breakdown of our family and me becoming homeless at 14. What do you think a kid learns in that environment? Trust no one. So that's what I did, entirely subconsciously every fucking day, until I trusted no one.
Now that I'm an adult I can properly analyze what went wrong and led me to trusting no one, but I still cannot change it. I have zero self worth and can only fake having it, because it's needed for survival.
cock sucking faggot
The expression fake it until you make it is not without merit. You can change it, because there are people you can trust. That being said, most people will disappoint you at one point or another, and you will disappoint others. It’s an exchange. But there are people worth knowing. Allow yourself to love.
i can fix him
I really want to man. Maybe there's therapy out there that can help me. I'll let you guys get back to your convos.
the expression really should be fake it until you become it
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Fat BF genocide. Demons killing fat BFs
Are fat BFs real or a larp? If you had a 300 pound dirty BF do you think a veterinarian specializing in whales would euthanize it for you? Is it legal to get fattie cows euthanized?
Fat people must be destroyed.

Feeding fatties to packs of hyenas.

Letting Crsi run fatties over in her Kia.
If anyone here is FAT. Get OUT. This is gaygen for gay males. Real men do not get fat flabby womanlike bodies with bitch tits. Kys.
Who are you accusing of being fat you mealy mouthed faggot? Say it
birds aren't real
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Hay latinos aquí? u.u
fucking queers you need to be disciplined
day 3 of hating faggots
yo mama
Hola mi Amiga ¿Cómo estás?
oh well, I can't argue
Protect Sneed.
Protect tankanon. Protect his innocence and purity <3
i want to workout with a bro and train him to look like this (or bigger) and then we get to take turns fucking each other.
Fat BFs choking on their own fat gullets in their fat sleep
fat bfs rolling over onto ungrateful anons and smothering them in their sleep
Them chickens is ash and I'm lotion
I will never achieve true beauty. I ought to just embrace my ugliness.
Beautiful. Rising.
My temple desires its Pharoah
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This is silly because everyone knows that chuds are ALWAYS closet bottoms
stretch my bussy with your penis. i love getting pounded uwu
penis is such an unsexy word

One of the most underrated compositions I know of is Haydn's 97th. Karajan's version is nice, but but even that doesn't do it full justice. Haydn in general is underrated, but that's a whole other story.
penis is a beautiful word...
beagle dream kek
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Are we excited for Terrifier 3?
It's a woman's world and you're lucky to be living in it
Doesn't help
What does my temple desires it's Pharoah even mean
I'm not a sex object and I wish I didn't have genitalia. It is an abomination.
Lay your BBC at my altar
You're not, but it doesn't help how beautiful and rising it is.
i wish your parents had been killed by eritreans
Too bad for you it'll never happen
there’s still time
Worshipping sacred relics at the temple
Pharoah reveal your obelisk
Daylight falls on Blu
A just ethiopian king
His black lust rises
good morning...
the date is july 26 and once again it's officially frot friday!!!! wishing you all a beautiful day!!!!!!!
oh shice thanks for reminding me. I need to wish someone happy birthday or I'll be in trouble
gay cock
cay gock
horror is this you?
indian customer service lady left that call with wet panties
what happens on frot friday
why not squeeze a load inside, that's what i'm here for.
keep talking like that and I'm making u pregnant
hello onaholeanon how are you today
nappy headed hoe
transgender ethiopian
blu makes a bad post
Keep dreaming.
Fuck off
This was a good haiku until you ruined it at the end
savage african booty scratcher
Okay this one was actually funny why couldn't the other anon make it like that
thank you for reminding me i need to add all my filters again
Let's call it a bruhgina, bussy sounds so played out
stop being so serophobic i’m not even detectable :rolling_eyes:
ur delectable and that makes u detectable
my ass is called a cockmangler
gonna go jaque off before i make more cringe posts
Hey big dicked guys. What do you think when you see smaller/small dicks?
stelio kontos
Being gay or having a sex change. It's all the same thing.
my dick is called the assmangler, twas our fates aligned?
i can smell my cum rag
cum smells gross. im straight.
so basically masturbation kills a bunch of unborn children
Because even if you find it hostile and you're in bad mood again, there's still love for my dindu king and he still deserves the worship of his black idols.
i always imagine my sperm swimming swimming so hard, looking for the egg, and then being like, "guys i think we're IN AN ASSHOLE"
What would you do if you were a mentally ill 30something gay virgin?
Is he even a chud? I remember being sad about his enlistment and loss of legs.
I would reply to your post
I'm finally back
Diagnosed? I gave up on trying to get professional help. I'm going to buy psychedelics and hope for the best. Maybe it will fix my brain. Maybe it will make me blow my head off
type the name Xanthippe into the provided field and get to posting
I did that a long time ago, because the entire mental health system is so geared toward people who can afford first class help. I also self medicated with other drugs, worse ones. Don't give up if you can help it.
It's my lunch break Rn, I went to work early
I would be a spamming bisexual
oh ok. i thought u were ditching us.
I wanted to, but I have nothing else to do
sleepless nights fucking suck
I've wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on therapy, drugs, treatments, hospital stays. Tired of it
And you still didn't get diagnosed with anything during all that?
I was. Treatment resistant depression, GAD, social anxiety. None of the drugs or therapy were effective
You know yourself better than the "professionals" do. If you feel that you have a personality disorder, you should try to find a psychologist who specializes in it, if you can afford it.
>None of the drugs or therapy were effective
I think psych drugs are a waste of time, unless someone is in a crisis state, and even then the drugs are just a quick fix to keep them from hurting themselves. I've never had therapy so i can't speak to that.
currently relaxing with a sloppy style
It's just going down the same rabbit hole again with treatment. Battling with insurance companies for coverage of certain drugs or treatments. Getting a shitty therapist. Getting a shitty doctor who doesn't actually listen. And then it doesn't end up working and you're down another $5000. I've been at this for 10 years. I'd rather just gamble with $100 worth of LSD and shrooms at this point
don't need to bother with high doses
1g shrooms is good enough often
heroic doses often just put your brain in a tumble dryer
Who else is going to circuit Barcelona in 2 weeks
Ok, this was the worst fucking season finale ever.
I don't blame you for checking out on the psych industry, it's pretty much full of shit and just there to grift. Opioids cured my depression and returned me to functional.
god damn stressful damn day
at least it's leg day
We care a lot.
thanks :)
It's not Israel or the political system of the U.S. that is the main issue. What has caused everything to go to shit is governments allowing cryptocurrency to exist which has destabilized everything worldwide. Unless they ban it entirely and enact better laws against the digital ponzi scheme the U.S. Dollar is going to crash and everyone is going to hurt worldwide.
Stiffen your resolve
Stiffen your wiener
Resolve to drain my nuts
its like calling a black criminal a nigger
>treatment resistant
That's hell sorry. I have the same combo minus that part and while they didn't help as much with depression they magically whisked away anxiety. It was exactly like those cheesy commercials where everything looks sad and grey and then suddenly there's colors and you can all the ambient noise again.
Missed seeing the second one in theaters (wasn't playing near me and I didn't even know about it) but I can't fucking wait to see the live audience reaction to whatever the new competitor for "most heinous scene in a movie" is
haribo’s bbl
i will create the first grpg
Don't care. Still voting for Trump.
i am trump
why she had to go?
i don't know, she wouldn't say
i said
something wrong now i long
for yesterday
M. President.
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>die for israel goy
i am brat
How does someone find a bf? Tinder?
Therapy is basically useless if you are resistant to change or don't buy into what they're telling you
If you do, it works. It can be insightful sometimes having an outsider evaluate your thoughts though, that sort of insight can be valuable and reveals your blindspots.
My therapist didn't make much a drastic change to my life and suspected that I wasn't ready to change, he also observed I seemed to be the type who likes control or familiarity. My other therapist also pointed that out.
Current person I'm seeing thinks I'm ocd which is new but in retrospect makes some sense.

I want to fall in love in Venice with handsome italian guy and kiss him on the little boat that goes around <3
not true at all therapy saves lives sis and is very effective. there is not harm in giving it a try some people may find its not as helpful, but its on the patient aswell you need to want to be better.
Teenie haribeenie meat treatie
>I think psych drugs are a waste of time,
bro i hope people dont take posts like this seriously.
>You know yourself better than the "professionals" do
obviously but just because u know urself doesnt mean u know what may be wrong with your thought processes and mindsets that are causing you struggles. do some research into what ur saying please id be so interested to read it?
also if ur going to go see a therapist do some prior research into the credentials of said therapist. i have had ppl shit on their therapists but they went 2 see a "life coach" with no uni degree. ideally u would want a clinical psychologist imo, they are the most qualified and psychiatrist obviously have the heighest qualifications. just fyi
If you're seeing this video on your For You Page, it has found you for a reason. You can check below, there's no hashtags. That means your energy is aligned with this message, so let's see what message spirit wants you to know.
*shuffles tarot cards*
*8 of Cups and 9 of Swords come out*
Oh my goodness, he wants you so bad, honey. He's going to be messaging you soon to declare his love and it feels like he's going to make a lifetime commitment to you ^_^
OMG SIS manifesting !!! he likes u back 100%
ever dream this man
Let's pull one more card just for confirmation...
OMG, the Tower card, bestie. This man is going to give you your happy ever after. I'm so happy for you! If you want to claim this message, like, follow and leave a comment.
I feel like gay ChatGPT bots are talking to each other right now
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oh no no no no chudbros
fuckity fuck
heterosexual men getting aroused by lesbian porn is still considered homosexual because they get off by homosexual porn.
>male homosexual stimuli
I-I'm a dom top
Is it possible to be homo but truly 100% subconsciously? Like you seriously don't realize it even a slight little bit? Because i felt super homophobic as a teenager and didn't feel that I was hiding anything. were you absolutely always going to turn out this way?
Dom tops are cringe and I honestly think it's forced because they don't want to be the "lesser" man
t. vers top master race
it’s still gay to get off by homosexual porn doesnt matter if its 2 pussies or 2 dicks.
is there such thing as a dom vers? like dom top and power bottom but in the same person
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good morning
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Hey, no posting Asians or you’re a le heckin fetishizer!!!!!
Changing my strings later today. Might post a cool little chord progression I made :)
Who says I don't want to get better? That's the problem I'm trying to fix. Ergo, therapy is useless.
stop saying le hecking its so cringe
Oh coooper where are youuu~
some people aren’t 4chan retarded with colonizer fetish lil
I woud never date a gainer
my hole hurts :’(
Do you like thicc Mexicans?
Depends on their personality. If they're annoying anti-white cunts, no.
No >:(
rape warehouse
Is it okay to be afraid of roaches as a top?
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Cockroach boyfriends?
yes they're objectively disgusting
and pray you never get bedbugs we had them once when i was a kid and it was an absolute nightmare, at least roaches don't bite you.
Roaches are fine
Paper wasps are fine
Earwigs are fine
Spiders are fine
House centipedes are fine

Stop being pussies you faggots
I smoke joints less than two feet away from a wasp's nest
paper wasps, earwigs, spiders, and house centipedes are indeed fine because they don't pile themselves up in the thousands in the walls of your house like some horror movie like cockroaches do
spiders and centipedes i don't kill i take them outside
I share my bathroom with this earwig, and it's been that way for a while now. Not sure what he's eating...
probably getting rid of other bugs for you
Spiders are bros and help you kill other bugs. I never kill spiders
Your dead skin probably.
Earwigs make great mothers, apparently. Rare for bugs. Centipedes too.
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If bug boyfriends existed I would date a butterfly gay boy :3
Pic not related
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It's true. They turn themselves into baskets.
>this fried
Bug caviar. Call Ramsey.
Jesus Christ. Are they just a strand of muscle? Imagine a centipede boyfriend... coiling around you... haha.
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>when you come home late from work and have to answer to your bf
Why is Elden Ring lore so disturbing. It's implied that these aliens aren't even conscious. It's why it has a skull and a crystal ball for a brain. Lusat is suffering the same fate. I think. The idea that consciousness is required for intelligence is also not true. Very, very creepy.
I really should've renamed that file "butterfly boy twinkdeath"
Fuck Astel desu. Would not date.
tapeworm boyfriend that lives inside your guts and only vacates (partially) to suck your penis
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a suicidal drug-addicted bf who you always have to save from taking his own life would be so camp
>The idea that consciousness is required for intelligence is also not true. Very, very creepy.
Blindsight by Peter Watts is one of the few science-fiction novels that does cosmic horror properly for just that reason. "Blind Idiot Gods". Absolutely horrifying novel.
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This except he’s also a butterfly.
The crystal ball in its head is an eye. I think the creature is "conscious" but is actually probably that eye or perhaps some kind of glintstone-based outer god making people into its vessels (hence the otherwise empty human skull that the eye has grown from, just like you see on lusat). The fallingstar beasts also look like young astels so i dont know if those used to be humans, or both humans and fallingstars can become astels or what
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The sight of large dangly legs will make me unsettled for hours and consistently give me nightmares that night that also consist of oversized bugs attacking me. Tops should be legally required to dispose of any bugs. I allow small spiders to live because they help keep other bugs out.
it's actually quite similar to insight in bloodborne (case in point master willem and micolash)
I thought the crystals were infinite streams of solidified consciousness.
Glinstone sorcerers are all replacing their intelligence/consciousness with *something else's* lol
At least the ones that replace their hearts with glintstone
It's cosmic horror Hindu
Primeval sorcerers are like the Sokushinbutsu from Sekiro, but more cosmic-y. They're functionally immortal and unkillable, or transcendent to the player.
That might be true but the orbs are definitely eyes. The combined consciousness thing happens too though, case in point sellen turning into a fucking sphere
ALL glintstone is crystallized life from space. ALL spells behave like living, seeking lifeforms.

Numerous npcs even say that glinstone sorcery is the study of life within the stars. Magic is alive. Also cancerous.
>glintstone dildo
Is it immoral?
Willem was a legit boss before they cut it, to distinguish him from Lawrence, who was wrong, while Willem was right. Look it up. He is slamming his rocking chair telekinetically and shit. Fucking cool.
Real sorcerers don't ask such trivial questions
celine Dion and lady Gaga performing at the Olympics opening is going to be a shit show
Yes i was partly specifically thinking of that
that video is fucking scary with him just moaning and flying around in the air
You’re right. Transcendence through cosmic orgasm is valid.
The crazy tranny priest in the dlc outright states that all life came to exist in a similar way

>I, too, am a glintstone sorcerer. We study the stars, and examine the life therein. Are you familiar with our findings? Long ago, we began as stardust, born of a great rupture far across the skies. We, too, are children of the Greater Will. Is that not divine? Is that not sublime? ...and yet, none can fathom its implications, its utter brilliance!
Willem and Lawrence were both wrong and failed btw.

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