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File: norelco-bodygroom-7000.jpg (158 KB, 2000x2000)
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would you troon out if you were a 25yo 5'6" terminally skinny white guy with no friends no savings no postsecondary education no car no skill no hobby no family connections no street smarts no book smarts makes ~$30k/year stocking cereal boxes full time that still has a full head of hair?
only gay men seem to flirt with me and obviously cis women or gay men with their act together are going to see that i'm a worthless loser from a mile away so i have nothing to save my money for
just kinda feel like a dead fly floating in a drainpipe puddle and i just want to take care of someone else because im empty
because the other option is prob either death some day or waiting until ur "ready" at 40 when ur worse off and mentally destroyed
Yes. You owe it to yourself.
I have this exact thing, works great even if it doesn't quite get a perfect shave it's a very near trim and leaves my legs pretty smooth and works great everywhere else

also yes if I had gender dysphoria
doesn't sound like there's much to lose, and i mean that respectfully, just diy a few months and see how you feel
where on the body did the foil shaver work? can it manage the prickly stubble of new leg hair? everytime i try to shave my disgusting body hair it takes like 2 hours and i bleed eveywhere, hoping they make a foil shaver that can make it a ~20 to 30 minute ordeal
yeah it works on my leg hair that's been reduced a lot after a few years of hormones, initially I used it on my upper body a lot more before laser too
i was in your exact situation and my life got much, much better. to the extent that i harbor a lot of resentment for how i was treated before i transitioned and passed as a woman. you're getting the short end of the stick right now, i'll tell you that
i dont know dawg i would be a fucking gigahon and im already not winning any popularity contests whatsoever. i look like a joke. it's fucking pathetic. if i was 14 i'd understand but i'm pretty old now lateshit wise. idk what's worse between that and repping in a cave with a blindfold on
https://unsee cc/album#2y0PWNpq853d
ur retarded
start hrt asap
i repped for years before, its stupid. stop
what kind of stuff should i stockpile before drumpf takes it all offline
i did at ~34

life is good aside from my disabilities; getting married to a gorgeous sexy amazing passionate girl; finally returning to my music hobby... im really blessed :) if you have a chance to pass and your really trans go for it

i would be dead if i hadn't finally started hrt and girlmoding right away
At least from those pics you dont seem like you'd be a gigahon. get on hrt now, it can also help motivate you to improve life in other ways tol
i started at 27 and pass just fine. your starting point is fine too. get on hrt and see how you feel after a few months
what country do you live in
(this question is important if you want to troon)
burgerland, washington state
washington? you're in the tranny mecca, the best place to be trans in the entire world, and you're worried???
lol easymode
pretty sure you can get free ffs
i guess i'm gonna be grinding starbucks for a while
not starbucks lmao, washinton makes it mandatory for insurance companies to cover it regardless
you can get it on medicaid
there's a guy in my town who trooned out because he was a loser, and is clearly just agp and it is just sad to see

idk tho, if you're actually a trans and you do dmt and it's like "oh I'm supposed to be a woman" then yeah okay, sure.
you should honestly experiment with psychedelics (plant based) or even just spend some time in solitude to examine yourself and make sure you don't turn out like Alice getting her hair done. would pic rel if I had it rn but you know what I mean

everyone here is just gonna hugbox you because it's a troon out thread on agp an dthey wanna be helpful but if you posted on any other board like "im a loser should I troon" they'd check you immediately

sorry I'm taking my frustration out on you I'm just frustrated.
the loser to troon to rope pipeline is real and I see so many people going through it.
i've done high doses of psilocybin by myself and one of the common thoughts i get about 30 - 40% of the time is "wow i feel more feminine than i'm really expressing" which confirms a lot of other things like me being averse to my own beard or feeling like shit after getting a really short haircut but the thing is i don't really know if i "want to be a woman" i just definitely feel like i don't want to be a man and i want to feel feminine. it's not about being seen as a woman for me i just want to see an androgynous face that's hopefully pretty when i look in the mirror
yeah I did actually but I also had gender dysphoria
depends how cute

some who transition at 25 are cute

>>36662177 how much laser, electrolysis, finasteride, and plastic surgery am i going to need to look pretty
not too much i guess, i'm a high tier tranny without any of that
i feel like i look like a 40 year old german man
ur ambiguous because some of the images are already similar to a girl
it's the bangs i'm 90% sure. where do you go for hair inspo? i need to establish a good hairstyle
No being Jewish trend followers costs a lot of money. You’re a retard for not realizing this is all status symbol bullshit
Please understand that successfully transitioning is a skillset like driving or having a job please

I'm in a similar position to you, recently got on E - feeling a lot calmer now the looming threat of further masculinization is over.
anyone with a brain would troon out here yes
you may be able to handle the dysphoria now, but who is to say you can keep it up for the next 50 years?
if you want to troon do it, if you're not sure then ask a sexologist for help so you will see sooner if you're enby or doesn't really want to troon. Worst case scenario you will have to get top surgery for A cups best case you will not want to die as a 30yo+ who "troon too late". If you do it for pinkpill incell thing and never wanted to be a girl before than find a therapist who works for you and try to improve your life instead

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