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>18 year old tranny on hrt for a few weeks
>no hope of passing
>cant even get any surgeries because i have nowhere near enough money
>everyone online hugboxes me saying igmi
>i flawlessly pass as male irl
is it genuinely over for me? i wouldnt have any doubts if id passed as female at least once, then id go on, but this just never happened, and never will happen
Its not over, you're 18 and only a few weeks on hrt. you literally just started. have some patience
post unsee
You have all the time in the world. You can't possibly expect to change overnight. I started 8 years ago and still have things I want fixed, but I'm mostly happy with myself and my life now. You have plenty of time, let things play out.

After I tried to kill myself I told myself I wasn't allowed to try again until I could get ffs and see if it would help. Im happy and fulfilled now, and I'm even further away from being able to afford it than I was then. Give yourself a long term goal to work towards, you might find joy before you even reach it.
thats what they all say. hrt cant save my face, anyways

https://unsee cc/album#5nBU72EjUoO9
my current long term goals are finishing hs and lobcorp
I'm sorry but your going to be a hon.. where do you live?
your ribcage is really fucked and your face also the balding?!!!!!
>project moon fan
>a hon
many such cases
op's gon be friends with sophie and that one german hon
knew it lol, thanks for the honesty.
why does where i live matter, though

i really cant catch a break
Your hairline is pretty pushed back, and you might need FFS. But you also have a body with a perfect grabbable feminine little waist that I would love to pump a baby into, and a bod that would look amazing with a pair of tits. Make of this what you will.
using a tripcode is basically a big red flag for "i'm a hon" too
you mean big soph?
i fucking hate her
idk just curious i wanna visualize where you were when you were 14 and 15

desu i started using it so i wouldnt have to clarify who i was on certain threads, and just stuck with it

>Your hairline is pretty pushed back, and you might need FFS.
yup, too bad its so fucking expensive
>But you also have a body with a perfect grabbable feminine little waist that I would love to pump a baby into, and a bod that would look amazing with a pair of tits. Make of this what you will.
what.... well, it doesnt help me pass at all, but thanks anyways. sadly, my breast genes from my mom are bad, so ill just probably remain only with these pokes in my chest for life
OK, kill yourself I guess YOUNGSHIT.
18 isnt youngshit
like hell it's not
Flat is justice.
yeah, youngshit is 14 and earlier
Stop and detrans before you go too deep.

Get some sun, lift weights, eat healthy and your dysphoria will be cured.
no, youngshit has always been between 13 and 19
stop catastrophizing. go read some history, read autobiography of an androgyne by jennie june, or christine jorgenson's memoirs. go watch the movie brekafast on pluto. there, there you will have something real horrorshow.
>projmoon poster
it never even started
wrong, by ~15 ish honhood is predetermined unless youre a luckshit
I see you don't know anything then.
i like binah, and it has no relation to the actua online username i have, so

i dont like what t does to my body. hope this helps!

never heard of any of these, ill assume they started at 40 or smth
this isn't true

what is there to know, even. my face is right there if you wanna check how fucled i am
youre cooked once male puberty starts

the ones you know are luckshits, only those who pass get remembered as trannies
No hugbox but You look fine to me
The only major thing is your chin which could get softer since you are still young, if not ffs
Hairline will 100% get fixed with hrt
Plus you have a 10/10 body

And everything without even Hrt kicking in, i think theres hope for you youngshit
how tf does my body get anything above a 4/10
also fiy im 172 cms tall (quite big over here at least)
>i dont like what t does to my body. hope this helps!
That's the problem you need to solve. You've already completed puberty, your T levels are only dropping from here. You need to learn to accept yourself for who you are.
haha same 173 over here, tower over everyone. considering roping rn as well or at least blowing off half my body in an IED explosion
i may be a doomer, but even i know that t levels dont just drop, twinkdeath exists for a reason. im already fucked, why wait and be fucked even more
>even i know that t levels dont just drop
Yes they do zoomer
like, i do get that in some places 173 isnt tall at all, but its just that here, yeah. for example, my mother is 166
i interpreted that as "they drop completely", and ofc they drop, puberty is an anomaly in that regard, they stay there, and ruin you even more
The game has changed. We can't go back to the world of 1950s trannies or even 90s-2000s trannies, every single person in the english speaking world is being bombarded non stop with tranny culture war and subconsciously being made aware of clockable traits.
i live in japan, im like a frog in boiling water
is everyone there really that short
At least it’s not a disgusting umniko fan
netzach mentioned time to get drunk
Shit youre right post more pics so i can give you a accurate rating
im cooked
only part i hate abt this place tbhon
i dont have more pics since i dont like my body, i only take them when i need opinions on it

drunk AND high
idk what to say, im truly sorry you have to suffer like this
I’m not taking opiates I’m a fake fan
yay im considered a youngcrap by the biggest hon on the board (hrt 18)
yippie yippie yippie!
You need opinions on it alright
I can imagine you being lanky skeleton but we never know
just going to be a hermit for the rest of my miserable life until i rope at like 30, still have things i want to make before i croak
maybe ill post tomorrow if i get the chance
hope everything goes well and you dont rope
you shld bring a bong bong post next time
ty, im too much of a pussy to dlgo through with it anyways lole
hope you dont rope as well
Okay, I ended up looking at the unsee. You don’t have a bad starting place, my friend had worse but looked similar to you pre-transition and passes. You just need to be patient. HRT takes a long ass time to work.

It took me like 1.5 years before people would gender me female in public. Everything is gonna be okay
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ill try to


refer to the image for my feelings on the matter

oh god its already 5 am fuck
no, no it won't. thats not how this works at all
also, who are these adrian and wyatt guys who have been on my unsee for so long now? are they writing a thesis on every flaw i have or smth
Im an 18yo trannt 1.5yrs on hrt have mo hopes of passing never boy failed and barely look more feminine than your average gay bottom and im pretty content with it hrt is a medicine not instant magic. At 18 youre porbsbly going to pass eventually if you put in the effort for stuff like makeup, haircare, skincare, fashion etc
you're tiny
too bad you live in portugal
most men and women would tower over you here
probably opened it in a different tab and forgot about it
starting at 16 is very fortunate, still depends on a lot of luck though
did you ask around for insurance that would cover your surgeries?
also you're an eu citizen, you can go work in a different country with much higher paychecks any time
or those jobs in those countries could have insurance which covers ffs
consider that when you finish school
you can get a sidrjob in the meanwhile while you live with your parents and save up
there's good ffs surgeons in spain afaik though you might wanna do more research
>on hrt for a few weeks
i can't believe you don't pass yet, it's so over
>>18 year old
>nowhere near enough money
if you aren't making six figures out of highschool yngmi

girl, relax. it's way too soon - in every sense - to be freaking out like this
ofc the trip named carmen says this
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Start distorting. Fast
Dont people hate you in japan for not fitting in and stuff
if youre a foreigner theyd probably hate you even more..

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