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Anyone that refers to people like this with their “preferred” whatever is an enemy of trans people.
lol cis "allies" pretend to care until anything even a tiny pebble pop up

then they feed us to the wolves, they would all send us to the death camps if it meant +0.1% on their retirement funds
If you hurt kids then your pronouns shouldn't be respected, that'll be the same answer to any functional tranny
dont groom kids if you wont respect???
>not using the PREFERRED pronouns of a literal is genocide.
Are you upset that you learned that normies don't actually think a trans woman IS a woman, and they were just being polite. Or are you upset because you are a pedophile and you wouldn't want that to be a reason for you to get misgendered?
I literally dont care about any of this eceleb drama. Best thing 'we' can do in this scenario, if there is any need to consider this as something that 'we' need a response to is ignore, ignore, ignore. This is has happened countless times with youtuber ecelebs and will happen countless times more. Chuds are just making a big deal over it because she is a tranny. I don't remember everyone going "OH MY GOD MINECRAFT IS INHERENTLY PEDOPHILIC AND FOR GROOMERS!!!!" when every other minecraft youtuber was being outed as a pedo.
I always got bad vibes from moist
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I know it wasn't rape but still, same shit.
>t. tranny
Why do these folks only get like that with the scum and not the normal people trying to live their lives who get misgendered
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>racist trans person has an opinion
I do not care. Keep your double standards to yourself
When was it proven kids were hurt?
You nut making zygotes, you ain’t a she
>tfw my nuts are making zygotes
we're so back
there's 8 threads rn about this, can yall just make a fucking general thread on the bs topic, and can jannies moderate the fucking board, it's spam at this point
...who cares? any youtuber is free to use any pronouns when describing any person, cis or trans. expecting someone to use correct pronouns or face hellfire feels nazish
who was groomed? the person in question said nothing happened but I'm going to assume there was another person
>your gender is valid until you do something bad
If you're a pedophile or a groomer then you don't deserve a single milligram of respect.
What's funny to me how is it's somehow more important to get the pronouns right as opposed to not calling someone a groomer when it's a false accusation
>person who was groomed at 13 says "nothing happened"
>therefore nothing happened
Groomer mentality. This is literally the purpose of grooming, to make the victim think nothing bad happened to them so that they don't speak out about it or try and get help or otherwise remove themselves from the situation. The victim saying it was no big deal doesn't prove anything except that the grooming worked.
Trannies existing is grooming to you types
This is an idea feminists invented to capture social capital. It’s gobbledegook with no basis in reality. The more you are told your trauma exists, the more you believe yourself traumatized. We learned this literally 30 years ago with the repressed memory meme holy shit.
So anyone can point to literally anything or anyone they want, say it's grooming, and if the person you're speaking over denies it that somehow confirms it?
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
You put words into my mouth the exact same way that /pol/tards do, fascinating.
I get this from people sometimes. whenever they can add a little correction like that, I think it makes them feel smart or something. they don't usually add anything deeply intelligent in the following conversations. its like that one little social justice line was all they had. they focus on some minor detail and miss the big picture
Block them if it bothers you. It’s literally 1s and 0s. They ain’t got no age.
Unlikely yes. You lose any courtesy or manners when you're outed as a pedophile, you're just a monster and a freak now.
So now that grooming/pedophilia has been reduced to cracking sex jokes and/or posting porn anywhere an under 18 might see it, which cis influencer are you going to cancel first? Oh, nobody? It's just an excuse to hate trannies? Got it.
he called her a she, wtf else do you want?
Raunchy stand up comedians are literally mass grooming pedophiles ACHshully
What a sociopathic mindset. They aren't 1s and 0s, they're real people.
20+ year old adults should not be "cracking sex jokes" in chats with 13 year olds.
If they were talking directly to children in fucking DMs, yes.
They are. Twitter is a 13+ platform. It's literal grooming to talk about sex on there. Anyone who has done this should not be allowed a platform
>If they were talking directly to children in fucking DMs
good thing that's not an element of the accusations against kris
>someone was groomed because I said so
Fuck off nigger
When everyone on the internet was anonymous we all spoke on the same level. Nobody knew anyone’s age. As anonymity dropped our disparate ages became apparent but we had already cultivated long standing friendships at that point with people much younger or older then us. We continued interacting with one another as if we were all still equal even after. It was genuinely strange and pretentious to deliberately not interact with minors, as we too were once minors who interacted and spoke on the same level as adults.
you’re doing the thing where people hold figures from the 1800s in contempt because their values don’t align with our modern values, the shift in values even though the time period seem is more recent is because things move so fast in the age of parabolic information.
Yeah except this didn't happen on AOL in 2002, it happened like 5 years ago and Chris KNEW the person was underage. They literally met up in person.
>only calling people by their correct pronouns out of good manners or "respect"
Yep you're a fucking piece of shit
>only calling people by their correct pronouns out of good manners or "respect"
Yeah this is what everyone does. Nobody genuinely sees Kris as a woman except other trannies.
preferred pronouns are just that, a preference.
Reminder /tttt/ is now under a permanent rolling raid from /pol/ et al and it will only get worse as the election approaches, and will continue getting worse after that too
If you hate somebody, why shouldn't you insult their insecurities? Why shouldn't you mock them about things you know would upset them?
I'm literally infertile :)
stop raiding /pol/
>and Chris KNEW the person was underage.
we don't know if Chris knew the person was underage when they met, we just know he found out eventually. which is basically that anon's point, so I don't know what you're waffling on a bout.
They do it’s just we don’t notice when people make a deal about pronouns in mundane situations. The pronouns respectifs only get payed attention to when the misgendering happens to those we don’t sympathize with (criminals usually but also YouTube drama people)
>So anyone can point to literally anything or anyone they want, say it's grooming, and if the person you're speaking over denies it that somehow confirms it?

Literally yes. Because they know 99% of people don’t want to be seen defending pedophilia. Call anybody you want a pedo and nobody will defend them.

The 2010s normalized always believing accusations of rape no matter what. It’s the left’s own talking points coming back to eat them.
Depends what flavor you like your punishment. Are you human or a humanist? Do you want sadism in your punishment (seeing perpetrators suffer to fuel your monkey satisfaction) or rehab and reconciliation (feeling dissatisfied but knowing the world might be better after a certain amount of time)
Sorry, AGPedos don't get she/her pronouns. Their soul is male, and foul.
If I can show my dissaproval / utter lack of respect in any way shape or form I will do so when talking about a pedophile.
All these people are either baiting or have brain lacerations if you think misgendering a pedophile is somehow bad.
Its like saying you hope they get cancer and die but some cancer advocate goes "ermmm actually noone deserves to go trough that!!".
Rehabilitation is proven again and again to not be a solution for sex offenders, bullet to the brain is the least costly and most effective treatment.
Thank god Ava did not rape anyone then
People play pretend with you out of courtesy.
If you do something bad, you are no longer given courtesy.
valid as long as calling bad blacks niggers is acceptable
Yes, holy shit, this is so fucked up.
"Please respect rapist's pronouns!" instead of "s/he didn't actually cause any harm, here's the so-called victim's testimony saying so".
this but unironically
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Equivalent of a calling a black guy a "nigger" would be calling Ava a "faggot" or "tranny".
Calling Ava by male pronouns is equivalent of calling a black guy "black" even after he bought whitening cream and said he's Asian.
>receding hairlines are transphobic now
They're so binary pilled that they refuse to accept that biological women have hair loss naturally.
This cactus girl really needs to kill herself.
So if a black or disabled or gay person does something evil. It's okay to be racist/ableist/homophobic?
He literally raped kids and the concers is not using the right pronouns?
You are all a bunch of clowns

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