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>Kris Tyson invited F1nn5ter to Japan for the sole purpose of fucking her but ran away when F1nn invited someone else to tag along because she felt cucked
LMAO You can't make this shit up.
Hons try not to ruin everything by existing challenge
Did this night even hear of boymoding and denial?
Shitty people being shitty to each other
how much steamy transbian sex did the two have on Ava's dime? did Jean wash the load out of his ass with one of those fancy toilets? LMAO
>UGH I provided GOODS AND SERVICES to some WHORE and then they didn’t provide SEX
Why always
Why the fuck would Ava post this? Did she actually think she looked like the victim and sympathetic here? I just don't fucking get it, is it severe autism???
Is finn a shitty person?
Terminally malebrained.
He received goods and didn't provide the services (secx)
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Finn throws both Ava and Jean under the bus pretty much.
His new groomer handler (icky) told him to do so
If your friends are both outed as into weird pedo shit then yeah you should do that
transbians are the worst omg but if finn hates ava now he needs to also stop liking tube who is just as bad
>transbian rapehon on top of a pedophile
gee, who woulda thunkit
Finn absolutely has skeletons too though. You’d be insane to think otherwise lmfao.
F1nn5ter has 100% launched ropes across the room to the exact piece Ava bought
Finn used to run a Minecraft Youtube channel aimed at children so yeeeeeah.
first time hearing their voice lmao I know they're not a trans women but the dissonance is so funny to me
You fags have been reaching hard as shit with her for months there's literally nothing
guess we have to cancel blues clues guy too
I'm not reaching for anything or accusing him of anything. I'm just saying that I wouldn't be surprised if something came out about someone who gained their following through a children's video game and then funneled those people to their adult content. Especially when they've been around some really questionable people.
Kek. Anon…
>someone who gained their following through a children's video game and then funneled those people to their adult content.
This is exactly what he did
>Especially when they've been around some really questionable people
of course you'd never hold this standard for people who have met actual rapists or murderers, serial pedophiles, etc. Just the supposed pedophiles who never actually touched any kids or even said they wanted to
>of course you'd never hold this standard for people who have met
Finn didn't just "meet" Ava or Jean. He was friends with them, he even says so in the video. Don't know why you're trying to downplay his relationship with them, you just look like a pedophile in defense mode. Also normal people don't do the weird fucked up shit that Ava or Jean did. There's no excusing that, they're disgusting freaks.
>if you defend people I called pedophiles (who never actually touched a kid or even said they wanted to) then you are also a pedophile
uh huh
Are you retarded? Do you think being a pedophile hinges on whether you successfully raped a child? You're insane and a freak. They made their intentions clear for all to see. If you're still defending them then you're a fucking piece of shit.
Don't forget everyone who ever played Barney the Dinosaur
My best friends on the internet have been actual pedophiles. They’re great people. Real salt of the earth. Make some top notch Skyrim mods.
lol you're not even trying to convince me or argue
ok dude
At the time there were fin threads where people literally told him to not trust jean nor mewriza or ava. He read them. How I know? He mentioned many times he browsed this site and expressed how he came to despise all the people telling him here to remain wholesome and to not whore himself and to not trust groomers. Now he's reaping the consequences.
"Its so hard being trans"
- someone with millions of dollars, I assume, who will never have to work a day in his life again
I'm not trying to convince you because some things are just so cut and dry that if you're still on the other side then there's something wrong with you mentally. Either one of two things have to be true here, either you haven't seen all the evidence then you're fucking retarded and shouldn't even be in this conversation, or two, you have seen all the evidence and you're just a fucking pedophile freak running defense. Either way, kindly kill yourself.
Do you think all those times he yelled out "Daddy!" while getting his ass pounded that he literally meant that the man in question had sex with his mother? Learn the difference between pretend and real life and maybe you wouldn't be such a retarded nigger
No you stick to your friends for life this is why you westerners are fucked . Friends are a deep bond and you keep it tied no matter what
None of this matters but it is entertaining lol. If you transition they should take away your Internet for the first like five years
well I don't think you're convincing anyone
Is Finn really that socially retarded that he couldn't see that jean was a freak? And he came to consider him a friend?? Or perhaps both of them talked the same language. The pervert language
I’ve been saying that for awhile. I think the DSM unironically needs a “if symptoms persist after 12 months without internet access” qualifier. Social media does shit to our dopamine, which is in the same area which neuroscientists find differences in when looking at trans brains.
she was probably lonely she was obviously desperate for trans friends and lovers she has aggressively chased transbian weirdos for awhile. I hate this whole "if you're trans you can be a tranny chaser" incestuous culture
used for a free date. finnster is a real woman
How convenient. I literally posted here telling him to not trust mewriza nor jean. And although I don't have proofs, I know he read my posts because he mentioned 4chan and the whole "wholesome" debate, something that was only discussed here.
Most tranners in the community are transbians, they're hard to avoid. Plus a husstuss probably wouldn't want to be friends with someone like Finn.
finn says how fucked up it is to misgender kris.. literally deadnaming him while saying it.. lame to be preachy when you’re at fault for it too
> Caring about a groomer's pronouns.
i doubt you care about anybody's, kiwifriend
You're damn right
No but a lot of trannies seethe at him for passing way better than them while while not even being trans
I am confused. Ava invited Finn for free, then Finn said yes and Ava says Finn used them?

Bitch you offered a free time and Finn still hung out with you.
Jean is a dude again right?
Ava wanted to seduce him
He didn't count on jean monopolizing Finn's attention
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Juicy. Love me some proper trainwreck.
Formerly ella Hollywood
lmao AGP hon BTFO
Basically Ava invited Finn to hang out with her in Japan under the pretext of just having a good time as friends. In reality, she wanted to be alone with Finn because she wanted to fuck him. Finn didn't realize Ava had feelings for him so he said yes to hanging outand asked if Jean could come along. Ava said yes but during the actual day, Ava felt cucked because I guess Finn was mainly having a good time with Jean and leaving her as a third wheel. She then made up a bullshit excuse about seeing her child and left in a hurry because she felt extremely cucked.
That hon goes by both names, which means misgendering is fine (I would have done it either way).
Why are these kind of people so common?

>I'll pay for/invite my friend or random person on a trip and since Im paying for it all they will have sex with me as they owe me
wow but they're all groomers finnster included so?? why do we care??
honestly good job finn
Terminal malebrain
Fr when will the straightoids admit they love fagslop internet drama as much as the rest of us
how are all these bitches so horny?
i've only been on the pills for 2 months and my sex drive is just gone
if I was Ava I would have been fine, I like to watch and I would suck the cum out of finnsters trans ass
finn goes by rose and she's come out as trans, you're behind on news nigger

And rightly so.
didn't this happen before anyone ever heard of mr beast and also doesn't she have a girlfriend or something
Theyre all narcissists using each other lol
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>westerners are fucked
you are poor, brown, and your nation is a shithole because of your aboriginal morals nigger
yeah finn has a trans muscle mommy gf, she didn't actually come out until semi recently, but she's been on hrt since 2022(self admitted) but always called herself a femboy so she's one of the good onesTM for the chuddies and coomers
so why in gods name did mr beast try to drag her to japan for sex?
No trans girl "seethes" at you and you don't pass, finn
no the mr breast friend didn't try to fuck finn, its just a sexual spin people put on the twitter posts. it sounds more like "i wanted to hang out with someone i crushed on but didn't necessarily expect anything from, but then i didn't have fun and im too autistic to say anything, so i felt un-included and NTR'd" which really if anything is incel-ish and doesn't mean she expected sex
A lot do finn has a cute female skull
Ogre body tho, really unfortunate.
Why not trust this nigga
finn has done more for the trans community and our optics than 99% of actual trannies
forgot the sage my apolocheese
it's funny how many of our predictions turned out true. how long till finn gets outed as pedo? he used to be a minecrafter, so you already know it's gonna happen
by calling herself a femboy so she can get and stay rich and so chuddies can coom to her and still shit on trannies right?
I thought finn was dating that other MtF
are AGP hons secretly HSTS? I've seen way too many cases of seriously unpassing transbians having sex
It's called GAMP
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oh no no no kiwibros
when I knew these two transbians, one was literally balding at 19 or whatever, both wanted to have sex with me even though at that time I hadn't started HRT
I am a manmoder so I am attractive as a male, did their meta-attraction kick in? I told them I'm not attracted to them
by donating a shit ton of money to gendergp and being an outspoken trans ally as a popular eceleb. the femboy grift was honestly a positive, people are more likely to listen to an outsider advocating for trans rights than to a "crazy tranny" when they already hate us
Transbians are AGP sex addicts, they'll have sex with literally anything and anyone.
Their sexuality is so active and potent that it literally made them want to become women, they are hypersexual.
if they'll have sex with anyone and anything they aren't transbians now are they?
They're bisexual men, and bisexuals are closer to straight men (low brain feminization) than they are to gay men (high brain feminization).
I've hung around transbian spaces for a long time and this is kind of a dark secret that nobody wants to talk about
For a lot of these transbians it's a lot easier to explore their sexuality with another trans person and the awful truth is that a lot of the time they're specifically searching for trans women who look like men, even better if they're able and willing to use their penis
Yes it's absolutely meta-attraction/sexuality exploring
They want to know what it's like to be with a man without having to deal with men
I know because this happened to me
oh yeah one of these people constantly sent me all these memes from r/traa, I think. I didn't have the heart to tell them not to do it and that I don't like it
I don't know about this, I mean both of them were depressed as far as I could tell so it's not like they're making up their situation or doing it for fun
>I know because this happened to me
I'm sorry this happened to you
A lot of the time it's because we're just very attracted to dicks
Lots of transbians joke about how they're dick-sexual but that they prefer other trans women because it feels more right and the emotional connection is easier, autism likely plays a role here and I think it's true
They are predominately gynephilic but they are like sexual scavengers, they'll fuck anything if the possibility arises.
Nope and bitterhons are eternally jealous
>first time hearing their voice lmao I know they're not a trans women but the dissonance is so funny to me
HRT femboys with completely male voices are based
irl Repressors dont treat each other this way, thats the way of Men.

Repent and follow Christ, become a Man.
But remember. He came to despise us
These posts aged like milk.
this autist transbian drama is crazy, if they all want to be like normal girlies why cant they just innocently hang out together and do what normal women do: talk about boys and cute stuff
It's a sexual fetish, not a gender identity
imagine believing this guy lol, I hope you're at least getting paid your 2 cents per post
I only see a group of narcissists backstabbing each other because they all know they have skeletons in the closet.
yeah... i guess the things we said hit a bit too close to home
That’s how a rapehon stole my crush that i was actually building a bond with in a genuine way
I expect the others to start taking shots at fin soon, it's gonna be good
Wow I’m a rapehon transbian and that’s too much for me. If you invite someone you don’t expect sex wtf. Especially a celeb like f1nn.

And lol 650 t levels while on hrt. Mine were way lower pre hrt. I get it tho, Ava was a normal guy rather than pseudo intersex or w/e
So you think Finn made up fake tweets from Ava's account just to shit on her publicly in front of tens of thousands of people? You really think that's what's happening instead of, you know, the known creep being a creep?
Pedo defenders will go to any lengths to deny reality.
retarded fuck enjoy your 2 cents. Obviously the tweets are real, not finn's fictional story. He's clearly just lying to try to save his own ass, he must be terrified now.
Correct. But we had his best interest in mind when he told him to remain wholesome. And he preferred the kicks of being a degenerate comer because it made him feel "better". Being wholesome made him feel depressed right? Being a whore made him feel good!!
Hopefully jean spills the beans
>Finn's fictional story
You mean his "story" which is just what the Tweets say but from his perspective you grasping faggot? You are so dead set on defending a pedophile it's disgusting.
retarded shill I'm not defending finn's friend tyson. I see through your dishonest shill tactic whereby you have to defend finn by claiming otherwise is to support finn's friend tyson, when in fact they're the ones friends and probably partner in crime. absolute retarded shill.
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yeah but who would fuck MsBeast lmfao
no... no way... that CANT BE...
>defend Finn
Defend against what you schizophrenic faggot? I don't give a fuck about Finn but you're claiming they're lying about this thing they're clearly telling the truth about. You know Kris could just disprove what he's saying with a single screenshot of their DMs, right? The fact that you think Finn is making shit up for no reason just shows how delusional you are.
> Kris kiddie dog
You can't make this up
>The fact that you think Finn is making shit up for no reason
>no reason
retarded shill, the reason is obvious to anyone not getting paid in cents for posting.
> Kris creamin'
My fucking sides
lmao please be fake
>troon does typical troon shit
>this upsets /lgbt/
famous youtuber does typical famous youtuber shit*
unironically kill yourself, you are a waste of air. I despise braindead pedo defending faggots like you that can't use a single fucking brain cell to do even the tiniest bit of critical thinking.
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>ava has spoken to me about hentai, which is fine, in the context of two adults having a conversation, especially when one of them doesn't ____, like me.
doesn't what?
Stop replying then. Nothing triggers more your opponent than ignoring him
wouldn't even surprise me if you're finn himself.
>Stop replying then.
not an option when he's getting paid per post.
It's also typical of troons. But e-celebs are spiritually troons, if not otherwise.
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>But we had his best interest in mind when he told him to remain wholesome.
i didn't. for me it was pure self interest. i used to enjoy his content; now i don't
>Being wholesome made him feel depressed right? Being a whore made him feel good!!
well... it's really about the validation he gets from the worst part of his audience. he has incredibly low self esteem, so he needs constant external validation to not feel like a complete failure. of course a large portion of his audience, who, like me, preferred the wholesome content, turned on him. hence therapy + more e-whoring to make up for it

it's been to long. i've missed this
> Premium all beef Weiner loaded up with Kris signature sauce
Finn is next, it's so obvious that he is worse than Ava and Ella combined.
He could have had our validation. From people who liked him for being sweet. He preferred cooomers validation because deep inside he's a pervert
His therapist has been grooming him.
And while he has low self esteem, he is a deep narcissist
>Finn throws both Ava and Jean under the bus pretty much.
yes he has no integrity. remember when he promised to set up a "charity" to fund hrt for trans people that couldn't afford it? But then backed out because puberty blockers were made illegal in UK, even though that didn't include hrt? lel.
He has been donating to trans charities. I think these charities are giving minors hrt. I don't have proofs though
literally the only reason he's doing this video
even after he disavowed gendergp?
we were never enough. the numbers speak for themselves
>And while he has low self esteem, he is a deep narcissist
yes. it's a coping mechanism. the loudest people are often the most insecure. but their pretend confidence always feels off. he really has become insufferable. at least i wont have to feel to bad when his time comes
>at least i wont have to feel to bad when his time comes
I'm rooting for his disgrace
idk. he'll probably kill himself. there are very few people i wish that upon and finn isn't one of them. after all, he is a product of his circumstances
>just break the law publicly as a public figure, bro
but HRT wasn't made illegal, only puberty blockers. finn's statement is obviously a nonsensical cop-out. He's trying to play both sides, grift trans people while also not trying to offend transphobes.
Ava Chris Lynch Tyson Chicken
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>He's trying to play both sides, grift
I'm shocked. Is this normal behavior on the internet?
finn is a faggot and also a racist chud, you guys should know by now
>Chris’ kiddie dog
Not the Chris Girly Sausage fest kids size, that was my favorite mr beast menu item :(
Donating to charities is just a tax refundable PR move, that's why every media figure does this shit
I wonder how this individual would feel if we placed age gates on OnlyFans. Surely they would not lose business
He's weak and he was taken advantage of. But when he had the opportunity to do the right thing, he opted of hedonism. Fuck him
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Props to Pierbii for not even thinking twice about throwing Chris in front of the bus
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>Kris Tyson invited F1nn5ter to Japan for the sole purpose of fucking her
But trans charities? Charities that give young trannies help to keep trooning?
i guess it boils down to your opinion on free will. i don't think he could have chosen differently. this was always going to happen. but yeah, fuck him
>fuck him
no hate on the charities themselves, but fundraisers and donations from famous people are always PR stunts
absolutely would.
>kiddie dog
son of a bitch
every weeb tranny's dream honestly
I would if it wasn't for marginalization turning a bad example into "this means every member of this identity group is the same as this person" for millions of average IQs
He has no interest in minors he's full blown GAMP, chases trannies he wants to be like and that's it
>he used to do video game content tho
Literally nothing this is such a reach, he used to be a kid doing kid stuff and now he's an adult doing adult stuff
>He has no interest in minors
That remains to be see
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What do you think he is feeling right now? Having your idols betray you?
He’s definitely got one underage community friend he’s gooned with over the years. As he was an underage gooner at one point as well.
Finn is a gooner? I mean, he's a pervert, that's well known, but a gooner?
what does gooner mean in this context, or is it literally? idk if people are just using it as shorthand for a pervert or coomer, or for some reason everybody online just has a gooning fetish now
im retarded sorry its 2am, i dont know what im talking about lol you even say pervert separately
Gooner is the person who edges for hours and hours to hardcore porn
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>still referring to him with she pronouns after he tried sexting a kid
did F1nn really talk bad about Jean though?
it seems like she doesn't.
desu in my assessment of the situation I don't think Jean is an actual pedophile and he was just trying to say whatever that person wanted to hear because he's so addicted to masturbation.
its still fucking stupid and its probably ruined any chances of him getting work outside of porn but that's my take.
>still referring to him with she pronouns after he tried sexting a kid
I feel bad for F1nn. Like every friend they made over the past few years ended up fucked up in some way. At least they have Icky now.
or they just don't want to deal with the drama, amd f1nn was pressured in making a statement ? what
also ava is a fucking creep
Who tried sexting a kid?
>desu in my assessment of the situation I don't think Jean is an actual pedophile and he was just trying to say whatever that person wanted to hear because he's so addicted to masturbation.
I don't really buy it, you can just say you're not into it or leave/unfriend if you don't agree with someone else's fetish. It's not like there's a shortage of gooners.
Between the drama and some of his stuff, it makes me think it's closer to autopedophilia/abdl than pedophilia.

Icky is an angel. Finicky is best timeline.
jean being a freak who said he got off on minors watching his porn and the DMs with a pedophile was public knowledge BEFORE finn became friends with them. that's why I blocked them when they posted the pic together
someone help unconfuse me

finn brought jean to japan and they seem to have been friends
but in the ava video, finn is trying to pretend jean is just some rando?
is finn being dishonest or am i retarded and misunderstood something
finn is being dishonest he also lied about cutting off jean when his pedi stuff came out but that came out BEFORE they were friends with eachother
>It's not a date but after I get them alone I can make it a date by kissing them!
Based Rape Ape
Now that he came out as a degenerate potentially a pedo, I can't say I would too...
I hope jean throws Finn under the bus
most based timeline is one where jean exposes finn, mexican stand-off style
im 99% sure finn has confessed to some freaky shit, given that hes been friends with jean for a long time
do it, soda. scorched earth
2 of the three pedos have been exposed, the last unexposed pedo is trying to pretend they are not a pedo. obviously it doesnt hold up when you think about it. remember that time you coordinated meeting up with a bunch of people you didnt know in a different country? me neither
There's no she or her to be found here
link to finster's stream?
he's not relationship material, but i'd still hit

how is this thread still up. really feels like old times. how long till kekwo turns up to?
yeah, its unbelievably fishy. specifically the three of them just HAPPENED to be in the same foreign country hanging out together, with jean being a confirmed pedo, finn having been friends with that person for long time, and now the third person in the picture is also a pedo

finn throwing them both under the bus and downplaying the connection makes a lot more sense if he has skeletons in his closet too. him leaving sex toys visible on his stream while knowing a large part of his audience were minors is just the tip of the iceberg if i had to guess
i think this is the best video about this entire shitfest so far
>finn is trying to pretend jean is just some rando
he wasn't, he made it clear they were friends. the timeline itself is still a bit fishy to me though, it's hard to believe that finn wasn't aware of what jean was doing at the time.
there's a 0% chance he didn't know about it. Finn is a huge drama fag and the jean stuff happened months before their picture together, there's no way he found out AFTER that when it was old news but didn't know before

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