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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Modern women act like men so how is transgenderism even relevant? There is only the unigender of narcissism. Women arent women and men arent men if we're judging them either on the basis of social constructs or performing their biological functions as a person who has a sex. The women cant cook, they dont know how to raise children, and they live in filth. The men can't hunt, they dont know how to fight aggressors, and they live in filth. Women have more rights than men though, so I understand hating being a man in particular. I mean, we're basically all just human bullets at the end of the day unless we're rich. Male privilege used to make self-sacrifice for our eace, society, and culture worth it but they hate us and want to self-destruct now so you either have to be a misanthrope or a coper and sexual deviation and self-trashing are one cope. I would never die for any of you. I live for no reason.

Capitalism turned women into men so now men are turning into women as a response. That's why transphobes always go after MtFs. They actually want FtMs.

Inter-gender relations have rarely been worse. This is the sad outcome of several accelerated social trends:

1. Invulnerability signalling

Both genders signal to each other that they are autonomous, goal oriented, unemotional, uninvolved, and totally self-sufficient.

2. Gender vertigo

The abolition of gender roles and sexual scripts engendered ubiquitous confusion with regards to appropriate behaviors and codes of conduct. Each relationship and institution has to be negotiated from scratch in every instance and this results in destructive and depleting friction and eventual atomization.

3. Stalled revolution

Both men and women now regard themselves in erstwhile masculine terms ("unigender"). Both have become breadwinners. Women have surpassed men in many realms.

Politically correct and woke groups and media revel in this uniformity. One inane example: mainstream media have recently resorted to the moronic phrase "pregnant people".

4. Fluidity

Both biological sex and socio-culturally determined genders are now up for grabs and subject to alteration.

5. Defiant agency

Agency and self-efficacy are gradually being infused with aggression and transmogrified into in your face assertiveness and reckless defiance. This attitudinal change has permeated the inter-gender dialog and displaced more benign discourses.

6. Enshrined double standard

Women conform to male stereotypes of sexually emancipated females ("sluts"). Their claims of empowerment are belied by their introjection of the male chauvinistic double standard and by rampant sexual self-trashing and self-harming behaviors. This duality - self-denial and self-deception - is driving the genders apart. Men and women are giving up on each other in droves and for good.
Het trannies are truly the last traditionalists.
I actually want the capitalists.
The women trannies emulate are themselves emulating men.
Capitalism existed all throughout the trad 20th century, without destroying families and creating dystopian misery as the backdrop of America.
Capitalism works if it's in the right hands.
This looks ai generated
This guy is fun to watch but please don’t take him too seriously, he contradicts himself constantly and spouts a lot of bullshit
He's said he's a clinically diagnosed narcissist before on his channel.
The 20th century is not nearly as "trad" as you think it is
Capitalism is a logarithmic process. Late stage capitalism is about the shortage of markets eventually created in a perpetual growth model. It’s an incest of markets selling markets, sucking us to the bone and cannibalizing our flesh.
Yeah he’s also been diagnosed as aspd. Like I said he’s fun to watch but remember to draw your own conclusions.
The tipping point was the late 1960s, when cultural liberalism started to eat away at American families. Divorce became normalized, single parent households increased, the civil rights movement forced whites to live around blacks, and the normalization of outsourcing labor to foreign countries, while importing millions of third world immigrants to take the jobs we can't outsource were all started. It's led to the current state of complacency that most Americans have towards our decline..
I don't disagree with the concept of late stage capitalism being cannibalistic, but I do notice how it doesn't seem to impact Norway or Iceland as disastrously as the USA or UK. And I wonder why that is.
He is literally a malignant narcissist (psychopathic narcissist)
America's competition was in literal ruins in Japan, Germany, England, etc. In the last half of the 20th century, women, immigrants, and foreign populations replaced white men as laborers and our dignity and access to wealth was taken from us by this transfer of power. Capitalism was always about lucky guys bossing around the bulk of men who were too afraid of the law and their so-called morality (of suicide and self-harm over abstractions?) to just kill them.
I'll decide who to take seriously and how seriously I should take them myself, thanks.
> but I do notice how it doesn't seem to impact Norway or Iceland as disastrously as the USA or UK. And I wonder why that is
Because they’re tiny places where it’s always cold.
Pretty much, attacking trans on the basis of not adhering to gender roles isn't valid when cis haven't for generations by now. The idea that some outliers in an intermediate physical or mental state can drop their assigned gender and live as the other (trans) is far less ridiculous than, for example, the common idea that all cis women can categorically be as good doctors or CEOs as men and any instance of this not happening has to be a result of misogyny.
America was already seen as crude, materialist, and culture-destroying by Europeans at the end of the 1800s it's just that there was enough economic growth to paper over these social problems. The 1960s was really just these things becoming more apparent during a time that's more accessible since people from the 60's are still alive today.
You are welcome :)
These were all feudal relics. Now we are seeing the true face of capitalism.

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