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now featuring subject
qott: how do you relax
prev >>36655991
think about marie, think about the time we could possibly have. remember i still havent seen that ass
qott https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVA5u5MkxUQ
I don't
my pulse hasn't been at rest all day
chest fucking hurts alot
I don't even know what I'm scared about rn
but it never ends
i think about choking a stray cat to death and how the adrenaline from it might make me happier and less angry
you got that anxiety that's going around?
you should befriend the stray cat instead
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404!!! Rewriting my comment

Qott: I imagine myself making out with a tall cute cishet boy and being all his

My desire to have a boyfriend is so fucking strong i want to be a basic straight girl so badly i wish being a youngshit would let me expirience teen love anyways i can't stop imagining making out with men can someone reccomend AO3 to me? I get this thread has eva pics but like the eva fandom on AO3 is trash pedo fics i need some cute het comfort fics
you have to go to prison
this post is just so low quality it's actually making me sad
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I must spend all day attentionwhoring on 4chan to then ponder my orb over how I don't have a partner whilst shitting in a flex in the same complaint in case I don't get enough (Youse)
even capeshit couldn’t bore you into relaxation?
no you dont have an opinion may >>36660854
choke this guy out anon>>36660893
I will gladly suffer to protect an innocent kitty
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me whenever i make a new friend
haven't had any blood come out of my cock in a while things are looking up
>trash pedo fics
>post kaji x asuka
mixed messages
crazy your comment really tickles my ass, i guess if you feel so strongly about it you should go to your bed and think about me ripping my pubes out one by one
absolutely FANTASTIC posting here
many could learn
I got anxiety period
always been like this
some days are worse than others
I was hoping it would but no
was a welcome distraction tho
i want to be asuka in this image shes so lucky i wish i had kaji
what about if you just didn't worry about it
the cat couldn't care less about you, if your corpse was on the ground it would happily eat it, be more like the cat, the cat is smart
if it make you sad imagine a cute boy making out with you and tell me if youre still sad
just utterly trash posting I am developing depression reading these posts
why would I need the cat to care about me? can you not care about something living without it being some kind of transaction?
let it eat my corpse I wont need it
cranky bitch
Please.. one more youse... one more.. please young sir..
did you get dragged to the movie or pay for yourself? whenever i pay i find myself unable to relax fully for some reason. higher expectations maybe
I don't know how
been sent to group therapy for this
been sent to psychotherapy
I've tried a while host of breathing techniques like box breathing, diaphragmatic breathing
I've gone so low as to just rock back and forth trying to reassure myself
idk I think im broken
too much of a poorfag to see movies on opening night
Gooning Groomer General
I remembered why I'm afraid
and now I wish I could forget again
i think shinji x kaji is cuter

what's trash about posting about hot guys
kaji is hot
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talking w friends
sometimes I practice Chinese characters to de-stress
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how do i get black cock
I have thought a lot about our short conversation yesterday regarding your mecha vn project I think the way you describe masculinity is pretty relatable to me except regarding femininity
zao zheng hao? zhong guo?
Stop caring. That’s literally all you have to do.

Just imagine this pepe everytime you get mad, sad, anxious, jealous, etc
calligraphy is really pretty
they gave me the option to do it in grade school, along with learning mandarin
didn't, but my little brother did calligraphy and was decent at it
I see you bing chillin there anon
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The is no greater torture than being awake while NA posters are around
ah I would say calling this calligraphy is too complimentary it is just handwriting
I wish I knew nomi's secret
she seems so happy
that’s probably best tbdesu. family paid for my ticket but apparently was $20? to sit in a room with mouth breathers more annoying than the ones always present in camrips
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poast hog
no she doesn't she seems deeply troubled and trying to front out the fact everybody thinks she's a creep
oh that's cool, yeh idk how else to put it

>says the third worst poster in the thread behind nomi and larry
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Ive changed my mind im going back to misato x kaji

I want to be like misato when im older. By that i mean an adoptive mother with a nice bf, not negligent alcoholic pedo

picrel need a guy to kiss me like this
jfc ur rinsing this game. its been like 2 days
still impressive imo
I've tried my hand at writing kanji
and also at writing in the windwaker hylian script
never turned out well
will you stupid trannies stop your brainrot 4channer bullshit for one second and help THIS tranny get some black cock ffs
I thought you articulated it very well about how it is something you cannot get from within yourself
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You are literally a larping gay man that spews out transphobia at any person actually viewing themselves as trans women with dysphoria that want to pass and be treated like women
you have watched too much anime you must go touch grass and stop being a creepy weeb troon
idk what that means? you mean going through it too fast? idk it's actually painfully easy for the most part and even with the mod changing things up i still know everything too well to go slowly

oh thanks desu
im gonna try to get some sleep, daydreaming is the only source of the comfort of external masculinity i can source internally so that's always nice but a bit depressing too

im a transwoman with dysphoria that passes and am treated like a woman (or at least close enough bc nobody gives me shit), just because you're a larping straight/bi transwoman doesn't make your homophobia ok
why are all people that post scantily clad anime women absolutely terrible? does their soft core cartoon porn make them bad, or does it just only attract bad people?
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it's that they have very strong male socialization and it bleeds through every word they type
what you're posting is not much better
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Homophobia? I am literally a lesbian. You spend your days here as an alleged trans woman attempting to make any trans person you see feel horrid about themselves. I genuinely find it depressing that people were annoyed enough by the inability to get you to stop being retarded to stop using this thread entirely and mostly disconnect from the community.
I get to eat that in food if I'm lucky
like a whole weeks worth of food

I am not a weeb i used to make fun of weebs when i was in school. I hate mtfg I AM NOT A TROON i come here like once every couple weeks. i hate this board, i fit in with none of you, i want to go enjoy real life
im saying ur gud u autist lmao. even my latest ng+ run took me a week but it was no-summon
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>Post literal pedo artwork
>"Everyone here has male socialization bro!"
go away you are pornsick
i wonder if mado is doing something rn
wheres anya tell her to visit mad dog mado
that’s very sweet of you to say thank you
have a good rest
good leave your posts are shit
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Then stfu
Says the one posting gay pedo porn
>people were annoyed enough by the inability to get you to stop being retarded to stop using this thread entirely and mostly disconnect from the community
that's not true and you're just making shit up to make me feel bad
name two ppl that applies to
i don't post here to make people feel bad, i just have a hard time not speaking out in defense of what i feel is right. i trying to do it less bc i don't like upsetting ppl, but you are very obnoxious about pretending to be lesbian or saying you belong in women's spaces and i just have a hard time letting that go unchallenged

it's cute

oh thanks desu
same here! it’s rare for senpai to include me in movie trips. even got me a soda. but they did bitch at me for the cost when i implied i didn’t really understand or like it
I've lost track of what mados doing since she went to nevada and then back
but I'll never forget the arc of her camping in nouns backyard
now my mom is camping in a backyard but in a rv not a tent like mado
I'm nta I have posted no images in this thread
A few weeks ago i went on a date with a boy and he bought a movie ticket for me (it was bikeriders) and i kept insisting that i would pay for my ticket cause i didnt want to look like i wanted free stuff but he kept insisting he would pay and it was really embarrassing cause it was a $7 student discounted ticket. But tt was great that guy treated me like a cis girl. The theater was also almost completely empty, i really wish he kissed me
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y r like this?
hate paedo posters
hate anime posters
hate porn posters
hate children's media posters
simple as
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Vro I need to defend my transphobic views vro them troonies will never bee women accept yourself as the moid you are vro people shouldn't be educated about trans topics because that's le grooooming vro think about the children! I didn't have hrt until 19 and look like an uncooked chicken while naked due to it so everyone has to have the same vro! Think about dem kids! Like the minors I'm posting getting fucked by grandpas on the daily! Oof bff vros miss him so much oh I sure wonder why he's not talking to me anymore oh geez
tell me more about this noun fellow
>but they did bitch at me for the cost when i implied i didn’t really understand or like it
damn sorry anon
that kinda stuff always cuts me kinda deep
>it’s rare for senpai to include me in movie trips. even got me a soda
I hope it was a nice time regardless tho
always liked theatres aside from my extreme fear of bedbugs
stop fetishising sexism
Literally nobody cares
>it was bikeriders
oh so he’s gay. no wonder he’s ok being seen in an empty theater with you
your posts are uniquely bad
>literally a lesbian

ahahah, oh my god
what a fucking predator creep
yeah sure you and your boyfriend are cute lesbians uwu
I've never seen him, no idea who he is or what he even sounds like
but is/was(?) mado's bpd fp
altho there was this stint where mado was like obsessed with this girl
idk what happened with that
feels like I haven't seen mado bring up noun in awhile now too
but maybe it's just because she's not here much anymore
yeah im leaving for i hate this place, its only good when theres hstsgen. I can actually live a normal life idk why im here
holy shit wasnt the girl jade or something?
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Provide to me a list of reasons why you're using this thread.
I win the day
>phone autocorrected “senpai” to senpai without me even noticing kms
it did cut pretty deep. was fine, took a 25mg edible in the bathroom beforehand so i just kinda zoned out till wolverine
HATE avatarfigging
>>36661217 (Me)
dear god i literally forgot about that stupid fucking replacement cuz never talk about family kms extra hard
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I am afraid to inform you that I do not care
word filter
it wasn't tour autocrorrect
you can't write the short form of family :>
I got a reaction
because it's the only place where I can find cute lesbians that love my (girl)cock

same as you brother
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I wish someone cared about me like this
hey google post laguna gym pics
I’m not so sure you should
sometimes I still forget about desu somehow
and it's a word I type way too much
yeh i figured it out. still dumb from high i guess. hope ur eye is feeling better keep forgetting to ask
imma head out don't (you) me I wont see it and you shall receive no more or my quality posts
please don't rape any lesbians with your girldick on your way out
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That is not how caring works.
Nobody wants you here larry
They're pretty nice aren't they
good god that is... something
t. lesbian rapehon
yes they are
miss when my ex would smother me with love
idk I would put up with alot of crazy just to be held at night again :'(
it's kinda endearing
More like a khv bottom that is shorter than the avg woman where I live.
Thank you
not sure
but iirc she wasn't a trip here and was some girl who lived in portland
ahh i see
to be honest i dont see how anyone can like someone that much.. it makes zero sense to me
unfortunately no
it's just gotten worse
want to go visit a clinic but it's been hard to get myself out if the house lately
I couldn't even make myself go out for groceries when I ran out of food
lucky my older cousin gave me some so I wouldn't just be starving rn
>how do you relax
by thinking about all the nice posters from mtfg
wow you're a manlet? def makes you a lesbian
And you're seething on the internet yet it's not making your miserable life any better.
>i dont see how anyone can like someone that much..
I remember back when I was with my ex before we moved in together I would spend hours just curled in a ball worrying about her when I was at home and not in call with em or something
hard to explain if you've never felt it but very painful and not as fun as it looks
once crossed the entire city on foot at like 5 am walking thru highways and tresspassing because she had just come back from a short trip and I desperately wanted to see them
almost died and also some shady stranger tried to pick me up when I hit the indutrial distict
it makes no sense but to you it makes perfect sense in the moment
only in hindsight does it seem a little excessive
ok lesbian lmao
why come to mtfg to seethe at trannies?
maybe me being alone is for the best...
Can you explain to me how it feels like to be inferior to others?
Self hating loveless mentally ill transgenders love to attempt to bucket crab others out of happiness
hey gooner what are you doing other than being on 4chin
lmao you perfectly know how it feels gooner, you've been rejected and bullied all your life, you don't need any explanation
Grind videogame work out and sometimes go outside for the sake of going outside because there's nothing to go outside for. Tomorrow I'm going to do unpaid labor out of boredom for some hours for example.
Twas many years ago.. maybe I need to be reminded of it by someone living in that now.
he has lesbian sex with his internet boyfriend
i wouldnt know. thats crazyi kinda wish i could care like that but i am unable to so yeh :/
wish I wasnt all miserable and shit to be around
makes it a bit hard to turn things around desu
nah you don't, you have enough flashbacks and nightmares abt it ;)
I don't have either of those.
eh took me a year to get myself amped for my past eye issue. if it’s truly a cyst it should hopefully play nice till u can manage to do the same. gl
I don't think I want to feel that intensely ever again
but it would be nice if someone cared enough about me to do similar
maybe not quite as crazy as me tho
I'd hope it doesn't seem so, but I can be quite scary when I melt down and also intense feelings n such
thanks anon
indentured servitude is a mess
its whatever its for certain kinds of people. as they say. chase the bag not the hoes
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Should I swipe right
I'm just doing a favor for a family member for a few hrs rlly. Got nothing better to do
La creatura
it's a lesbian just like you
whats the favor?
Helping substitute one person that had to do stuff for a race he had organized
i hate myself
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delicious lesbian girl dongs
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think i'll just stay home this weekend i rly can't handle being seen by ppl again.

mogs me.
speaking of which club penguin was not so bad of a game if i can recall correctly . while i havent play this thing not even for a couple minuets or seconds, i came to the conclusion that because so many people remembered it it was a really well made game. but then again just because something is remembered so fondly doesnt mean it was good n the first place. a good example would be some thing like idk.... i couldnt come up with something
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>how do you relax
Well, after my redemption arc I had to figure out new ways to unwind without hurting myself, or those around me. I didn't do anything "bad" really. I was just so... Consumed by my hobbies. The desire for clout. High off having eyes on me, attention to what I was doing. Ignoring those around me to chase a dream that ultimately hurt me. I learned the hard way. The very hard way. I had to lose *everything* to learn my lesson. I had so many lessons, applied nothing I learned. Until the world forced me to learn. I'm not sure why I didn't die that night. I should have died that night. I should have died that night. I didn't. There has to be a reason. Even the paramedics were surprised I had not a scratch on me. I was meant to survive. Maybe those "big tingz coming" had nothing to do with my goals. My goals got in the way of who I was, why people liked me in the first place until I was nothing but a shell of the woman I was 2, maybe 3 years ago.

After the night I almost died, I kind of... Lost all desire to be that girl. I wanted to do things differently. I needed to do things differently. My idea of relaxing revolves around doing more... Wholesome things. Origami. Reading. I mentioned previously wanting to get into low-poly 3D modeling. Maybe even make it a side hustle to make avatars for people.

I wanted to be a sound designer, music producer, DJ. Although for various reasons, I had to stop. I also didn't know how I would handle the blatant transphobia in those scenes. At least with visual art, I can control it all myself even if it's a grind.

Maybe I'll learn a physical instrument this time around. Or learn to skate. I've always wanted to learn to skate.
>Maybe I'll learn a physical instrument this time
not a bad idea
string instruments and keys are fun
really ought to learn to lay the violin I own
why are your decisions being altered by the way people think of you honestly you could just remain anonymous and interact with a certain community
who knows you might even get more bitches nawn sayn
>certain community
That being.
I was thinking guitar, as common as it is. If my voice gets good enough, singing too. I already know my way around a DAW pretty damn well, at least that side of the process will come easy.

>why are your decisions being altered by the way people think of you honestly you could just remain anonymous and interact with a certain community
You're half correct. My previous endeavors reshaped me into someone I wasn't. I want to go back to who I was, when my own self was enough to make me happy. Maybe I worded it poorly.
>who knows you might even get more bitches nawn sayn
I actually had no problem in that department, although nowadays I prefer real connections, not quick situations.
I ended up taking this girl out to eat and we had a discussion about divorce of all things I really could not understand her point she was talking about the friend of mine who got divorced and she kept arguing that she thought it was “gross” that he was dating another woman and I kept explaining that his ex-wife was the one who initiated the divorce so why shouldn’t he move on it was so confusing she changed the subject to politics and that was actually a relief
guitar is fun but too complicated 4 me
I was in lessons for a few years but back then I wanted to play bass not guitar kek
ukulele is more fun
and also basically the only instrument basic enough that I can make pleasnt sounds with
I'm so absurdly itchy and also tired but unable to sleep. This is horrible
>guitar is fun but too complicated 4 me
That's one of the reasons I wanna learn guitar. I wanna see if I can get good at something like that. I've always had slow hands, but at the same time I'm kind of a wizard at fighting games so clearly after practice my ability will get there.
sounds like someone was dooosed
>go to dinner with maiq
>talk about myself for 30 seconds
>he excuses himself to the restroom to chase
>i eat most of his fries
i love Love
did i miss new carmen drama today?
The waht
it's a shame because I have very long fingers and I hear that's perfect for larger string instruments
fingers also seem very resistant to callouses too tho
and get sore fast
>but at the same time I'm kind of a wizard at fighting games so clearly after practice my ability will get there
sounds like you got the coordination and just need to deveolp muscle memory, yeah
unknowingly doing drugs that were meant for someone else or for you either way withdrawal symptoms will get worse for example im tearing the garage a new one just looking for some shit
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Maybe it's from quitting the xannies then. Or the anti depressant thingies
what if idek i just need so,ething to do or ill just lay in bed thinking all night
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Imagine you're hanging out with a cute cat.

i got long fingers but my fingertips are too soft for guitar/bass so i can't depress the strings without clawing wood it's rly uncomfortable.
imagine this smoking weed, botdf bewitched playing in the background
and thats about as crazy as im allowed to get :c
That sounds pretty tame.
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wow he's literally me
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I had one meowing on my window again but it walked away when I was going to let it in. It made me a bit sad
There's also a cat my neighbors have that's meowing all day and it sounds almost as if she was inside from how near she is to us. It is very annoying
>she changed the subject to politics and that was actually a relief

lmao, date but lvl hardcore
I love you Grace, goodnight.
i wish somebody loved me
should mod some of these into a sonic rom
I feel like it would be fitting
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But I love me already
whats going on smooth skin
yes not very fun just so confusing also she hates kamala harris which whatever fair enough
its because kamala is a cop and tells migrants not to come to the usa
stay safe out there
who you callin a zombie ??
billions must try
ngl nothing has made me laugh harder than this
>kamala harris
we are once again seeing trunp face off against a potential first ameican female president?
I didn't even notice she was vp oof
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Here they actually tend to be very very friendly and also friendly with eachother, worst there is is some scaredy ones that run away if they see anything that moves around them
Maybe it's because we have water and food on our door and also let them in sometimes
There used to be an evil fat cat that actually wasn't even a stray the critter just waddled out of it's home to walk around and beat up cats.
i am fashion blogger
>i just so happen to work closely with someone that just so happens to work with vanity fair
show me what youve got?
and i am fashion blogger too
So how do i become interesting and more human
is it part of the trans experience to like cats?
fashion blogger ? I hardly know her
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It is part of being human.
thinking about angels I guess
gaurdian angels are a comforting thought
sometimes I wish I could see them
hope so but it’s prob just an internet thing
>sometimes I wish I could see them
just imagine billions of eyes and wings
I guess so I was just posting a Kurt was trans meme.
and what is humanity?
i can’t relax unless i’m high or in the woods
usually its an old black dude
key and peel have make a short documentary on this
it turns out they are gravitating towards those troubled white boys
I know of the biblical descriptions of angels
n I know a bit about the hierarchys n such
I just sorta have a hard time imagining things
my creativity died when I was little and my imagination has been withering away since
images become less clear and I swear it makes it harder to read books
the most vivid things I can imagine I only see flashes of outside my head
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Should I detrans
Im not socially trans
I just will never feel 100% like a woman
Part of me from time to time will always scream at me that I am male and im ruinning my life.
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Having a mute episode. This sucks. Got overwhelmed and lost my ability to talk for a while.
you rn
I think my body is dying but I need to stay up for at least 1 or 2 more hours. I need to see that livestream. I must. I can do anything for our lord and saviour project moon
I just have to text and hand my phone to sarah to communicate
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think i'll start working through a self help guide for bdd even if i don't actually have this surely it can't hurt if i'm already dysfunctional enough over my appearance that i go hungry sometimes because leaving the house to be seen by other ppl is overwhelming. let alone to be able to have a job or go outside and enjoy life.

it happens. anxiety is one hell of a drug.
I'm sorry fren
hope ppl aren't too mean about it
Myes babe I'm having a mute episode I'm so overwhelmed oh waow let me go post on 4chan about it
gren how about this you stay online and shoot the shit
a mute episode that’s a thing ?
mutism is an interesting thing
but yea
>anxiety is one hell of a drug
Thanks. Its just sarah so its okay.
I might be online a while today.
Idk i cant talk. If i try to speak i freeze up. I tried to talk this morning and couldnt.
first time or
Man I would not survive it but I sure would love if natural selection was back
you think your mutism is cause by you being so speechless that you actually are at a loss for words, any words
No. Its happened before. I cant speak to strangers unless spoken to and i have problems with famiky sometimes. It usually starts when i try talking about an uncomfortable subject
do you just wait for it to go away or is there something you can do
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hug frendel
I just need someone to kill me with all their love
Then ill be happy
I just wait for it to go away. Dont know what to do really. Usually only lasts a couple hours.
Hug shannon
Evolution is just on a different axis with humans
Most people dont survive actually. Just a percentage making more kids than people die
well firstly am i going to wait for 4chan to finally allow webp? or am i going to have to find a way to convert it to gif
hope it stops soon gl
turns out if you cycle 20 miles/day you get hungry which then leads to eating and you feel bad for eating so then you cycle 20 miles the next day and suddenly seven months pass and you still don’t. then it’s almost your birthday again and then you die :)
Seeing all the Elon/Vivian discourse is making me depressed. Why are people so hungry to demonize & dehumanize trans people ? Why is being trans such a big fucking deal that warrants all the awful things Elon and his meat riders are saying ?
Fagslop as a propaganda tool
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Aw man
anti-woke mind virus
I was thinking about it and hokuto no ken is probably a better sequel to mad max 2 than mad max 3
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ah i hate it when they make wild assumptions like
>Hopefully, you are now more open to the idea that focusing your attention on your appearance does not truly help you
like how does that follow from any of the previous stuff? is wanting to be able to function without being ridiculed so unrealistic that it should be discarded?

russian propaganda.
You may be right
Explain why though
nite frens
hopefully dreams of angels or kittens tonite
post agp panties
Mad max 3 just feels less like a continuation of the mad max world from 2 than hokuto no ken. The only evidence i need is like any scene
When didst yyou become a max max fan
I thought you were one of those romance novels tpes
I like romance novels a lot too, as well a mysteries and horror. I just rewatched all the mad max movies back to back with sarah cause she had never seen the originals so theyve been rent free in my head.
Fyi the correct grammar there is when didst thou
I am u fortunately distracted by the search of a pi3ce of media
There just so happenes to be a scene moapchan is in
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CEO misclicked the go live button
goodnight Naz
3 didn't really feel like a Mad Max movie and I guess thats because the producer of the first two movies died and George Miller was grieving for his friend. it did have some cool ideas tho and Tina Turner was magnificent.
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>Next time you notice yourself having a negative prediction, try to reassure yourself that a positive outcome is equally possible.
ah the part where i need to gaslight myself into delululu to cope. almost started to believe it wasn't gonna be part of this but ofc we can't cbt around body image issues without assuming the person having them is a retard without any self awareness.
Yeah tina turner rocks. Even master balster could have worked in a different environment. My biggest problems with 3 are the sudden setting change from australia to ??? and the nuclear war retcon. The action just also completely sucks besides the thunder dome scene with no vehicle choreography or killing. 2nd half feels like the goonies. To be fair mad max 2 is a perfect movie and hard to follow up on but imo mad max 1 is a lot better than 3 as well. I like the idea that the biker gangs just descend into madness but 3 doesnt even feel like that and fury road inherits a lot of its world building mistakes.
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It's very effective.
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Bad therapy makes good people into narcissists
I liked a lot of stuff in Fury Road that was lifted straight from the first two movies like the bloodshot eye bulge before impact and the crow squawks
>the nuclear war retcon
I didn't mind that, it was implied with the start of MM2 that they set off a blaze that consumed them all but it was just meant to be societal collapse. People say the nuclear war happened after MM2 but imo it was way before because of the plane dropping out of the sky in thunderdome from EMP there was no way passenger planes were still operating during MM2.
also MM2 has the best opening of possibly every movie ever.
>2nd half feels like the goonies
heh, it does.
lmao for me it's like
>a stranger sees me
>my appearance is rated negatively by most people so chances are this person also thinks i'm an ugly hon
Ceo pulling up paint
>the tragic fall of utorrent
Motherfucker literally pulled up with powerpoint to a 14k viewer livestream how does he manage this
I put slop long vids on 2nd monitor to have noise
>I liked a lot of stuff in Fury Road that was lifted straight from the first two movies like the bloodshot eye bulge before impact and the crow squawks
Yeah. Theres a lot of cute details. Like the wrist mounted crossbows from 2 and the people chained to the front of cars. I will say something mad max 2 does better than fury rpad is make the cars feel like they're falling apart wothout just exploding or being forced to stop driving. The way they rip apart the interceptor in 2 is what makes the action feel so intense imo. The harpoons were just used so well in 2
Sometimes I fantasize about having loser sex with a tranny and how much that would make me break down and cry
Best thing youve ever said
What is loser sex?
yeh thats because it was stunt drivers in the middle of the outback australia in the 80s, like the one motorcyclist who broke every bone in his body getting the stunt.
everything in Fury Road was story boarded and sanitary unfortunately but thats how its done now.
Transbian no penetration sex
Yeah the stunt guys were real life genuine fucking psychos lol i think that sells the movie more too. All the real adrenaline is palpable
Why did he morph into a furry
thank god body allowed itself to cry/sob/pathetically/wail. i am/tired now
just before i got on bus crow swooped down and nabbed a peanut and retreated! they’re just like me!
great progress!
Mtf crow network
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Been eating alot of burgers and icecream lately in order to gain a little bit of weight but stepped on the scale after like 4 months and I haven't gained single kg. Assuming this is due to muscle loss
I love crows so much wish I was a crow
it was lowkey kinda scary. it was like bloodborne in real life
please use a trip
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There are 2 types of people. People that feed songbirds and people that feed crows. Only crows and pidgeons understand friendship and loyalty, but they are independent so some people don't like that they cant infantilize them imo.
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3 million
yeh same thing with dog ppl vs cat ppl.
your posts are literally so bad it's killing the thread
nobody wants to post when you're here
Dogs understand friendship and loyalty better than cats but are less independent. The analogy doesnt work
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Nah that'd be you brother
You're such an asshole after the transbian conversion. Like a know it all boring school teacher.
you're turning the thread into a daycare
you are a cancer, just stick to discord

>a know it all
literally lasagna, but they also have a huge sense of unwarranted self importance, main character syndrome, and are deeply unlikable and shallow
I don't want to make a new thread. How visible is getting laser hair removal done on the face? Does it leave any trace? Like red or swelling? If so, how long does it stay?
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yea there's some redness but it goes away after a little while
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Stop seething and go build some more chinese robot legos
Is it bad enough it would affect job interviews? In your opinion ofc.
>self importance, main character syndrome, and are deeply unlikable and shallow
that's just called being a teenager. Laguna isn't a bad poster imo, and she's nicer now anyways
ppl infantalise dogos
cats understand friendship just fine which is why they headbutt u
Mine went away after a couple of days of using aloe and desitin cream but its super case by case, you dont know how your skins gonna react
gm i h8 myself :)
Days?! And how frequently can you get it? I hate my facial hair. It makes me ugly. ;__;
Omg me 2 wanna hate ourselves together?
The hair will be a bit darker a few days afterwards as the hair is burnt. I never had beard shadow but after my 3rd laser treatment I started to get a lil stache
Once a month or so. Youll need anywhere from 4-8 sessions maybe more. But its so worth it. I need to have it done again though, some of the follicles healed after 5 or so years.
My issue is beard shadow which is why I want the procedure... How did you deal with it?
I can get a Groupon for 3 sessions if I find any income soon. I'd be happy even with weaker beard shadow. Would it help? I am scared by Emma saying it made hers worse.
I love the disorders you make up in your enemies. he! um! thinks he's the main focus of his life! Yeah, duh. Everyone does.
I wish I was a mommy to someone :p
It will help yes, totally do it even 3 sessions will make a noticeable improvement. I had like, liam hemsworth thick male model beard when i got it.
Hello good morning
What were the changes after three? Thank you for the encouragement I am looking into getting those rn.
>How did you deal with it?
>made hers worse.
Only 4 a few days. It's just part of the process the hair is burnt down to the root which makes it darker b4 it falls out
Good morning :)
>everyone does
once again, assuming your main character opinion is how everyone else feels
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Stop :)ing me
Boo whomp
don't talk to me like that, npc.
Ok, sisters. I am waiting for the clinic to respond if they'd do full face with the Groupon. If so, I'm gonna spend a hundred on three sessions. Maybe not the wisest when going homeless BUT I hate my facial hair and it makes me look homeless. ;__;
I dont really care about being nice to people i dont like anymore. If you dont like me dont speak to me.
>ppl infantalise dogos
>cats understand friendship just fine which is why they headbutt u
Yeah some do but dogs can be trained to help their owners.
My apartment looked like this when I was like 19-20 and abused stimulants. Some of the things here are way too specific
Sorry to update I doubt anyone cares. The saloon responded. I am waiting on a date. They also suggested no Groupon so I am waiting on price info.
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this bdd stuff maybe for feeding delulu but at least i went for a walk to try the stuff out that's more than if i didn't engage at all. the park is full of sunbathers can't believe ppl actually do that but to each their own ig.
fellas why do i turn nocturnal when i take a break from repping
because youre not stopping repping, youre just changing the time.
man im too tired to figure this shit out i dont know what the hell youre saying im going to hit myself with a rock until i sleep
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>notification from pharmacy that they ordered the estradiol
uhh i thought it was on backorder but idk maybe it means they found another supplier
i hope it gets filled soon
just go outside in girl clothes and be humiliated and get it over with. it doesnt happen every time. you get used to it. stop being a figurative bitch.
me too. im sick of you pmsing 24/7
it's just crushing depression and such
injections should help a wee bit
i hope
paige manstruation syndrome
i stare at my phone and i wait for stimulation to come, i wait my life away.
Hi mommy
How do you get stimuli?

I have my first laser visit on Thursday. They said they cannot accept Groupon for facial hair and will tell price when they see me. :((( I feel like it will be expensive. :((((
nap time
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did my exposure therapy, did gym, time to try and enjoy myself for rest of the day to make up for the suffering.

eh it's well worth it. i ended up paying about 60usd per session by paying for all 6 sessions at once. in australia tho.
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>coolest sword in the game
>does absolute shit damage
reeeeeee whyyyy
also this mods max bonfire kindling amount is 12 flasks as opposed to 20
kinda anxious over ornstein and smough, since my most damaging weapon is still a raw balder side sword, and pyromancies are pretty lacklustre even with full stat investment outside of minimum requirements for weapons
Would you still love me if I was a sentient asteroid headed directly towards Earth to wipe out all human life?? :3
*catches you*
>people were annoyed enough by the inability to get you to stop being retarded to stop using this thread entirely and mostly disconnect
looks like she's talking to herself sisters
this is pretty awesome
noided anxiety went down because less people looked at me than i expected but it did reinforce the idea that i look nothing like regular people. so idk if i'd call it awesome but it's something.
I’m really happy to hear you are trying this and like immediately leaning into very impressive good job

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