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What are malebrained and fembrained things that people do?

Strategy Games and Warhammer are Malebrained.

Reading Literature and Going to art school is Fembrained.

What else is there?
I like strategy games. They're autistbrained not masc.
Art school and drawing are beyond fembrained though I agree.

Reading fictional lit is fembrained, especially romance.
Reading history books and research literature are basedbrained.

Standing with feet facing fully forward is femlegged and standing with feet slightly sideways is malelegged.
Reading is not femmebrained. Reading vacuous chick-lit is femmebrained, that's why it's called chick-lit.
If you're taking advice from this board, I remember some anon telling me it's malebrained to eat expired food.
Not really, my mom and sister tell me all the time that expiry dates are a scam by food companies and eat stuff like salad bags like a week after expiry
reading novels is fembrained, nonfiction is malebrained
>autistbrained not masc
oxymoron, they're the same thing
Art is "fembrained"
It's literally not tho. It's creativebrained.
i had a question that i wanted to keep for it's own thread but whatever,
is cooking a fembrained or malebrained thing?
think about it
Most of the people as a cook I worked with were men, a lot for the waitstaff where girls who went to culinary school and burned out
cooking is well-adjusted-adult-brained
your mom and sister are fucking insane.
>best by
will rapidly deteriorate in quality past that date. for some foods, it means it tastes more and more like shit. for others, it has a higher chance of making you sick.
>use by
throw out after that date if you don't want food poisoning. not a guarantee but the risk is very high
yeah, that's the thing, i love cooking, but working in that industry, fuck that, its a fucking nightmare
I work in tech now and honestly I miss it, the lows are low but the highs are so high, its a huge adrenaline rush
>Reading Literature is Fembrained
nigga the only lit women ever read is jane austen
>if men like it it's literature if women like it it's not literature with like two exceptions
This is the issue with malebrained/fembrained shit
i love cooking, i really do, but i spent 2 weeks in a burger place, and im never fuckng working in food industry ever again, fuck that
the wonderful tales of mr big dick rapist and harry potter are not literature, i'm sorry - if women want to read the canon it isn't exactly difficult to find
The narcissism it takes to assume that things you like are art and things you don't like aren't
what do you expect from a moid
there are entire university degrees and academic careers premised on the notion you subcultured animal; maybe write to the faculty head of your local and argue that j. k. should be treated in the same vein as cervantes or faulkner, i'm sure they will appreciate the laugh - make sure to specify that you are doing so on behalf of women everywhere
If you're so well versed with academia you should be aware that intentionally picking an unpopular example of literature popular among women makes you look like a weasily little liar
being racist or generally ignorant is malebrained desu
cave shmup players are fembrained while turbografx-16 shmup players are male brained
I'm malebrained and I love cooking
I've loved it ever since I saw the film Ratatouille as a kid
Learning languages to read literature in the original language is malebrained
Learning languages just because you want to, because you like certain bands, television shows, or god forbid, certain celebrities is fembrained
So I'm malebrained for learning German to read Kafka and Kant and fembrained for learning Japanese to listen to Yorushika? I'll accept that.
wanting to read kant in any language is incredibly malebrained to begin with
dont women read more novels in general lol
That doesn't count because women don't read novels men who jerk off dostoevsky consider good
I've read like two books by him and it all sounds very pretentious I don't get the appeal
i hear that in russia people dont even love him that much? i mean he's well liked but apparently they dont adore him like the west
nothing against his work i wouldnt call it pretentious but i hate when people like JP talk as if dostoevsky is the end all be all final boss of literature it's very poseur lol, its like using shakespeare because he's a famous symbol of intelligence that people will suck your wiener for but you dont ever have the curiosity or want to go any deeper and read/watch marlowe, bacon, etc. from the era, you cant "win" reading
I mean I'm in basic agreement with what
I haven't read dostoevsky but my main issue with ~intellectual~ poser bros is that they fail to consider that novels from different perspectives than a European from 1700-1920 might have something to offer that is in fact insightful and stimulating, it's a close-mindedness that isn't reflective of the intelligence they purport to represent
what if i point my feet into each othe
yeah it's like the goto author for any wannabe intellectual, kinda like kubrick for cinema elitists
like it's good stuff but not that crazy amazing
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At least I don't read Nietzsche. Is Kafka malebrained or fembrained?
>Reading literature
Did not know reading make me a woman, what is this retarded shit
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>believing in the concepts of “malebrained” and “fembrained”
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reading and drawing are not fembrained, there is no more malebrained than making your own worlds come to life on paper or reading a good adventure book
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>playing both strategy games and cute platformers
I am beyond your feeble categories
Reading any sort of fiction is femmebrained. Imagine wasting your time reading about stuff someone made up. Might as well bend over and let them rape you.
Reading is absolutely fembrained. If you were really a man you'd be playing with balls or beating your wife
Maybe you're just fucked up bruh
No, everyone else is fucked up. I am the only same person
Yes schizo, everyone including me and you is a reincarnation of the same soul, proceed with the bestowed knowledge carefully.
I'm glad I agree with me
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>"what is a more masculine trait and what is a more feminine trait"
>thread eventually devolves into both misogynistic and misandronistic drivel about how boys are supposed to violently clobber their wives and jerk off in their free time, while women get to read - but only pink plastic slop reading material.

It's a fact that the majority of recreational readers are women.
having a foot fetish seems solidly malebrained
>taking anything on this website at face value
indeed, and so generally reading is a more feminine thing. But what is being read is equally so important.

If our culture encouraged intellectualism as it had before leaded gas, then men would read just as much as women, for there would be no pressure for men to act "manly" - which for some reason is now synonymous with "stupid". But then, what would men read over women if men and women read just as much as eachother?
yeah, that's why i was wondering
on one hand you'd associate cooking with women, but on another hand it's a very physical and stressfull job and most of the chefs are just jackass dudes, it's extremelly malebrained, as a job that is
eh, it's a classic literature for a reason, like it was good for it's time and it inspired a lot of shit
havent red much outside of Crime and Punishment (and i dropped it, i was in high school though), but i kinda see the significance of it

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