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>Make AGP friend
>Everything is fine at first, she seems normal
>Has started sending me transbian memes
>Rants about Disney ruining Starwars or something every time we are on call playing games and sends me those hours long video essays
>Yesterday sent me a diaper meme
How do I get her to stop without hurting her feelings?
Say those memes make you feel uncomfortable and that you're just letting her know for future reference. She's just being a bit autistic
100% another Kris Tyson future child rapist, cut ties IMMEDIATELY
I hate being confrontational at all. Wish my awkward silence was enough of a tell.
I don't think she's capable of that, just a little odd
Everyone said the same about kris… look how that turned out
she probably hates it too. try and communicate that, that it's better to have the conversation than let frustration build
this, you do NOT want a BPD explosion in your face. btw all AGPs are literally guaranteed to have BPD.
I'll start getting concerned if she ever says the word "loli"
I feel like my silence is already communication enough, but I guess I'll try gettinv verbal about it, even if its not easy or my strong suit
>>Make AGP friend
This was your first mistake. They hide their power level at first but it becomes creepy as soon as they get comfortable.
Is this really true? I thought "AGP" people were just really brainwormed about themselves
Silence isn't communication at all because it doesn't tell her what she needs to stop. Especially if she's autistic, as suggested by another anon. Set clear boundaries and tell her why you don't like it.
just ghost
How do I even explain to someone why transbian and diaper memes make me uncomfortable? Especially without coming off as rude? And dismissing her love of weird video essays - IDK, I feel like I'm going to offend her one way or another.
That feels like a sad thing to do.
this is how you get a bpd situation on your hands
AGP people belong in cute little chastity cages and deserve a dominant boyfriend with a high libido that can match theirs.
if only there was a block button to deal with online bpdemons
I watched one of those once, theyre so booooring, ive never even watched star wars or whatever but it looks dumb i guess
>blocking is enough to get a bpdemon out of your life
oh my sweet summer child
i can get their discord accounts banned for a start and if they keep being persistent i scare them away, i have experience dealing with nuisances like bpdemons. people harassing me get it back 10 fold
Estrogen is supposed to put their libido in check wtf are they doing to keep being so horny
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actually abhorrent that people on this board are trying to defend kris. so what if he didnt groom this one person hes still provably a pedophile WITHOUT the grooming allegations. this reeks of AGP you're probably OP's bpdemon
AGP people are people with broken dopamine delivery mechanism. Like with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, sometimes it’s genetic, but more often than not it’s the result of over indulging in sweets. In this case the sweets in question being internet dopamine from porn and memes and updoots and shit.
Kris is a pos but there’s nothing wrong with loli and talking to people underage online (at least not until post-2016 normalfaggotification).

I’m really conflicted because I like the schaudenfreude seeing Kris go down, but I don’t agree with the reasons.
t.not a tranny
Idk, I usually just ghost people. Most trannies I've met are complete disappointments.
Holy fuck you are projecting hard af
Just sounds like a typical autistic transbian and you guys are getting flashbacks to your BPD ex's and sperging out.

Just tell her you don't like long format videos and find the transbian memes a bit weird since your not a transbian and don't like girls (idk if the last part is true but it's a nice way to get her to shut up)
t. bpdemon
thats literally textbook bpdemon behavior. she probably accuses OP of hating her regularly
I really thought they just hated themselves like me and expressed it differently and all the sex obsessed stuff was a weird coping mechanism.
>I’m really conflicted because I like the schaudenfreude seeing Kris go down
why? what did she do that would make you like seeing that?
be careful with AGPs, anon. I had an AGP friend who was really weird towards me, constantly trying to touch me every chance she got the chance, got me in an altered state with drugs and tried to cuddle with me and wouldnt stop touching me no matter how much I asked. AGPs are, more often than not, sexpests.
I think it’s fucked up to troon out (especially in the cringe AGP weeb way) with a kid. Talk the L. You fucked up but now you gotta repress so that kid doesn’t fire an AR-15 into a crowd when they’re 20 because their dad left their mom to became a women to post slutty t-girl thirst traps and cosplays for gooners.
you are why we have so many John 50s and Kris 30s you fucking monster
NTA but I don't understand how a repper can be willing to become a husband and father. That's just insane to me.
every voice in every level of society constantly screaming at you that it's what you're supposed to do maybe? same way people rep instead of just BEEing themselves
Lots of people do not have kids that aren't even trannies. I have a hard time believing social pressure is the cause here, especially when the social pressure NOT to troon when you have already made a family is much higher.
Trannies are women because people blame them when men act violent
>Rants about Disney ruining Starwars or something every time we are on call playing games and sends me those hours long video essays
So she's actually malebrained, lol
explain your logic and give examples
every movie I saw growing up, every social interaction I had in high school up through my 20s, every time I met with family they all asked me when to expect grandchildren, etc... from my own observed experience and the anecdotes I read here and elsewhere, there's a lot of social pressure to conform as your AGAB and reproduce, and for my part that kept me repressed until I was 30 years old (and thankfully not following what everyone told me to do but clearly at the age where a lot of people have kids)

you're trying to undermine someone else's decisions or assert they're "faketrans" or "AGP" or "MEF" or "ROGD" or whatever you want to call "the bad ones" on the basis of being less fortunate than you or deferring life longer than you?
I can take her, she sounds perfect
What century are you living in? And where? There has never been less pressure to have kids in human history. It becomes more normalized every year. It still exists to some extent, but I have never experienced enough pressure that would make me go out, date some poor girl, get married, and then have kids. That is a long chain of stupid decision after stupid decision, each getting more uncomfortable than the last, over the course of at least a year, if not longer. As a repper, it'd have been better and more comfortable to be percieved as a loser to society and my family (that perception, btw, is far better than what people will think when someone troons on their wife and kids.)
I can't help you with your complete inability to empathize or wrangle up theory of mind
I don't need help lmao. I'd have more empathy if every example of someone trooning on their kid wasn't some sort of gooner like Kris.
>I would have more empathy if the negative example I'll pull out didn't give me the ick
scary, you and I are ostensibly the same class of being, and yet...
>Make AGP friend
have you ever heard the saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", anon?
AGP is literally a fetish for being a woman. Estrogen just makes them more horny. It's like how Adderall will mellow out someone with ADHD but will make a normal person wired.
I thought she was more normal, okay? I didn't think the AGP memes were real.
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they base their entire identity upon their fetish and you think there was ever a chance they were normal? forget about "the memes" and use your noodle for a bit
you don't have to feel sorry for this freak or be nice to it either, cut it out from your life like a tumor and forget you ever knew them
John 50s literally isn’t a bad thing. By all measures of outcome John 50 had a more successful and longer life than an average trans person. Boomerhons are CONSISTENTLY the least depressed and suicidal segment of the trans population.
I thought she was like me but just very brainwormed.
>By all measures of outcome John 50 had a more successful and longer life than an average trans person
how? how old did he live to, and what is the average trans person's life span? keep in mind he was unable to get through his workday, clutching his genitals in anguish on the floor under his desk
He lived to 50, had a family and was successful in his career.
That’s 3 out of 3 beating the current stats out on the trans population.
go ahead and post those stats and their sources and define success for me, while you're at it see if you can factor in ephemeral life satisfaction :)
Do it yourself. And your homework too while you’re at it. I know you’re procrastinating.
>no argument
>source: I made it the fuck up
based retard! thank you for admitting you have zero basis from which to assert that repressing until you're aged 50 is "success" while trying to spout some rightoid anti-tranny rhetoric about 41%ing as though it's not people like you who manifest that reality
Look it up yourself. I’m not doing your schoolwork.
>rw boogeyman mention
ah you are literally just arguing with the invisible person in your mind I see. Carry on.
lol oh my god what don't you get here? John 50 is a transgender person his lifespan IS part of the average trans lifespan, you fucking retard you're making the claim and YOU have to provide evidence for it which you literally cannot

so let's be really specific here, and I'll do just that and go look it up: what do you want me to look up? the average life expectancy of transgender people who transition vs those who don't? because that's what you'd need, a study demonstrating that repressors live longer or are happier, to even come close to backing up the absurd claim that
>By all measures of outcome John 50 had a more successful and longer life than an average trans person
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>>it is I, a miserable schizoid tranny, here to disprove your claims that most trannies are miserable schizos!
why did you delete the post to make the same one again with a double post quote? I didn't say anything about anyone being miserable schizos either, nor did anyone else itt before you
John 50 trooned didn’t they? Why is that bad?
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made a minor error cuz i'm very high, now stop being a pedantic lil shit this isnt reddit
Has anyone done more harm to the trans community than John 50? One random old man has a psychotic late life crisis and 100s of twenty-something AGP gooners decide to be transbian permaNEETs on that disability stack.
it's not bad that he trooned, it's bad that he went through a life full of pain beforehand and didn't get help sooner
Pain is subjective. You can’t prove or disprove he’d have been more or less happy without a family and career, living in a transbian polycule until aging out or being found with cp.
you don't actually see what's so funny about what you just said, do you? I think there's a really good reason that repression and religious faith go hand in hand lol
Watch Haibane Renmei
Whatever schizo god isn’t real but you filled the hole he left in your npc os with cringy cult shit. I wasn’t even saying people shouldn’t troon, just that John 50 objectively isn’t a good anecdote if you wanted to convince someone who’s repressing.
just be glad he hasn't sent you a picture of his pp yet
I'm not the one who started this nonsense with the claim that
>By all measures of outcome John 50 had a more successful and longer life than an average trans person
Because it’s literally true. You can say he wasn’t “happy” but nobody knows what that means and there’s no way of knowing whether it’s actually true. All we can do is measure the objective aspects of his life which we associate with success.
and you've failed to provide any kind of material backing or basis for that measure except literal conjecture, while insisting that anyone challenging your claim are the ones who need to provide evidence
man once you learn what sealioning is, you really do see it everywhere
the best you can do is sandbag it entirely or challenge it at face value and call someone out for not addressing the material issues or questions at hand, it very quickly dissolves the illusion
This as far as I’ll go you absolute tard

what was john 50's income, and objectively how successful was he? you are not going to make this happen lol
>We found that transfeminine and transmasculine individuals had higher mortality rates than cisgender individuals. Furthermore, we found that those without a record of gender-affirming care and nonbinary individuals may be at highest risk of mortality, underscoring the need for customized care for this population. Our results highlight the need to understand the factors leading to minority stress and to develop interventions for suicide, homicide, and accidental poisonings to reduce mortality for TGD individuals.
I just don't understand how anyone can with a straight face pretend repression is in any way superior
>hasn't actually followed his own links or even tried to search for evidence to support his claim
Repression seems weird to discuss in 2024 society has been very lgbt tolerant for 20 years, some people have bad family situations growing up until they can get out on their own sure but repressing to the point of marrying a woman and having a child, in 202X? Not even a relevant concept anymore. It's a gynephile specific issue for guys that want to impregnate women and know they aren't really womanly in any way and just have some fetish fixation.
that's just blanchardism with extra steps lol do better
Lol. Seriously are you an AI? Every single thing you post is exactly how expect it will be
>I found a study saying I’m right!
>(doesn’t think critically about it)
>(proceeds to post)
>ahh. Dopamine

This says being a crossdresser without gaht or nb gendergoblin is higher risk. Not cis presenting repper, which is absent from the experiment. Selection criteria was from patients diagnosed transgender and gender diverse. Not repping.
aww, you thought you had a point, didn't you? you're out of arguments so you've scrambled to fall back on semantic sleight of hand to "define" your way out of this, you're not even talking about what I said and instead projecting something you think you can defeat

face it, there is zero evidence for the absurd conjecture that
>By all measures of outcome John 50 had a more successful and longer life than an average trans person.
and that's the only thing you had to argue in favor of repression

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