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You people said twinkdeath occurs at 25 if you don't take hrt and your skull morphs into a freaky shape but I'm way past 25 and nothing has happened. except beard growth, which will be taken care of with laser. what's the point of hrt exactly?
Trannies make shit up constantly. Your skull is fully formed by 17-18 and does not change much beyond that. If you disagree feel free to post data.
compare a 20 year old to a 30 year old man lmao
explain >>36663102
No data don't care.
>You people said twinkdeath occurs at 25 if you don't take hrt and your skull morphs into a freaky shape but I'm way past 25 and nothing has happened.
same, body and weight are also the exact same as it used to be, with a tiny bit more hair
>what's the point of hrt exactly?

the aging from 20 to 30 is mostly caused by the loss of facial fat
it can be made worse by habits and the average dude just doesn't really care for himself
I've seen it happen to my friends, some of them at 30 look spent already
it's true! male aging does not happen after your skull is fully formed. you will totally look like an 18 year old twink as a middle aged testosteronized man!
>t. 26 year old
wait till you hit 30 and get the elon bod
The fuck? No one mentioned aging we are talking about bone size. btw you will age regardless of taking HRT or not.
>You people said I'll be struck by lightning if I golf in the rain but I'm way past the tenth hole and nothing has happened.
no one is claiming your bones will grow after puberty. you will age like a man on testosterone and like a woman on estrogen. to act like twink death is not a thing is psychotic.
except your ribcage. you will get a barrel ribcage
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Men age better than women so it's not all bad
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>transition late but be luckshit
>have less aged skin than 20yo youngshits
If you avoid the sun you will age well regardless of sex. 80% of skin aging is photoaging I believe. But the muscles/bones/fat in your face do degrade as you age and this is unavoidable sadly.
>chud lines data
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Okay, I will. What's the difference?
Finasteride/hair transplant
>skin quality
Sunscreen, tretinoin, moisturizer
>masculine fat distribution
Good diet, stay lean and healthy just like you did in your 20s

Okay now go ahead and tell me again, what is it that changes between ages 20 and 30 that is preventable with hrt but not preventable with aforementioned treatments?
now do 30 and 40 y/o
Okay, 10 years have passed, skull shape still hasnt changed. Now what?
Men can suddenly hit the wall too, especially if they aren't very confident. Young people think they are exempt because they look good until 25, but years keep coming and you start looking weirder.
why the fuck are you so obsessed with skull shape? you can look like a child in your teens if you have a weak/late puberty. you can be babyfaced and look like a teen in your 20s. you can look like a 20 year old in your 30s if you take care of yourself, or like a 50 year old at 60. how does that matter? are you seriously denying the concept of aging? do you think there is no difference between a toddler and an 80 year old? twink death denial is the funniest cope. you're not a twink nor a femboy nor a boymoder anymore in your 30s, grow up lol
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Picrel is 27/28 and not on hrt, some people just age better. What you are describing is second puberty, and just like with puberty, it just doesn't hit some people that hard. I had very mild puberty and second puberty, thus I look much younger than I actually am (at 25 I still get mistaken for a teenager all the time).

That being said, we're all gonna age. Even if you don't get hit hard by testosterone, aging in general will happen. 30s/40s is when wrinkles will inevitably form, collegen levels degrade etc. HRT can absolutely make you age better because high estrogen will promote collegen production, boost subcutaneous fat etc. For some people it also prevents that second puberty I talked about, but ofc if you are lucky enough not to be hit hard by it, that doesn't really matter. Point being, age catches up eventually by one mechanism or another. Most people hit twinkdeath at some point in their 20s. Some genetic freaks are able to look like perfectly cute twinks well into their 30s. But 40s seems the hard cap, I mean, you are middle aged by then, can't really expect to be a twink anymore.
He's a professional pornstar whose appeal is looking youthful though, don't think it's unreasonable to think he's opted at least for cosmetic procedures which pretty much anybody can benefit from but most people don't get. The normalization and available of low level stuff like laser treatments etc is why Koreans look like that
to be a woman, not an ugly man
to have hips, to have at least small boobs, small waist, etc.
hrt helps with all that, if youre trans it just kind of makes you whole :)
Menopause is a thing you will not have to experience.
>"i made it to 25.5 and havnt seem the slightly gradual changes that make me more masculine each week"

you poor thing.
I was 30 when this pic was taken, 3-4 months hrt but that is hardly anything
But what benefit does hrt give over not using hrt between ages 20 and 40? That's what I'm asking.
>second puberty
Doesn't exist. This is also redditscience when people talk about transitioning, as if they're going through a second puberty. Aging is a gradual process. HRT offers nothing in terms of keeping you a twink past a certain age.
aging more like a woman insead of like a man, if you care about that. if you are fine with being a man and don't care about looking twinky, obviously there's no benefit.
I was ugly as hell as a kid and trannies threatened me with twinkdeath but now that I've matured a bit I don't hate my face that much anymore
You're using terms that do not make sense. What happens at a molecular level that keeps you a twink when you start HRT at an early age vs not? I already pointed out all the changes, like having a beard or male pattern fat, are entirely reversible without HRT. Why are you unable to point to a concrete example of what HRT has to offer? "Aging like a woman" this doesnt' mean anything.
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>as if they're going through a second puberty
Transitioning literally is a second puberty. That's what sex hormones do. But that's totally unrelated to the male "second puberty", which is obviously not an actual puberty but a figure of speech. It is the metamorphosis of going from twink to hunk, or to slob with a beer gut if you don't take care of yourself. Sometimes in your 20s or 30s, you'll go from looking like a scrawny hairless twink to looking like a bulky hairy man with a wider frame and a barrel chest and probably also start balding. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule, but you can't deny it's just the way men eventually age in general.
i can't tell if you're being retarded on purpose. do you think men and women look the same? estrogen makes you look more feminine. this is often not enough to make you pass on a fully developed male skeleton, but the femininity always makes you look younger. ever heard of a twinkhon? a lot of trannies in their 20s start getting id'd again after starting hrt.
Bro got a 6 feet underbust lmao
idk but hrt gave me a bigger butt and softer skin and I'm gucci with that
>you'll go from looking like a scrawny hairless twink to looking like a bulky hairy man with a wider frame and a barrel chest
This is quite literally impossible as your ossified at least a decade ago, if not longer. Whatever changes you perceive occurs happens because people in their 30s tend to let themselves go and gain fat around the waist area.
Let me ask you this, why do FtM who transition past age 25 not become hunks but stay as weird goblin looking creatures if testosterone triggers some sort of second puberty in you past a certain age?
>do you think men and women look the same?
No, they do not. Do twinks and women look the same? No, they do not. What do you need female hormones for to look like a twink? How do female hormones make you any more of a twink at age 20, 30 or 40?
>How do female hormones make you any more of a twink at age 20, 30 or 40?
they make you look more feminine and therefore younger. obviously you'll also get boobs and your dick will stop working and all that. i never said you NEEDED to take estrogen to stop the evil twinkdeath, obviously it's irrelevant if you are comfortable aging like a man, just that twinkdeath is a thing that happens and hrt can delay that unless you're a luckshit and just end up passing as a woman.
Just look at people who have taken steroids and tell me they don't look 20 years older in their face within like 2 years. Even if they just take a little like Joe Rogan they look like complete shit. Like Idk what it does exactly but it seems pretty obvious to me that Testosterone does make you age worse/more male. It's just obviously a much more gradual process if you don't directly take steroids.
HRT makes you look like a woman. Not having a beard makes you look younger or having no wrinkles make you look younger. HRT has absolutely nothing to do with looking like a twink. You cannot be a twink past a certain age, HRT or not.
They look older because steroids is absolutely terrible on your skin and gives you wrinkles and age spots. It also enlarges your heart, which doesnt happen for non-steroid abusers. It does not, however, make your skeleton any larger, no matter how much testosterone you have, if your bones have fused.
is simple, you totally look like a man and have since puberty
you're seeing what you want to see
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>every reply is just retards saying erm duh barrel chest haven't you seen the photo of elon musk
Im claiming your bones will grow.
Testosterone prevents facial planes from fusing or whatever so men skulls do get thicker over time as they get older. I would imagine ffs surgeons would be right about that but im sure you all are the real experts.
well, was he just born with a barrel chest?
>barrel chest
isn't it the bane of us all?
god i look like fucking mutant fron the side
god why does a weird creature like me even exists
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this thread is proof once again that hrt is pushed with no understanding at all that it honestly isn't necessary. It is just easier than the effort of actually taking good care of your body and putting work into it vs lol fountain of youth daily shot xddddd
ok u stop taking hrt first
i bet u won't make a month without sticking that needle in ur butt
I always took 2nd puberty to mean the peak of adrenarche around age 20-24 which is often felt as distinct from puberty 10 years earlier.
I'd be more willing to believe this if there was actually evidence of 30+ femboys who aren't on e. There are so many guys who yap on about "femboys are more feminine than trannies and don't need estrogen" in between arguing about Bridget or whatever and you see them and they're skellies with the face of a Grindr sissy. The retard OP is obsessed with a strawman point about skull morphing when it's really about subtle differences in facial musculature, fat loss and wrinkle formation.
I wonder if just taking fin is enough?
it depends, for some dudes fin isn't even enough to hold the norwood reaper at bay which is why they switch to dutasteride or spiro/bicalutamide if they're especially brainwormed. it may have general anti-aging properties and inhibit new androgenic hairs but it's not common enough to recommend the drug on that basis.
NGL this but I do think the average non dysphoric twink death poster would probably be helped by dutastride/finnastride. It reduces body hair and prevents balding without turning you into a women if all you want is to prolong your twinkishness without wanting to look like a girl.

But NGL half of these twinkdeath posters are just trans in denial and should take HRT
this board is all groomers trying to turn everyone trans
I do think finasteride is worth it admittedly since you can't fight the Norwood without it, but with that and oral minoxidil you should be more than fine hair wise. yeah it's technically hormone stuff but should everyone taking fin be considered "on hrt"? sounds a bit silly

as for the femboy stuff, twink =\= femboy for one, but for two most people don't take excellent care of their body, hell most people don't even take decent care of their body. that is why.
Think about it

most people don't even wear sunscreen when they go out in the sun for a long time unless they're at the beach.

Of course no one is keeping their looks when not doing that bare minimum
>what's the point of hrt exactly?
ur just a luckshit
fin is a funny one where the average straight guy thinks it castrates you (pushed by rogan and others), whereas actual trannies generally don't need it unless they have a DHT backdoor pathway but it nevertheless gets prescribed sometimes instead of an actual AA by retard doctors, leaving the main users being vain/image dependent straight men and gays.

i wouldn't rely on it reducing body hair unless you already have very little to begin with. oral minox is likely to give you even more + beard growth.

there are a lot of older (30s-40s) gay dudes in great shape who do all the skincare, laser, fighting hair loss etc but they still tend toward looking pretty masculine and not dissimilar from straight gym rats except with bigger asses, i really think if it was possible to keep up a twinkish/andro look without changing your hormones you'd see it more often as in theory it's less work in the gym than becoming a muscle daddy.
That's an interesting point I guess then the only option for these people is eunuch maxing but that gives osteoporosis.

NGL I'm quite glad I'm MtF the medicine seems really rough for twinks and dysphoric NBs in terms of fighting sexual dimorphism to maintain an androgynous appearance.
mmm, maybe, I might just be a luckshit who doesn't know what the general populations situation is but at least for me I've not changed much body wise from 16 n my straight friends referred to me trying to diss my masculinity as "the twinkiest twink alive" at 27, but maybe ectomorphs are just uncommon?
since you make good points, and admittedly other male body types would struggle a bit more with it
you're aging male and will continue to age male. that's all there is to it. if you look at men and are okay with looking like them one day do go ahead. if you're terrified of that happening and would rather look closer a woman in old age them go on estrogen. there isn't a magical age bwcause genetics hit everyone differently. look at your family members specifically for closer intel on how you might look when older.
>>mmm, maybe, I might just be a luckshit who doesn't know what the general populations situation is but at least for me I've not changed much body wise from 16 n my straight friends referred to me trying to diss my masculinity as "the twinkiest twink alive" at 27, but maybe ectomorphs are just uncommon?
Oh hey, twins, I'm also still twinky at 27
I honestly don't see many lithe guys around, I think the phenotype is just rare as fuck, it's the <5% "smallest" type of guys

My friends in their 30s are masculine, but they already were masculine at the end of high school
Their bodies didn't change save for some that got either fatter or worked out
Yeah i'm a he/him nb who plans to start some kind of hrt soon, i really don't see myself as anything besides a gay dude but have always struggled with feeling i have negative androgyny, short and skinny but not "soft", soft facial features but still recognizably boy, etc., i don't think i'd be happier if i "manned up" cuz i like being small. the most straightforward thing is probably just e and keyhole surgery to remove breast buds because that's the main issue amab nbs have, but i actually kinda want really small boobs/puffy chest, so i'm just kinda hoping i won't get very much growth because i'm starting very late and don't eat lol

28 and don't see many guys with the same build, but late 20s is really where the great divergence happens where a lot of guys do look pretty similar to how they did a few years before with more facial hair, but then you have some who have just turned into full on dads. i think it's partly cultural tho, early 2010s it felt there was more pressure to be masc among gays
For me it's my fucking forehead lines

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