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grimes is siding with elon's daughter and btfoing blue checkmarks in the replies
always the retarded christucks forcing their muh god shit into every conversation, these people are beyond obnoxious. cant these people go extinct already
yeah, i at least can respect the intellectual honesty of "i hate trannies because i find them disgusting" vs. "the creator of the universe says trannies r bad......"
Why are grown adults worth millions and billions acting like children on the internet? We need to ban social media. If any drug was causing people to act like this it would be illegal.
grimes is a talentless hack and she also fucked that slugman musk and shat out some of his bastards, why do we care about her opinion on anything?
You become worth millions and billions by acting like a child.

Responsible adults die unnoticed in poverty.
she's good at making music and elon probably still likes her
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>she's good at making music
The ideology is on its way out gradually. That's why they're extra defensive these days. Most younger people are secular.
That’s why drug addicts and trannies are the elites of society
these people are both jewish btw
funny considering youre jewish and consider christians cattle. weird how your opinion is so negativ.e
You're a ugly jewish kike pls shut the fuck up
>talentless hack
how can you say she's a talent-less hack with this?
People believing jews actually believe in their hokey old world texts is like thinking Catholics genuinely believe they are consuming human flesh and blood at communion.
who are some solo producer musicians you like, anon
and? jews in the US tend to be secular. especially young ones. (i'm also a secular jew and posted >>36663309)
you're not gonna find more than like 50 jews in the US who think that and maybe like 1000 haredi jews in israel who think that

relax on the JDS
How I recoil...I've been called out...! :OO
Catholicism goes pretty hard. And they're fun to drink with.
>If any drug was causing people to act like this it would be illegal.
Estrogen is legal though?
i find it interesting that zios push for social liquidationism in the west whist simultaneously being the most rabid nationalists when it comes to their own interests, moreover i think it would be of benefit to see what positions are being pushed by what demographics - just so everything is out in the open.
most zionists in the west are conservative and most secular liberal jews are anti-zionist
>most secular liberal jews are anti-zionist
Better yet what positions are being pushed relative to a person’s IQ and pornography taste would be even more useful.
Hey guys and gals, just letting you know none of this shit matters, you can relax
>pornography taste
i dont get this part lol, or like "positions" as in trans and not occupations/political positions
Mods atomize this freak
Porn taste reveals a lot about a person’s overall psyche, as a general rule
tell that to the palestinians, or the student protestors being attacked by jewish security cutouts in their own nations, or the worker whose living standards are in freefall as he competes with migrant labour thanks to the resultant polices of lobbying by certain greatest allies, or the taxpayer who has billions of dollars siphoned off so Israeli's can enjoy an even greater social net than the parasitised nation, or the citizen who has to pledge never to boycott zionist business in order to be hired, or the migrant who has to pledge his support for Israel to be granted an entry visa, or the non-jewish cultures and customs that need to endure a never ending cavalcade of jewish derision marshaling their oversaturation of entertainment and journalistic enterprises, or ... we can decide we've had more than enough
babes, go back to pol, you're on tttt.
>concern trolling literal bottom of the barrel trannies on 4chan
I’m pro Israel purely because the Palestinian side is composed of absolute cringe. I care more about aesthetics than NPC human life.

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