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why are there more trans people now than at any other point in human history?
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estrogen with anime girls on the package
because apparently trans people are both the most oppressed, hated group, and also everyone is rushing to join this group, and it is absolutely impossible that an outside force is encouraging people to transition for ulterior motives, that is crazy talk
Less stigma
More possible with today's technology
Internet connectivity means a wider community of a small percentage of the population can communicate

It's really not that complicated and doesn't require a whole web of conspiracy, as >>36663713 etc keep darkly implying
Why is there a different word for a bull and a steer?
Previously inaccessible information is now spread rapidly over the internet which reveals that there is a larger number of these people than you would expect.
because the dating market is so fucked that there is no point to be a male below 6 feet
>social media, vidya, Adderall, SSRIs, junk food all bust up your dopamine regulation
>neuroscientists who have studied the differences in trans/cis brains find abnormal grey matter volumes in the putamen
>the area of the brain involved with dopamine related disorders
>dopamine related disorders more frequently found in female brains likely due to estrogen’s effects on serotonin
>microplastics and polyphenol the food and water aping the endocrine system of everyone and reducing testosterone production
I don't care

I'm 5'9" and have fucked over a dozen women
>why are there more trans people now than at any other point in human history?

You upset? Burger. That's happens actually only in western society. You can tongue my repressed anus op.
>>36663729 + >>36663761 + >>36663781

There’s no 1 single cause.
the irony is "being trans" is actually the repression
theres also more people on the planet than ever before
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i thought i was right-handed but i realized i'm left-side dominant so maybe it really is a trans thing
Maybe, but when you live in far right conservative area. Things seem a little bit different.
>they are pressuring you heavily to sexually repress
>I know, I will do so but with really woke window dressing around my actions
lol you both are meant for each other
prostitutes dont count

I've fucked over a dozen women without offering them cash
there are more people right now than at any other point in history.

next question
More access to hormones
More knowledge about hormones
More access to surgeries
More knowledge about surgeries
because medical transition is actually possible
>why are there more diabetic people alive than any other point in human history
>why are there more amputees and disabled people who survive than any other point in human history
>why are there more people alive in general not starving to death after the invention of fertilizer
technology allows people who otherwise would not exist to exist
to explain this let's imagine a scenario
>you are an amab peasant in 13th century britain
>it occurs to you that it'd be nicer to be a woman
>however, it also occurs to you that your church would disown you if you spoke out about this, and it's essential for you to have good relations there
>become a doctor or something
>it occurs to you that the first substantial research into what you're thinking of isn't likely to happen for about six hundred years
>die of dysentry two weeks later anyway
> >you are an amab peasant in 13th century britain
> >it occurs to you that it'd be nicer to be a woman
People actually think this happened is the wild thing. Your thoughts weren’t contemplative in the 1200s. Even if you had an internal monologue it was just shit about trees and grass, chores to do. You’d live 3 lifetimes before you grew bored enough to build all the foundational philosophical knowledge that even made you think about gender. The only trans people in history were perpetually bored late-empire nobles.
Actually i think we now are more visible, numbers stay the same
people are being heavily pressured into castrating themselves
Because the matriarchy is rising up and people are sick of this male-led bullshit
there are more people on earth than any point in human history
imagine the testicular cancer support group in fight club, but Edward Norton actually thinks he has testicular cancer and gets his balls chopped to fit with the group better
now imagine there are 3 million Edward Nortons distributed across the US and another 2 million in Europe
that's reality
if a woman has been allowed to have a position of authority, it can be taken as a given that the position lacks real authority
she only has the position to get women to go childless and to demoralize men
the psychological sink is real, we're finding out how it presents in humans right now
>she only has the position to get women to go childless and to demoralize men

White race is doomed anyway. Stop being a Christcuck.
Because gender roles are more limited now than at any point in history. All behaviors are gendered. Nothing is neutral anymore. When people so much as breathe the wrong way, the response is ruthless.
evolution will proceed, sentimental and guilt-prone people will be eliminated
get ready for new rome, from chile to nome
maybe we should abolish gender roles instead of mutilating people's bodies
>if a woman has been allowed to have a position of authority, it can be taken as a given that the position lacks real authority
she only has the position to get women to go childless and to demoralize men

In a perfect universe, typing out this string of characters would cause a kill-beam to shoot out from your webcam, phone inside camera, or what-have-you, and instantly disintegrate the worm who typed it. Nothing else to be said lol
gynocentric culture

>incel boy is a loser
>kinda faggy
>sees how girls are treated by the modern world
>jealous of the attention/support
>porn being pushed by a global agenda
>imagines himself as the woman
>repeat until his dopamine receptors associate woman=feeling good

and that's it, it's like a virus really even by the time one realises this ur brain will be so fried there'd be no way to treat the dysphoria but transition
what about treating men better instead of chopping off body parts to make women happy?
Doesn't explain why there's more ftms than mtfs
there isn't
if you control for just medical transition, there's way more mtfs than ftms
there's more cis people who larp as ftm but don't take hrt

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I never read about the genocide of lefthandeds during WWI.
the internet idiot
sure, but you would have to get most of society to do that. ideal but not realistic

there isn't lol literally an online echo chamber

but even then the same applies backwards, grass is always greener on the other side. in reality both suffer their own struggles and idealise the other gender
Okay christcuck
>sure, but you would have to get most of society to do that. ideal but not realistic
no, you just need some people speaking up publicly about it
everything starts somewhere
you want to not try at ALL
man either fucks each other in the ass
or we eat each other
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I'm more of a naturalist when it comes to trannyisms and shit - I do see the fundamental origin of trannies as something that naturally occurs and clearly has *some* kind of benefit, as societies traditionally permitted these people to not only exist but flourish within society. Even within Christian tradition, the monk lifestyle, from an absence of women to the fact that monks were already not going to be concerned with the sexual - and therefore in the best-case scenario eliminating the possible religious transgressions of sodomy, had within it instances of nigh homoerotic being openly documented, but obviously framed in a manner which got rid of the icky sexual aspects and replaced them with the wholesome and familial implications of a blossomed and fruitful romance.

So anyways, nah, it's not that there's "more", it's that we bothered to document it. Tranners are still only 0.3% of the population or so, a tiny fractional amount.

In tribal communities, with the number of individuals within being at most 100, our *current rates of faggotry and trannyism would make a faggot or a tranny a once-in-a-generation instance for most of human history.* And there is a good argument to be made for a tribal faggot; an insurance policy for ensuring the well-being of the younger generation. One extra adult that brings in more food than he needs to live could go a long way in surviving a winter, for example.

So no, there are probably not more trans people than ever. Or fags, or anything like that. Business as usual in these departments, humans are human and imperfect and fucky. It is what it is, let's focus on shit we can actually change. Like how (You) are getting legit fucking scammed if you're not a NEET or large businessowner.

verification not required
Comments like these make me chuckle. Because it indicates two major misunderstandings: the geopolitical power of the United States, and how Rome operated. Do you really think Canada, Mexico, all the central American countries and South America all operate completely independently from America? They're ALL effectively owned by America right now my dude. American capital is the engine which powers basically all of those countries' economies, in some way. Sure, our laws don't directly control their people, but their governmental systems and laws are certainly inspired and influenced by our own. And it wouldn't take much of a policy shift to send all of their countries into chaos via economic pressure.

Rome is often depicted as this big red blob that turned the Mediterranean into a lake with a star in the middle of the Italian peninsula. The reality however, was that Rome was run by a system of what were effectively governorships. There was a central leadership to which these governors reported to, but for the most part they were on their own with maybe a legion to keep the peace. They would make trade deals with local leaders and demand tribute. However it wasn't uncommon for many of the areas traditionally covered under the red blob on the map to not actually be under direct control of governors. It was very common for certain chieftains and lords controlling areas which Rome was interested in but unwilling to conquer themselves to be named a "Friend of Rome", which was a coveted title earned through diplomacy. Rome might provide things like goods from afar or arms and armor to these Friends, and in return those Friends would provide security for Roman traders and provide passage for Roman armies should the need arise, among many other things.

I say all of this to convey that the way Rome worked and the way America works arent all that dissimilar. America exerts economic pressure to maintain favorable trading agreements just like Rome did, with the threat of force to back it up. Hell, our entire was based on Rome, down to even naming allies "Friends of the United States". So really, America already IS the new Rome, from Chile to Nome, as you said. All you would do is piss off our Friends and force us to wage an expensive war so we can make sure they pay the government taxes directly. You don't understand geoplotics, and you don't understand history, so sit down and shut the fuck up.

terminally online retard rant incoming feel free to skip

the female social role was abolished while male social expectations were maintained and even strengthened in some areas. As this continues, the weaker and more mentally/emotionally vulnerable men end up caving to the pressure first. though many men don't care and are even happy it was done, male genital mutilation is completely normalized and i believe having your penis ripped apart at birth without your consent has some kind of hidden psychological impact that could be causing many men to unknowingly associate their genitals with suffering and punishment for the way they were born, hence the majority of trannies being circumcised, transgenderism exploded in america (world capital of male circumcision) while only moderately increasing in other western countries. Obviously not all guys are like this, many don't care at all but its just a thought. Casual exposure to "genderbending" content online, scrolling around social media or just being in a discord server with friends or something and casually coming across femboy porn or some shit is something that never would have happened without the internet. The most lonely and isolated men are specifically chosen to be fed content depicting women getting endless attention for free (not exactly representative of real life, but its the way its often portrayed online). Predatory social media algorithms will take your demographic (male or female in this context), and tell you that you are oppressed while the opposite demographic has it much better. It might not happen to you, but many people are constantly fed "the grass is greener on the other side" type content simply because it keeps people engaged and profitable for the social media companies. General normalized gender hatred, things like saying all the evil aggressive men have "predator eyes" while the poor innocent women have "prey eyes" (can be interpreted as misogyny or misandry) depending on person.
more than usual yeah probably because of the internet and people can learn about it and be like "holy shit i can do that??", but also probably not that much more otherwise
niggercattle worship the news and the news says its hip to be trans and love negroes and all that.
People have always been contemplative and thoughtful. There's records from the 16th and 17th centuries of random people in England being atheists. Fuck we even have a poem from some 13th century Rabbi talking about how bad they want to be a woman.There were almost certainly random peasant 'men' who felt they would prefer to be women.
It is a social contagion.
My theory is that the reason for the classical youngshit HSTS and the old shit AGP divide is lack of information. Where transitioning was escoteric knowledge and only people who were super GNC as their assigned gender or extraordinarily introspective fully understood they didn't fit in as their default gender and transitioned or whatever their societies equivalent was if their even was one. Also pre accessible hrt their was less point in transitioning because you'd still be 100% a normal male biologically. Though castration has long been an option.

Meanwhile the dysphoric people who could sort of cut it as a nerdy guy or even masc like sports hons. Didn't realize right away and just figured their dysphoria was normal hating yourself. Then 2016 and tranvisibioty happened and more and more people realized what dysphoria is and realized that is what they were feeling and transitioned. Creating the surge of old shit hons who for the first time realized what was haunting them as well as more youngshit s who aren't hyper fem and were able to realize early due to increased information access.

TLDR more exposure to trans stuff doesn't turn you trans just makes it easier to realize you are trans.
Microplastics in the groundwater.
I am serious. It’s also behind the obesity epidemic.
the elites want autistic males castrated and are implicitly pressuring them to do so

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