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QOTT: from 1 to 10, how much do you want the christcuck to kill himself?
both transgenderism and christianity are equally magical and superstitious beliefs systems intended to mask and conceal the darker truer motives of humanity in being cruel to one another
make an appointment with whatever clinic you can get hrt from
start asap
stop wasting years away you could instead be putting into self improvement as a woman and having so many more experiences as a woman
Is christcuck a trip here?
>as a woman
lol you are just as delusional as the christcucks are
He is a mentally ill faggot that nuked repgen for the last week or so with his annoying spamming
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>i believe christ changed water to wine
>i believe i am a woman
I will never be a woman no matter how hard I try or how delusional I become. There is no transition, therefore I have nothing to repress because it's an impossibility and will never happen.
ur silly
you will never be a man
do what you need to
have you dated men?

men can't become women by taking chemicals or chopping off body parts
One is a miracle and the other is impossible
With God all things are possible
you can make great improvements
you dont need to masculinize any more
you can slowly be able to see urself as the woman you are
But you are literally already a woman but you just have an unfortunate condition
Take your pills, girl
>But you are literally already a woman

now THIS is cope
you are a woman, just havent had the right hormones yet
I am a man and I always will be unfornately. Chemically castrating or mutilating myself isn't going to change that. I already tried once anyway, it's not happening. My only option left is to try and learn to make peace with what I am.
>you will never be a man
What is a man?
If I identify as a man, am I not a man?
take hrt

no, i dont believe in self-id
your gender cannot be changed
you are a woman
>But you are literally already a woman
i disavow this thread.

See how desperate they are to avoid the truth.

Real and first Repgen here
Kill yourself bitch and never post again on /repgen/ fucking degenerate whore
Anyone else not feel that much envy when they see "passing" trannies? I only really envy women. Trannies no matter how good they look are still not women to me.
Uh is this true?
You have no claim to authority over me.
Ask yourself why my presence enrages you.

I will not force pills and chemicals upon you. I only want you to be a strong happy male individual, free of trans lies and dysphoria
Being neurodivergent (aka queer) will make you not fit socially which obviously leads to worse mental health as an adult
Ok. Now your take on the reports of molestation?
other way round for me. i can supress it when i see a biofoid because i know how comedically stupid it would be to want to be like her because i'm worlds apart, but when i see even a clocky troon it shatters that mental block like glass and suddenly i feel sick with envy and i can't stop it creeping up from my gut and curdling in my heart like poison because at one time that could and should have been me
Some gays are obviously gay as kids, making them targets for sexual abuse.
It's not the sexual abuse that turns them gay, it's the gay that makes them sexually abused.
What's there to envy?
Screen capped for the future
start hrt, you can always manmode, thats what im doing rn

https://unsee cc/album#aPHiI66mBeR9
it was... bad... pre-hrt (short hair)
take your pills, schizos
You had a weird fem face pre hrt
i did, they don't fucking do anything
Yass gurrrl, tell em'!!! Ever since I took my girl pills I am so much happier!!
I love looking like a gurll, a real gurll :) ) I love HRT I LOVE BEING A WOMAN
well still
start hrt, you can make a lot of improvements
also, a lot of you that think ur masc (ur prob not as much as you think), ffs can help sooo many people
it's so nice that you've already decided exactly how you're going to look and act on HRT :)
>just get ffs bro it's so cheap and easy
He passes
yea, its better than repping until death or breaking & starting hrt a lot later

also, i got on medicaid & in my state they cover ffs
>Just take a leap of faith br.. I mean sis :))
>Yeah, you are almost certainly going to look like an ogre hon and you are going to make everyone in your vicinity uncomfortable but uhh.. what if you became a passoid :)) wouldn't that be nice?? take HRT TAKE HRT TAKE IT NOW TAKE
Pinkpillers are a literal religious cult
oh wow, you're so fucked in the head you can't not rabidly project things that make no sense that nobody is saying
repression is not good for your mental health, please be realistic and get help
and trooning out into a fucking ogrehon buffallo bill rapebeast is? holy shit i don't think so lol
why do you think you have to look or act like that (whatever that is, I know you've got a folder you can dump because you're so well-adjusted and totally coping with this like a man but I don't need examples) to troon out?
Why do you think such crude and primitive form of medication (HRT) is the solution for every repper?
I swear you people are the same sort of camp that advocated lobotomy for depression less than a century ago, KYS
Well you're very fortunate aren't you, not everyone is nearly so lucky in support or starting point. Don't take your own experience as the yardstick for everyone else's. I don't know what it is with trannies always doing this with those who don't have it as easy as them.
even still. i was in repgen for years before. most of you arent that masc where you have no chance
you should really just start hrt and then work & do everything in your power to be able to get ffs
>you should really just start hrt and then work & do everything in your power to be able to get ffs
post face lol I bet you are clocky as shit
because it's the only treatment we have that works, no matter how many false parallels you try to draw to other things this isn't a cult or a one-size-fits-all conform or die thing, and I'm not telling you to change anything else about your life if you don't want to - but your condition is literally chemical in terms of the direct cause of the symptoms, it is in your brain like a neurological intersex issue as close as we can tell even if we don't know why, and you treat it by changing your body's hormonal balance to line up better

that's it no "passoid vs hon" or "trapped in the wrong body" or "identity," those are all ephemeral social things you can dismiss or engage and figure out or whatever if you want, it might even help you to have confidence in yourself or make good decisions or move on from certain hangups, but it's all secondary to taking your damn pills and treating your problem

you're not special
you're not different
you don't get to dodge this shit, that's why you're here ITT in the first place
i did >>36664192
im still manmoding
but ive improved compared to pre-hrt
sorry sweaty your only valid if u pass :^)
lol nah that line of thinking is how you end up Johnette 50 telling yourself you pass into your wife's makeup mirror, get over passing or not and figure out how to live your own life
>because it's the only treatment we have that works
In the same way that lobotomy was the only treatment that worked for depression in the 1940s, still doesn't mean you should have lobotomized yourself at the time.
> but your condition is literally chemical in terms of the direct cause of the symptoms, it is in your brain like a neurological intersex issue as close as we can tell even if we don't know why, and you treat it by changing your body's hormonal balance to line up better
No shit, everything is chemical, you sound like a literal "I love science" facebook page.
>it is in your brain like a neurological intersex issue as close as we can

>you're not special
you're not different
you don't get to dodge this shit, that's why you're here ITT in the first place
Exactly, I am not different, I am not special to the millions of reppers that came before me and that are currently repping to their death.
oh i would settle for clocky territory in a heartbeat, all i would need is a shred of androgyny and i'd be happy but there's no hope even for that for me now. i'd genuinely sooner kill myself than become a hon
>In the same way that lobotomy was the only treatment that worked for depression in the 1940s
how is it the same in any way? what kind of destruction, or even irreversible changes occur beyond secondary sex traits? what about all the decades of evidence we have showing the safety and efficacy of HRT, while lobotomies were relatively quickly done away with? you can't just say two things are the same without any material cause or link
also I don't know why you focused on me saying something was chemical then stopped reading like that was some "gotcha" or way to own me, and you can google this shit just as easily as I can... you're not engaging with what I'm saying, you're just trying to attack a built-up strawman of The Pinkpiller Menace I suppose

do you really want to look back on your life when you're an old man and be full of regret because you were afraid of being a hon?
you can just be an androgynous dude on hormones if you really want, and even if you come out as a woman to some people you don't have to look or dress or act like the hon compilation you use to beat yourself into fear of doing anything to fix your life
see on this, i was always told that (nine times out of ten) you literally can't be trans if you
>have any neurological or psychological condition, especially autism
>were abused or neglected as a child
>have a poor social circle and an unwillingness to "branch out"
>have a difficult or complex relationship with your family
>use the internet more than about two hours per week
>at any point expressed gender incongruence after exposure to the internet
>are in any way politically active at any level
is that accurate? because like, all of this applies to me and i wouldn't want to take away valuable resources from people who actually need it
>t. actually took steps to transition in 2019 but got dissuaded for pretty much exactly this, plus other stuff
thanks but i'd need ffs at the bare minimum even for that, there's no chance of me ever being mistaken for anything except a man. nothing good could ever come of trying to troon out with the way i look and my life isn't unbearable the way it is most of the time. i still have more to lose than gain from it. it's nice to think about but it's never going to happen even if i wanted it to, it's just a silly dream
all I can say is that your perspective will change as the prospect of maintaining the status quo becomes more painful and untenable, and you really need to let go of the pass/fail dichotomy and stop looking at things that way in general
Passing doesn't matter which is why I don't transition. I don't need to look like the opposite sex at all.
>how is it the same in any way?
Not saying they are the same, I am saying that the argument of "It's the only treatment that works" is not valid, just because we currently have shit treatments for GD and some treatment sometimes works doesn't mean that everyone with GD should take it (see lobotomy comparison).
lol why should i? no else does. normies don't think that way, and passoids certainly don't. i would be far more miserable as a hon than i ever will be repping.
>It's the only treatment that work
is not an "argument" and this is not a "debate" it's just the reality, and it's not even a shit treatment (it's very effective) so I don't see how or why you can keep trying to draw that comparison (an argument against the use of HRT I've seen on the internet for literally 15 years btw, from before I even knew how any of this worked, and seen no compelling evidence for aside from people just repeating it and browbeating each other into repressing)

there's no similarity whatsoever except that they were both at one time in their history considered the only treatment available for certain conditions, there is NO comparing them and you're being really dishonest with yourself if you lean on that
In 10-20 years we'll probably have some GD cure pill and pinkpillers will be stuck with their not female not male body, conetits and male ribcage while chad reppers will have the last laugh.
why? how? what makes you think that, and what exactly about trooning out now would make that magical treatment less effective in the future such that you would be in any way better off repressing? you want to wait 10-20 years for a pill that magically restructures your brain to erase a part of yourself or regrow parts of it in a normal masculine pattern through some unknown mechanism and that's your big cope?

>both transgenderism and christianity are equally magical and superstitious beliefs systems
so why is there scientific evidence of the former?
you clearly don't understand what they mean by "woman", they're well aware of their sex and chromosomes etc.
> there is no transition
uhm okay lol wtf
>men can't become women by taking chemicals or chopping off body parts
another misunderstanding
ok Matt Walsh.
1. It's not "chemical castration", T-blockers are literally optional anyway. Everything down there still works after 3 years, just differently.
2. You don't need to get any surgeries.
> why are people doing things to make themselves happy!? stooooop!!
no one itt said they'd pass, because only reppers, youngshits and chuds obsess about passing.
the main reason to take HRT is to alleviate dysphoria and improve your life subjectively.... what you look like is what you look like, and we are all going to die horrendously ugly one day if we are lucky enough to live a long life.
I suggest getting off of 4chan. I was here when I first came out and only returned 3 years later with experience and confidence. This kind of rhetoric spread by people with malicious intent no longer affects me as it did then.
because all of the scientific studies show it's effective lol, what a stupid question
or just our own experiences and those of every trans woman we know, no matter how clocky or manly she looks.
the point of 4chan is that it's anonymous, anon. we don't need to expose ourselves to online ridicule. I find myself quite attractive for a trans woman but I don't post photos online because I know I'll be mocked and jerked off to. There is no winning so I just don't play.
Low IQ response. They don't have the right vocabulary but they're essentially correct in representing what the neurological research says.
pinkpilltards are always the same. you can never come up with anything better than the same tired john 50 meme again and again
>hurr just dedicated 1/2 of your waking life to trying to look exactly like a woman! Fight an uphill battle of makeup preparation, hrt regimen, skincare, haircare, and feminine styling every day forever for the rest of your life!
>while spending 8 hours a day working
>while getting enough sleep
>while still trying to live a life in the 4~ish hours you get outside of work and household chores
Trans women will mock you for looking like a Hon and say ridiculous shit like JUST USE MAKEUP BRO YOU HAVE TO PUT IN EFFORT, all while living from a position of immense privilege where they're able to afford the fucking daily effort and upkeep required to pass.

Most people have jobs. Most people don't live with mommy and daddy. Most people have bills to pay.

Do you think I have time to do all that shit? The best I could ever do is hrt alone and honmode, with maybe the one occasional heavily stylized day, and even then I'd still have to anglefraud to pass and be mocked in public.

Most trannies are so fucking privileged and they dont even fucking realize it. Actual adults don't have the fucking time to worry about reaffirming their gender without sacrificing other parts of their life. Some days, by the time I get ready for work, work, come home and work out, cook food, take care of the pets, and do housework, I have MAYBE 2 hours of downtime, before I have to do it all again tomorrow. This is also why cis women gradually let their appearance go over time BTW. Most actual adult women working and living their lives would be "hons" too to these privileged fucking assholes.

I hate youngshits. They need to grow the fuck up. So privileged and so full of shit because they've lived in a trust fund mommy and daddy bubble their whole lives. Nobody else has the time to worry about this shit. I have bills to pay.

95% of trans women can't pass. Cis people will mock you anyways, and even worse, trans people will too if you get photod from an unlucky angle.
So cruel.
that's not all HRT does.
it drastically changes your subjective experience: emotions, thought, your physical brain etc.
not really. I have never been happy with my appearance in my life until now. I love the person I see in the mirror for the first time. Enjoy your cope tho
dude is making up sci-fi from the year 3670 to cope
nah not everyone gets to be pretty or pass or even be happy, cissie or tranny
take your pills, retard
>hurr just dedicated 1/2 of your waking life to trying to look exactly like a woman! Fight an uphill battle of makeup preparation, hrt regimen, skincare, haircare, and feminine styling every day forever for the rest of your life!
HRT takes 5 minutes every 5 days (injection) for me
I don't do any of those other things.
Not all women are high-maintenance Instagram models, anon.
> while spending 8h a day working
Ideally you wouldn't but yeah
> 95% of trans women can't pass. Cis people will mock you anyways, and even worse, trans people will too if you get photod from an unlucky angle.
Are you like 12 years old? You live for the approval of others?
>I don't do any other of those things
Yeah not everyone wants to be ridiculed by heternormative society forever in perpetuity retard. If you can stomach never being stealth, good for you. Sounds like your life doesn't have much stress so you can afford it.
>you live for the approval of others?
I live for a chance at having a happy life some day. Being a nonpassing tranny hon with diffuse thinning hair and facing the societal torment that that brings, day in and day out for the rest of my life until I die of old age, is antithetical to the goal of living a happy life. I'm happier as an ugly depressed man not having to worry about any of that shit than I would ever be as an ugly depressed hon being hatecrimed, harassed, photographed, fired, and homeless. I got too much other shit on my mental plate to worry about being a fucking tranny on top of all of it. Life sucks either way but trannies ignore that transitioning doesn't fucking make your life easier, and in most cases makes finding fulfillment in a cis world an uphill battle that's 10x harder.
Tried it. Life still sucked dick. Got harassed for being a tranny, got fired, parents almost disowned me. Got a multi thousand dollar gyno surgery and had to recover because asshole pinkpillers like you told an ugly young adult me at 19 that popping titty skittles would somehow fix my life. It didn't and it made actually fixing my life 10x harder.
>> there is no transition
>uhm okay lol wtf
There isn't and there couldn't be. You have no idea how unsalvageble some of us are in here.
>ideally you wouldn't but yeah
Grow the fuck up you useless fucking leech of a tranny. Your parents are going to be senile someday, and good luck leeching off a sugardaddy or some shit as a 40 year old washed up troon with a blown out asshole and grey hair. Get a fucking job like the rest of us. I know you won't though, you'll probably join a disability bux polyque instead.

The fact that you say "ideally you wouldnt" to working the normal worklife that every other fucking adult on the planet has to face eventually tells me all I need to know about you. You fucking sloth.
>other people made my life harder for being a tranny
>this is somehow pinkpilling trannies' fault!!!!
skill issue
Can we stop pretending trannies are anything like the opposite sex? Pretty sure women don't join polycules or meet up with men every other day on grindr
you know you can just not do that, right?
>sinner mods delete the first repgen
lack of morals and corruption is of no surprise in a place like this

See how they crawl out of the woodwork when they remove the Word of God.
it is poison to them.
You are the only repper who I wish would go on HRT
To be trans is too have poor moral fibre, to have no sense of dignity, propriety or responsibility. sin begets more sin.

This, How many tranner can say they own their owm home or even afford rent.

They have no lives, only half lives.
They have mo career, no social lives and no standing in their community.

If you want to be a real person. Be a Man and follow God.

The 7 Deadly Sins are found in all trans people. Sloth here. but all the others

I claim this general in the name of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord rebuke all sinful posters and influences that take refuge here.
May their be God’s light shined upon it.
Your wishes will go unanswered for all time.
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Don't you have an irrational protagonist complex because you're a man?

I know that I have no advantage in being a man. But the fact that I'm still the "main gender" on earth motivates me somehow.
i did when i was younger before i realised i'm an ugly manlet that nobody likes no matter what i do or how much pain i make for myself thinking it will fix me
>from 1 to 10, how much do you want the christcuck to kill himself?

I wish he would seek professional help.

I'm no one to say who has dysphoria and who doesn't. But let's face it, a Christian Dragon Ball Z fan is the least feminine and most heterosexual autistic incel I can imagine.

And it still harms those of us who are trying to have a serious discussion or simply crying. Making the thread cringe and pushing people away.

Why don't you transition if you're a manlet?

I wouldn't feel like less of a man for being a manlet, but I would definitely transition.
Men are superior
because i'm not enough of a manlet to make it so easy as that, only enough to never be seen as a man. there is also nothing feminine about me at all and despite my height, my face and proportions are very masculine so i could never pull it off
Suicide is a sin. To cherish the life God gave is the most important gift, that includes the body He gave you at birth.

>Christian Dragon Ball Z fan is the least feminine and most heterosexual autistic incel I can imagine.

You are correct! I have no Dysphoria anymore, Isnt is amazing how God transformed me? What a nice compliment you have given me.

Nothing be as undignified and embarrassing as trying to make a male form imitate the female essence.
>wish he would seek professional help.
He did, He got the most professional help of all, God. Nice to have a poster who still has their balls in this hellhole.
Build you house upon the rock use the tools God has given you with gratitude and faith.

It is better to share a bowl of vegetables with one you Love than steak with someone you hate.

Go out there and enjoy life, stop thinking about it so much. People arent thinking about you or how you look.

No one knows your burdens, so dont appear burdened.

You can live a life free of anxiety and paranoia, you are not trans unless you give into sin. You can still choose to be a Man and conquer life than be ruled by it.

I am despised here because i offer a better path.

“And they hated him because he told them the truth.”
is it possible to remove gd entirely beyond trooning (not actually possible for me) or being lobotomised
like is there something in conversion therapy? i've heard some bad stuff about it but ultimately i'm open to it if it'll work
He is the Highest Authority. Yes
Good afternoon, my Brother in Christ

Remember. These are the people who claim to “Love” themselves and others.

the Bible defines REAL Love.

God is the cure, You do not need torture.

Only Prayer and Faith.

Living freely as yourself is worth it.
>You are correct! I have no Dysphoria anymore, Isnt is amazing how God transformed me?

He did not do anything. You've just been a geek and watched dragon ball z since you were a kid.

>Nothing be as undignified and embarrassing as trying to make a male form imitate the female essence.

In fact, this is based when it is done well. Since we can't execute, that's why we repress.

Now, wanting a mystical entity to solve your problems just because there is no other way to solve them is an act of desperation and desperation is cringe. And it is a pretense of thinking that there is another goal for you than the one you really want.
how would it be torture? like if it's just an abusive environment of some kind it'll genuinely most likely be good for me
who said trooning ever cures gd? if anything i think it only makes it worse.

I work 80 hours a week and do my makeup and take care of myself as a woman... you just get used to doing the things you want to do and be patient with yourself?
don't agree with everything you said, but at the same time
holy based
ok i ment that i don't agree with some part of what you said, but in general, you are right
i mean, yeah, living with older female relatives, like, it's not like they spend 2 hours putting on make up lol, i spend more time shaving
A life of elective Medical Dependence for a disease and pestilence of the soul you choose to sinfully embrace is not freedom.

A life where you are disconnected from God is not freedom.

A life where are outcast and spurned for you disgraceful lust and perverse vanity is not freedom.

Pic related, you cannot speak good, only evil.

Heal your heart.

I did not cure Gender Dysphoria by hating myself, i cured through the Love of God who allowed me to love myself again.

You are seeing the lies and falsehoods trans “community” possesses

They will abandon once they have succeeded in making you fall.
>is it possible to remove gd entirely beyond trooning (not actually possible for me) or being lobotomised
I honestly don't think so, it's probably very similar to the prognosis of an OCD diagnosis, it doesn't go away but you can work on keeping it at bay to not let it control your life.
oh... i was kind of hoping i'd be able to get rid of it
(thanks for the honest response though anon)
would conversion therapy work to keep it at bay?
>would conversion therapy work to keep it at bay?
Conversion therapy converting what?
You can't convert the tranny thoughts lmao, conversion therapy would definitely not work.
If you don't want to transition, you have to work with your dysphoria some way.
>Conversion therapy converting what?
converting to normalcy maybe?
>You can't convert the tranny thoughts lmao, conversion therapy would definitely not work.
>If you don't want to transition, you have to work with your dysphoria some way.
is there something *akin* to conversion that works at least?
i mainly ask because i realistically can't afford psychiatric support (and i don't trust them either) and transition is basically impossible for me, but at the same time, i have tried to pursue religion and it just... hasn't gone well.
kind of running out of options.
Really depends how bad your GD is.
When did you first desire to be the other gender?
If your GD is mild or not too severe you could probably rawdog it for quite a bit without going insane, remember that GD is actually quite common in AMABs (probably around 2% are gender dysphoric in varying degrees) and a lot of people are dealing with the same problems that you are dealing with.

The key, as with any other human suffering, is to distract yourself with other shit.
If you don't have time to think about your dysphoria, you feel it less.
Occupy yourself with work, school, whatever you can.
is 4mg sub a day (as 4×1mg) okay as a starting dose or too high? i'm worried that i might risk slowing breast growth in the future? it's valorate instead of hemihydrate if that matters too
I would much rather be around Christians than spiteful God hating gays.

This video is symbolic of the transformation from mere Dysphoric Male to fully realised Cis Male that God can help you realise.

Anon: you're going to love this, trust me. what you're seeing now is my normal state. this is a “Super Repper.”
and this. this is what is known as a “Super Repper” that has ascended above a Super Repper. or, you could just call this a “Super Repper 2”

Tranjin Buu: Uh Huh?

Pinkpiller Honbabidi: what a useless transformation, you strengthened your denial so what?

Anon: hmhmhm just wait.

Repiccolo: has he really found a way to cure Dysphoria? to surpass an ascended Repper? is that possible?

Repkrillin: he must be bluffing I am what would that make him? a cis male?


Doomer Rep: eh what he doing?



Doomer Rep: No stop it Anon! If you do this now it will drain away all the willpower you have left to repress! And I say you need every ounce of it as it is!


Your Future Son: Do it dad!

Repkrillin: Its to much!

FTM: uhhh? Whats going on? Repgen is putting out even more masculinity than before. I-i should go I dont wanna get mogged again


Tranjin Buu: WAAAAA!

Anon: I'm sorry it took much longer than the others. I havent had the occasion to practice this one. This is what I call the cure for Gender Dysphoria.

Honbabidi and Tranjin Buu: *Screams of Fear* AHHH!
Holy shit
>Really depends how bad your GD is.
>When did you first desire to be the other gender?
this probably isn't relevant because i'm autistic and had no relationship with a father figure, so when i was younger i was most likely groomed (unintentionally, moreso just by a fact of my environment) into a more feminine state, but i'll bite
funnily enough i crossdressed for a while when i was nine or ten but then got thrown down the stairs by one of my aunt's boyfriends so that kinda stopped
i guess i've had thoughts of fitting into the *social* role of a woman long before the physical? tbqh i've always kind of struggled to associate my body with being a part of me, but i do vividly remember starting to feel this visceral sense of disgust circa 13-14 y/o from puberty
funnily enough i tried to socially transition when i was 16 but got forced back into a repressing state which i'm essentially unable to escape now because of a fuckton of things i won't get into
then i tried to completely occupy myself as you suggested but kind of went off the deep end, cut off all my social contacts, completely isolated myself, and burned out from college entirely at around 18 (from which i genuinely still haven't recovered at like 20 despite now being in university) to the point where i genuinely struggle to associate myself with myself
(this is why i ask about conversion therapy, i've genuinely thrived in the more abusive environments i've been in and if i could find another that might help, but you can't just ask to be abused by people lol)
shoot sorry i posted this in the wrong thread
it's all good anon, i'm not exactly well-suited to answer but i hope you get the help you need :)

>self improvement and experiences as a woman

i never understood this stuff.

>life sucks
>pre-hrt pre-trans dissociation all the time
>start hrt
>it continues
>basically all the time
>whats the point? i have female hormone levels now but im still just as fucked as i was before
>i can have feelings now, thats cool, but have like 1 local friend and when i tried to make more

>can't make any trans friends locally cause of long distance gf
>can't meet people cause its a tiny town in the middle of nowhere and everyone knows everyone and i already fucked up once and so basically i cant talk to anyone

i have tits now so that's cool but like- shit still sucks no matter what i try it always falls apart

is living as a woman just being a girlfailure?
LGBT is demonic, trans being the most fallen and twisted. they can be redeemed but it requires repentence and a return to God’s Light and being the birth sex He designed for them.

Many are too prideful and arrogant to think

“i am wrong, my heavenly father knows best.”

I thank God every single day for freeing me from the influence of such evil.

They hate me because i destroy their narrative that Repressors must fall to the trans ideology. I am a threat to them and their quest to harvest those who resist them from Repgen.

ayy shit you are in the wrong neighbourhood nigga
(go ask in hrtgen or something, depends on what AA you taking)
hey man, i want to start believing in god and cure my dysphoria also but idk where to start or how to make god find me, maybe you can help me with that, thank you
as a 30 year old man living with his parents but making six figures, being a girlfailure would be much better than what i'm doing with my life right now
im actually glad that my dysphoria is not as bad to become a schizo christcuck
i don't even remember, did he ever told his denomination? was my post removed or it's just alcoholic memory?
doesn't matter
At least with poltards I know they’re getting entertainment value out of it.
People that are both shitting up a place and thinking they’re doing volunteer work are beneath contempt.
The grass wasnt greener.
Satans path never is.

Matthew 8:16
“That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick.”

Fight back Brothers. God’s power is infinite. He wants you healed and happy.
hey i reported him
(i maybe be an alcoholic and i shitpost a lot, but at least i still maintain some of my sanity)
I started to read the bible, i started praying.
I try to live my life as God would want.

When He cured my Dysphoria that night i came to Him broken and humbled, i was at my lowest, darkest.

And He mercifully answered me, I will pray for Him to answer you too.

Be patient, Be faithful, work hard.

There is no mistaking the feeling when you are cured, colour returns to the world, your body is unburdened, your heart lies still and calm, yet a fire is lit inside you, you feel as though nothing can stop you.

Truly a miracle
the schizo christ cuck is not crazy crazy, just very desperately coping, in a few months/years he is either trooning out or roping
he spends more and more time here, and if you spend more and more time in repgen, it only means that your cope doesn't work anymore
> it only means that your cope doesn't work anymore
just don't to do some cringe pinkpilling please
i don't even know what im doing here anymore
Is that why the repgens have seemed especially religious lately...?
at this point i think it's just a bot so i ignore it
Not really lol
Makes me sad that you are so without hope of a cure and victory.

I experienced a wonderful miracle and hope others will too.

Evil triumphs when Good men do nothing.
you are not a real human, you can't even tell the denomination you are part of
fuck off
for the most part, yeah
i think there might be something in finding comfort in religion, though i'm hardly qualified to talk on that given my experiences
that aside, the poster worries me a little. i really hope they can find a more healthy way of coping with the burden
>Sounds like your life doesn't have much stress so you can afford it.
Not really, it's just that I'm Canadian.
> Being a nonpassing tranny hon with diffuse thinning hair and facing the societal torment that that brings, day in and day out for the rest of my life until I die of old age, is antithetical to the goal of living a happy life
If you think your appearance is what is going to make you happy you're in for a rude awakening one day...
> hatecrimed, harassed, photographed, fired, and homeless
seems a bit exaggerated anon...
> tried it at 19
bruh wtf are you talking about? you were transitioning at NINETEEN and you're calling yourself a hon? the delusion....
>Grow the fuck up you useless fucking leech of a tranny.
I own my own business lmao stfu
> Your parents are going to be senile someday, and good luck leeching off a sugardaddy or some shit as a 40 year old washed up troon with a blown out asshole and grey hair
the shit yall make up is wild
> Get a fucking job like the rest of us.
Imagine wanting to work? Lol wtf
> The fact that you say "ideally you wouldnt" to working the normal worklife that every other fucking adult on the planet has to face eventually tells me all I need to know about you. You fucking sloth.
It's the opposite, actually. I was raised by a young single mother on welfare, worked my ass off to get out of poverty... mind your assumptions buddy.

Ideally, you would work less than 40h a week... is that not true? Do you WANT to work 80h a week or what? Slave mentality.

>Pretty sure women don't join polycules or meet up with men every other day on grindr
I've never done either of these things.
Do any of you ever say anything remotely true that isn't just horny stereotypes from your porn-addled coomer brains?
kys christcuck
all queer repression stems from religious nonsense. there's no other reason to do it.
do you think that Jesus was actually trans? maybe that is how he found god also by being the ultimate repchad
I wish I could commit sewerslide but somehow leave a functional, non-dysphoric, non-depressed version of myself behind so that I don't make my family sad...
god that's a mood
hoping the whole cloning/designer human thing comes out soon because i'd probably do the same ngl
I'm a repper and religious, and I think if I were to troon out and manmode or webber I'd retain a spiritual practice, so I think I'm more concerned by the absolutism than anything else.
Anyone that zealous, pro or con, should be a source of caution. But maybe it's just that I'm not much of a Dragonball fan...
I'm not sure how to feel about bots finding religion.
Prolly gonna kms if T-man wins the election. Thought about going to canada or mexico to claim asylum, but I am sure they don't recognize reppers as qualified.

Anybody with me? Maybe we can all go at once?
I must have missed that question.
I am an Evangelical Baptist

No. That would be blasphemy. Jesus was the most perfect being to walk in the flesh.

Although i get where you are coming. He faced temptation when he was the desert, He would also triumph over Dysphoria because he can do all things and overcome all.

He would never promote it, He would cure it.
a disgusting mark of the beast to denote sexual perversity, mutilation of man and women alike, molestation and grooming.

The Lord rebuke you and your awful evil behaviour.

>Imagine wanting to work? Lol wtf
“He who does work; shall not eat”
Why would I leave? He’s bad for LGBT
i'm not sure it'd be recognised unless you were actually in the process of transition, claiming asylum isn't exactly an easy process that anyone can just do
(i'm aware that's probably ironic coming from a britbong (me) but yeah it's a bit of a mare)
being a britbong i'd be unlikely to be able to join y'all unfortunately. please put the kettle on in the repper commune before i turn up though
alright Mark Corrigan from peep show
god i wish i was lucky enough to be born in the south (or not in this shithole country at all tbqh)
>t. northerner (poorfag)

stop letting sadness beat you
bruh you're a subhuman ape, don't @ me
you're intellectually lagging centuries behind and you want us to take you seriously lmao get a grip
Frieza browsing /lgbt/ what a twist!
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are there any FtM reppers here who arent lesbians? or any FtMs at all? or is this thread just for the dbz posting schizo...
anyway. 19yo ftm repper here. never been on T, exclusively attracted to men, unknowingly force femmed by my transphobic cishet boyfriend recently due to getting on birth control (nexplanon) and not realizing i was both implanting female hormones in me and making my body emulate Pregnancy. on top of that, my boyfriend discourages me from hrt because he says itll shorten my lifespan and he wants to live a long life with me. it hurts, i completely understand his fear but i wish he understood that its not nearly as dangerous as he thinks (i only ever want to go on T for the permanent changes, not to actually stay on it, but still the idea of detransitioning into clocky physical feminization disgusts me). ive been doing nothing but going on ftm pooner threads on kf for the past few days in order to scare myself off and rep, but i can feel myself just turning into a terrible person. of course, i cant talk to anyone about this, theyd know just how terrible of a person i am for repping. (not that i have any actual friends to talk to anyway)
i want to die. at some point this year i thought of making a vow to myself that i would start T this year, but then my boyfriend started freaking out about the shortened lifespan and bone fragility and shit. now im over here unknowingly getting female fat redistribution and possibly breast growth (that my boyfriend also wouldnt let me get rid of, which i was fine with as long as they stayed small but if they actually grow im going to seriously harm myself).
if my boyfriend ever leaves me im genuinely roping, and i know he would leave if i tried to transition. i guess rope is the only way
ftm reppers are rare here, but welcome regardless. please disregard schizoposts :)
that aside, i know this seems really obvious, but - not trying to bluepill - your boyfriend genuinely sounds like he has a lot of red flags and wants to control you. please don't let him force you to cut off contact with your friends or your family or anything like that. (if he tries to do shit like that, it might genuinely be worth trying to get out of that situation, as hard as that might be.)
i'm not going to tell you what to do - because ultimately, you have your own autonomy and can make your own decisions.
what i will say is please, please be careful
and i wish you the very best of luck
i have to admit, dysphoric female repression is not my area of expertise, so my usual methodologies wont apply.

But i can see you lack self-esteem.

As a Man i seek to have no emotional or physical weaknesses. You are dependant on your boyfriend for emotional validation. Thats a weakness that he is exploiting, be it directly or indirectly.

You should never be afraid to lose people or things. But never lose yourself.

Successful repression thrives on self-love
not self-hate

>theyd know just how terrible of a person i am for repping.
really astounds me this is the sad state of the younger generations.
My generation see Repression for the sake of self improvement, betterment of society and God as heroic and good.

Now this is more difficult for females because you cannot brute force a solution.

But know this, you possess the gift of life, that is not a gift to be thrown away lightly.

Pray, find God and perhaps He will show you the path if you are willing. but for now your first priority is to fix your mind, that is the bigger problem.

The problem is estrogen is counter-productive to stoicism and controlling emotions.

Craft a life for yourself where you alone benefit, one thats not dependant on anyone else for it’s happiness.
You are young, brains dont fully develop till 25, learn to overpower your emotions.

You can be any kind of Woman you want. Be a strong one.

(And before someone asks, no, none of the males here can be feminine or weak, man up.)

God bless, My Sister in Christ. May you find peace and understanding in yourself.

i really dont want to be an incel.. but everytime I see people talking about boyfriends i get sad because, only some people born male have girlfriends, while 99% of people born female have boyfriends.

And I don't know how to feel about this, I literally lose sleep over conclusions that humanity is just cruel or idk.. I'm in a constant state of denial of this incel midnset i dont want it to be true is life really this cruel aeidgjklajdlgjdga
lets boil down repression to one simple question.
Do you want to be the victim?
Or do you want to be the boot?
Choose you side wisely, anons…
>my boyfriend discourages me from hrt because he says itll shorten my lifespan and he wants to live a long life with me
>(not that i have any actual friends to talk to anyway)
>if my boyfriend ever leaves me im genuinely roping
Seconding the other anon
I know you didn't come here to hear that in the first place but your boyfriend sounds overly controlling
Simple hypothetical, if he were to troon out, would you stay in that relationship? If yes, then you're doing more than he's currently doing/would do. If not, then you're not loving him for the person he truly is. In both cases it's proof the relationship isn't that fair between the two of you.

Regarding your original question, I can't help more than that, I've only met one ftm repper and he's got zero libido as a result of all of that.
yep it all inevitably boils down to instincts and reproduction, females get a choice males have to look for it etc.

though i wouldnt say exactly 99%... most born female people ive seen are the ones who constantly complain about men and wanna violent them or choose a bear over them. i mightve been in the wrong corner of the internet tho.
what would the boot mean in this situation im autistic i imagined an actual boot
…the boot of the oppressor…upon the oppressed.

you kids are really fucking retarded.
You should enjoy the challenge, nothing worth doing in life is handed to you on a plate.

Get out there and hunt for your success.
damn i didnt know but it does sound kind of hot to be crushed under the boot of my oppressors
for fuck sake
it isn't my place to impose my will on others
but in an ideal world, i would not like to be imposed upon either
i still would be, of course
the world isn't ideal
I don't think I'm really even bisexual.
I'm just a porn addict schizo, a kind of control freak possibly, who has a tendency to gaslight himself.

And I have very little sense of self.

When it comes down to it, it would be pretty evil to latch onto women or gay men or trans people
men should have less rights than woman
believers should have less rights than those who don't believe
the only evil is whoever steers you to being trans or gay.

Go explore the world. Find what you enjoy. create an identity, find out what kind of man you are.

thats why you suffer, you believe in nothing, so nothing believes in you.
>nothing believes in you
>thats why you suffer
non sequitur

Goodbye for a while. I’ll be back someday to help again.
Stand fast against the lies of the trans.

Remember. God did not make you this way. Reject LGBT. Do not choose death.
men probably do commit more sex crimes but also i genuinely feel like female sex offenders do not get prosecuted as much. this is from the uk where women legally cannot rape someone.
this should be controlled to separate people who transition after arrest and those who don't
How do you people post shit like this and not see how obvious it is you're being manipulated by a satanic death cult

hii its the thing from >>3665808 here

idk what i was on earlier (ik what it was, hadn't ate or drank for like a day) but i actually like being a girl so much more than some weird guy.

anyway thank you for the bible quote that's pretty cool im gonna use it in my angels-are-robots-actually video game that im totally gonna make someday with my super awesome wife

also yeah this is satans path the way im watching helluva boss and hazbin hotel

fuck. >>3667808 not 5808
Based, Christ is King

fuck me holy hell >>36667808
im retarded
transwomen are ugly and have chud phenotype
you will be a mockery of yourself if you troon
> write book about how knowing about good and evil ruined everything
> obsess about who's good and evil
What the fuck is your deal with dragon ball lmao
>being a retarded redditor atheist with a complete meme understanding of the Bible and theology
>calling other people subhuman monkeys
The Iron Law of Woke Projection never fails
>or is this thread just for the dbz posting schizo...
ill try to chill sorry
go ahead and experiment with your gender and gender presentation
you’ll see that it’s just a bunch of lame bullshit for capricious self absorbed ugly people
the grass is brown and dead on the other side and nothing but despair and desolation awaits you there
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there is nothing for any of you to actually repress when transition is an impossibility, it doesn't exist. it's a cruel joke and a lie perpetuated with malicious intent to ruin lives. it's a boogeyman you've created in your own minds that's grown out of control and as soon as you realise that you'll be free. stop telling yourself that transition exists because it doesn't.
are any of you ever around any trannies? those niggas be looking crazy out there
even the wealthier white ones look straight out of White Chicks
dont pretend to be him
just know it well enough to summarize the contradictions succinctly.
raised catholic, studied theology, from /pol/ and not reddit
you're in a cult and projecting that we are to make yourself feel better about your repression

been there.

you're in for a rude awakening.
Average troon be like: What? she passes she looks like a normal woman :)
one week nofap
this is where it starts getting difficult.
different anon.
You turned you back on God.
Do drag others down with you.
I’ll keep repressing and defying your woke leftist demonic world order.

I would rather die than have anything to do with the likes of you.
Its a non-woke medium free of faggots and black people.
hes right

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