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>After reviewing chat logs, Lava, who was a 15 year old boy, now admits that his conversations with Ava Kris Tyson were inappropriate

We're so cooked. He was the only defending us
Why would you lie about this then suddenly change your mind?
Its really common for victims of abuse to gaslight themselves into believing nothing bad actually happened.
Mr.Beast hired investigators so instead of being caught lying and covering for Kris the guy was like ON SECOND THOUGHT YEAH ITS BAD
>15 year old
Probably contacted to become a rw grifter. Lots of money to be made.
Watch this one Mr FBI agent.
> We

The problem with Kris isn't that she's a troon. The problem was that she was a streamer. Streamers are degen, especially early ones before it became more professionalized.

All online micro cults: streamers, kiwi farms, mumsnet, 4chan board regulars... Are degen come to think of it. Filled with freaks.
but enough of the reeeing hot take tumblrinas came up with to farm nonexistent trauma for engagement dopamine, let’s see what the science says
If he stuck to his guns after more info came out, it would look like he's claiming that clearly inappropriate things are appropriate, making himself look like a potential groomer too.
The absolute state of reading comp on this board lol.
I spent my childhood/teen years in furry sex rp chatrooms, everyone was anonymous so I fundamentally don’t understand the moral difference whether I was speaking to people older or younger than me at the time. The chat logs were all the same arrangements of unicode characters whether typed by an 8 year old or a 40 year old.
Pics would be another thing entirely.
Imagine carrying this much water for rapists and pedophiles.
One must wonder what motives you
And now you’re trans?
Good for him, I'm glad he remembered he was raped by text on the internet. Its easy to forget because of how traumatizing text is. I forgot I read the words nigger faggot 20 years ago. But I recently discovered that I must have read it and I should never have seen it at such a young impressionable age.
I always feel so bad for people who were raped via text words. It’s so harmful and demoralizing.
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>after being dogpiled for not confirming to the belief I am a victim I must come out and bow to the amerimutt AOC brainrot mob
This is textbook reverse brainwashing in real time. This is exactly like how liberal whites condition every minority living a normal life around them they're a victim of an imaginary supremacy

I'm sorry but just because an adult said sexual jokes around someone under 18 doesn't make them a victim of anything, this was literally normal 20 years ago in online culture and elsewhere.

On that note Colleen did nothing wrong either, go fuck yourselves with this ridiculous virtue signaling cancel culture horseshit.
Nope. I just like this board cuz it’s slow, but not too slow, /pol/ adjacent but not a psychological warfare battlefield
Well, the messages were indeed inappropriate. He wasn't necessaryily defending us, but just looked back positively on the messages because it was with people he looked up to. Besides, there are so many allegations, and no one was actually believing Lava
How many fascists have used that exact line bruh? And you just did it without any irony.
Humiliation ritual
>victim of abuse
>text on a screen in discord
lol zoomers really are the biggest pussy generation in history
This anon gets it, gen Z is so lost in their own sauce lol

There's never been a generation of adults in their early 20s farming fake trauma like them
This is a fake article.
>facism is when you don’t make excuses for pedophiles
Sounds like a good thing then
Care to provide some examples for the class?
Chris Hansen rose to power upon accusing a pedophile of burning the reichstag or something

this wouldn't happen if the trans cooomunity wasn't such a hugboxxing cringefest
>yeaah let’s maybe not kill the Romanovs fellas I’m a comrade and everything but the kids are innocent especially in all of this
Does we stop dogpiling on Ava? There is no concrete proof all this is real and she must be going through a very hard time right now.

Please remember she has a child, so be kind and don’t get Ava upset.
kids born in 1760s
Born in the 1770s*, france
It's actually over for yall. My mom (normie, doesn't watch political brainrot content, doesn't even really know MrBeast to begin with) brought it up to me and she's been pilled on pretty much all of it including the Shadman part. She wasn't even aware that kind of porn existed and assumed it was as illegal as the real equivalent, definitely views it the same way which I think most people who didn't grow up on 4chan do too.
Roasties fear the loli
I live in a traditional Italian fishing village next to the Adriatic Sea and the local newspaper's international section had a small article on the events.
this, just like EVERY detransitioner who goes public with their story they are being handled to produce the desired outcome

I'm waiting on this "investigation" since it seems like every step has thus far just been manufactured outrage

lol I was all over the internet for years exposed to and discussing unsavory shit with adults and other minors before I was 14 and started using 4chan
I recall it was weird for adults to be on the internet at all after a certain age. When I saw someone over 20 they were someone to be ridiculed because it meant they didn't have a job/girlfriend ect. Dick jokes, holocaust jokes ect were nomal.
I have this distinct memory of being 14 years old and shitting on this guy in MW2 with the rest of voice chat for being 24 and still playing video games. It’s how much the social dynamics of the 00s and early 10s internet got memory holed. I guess we figured since it’s all archived we could look back and instantly understand it but I guess it was like the frog in boiling water.
What's funny is because this is only happening to zoomers/genXers because they used online places, with intent or without intent, that have mixed-aged communuties that allow to easily track you such as discord/facebook and other social media.

Meanwhile millennials grew up on imageboards, irc and anonymous forums so they can't get tracked like this.
>This is textbook reverse brainwashing in real time
nigga they literally dug up old discord chats
But did she know the person was 13?
who's "us" lol
Post comfy af
>still bargaining
Lmao. Bro is cooked, move on.
Doesn’t matter I’m still voting for Harris
you mean like tranny repression?
oh god
>still in denial in spite of daily organic rogd threads

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