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last time on mtfg >>36660818
QOTT1 do you want to get married
QOTT2 do you want to wear a wedding dress
>do you want to get married
yes but if it’s not one of two people I never will
>do you want to wear a wedding dress
yes but I’m scared I’ll never pass well enough to not look like a freak
qott: yes ofc
qott 2: absolutely but im scared ill look like a mannish hon in my wedding photos. thats why i want to wait until i get all my surgeries before i even consider marriage
I look like a super hon in my wedding dress. Oh well, at least I'm getting married.
mfs will really say shit like this and then the picture is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen
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wud be nice but the person who cares about me the most doesn't want to marry me so it's never gonna happen.
god no i wore a dress to a wedding once and it still haunts me years later. idk what happened to it since it seems to have vanished afterwards.
yikes, ruining it
Why are you painting ur nails black for ur wedding
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I appreciate that anon. I have serious self image issues. My poor fiance has to deal with constantly providing me with affirmation. I'm really lucky to have them though.
cute guy
your husband is nice to comfort you
congratulations !
just looks like dress shopping Jules
It's a bridal shop. Not the day of my wedding. My hair is also a wreck and I'm hardly wearing makeup. You didn't see the dozen other dresses hanging behind me?
Yes. I'd love to call someone my husband.
No. I actually don't want a wedding. I would hate to pay for clothes I'd wear once. Am poor.
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Lol fucking tourist

We know you're a closeted homosexual
So you are getting your nails done between now and the day you're getting married? Cool.
I have only a bit of it left but I never got to reading it.
care to extrapolate? im not closeted at all, im gay and a transwoman
don't be so t-ragey, im just complimenting you on being lucky enough to be attractive and also find a husband
whoops dropped trip to post on th
I know it seems crazy to spend a lot a dress you’d wear once but that particular occasion very likely will be one of the most important days of your life
I think it’s worth it (to a point, of course) because it is a special day and it helps you to feel and understand and remember how special it is and how special you are to your spouse
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I mean it is. Also it's a very entertaining read regardless
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enjoy :}
I am very not sentimental so I don't believe it applies for me but I respect it it is important to you.
Uhh yeah? That's a weird question. My wedding is in October, I think I have time.
I very much plan to marry my gf, but idk about the wedding dress. Will definitely have to wait until I look decent and if I never do I will just kms or just get legally married and not have any fancy wedding
>QOTT1 do you want to get married
Yes. To a woman.

>QOTT2 do you want to wear a wedding dress
>never gonna happen
hope you’re wrong about that
>don't believe it applies for me
maybe so
but I suspect on some things people are a lot more universal than we think
aside from the girl, is this drawn or like rotoscoped or something ?
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>hope you’re wrong about that
would have to be with some other person then and i don't see how that would happen.

think they manipulate/filter photos for the backgrounds with some touching up to save time. results in quite a neat art style.
You said "cute guy" on my pic? Wtf? Stop trolling.
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I feel the sadness.
I dunno I don’t like it at all feels el cheapo
slightly just got picrel in the mail yesterday
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already doing it lmao
i was thinking suit jacket on a dress desu, already a couple of kgs off the goal so who knows lmao
Meh. I need to go eat food. I think. Probably. But i dunt wanna.
get moving babe !
The first associate at the bridal shop that was meant to help me had to leave because she "felt sick". True story. Its fine though because the next one they assigned me was super cool. I'd rather not have a transphobic person "assisting" me anyway. But like, fuck that bitch.
i appreciate photo art and mixed media ig. it's not like they just slapped a rasterize filter on and called it a day. the protagonist being completely disconnected art-wise from the rest of the characters and the world is a very deliberate choice.
she filtered herself so good glad the second person was normal
Yeah that was my opinion on it. I was there to have fun with my bridesmaids trying on dresses and I wasn't going to let a dumb bitch ruin that for me. Overall was a good day. My maids mog the fuck out of me tho.
well thanks for explaining that the effect in this case is in service to themes, without that context it looks kinda lazy to me
You look like a munch of the cis women i do fitness coaching for
I hope your wedding is wonderful, and you look gorgeous in that dress
>mum knows i have issues with eating noises
>she decides to eat loudly and talk with food in her mouth when i start to tell her im going to the shops
>just say im leaving and leave
>she crunches loudly as i close the door
>yell out in frustration
>get back
>she says i need to overreact less
if only she could understand that im not overreacting

>noooo somebody called me cute the world is ending!!!

women can feel sick without you deciding it was a slight against you lol
>that im not overreacting
have you tried not being such a sook, cunts make noise eating soz
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Just get on gaygen man
misophonia exists and im not hearing the same thing she hears when someone is eating or speaking with food in their mouth

im 100% a loser sosu, i have to wear earplugs in restaurants sometimes bc of the noise or getting overwhelmed from all the ppl

care to extrapolate? im a transwoman

You're cute.
fuak i got yelled at for eating too loud at a mates joint when I was smashing indian food and since then i just cant cop it hey, soz sosu but goddamn really i just cant relate to it, i deal with barking fucking dogs all day and mental cunts smashing bins so i spose its just diffy, i dunno i just go get off me head so its probably a me issue
You called me a cute guy. I'm not a guy. Quit trolling. And it was blatant from the moment so spoke that she was transphobic. She was totally fine until she started to ask what i was looking for and heard me speak.

You're not gay. You're not a trans woman. You're a guy that is in desperate need of hobby.
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The trans community does not claim you, go ask if the gays have enough pity to take you
also dunno where emo is but soz dreem was garbo, check out some of this
okay i laughed
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Yay sarahs parents really like me and said i was pretty a bunch
Self esteem saved
this story triggers me I wonder if some enterprising medical researchers have coined a greek neologism for that
idc what the "trans community" says especially coming from a child who has been here for only a few months
im transgender, get over it

>You called me a cute guy. I'm not a guy.
guy is a gender neutral term, like "hey guys" or "you guys"
>You're not gay.
the multiple men i've had sex with would seem to indicate otherwise
>You're not a trans woman.
im on hrt, i have dysphoria, i get gendered female, etc. i am definitely a transwoman
>You're a guy that is in desperate need of hobby.
i already have hobbies tho
>it was blatant from the moment so spoke that she was transphobic. She was totally fine until she started to ask what i was looking for and heard me speak.
not your place to judge, i hope she's feeling better

why r u laughing
still mute or
>hmmm let me dismiss someone's painful experiences because i think they're just being a whiny sensitive bitch
tes: daggerinback boy won't learn, stop feeding it
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You're an incel that had the misfortune to start hrt
A trans woman doesn't sit on her ass all day yelling "I'm disabled bro!" whenever someone tells them to actually do something to make transitioning work, they don't get told they won't have hrt for x amount of time and knowing well how to purchase reserves of it they do 0
A trans woman doesn't spend all day online misgendering and harassing any trans woman they see that is experiencing the most miniscule fraction of happiness
You're a gay man that started hrt, not a trans woman
your posting was stimuli for my laugh response
I have and I'm usually quite good at it. I was just really nervous and dropped it when talking to her.

A real trans woman would not claim that guy is a gender neutral term.

They also wouldn't be defending someone that was blatantly being transphobic.
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>QOTT1 do you want to get married
Maybe. I used to say "hell yeah" but nowadays my answer is maybe. I guess I'll just see where life takes me. I almost married a girl from my past, but after that relationship I realized I wasn't ready for a commitment like that. I had a lot of work to do on myself.
>QOTT2 do you want to wear a wedding dress
Not really. Maybe my opinion will change after implants.
>A real trans woman
no I’m not being sarcastic at all I am relating to an intrusive negative emotion caused by a trivial stimulus (reading a post on the internet)
>You're an incel that had the misfortune to start hrt
you don't know what an incel is
>A trans woman doesn't sit on her ass all day yelling "I'm disabled bro!" whenever someone tells them to actually do something to make transitioning work
that's not what i do
my transition, for all intents and purposes, "works". people gender me female. i haven't been called sir in ages. >they don't get told they won't have hrt for x amount of time and knowing well how to purchase reserves of it they do 0
i have a medication prescribed by my doctor, how is it my fault when the medication can't be refilled?? i can't afford it without insurance coverage, i have to get it from the pharmacy.>A trans woman doesn't spend all day online misgendering and harassing any trans woman they see that is experiencing the most miniscule fraction of happiness
again, this is not what i do. you're just sneeding because i support people but not their delusions about what being transgender means. i have a deeper understanding of the condition than "i like booba i must be a gorl" that you have
>You're a gay man that started hrt, not a trans woman
there's zero difference
i am a gay transwoman
you're either straight or more likely bi, idk what orientation has to do with it. we're both transwomen because of our shared male anatomy.

>A real trans woman would not claim that guy is a gender neutral term.
>no true scotsman
>They also wouldn't be defending someone that was blatantly being transphobic.
one person's transphobia is another person's earnestly believed truth.

oh idk sorry im just fucking retarded and getting dumber without hrt
i feel a lot more depressed and upset lately, i don't like it and ppl here like lasagna and anya needling me and trying to provoke me into lashing out doesn't help
i just want to close my eyes and wake up in my real life where im married to ex bff and we're happy together
yeh I can imagine that being off hrt can be super stressful
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>You're a gay man that started hrt, not a trans woman
>there's zero difference
>A trans woman doesn't spend all day online misgendering and harassing any trans woman they see that is experiencing the most miniscule fraction of happiness
>again, this is not what i do.
you should consider leaning further into being a lolcow and you might manage to find some success in gaining power
Nah i started taking again around noon. I practiced saying a word in the bathroom to get it back
ahahah fuck take a look at yourself honestly diapershitter
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I need a mentor too I should put an ad there
good strategy I’m glad this passed losing a faculty all of the sudden sucks
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Huh. Heard her voice for the first time in years. I forgot how nice her voice is. Which reminds me:

Time to practice again. Honestly, out of my transition I don't think I've shed more tears, clenched so many fists over anything more than my voice. Hair? I can do that. Makeup? I can do that. Skin? I can do that. Vibes? I can do that. Even my body, with time and money I can do that.

The *voice*?! That's just pure will and a dice roll. I legitimately think this is the hardest thing I've done in my life. One step forward, half a step back. That's my progress right now. I get something, I lose it in a few minutes, I get frustrated and cry. I feel like such a child the way I want to almost throw a tantrum over not having a passing voice yet.

Giving up isn't exactly my forte anymore anyway. Today's sorrow is tomorrow's victory. I also keep forgetting how much progress I've made. I'll get there one day. One day I'll laugh at my past self for crying over something that will eventually become easy. Eventually.
pot kettle eh? ;^)
I have an appointment for hrt in a few days, but where are you all getting clothes?
Yea. It just happens once in a while. Not super often crippling
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Who even are you.
>waiting to hear back from pharmacy for meds
>waiting to hear back from vocational evaluation about results
>waiting for depression med increase to maybe help me feel better
>waiting for suicidal or self harm urges to pass
>waiting to hear back from ex bff
>waiting for my dad to make me feel loved
>waiting to be able to kill myself
>waiting until im stable enough to try dating or moving out
i feel like im waiting on everything and like i've done everything i can at this point, and i hate that it's basically nothing. it wouldn't make sense to get a job until the vocational rehab ppl can help with that. i can't move out until i have somewhere to go and the certainty that i could sustain myself. i can't even bloody exercise because it's too damn hot out. i just feel powerless and helpless all the fucking time and feeling that way makes me feel wworse because i feel so childish, a real adult would just be able to do stuff instead of being so unstable and lazy and selfish like i am
idk i fucking hate myself so much but i can't seem to change the parts i hate the most fast enough, i just want to cut my legs off sometimes so other people as well as myself could see just how fucking broken i am i just want to stop existing UGH
sorry to dump all this on you im being irresponsible pls take care of yourself and such

how is it lolcow-ish to have sensory issues
nobody babe just uncomfy vibes
>someone is sick
missed shot, try again honey but stay fucking noided
shut up lasagna
you're literally describing yourself lmao shshsjshsh
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You're literally just a nonamer.
Go back to kindergarten your reading comprehension is that of an illiterate baby
pedro should shut the fuck up and eat 1 apple
so I am totally functional in the sense of being independent, having a career, having friends, going on dates, etc etc but I still relate to a lot of the feelings you describe bc I think they are pretty normal and as I mentioned recently I do think that you have everything you need to return to making progress on your goals
it’s normal to feel terrible sometimes it doesn’t mean yngmi
I also think that while it is really great to have a loving mother who can and wants to support you when you need it, living w a parent as an adult can be extremely extremely hard on both the adult child and the parent
discord jumping in lmao
>just a matter of consistency
yeah consistency is the hard part for me. I "found" the voice already (pretty recently too)
>literally just start narrating what you do when alone
This might be obvious but I monologue when I'm alone. I typically just re-tell myself stories from my messy era. I have a lot of really, really fuckin' good stories that I can't post here unfortunately so I have a lot of ammo to work with. Although, I know the exactly words and sounds that cause me to lose my voice so at least i have that going for me.
>makes u feel schizo but works wonders
haha yeah.
so you do know bitch, fucking settle and sit rq lmao suck a phat cock
if I made a compilation of your posts on kf you would become a lolcow instantly lol
>Go back to kindergarten your reading comprehension is that of an illiterate baby
illiterate babies don't go to kindergarten dummkopf

i agree with that
sometimes i feel more trapped by living here than i did by having a rent to pay that i had to struggle to meet
>it’s normal to feel terrible sometimes it doesn’t mean yngmi
i know but i feel like this all the time
>you have everything you need to return to making progress on your goals
and i am working on it, im doing what i can without overextending myself, it's just frustrating how slow it's going.
>I still relate to a lot of the feelings you describe bc I think they are pretty normal
ig, im sorry you have to deal with that stuff tho. suicidal thoughts are allegedly not normal

can't listen due to social anxiety, sry
Kf never trolls 4chan people unless they have a platform off site too
mtfg lolcow general
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I don't even use discord.
>can't listen due to social anxiety, sry
it's seriously too much like a phonecall
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i wanna be a metal working blacksmith tranny
>how slow it’s going
back when I used to represent individual clients like in DUIs, DV, divorces, etc, one thing I had to explain to them was the need to very quickly start working on their capacity for patience bc once the legal system is involved in their lives a lot is already put of their control and they are going to feel all this emotional urgency but the system runs at its own speed, which is slow
I think this is true in life generally
You may wake up one day w a million things to do and no energy for it or you may wake up with all the energy but it’s too hot, or raining, or your car is broken, or your scrip hasn’t been filled
patience is a very valuable skill in this life
extremely funny ngl
>patience is a very valuable skill in this life
true and good advice, ty frenulum
i hear that a lot
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>literally just start narrating what you do when alone
only recommended if you're living alone unless ur looking to get warded.
I think I'm going to go a bit coocoo

It's amazing. I don't know how a bf is going to fit next to her giant swinging brass balls.
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>dad in hospital, doesn't say why but know he's been some kind of sick
>he sends a mass text to the family with his hospital room and says it's bad
>i ask if there's some kind of soup or anything i could bring him and he says not to text him and he'll talk to me soon
thread can someone give me advice on this, should i go visit? it sounds like he doesn't want me to, but my grandma is visiting him, and he did kinda make it sound like he's dying?? but if i go he might yell at me, that feels possible.
idk, he's not old or anything and he tends to catastrophize, but i'm very worried about the obvious worry here and not visiting him

Defer to his wishes. If he was dying he would be in denial. He's in pain.
do you have any other family you can talk to or go with? it'll be easier if it's not just you

For instance the reward of waiting 10 years for a game of factorio with you is... an unfinished main bus.
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I need to get my shit together.
he hid this from me and i think most of the family for several months, he went to the hospital yesterday and told us. that's why i'm so worried.
last time he was sweeping health stuff under the rug i didn't hear about it until he was mostly recovered from some surgery he had for it, i didn't get a family wide announcement with a hospital room number and an "it's bad." it's vague but it kind of makes me think he has heard something from his doctors he doesn't wanna share
fuck man if she wasn't gonna go with the py king she wasnt gonna bow, let it go homeslice
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hey guys hows it going?

congrats anon!!!!! you made it
i could bring my sister and us both go see him, she's not got her license yet anyway so she'd need a shuttle
my grandma is also going there today sometime so i can ask her for more details. if he's not dying i'd rather give him space and see him next time he takes me and sister fishing yaknow
>he says not to text him and he'll talk to me soon
did this not get through that thick skull of yours? he’s basically telling you to not interact with him until he personally asks for you
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more than anything else in my life
my ear could use a cleaning
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How about you come over to my place so i can set you straight
more cat memes more cat memes
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FWB coming over tonight, wishing he was my BF, but thats just life i guess
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Probably not doing as bad as me. My stress eating issues are getting 10 times worse than usual now because I see no real point on actually resisting fucking myself over, and I see no point in doing anything to help myself out of the hole I'm digging. I hate it
Please stop
please continue
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lol relatable i often can't put up with vocas, only from some people. shame they banned salti.
Thanks love <3
i mean idk he just said "i don't want to be texting back and forth right now" he didn't tell me to fuck off lol. it could be he's too brain foggy to deal with his phone for all i know. my confusion is coming from the fact that i asked him (by way of the soup question) if i should visit and his response both worried me more and didn't really answer the question
i think i'm gonna do what the other poster mentioned and ask my other family and maybe go with someone else if it sounds like it's really bad
oh nvm then. yeah just visit him time from time with family/relatives. don’t text him since he doesn’t feel like texting. hope he dies tho
saltine's nice to listen to, she should do audiobooks
>hope he dies tho
bruh wtf
How do I look like that
I should do something already yeah.. I feel so depressed though
>hey guys hows it going?
Yeah I just need to get the snowball rolling but in the good way instead of the bad way.. keep getting ran over by the already rolling bad one whenever I try to stop it
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>forgot to make a dough because was too busy with brain problems
no dinner it is then. that'll teach the brain to stop tweaking surely.
You don’t look like that THOUGH
I am protecting my baby cat by huggling it and giving it pets. It agrees with purring and kneading.
why. what did you do.
And headbutts.
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Need to kms
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ofc not why would i post myself i'm hideous nobody wants to see that. except maybe snew but she's not even here.
i am trying to get sober, i dont think it will work, but i don't want to die anymore, i want to live a relatively long life and get married
phone broken :(
don't do that
I do !
oh and pls eat a little something for dinner
But I wanna
v pretty
shut the fuck up paige
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well too bad i'm not posting my mug here until after ffs (aka. never).
i dont get these images
also sick and anxious
think I'm going to throw up
also wanted to show you this it came in the mail yesterday it’s gorgeous >>36665014
trick is to leave it cold fermenting so when you remember you're supposed to cook after a drunken haze its ready to go 4 calzone kek god blessem sauce in the freezer
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what's there to get?

i ate a slice of bread.
thank you friend
yeh i usually ahave some ready to go in the fridge but i made sum for my parents so that threw me off. tomorrow i will make more yeh.
i am trying to fuck with some ascorbic acid and a lower hydration but ive hit the limits of what a dogshit oven can do and I aint about to drop for an ooni or a gozney
im mainly trying out hydration and kneading diffs. oven's a hunk of junk but it's not my house so nof much i can do.
i fuked up & i kno it g
unforch ye, compensate with temp monitoring and adjust timing, i just fixed the burner i cant be fucked tearing out and ordering off appliancesonline before xmas, not my year to host
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Well, I'm officially single again. Not sure how to feel about this one. It was getting very toxic. We weren't meant for each other.

I'm not saying I'm not sad over it. I just know it's for the best. I don't want to use a breakup as an excuse to lose all the progress I've made. I have better ways of coping nowadays.
>would not claim that guy is a gender neutral term
it's contextual, like "hey guys whats up" vs "my guy, listen..."
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genuinely worthless
no it is fucking not shut the fuck up paige
who the hell is paige
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i like to use my time outside of relationships for healing and introspection. sometimes you need it and sometimes you don't. sometimes you can see a relationship going a long time before it drives off a cliff. it's a nice space to breathe for a while, anyway. i think you'll find someone new and better for you because you're cool and interesting and i believe in you you got this. as long as you keep going, someone will want to survive with you :D
sir is gender neutral
o is this not paige
carry on uwu
ok see now this here is retarded
ugh im sry girl
glad ur being positive abt it. if u wanna vent my dms r always open <3
hello mtfg how is another day of endless dread going...

personally I am so so needy I want someone to cuddle me so bad I want to kill myselfff
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idk how anyone with bdd could believe they got bdd and commit to the treatment. like either they're ugly in which case coping through cbt instead of fixing appearance basically means giving up on ever looking normal. or they're delusional about how they look, believe they're ugly and are giving up on looking normal even if they aready do in reality.
i know it's supposed to help u lower distress n make u more functional but still. giving up on ever actually looking better is depressing.

the way you described it yesterday probably for the best yeh... learning experience n u deserve better.
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wew lads ez pez
blahaj is warm and cuddly
they will protect you
>oh cool a new fallout mod
>oh it's set in london...
>well there's not much in the lore outside of america i wonder how they'll handle it
>start video
did they hire an american do to the voice acting for this wtf
it looks... nice... but idk, it seems off
I don't haveeee a blahajjj yett I only have my childhood stuffed animallll
i dunno if your metric is so skewed by internet people its gonna bleed into the next realm and you'll just psyops yourself into hating yourself no matter what goes down, in the real world you're a big fish and a huge pond
o man adderall dosage has been increased finally..
guh thats literally where im at
like i want to pursue help for it but also yeah. its EXTREMELY depressing to like, give up and accept it
god is cruel
i love cuddling my blahaj and growing r/traaaaa uwu :3333
hug them anyway!! if they've been with you this long they're going to keep you safe :)
I ammmm im just so so suicidal rn. I hate my homelife rn I hate summer I hate how hot it is
Bdd is big dick depression, right? As in the dysphoria around having the bits and beans down there?
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i don't think it's even internet ppl i've hated how i look since i was like a lil kid in preschool. well before puberty rly fucked that gender stuff up too.
like fuck i still vividly remember hating having to dress up for some kindergarten event and crying in front of a mirror not wanting to go because ppl will see me.
>you're a big fish and a huge pond

you still got ffs coming up yeh despite everything? i fear that if i ever talk about this to anyone they will try to sabotage my ability to get ffs as every bdd resource says demy plastic surgery from these crazies. gfs kinda sounding like that already and she's the only one i mentioned it to outside here. saying stuff like "the need for plastic surgery will go away" it's scary.
idk imo plastic surgery is unhealthy
ya ffs is coming but still blackpilled abt it hhhhhh the surgeons are going to just make me look more feminine, i want it to make me pretty T_TTTT
it is hard to talk about bdd with professionals though, yeah.. sucks that you cant talk about real issues u have without the worry of being gatekept like that bc its really shitty. maybe the need for surgery does go away, but also i feel like thats also really different for trannies bc a lot of these surgeries are actual necessities. it only really becomes a problem when ur turning into laf and getting 16 different surgeries
ffs is unhealthy too
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all elective cosmetic surgeries are unhealthy on both and individual and societal level, and the vultures performing it are the only ones who benefit from it

it promotes unhealthy beauty standards
ffs particularly encourages the mentality that being a woman is about looking a certain way
in general it feeds insecurity and neuroticism in order to drive profit
surgery when it's not medically necessary is always a risk
someone's first cosmetic surgery is not likely to be their last
it's a fake shortcut to self acceptance
it's just consumerist and short sighted and vain
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Thanks. For once in my life I'm just gonna hang out for a while. In the past I'd instantly jump back into dating without properly healing, or learning to love myself again.

I guess it took so long to end because I was so... used to objectively being "the problem" in the relationship that my brain couldn't process what it was like being on the receiving end. I'm legitimately not sure if I experienced partner abuse, but I was definitely not happy despite wanting to be with her.

Technically, she broke up with me. The full context doesn't really matter, it boils down to "we're not good for each other." I don't like "blaming" anyone for anything, but I did indeed put up with a lot and still felt like I was the root of all issues. She had a meltdown over a mix-up in our schedules and ended it with me. I'm not sure if she was expecting me to break down and beg for her back. I'm not that girl anymore, if someone breaks up with me then they break up with me. I wasted too many years yearning for the approval of others, I can't see myself getting on my knees again.

I really, really hope she does well without me. The relationship is over, but I still care. Although I'm really gonna miss gaming with her. We played so much Resident Evil and Vampire Survivors together, it was fun and wholesome while it lasted.
t. calls trannies men
>QOTT1 do you want to get married
>QOTT2 do you want to wear a wedding dress
im too masculine
would you feel the same way about someone getting reconstruction?
I don't think ffs is as simple as being a just a cosmetic procedure because I don't think dysphoria just goes away with self acceptance
obviously acceptance is necessary to manage it
but like idk
all surgery has risk
and even hrt has risk
should you not take hrt
there are women with high t who grow body hair and masculinize and stuff that are cis
is hrt then superfluous and unnecessarily risky?
I wouldn't say so
too many words naz
u must realize paige has coped herself into genuinely believing this bc she cant access surgeries herself
im so proud of you i wish i could give you a mc muffin but i dont think i can at the moment
or maybe i should say himself bc they apparently cant handle calling trannies women
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i don't think anyone could convince me not to get it. best they could pull is fuck me over financially so i can't afford it. might be forced to commit a crime at that point.

cosmetic surgery. whatever u wanna call it. the bdd guide shit tries to argue against all cosmetic "masking" not just surgeries. like not even putting on makeup.

yeh it's weird how little there is about the possibile overlap for trannies and bdd. guess it's a minefield of enabling lafs and gatekeeping that no one wants to touch.
>want to be pretty
no way u end up less pretty from becoming more feminine tho.
makes you wonder what the first surgery would be
for me it would be penus enlargment but t
you're probably right
I'm just stubborn and grumpy
At this rate I'm never gonna afford ffs fuck my life. Can barely afford laser. Reconsidering becoming an indie developer
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w-what does this mean

cope for what? have the surgeries helped people like larf or kat? or are they still neurotic and housebound, suffering from the same insecurities from before surgery? it's unhealthy imo

>would you feel the same way about someone getting reconstruction?
no not at all, but a burn victim isn't the same as being trans
>I don't think ffs is as simple as being a just a cosmetic procedure because I don't think dysphoria just goes away with self acceptance
acceptance is a more effective way of dealing with it than using money and scalpels to cut the problem away
>there are women with high t who grow body hair and masculinize and stuff that are cis
yup, and we are not like them

whichever u r more comfortable with, i always say that when ppl ask what pronouns i prefer
i say i generally prefer she/her but if they're not comfortable with that i totally understand, and they can use whatever pronouns they're comfortable with using
what is being trans?
having dysphoria over your sex
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>surgery when it's not medically necessary
idk senpai seens pretty life saving at this point it's the only way this can get better i feel.
also psychological treatment has been proven ineffective for gender dysphoria while altering physical characteristics yields high satisfaction rates.
but isn't what a burn victim experiences pretty similar to dysphoria over their burns? they'll never look how they'd like to again, right? isn't it like the same goal? i agree with you about acceptance but i think it's silly to stop someone from alleviating their pain in the same way it would be to tell a burn victim to avoid seeking cosmetic surgery to look normal to themselves
Met another tranny online last night who lives in my same apartment complex and we're gonna go get pizza. I think she thinks I'm a lesbian. How do I tell her without hurting her?
>have the surgeries helped people like larf or kat? or are they still neurotic and housebound
sounds like two different issues that ur conflating. like saying "oh we fixed the femur fracture for this agoraphobic girl and she still won't leave the house? what a waste" as if their quality of life didn't improve.
soz was jamming to zealous champion from the halo 2 ost, I mean in the real world you're top tier, the hons who go to group and whinge don't speak for you, you know in your head you're tenfold on that sort of shit, but comparing yourself to something as useless as basket weaving nonsense and faked transition timelines is a joke, ig im tryna say listen to the voice in your head that hates what you look like but doesn't want to destroy you, natural to feel lesser or disempowered but really if you're brave enough in take titty skittles and piss in the face of god what really stops you, like dead set, you've got too much going on for realsies to let the algorithm tell you to feel bad
>w-what does this mean
be open and honest, speak your truth even if your voice trembles babe
youre saying youve met someone online that just so happens to live in the same apartment as you?
im not saying that its sketchy
but i am saying that i wouldnt go
tell her to meet you and that youre going to be late
if its a tranner then based, if not gtfo
Tbf I met her on Facebook in a SLC group for Queer people.
idk to me it feels like manipulative to claim the surgery is life saving and necessary
what about ugly people who feel suicidal over being ugly
they don't get cosmetic surgery covered by insurance
>also psychological treatment has been proven ineffective for gender dysphoria while altering physical characteristics yields high satisfaction rates
well idk i've tried both and i still want to kill myself

no, a burn victim often doesn't even look human. transwomen look perfectly normal considering what they are

did kat's quality of life improve? or laf's? idk they both still seem to be suffering
maybe it did, but idk. maybe they improved but it's for the wrong reasons


i try to do that but ppl hate it when i do

>Met another tranny online last night who lives in my same apartment complex and we're gonna go get pizza. I think she thinks I'm a lesbian. How do I tell her without hurting her?
"i can't possibly be a lesbian, i'm a transwoman"
it's ok to look like a transwoman, is what i'm getting at, and that wanting to be identical to a woman is chasing the dragon because it's a goal that can never be reached for amabs, and accepting that and doing what you can, rather than endlessly trying to reach a goal that's unattainable, is the healthier option imo
>i try to do that but ppl hate it when i do
ya bc ur "truth" is inflicting psych damage on urself by saying hateful things and getting ppl to lash out on u bc ur a miserable excuse of a human
yeah i get it but some people bait others to hate crime people
shits lame. all im saying is im never dating
are you waking up next to them tomorrow? does it matter? /ignore
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>are you waking up next to them tomorrow?
i never wake up next to anyone :(

and im trying to sperg out less, and i am improving a bit, it's just hard for me to not interact w directing questions and poking and prodding
maybe ill just take a nap whenever i feel like sperging out, that could help
>im trying
no ur not lmao this is a daily occurrence
yea but it used to be constant, now it's only like 4-5 times per day
honey some of these sluts wont ever get to be suspended, some wont ever ever get to feel rope burn or know what an imprint on the wrist is, just let it slide, someone wants to go its up to you to decide to engage, el promiso ignore nuchanners, bait into bad faith arguments for shits n gigs, stay real strong
u too sosu
do u hear urself rn
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primo fuckhead energy ngl ty for this will try to keep in mind when doing more exposure therapy tmrw.

>what about ugly people who feel suicidal over being ugly
>they don't get cosmetic surgery covered by insurance
that's me lol. i don't get anything covered.
The thing is passing helps you socially accommodate in society. I have certain agreement to the fact that plastic surgery is inherently bad even if I believe that people have the personal freedom to do it, but I don't consider ffs in that same scope because there's a difference between surgery that's made to beautify and surgery that's made so that someone can be more successful and functional in society. It can be viewed more actively as repairing than as beautification. FFS often does the opposite of increase attractiveness.
someones gotta be the cunt screaming at a woolies ;)
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I saw a frog. Very cute
i would go so far as to say even "man" is gender neutral pretty often. "oh man you won't believe this" etc.
kinda fucked up for english to do that to women but it is what it is
i want husband :(
husband who calls me his waifu
but who would ever marry a mariemoder oh
take some responsibility for once in your life and stop chronically inflicting psych damage on yourself by saying things that you know you dont believe in deep down but say it anyways as a form of self-punishment for being the way you are today
hope you end up finding the help you desperately need rather than clinging on to the past incidents that happened to you and the "inner child" cope that your therapist told you about to avoid actual self-improvement and happiness in your life
the issue is that most trannies don't actually need ffs to reach functional blending, they just get wormed from dysphoria and then pursue the free ffs for the same reasons cis women pay for plastic
I agree on that to some extent. But for many it is absolutely a necessity to be comfortable in society.
Oh man isnt calling the person man just like oh god isnt calling the person god
Dont u literally have a thread orbiting you up right now
>FFS often does the opposite of increase attractiveness.
baste chaser
Tbh after being on hrt for a while i care way more about getting srs than ffs now having 15cm of cock sucks way more than 8mm of mandible or whatever
Outside of chaser perspective, FFS sacrifices facial asymmetry. It also reduces striking features. But the big one I'd say is that if you're willing to sacrifice a common trait related to beautification which is symmetry, then it's different from beautification.
ppl don't leave me alone
they hate me when i post here but then i post somewhere else and it's news
p sure most of the replies in there are talking abt how my face is decent but I'm fat and have a man body
p o i s o n e d rip and she looked so solid
clavicle shortening is scary, but I'd do it if unlimited monies
why am i a morally wrong person and a bad poster
i am curious
you down for canes?
hip implants?
awwww hell no. gimme that bbl drizzy fr
You cant fix an ugly face, you can fix a fat body. Count it for a blessing.
why not both
marie pls dont say that ur pretty and ur nice :(
Too much self doubt self hatred and internalized feelings of hatred about who and what I am.
implants need to be replaced like every 10 years
it's actually the opposite, your body isn't fat but you have a fat face
work on it, gets easier the harder you drink about it
her face is feminine, chudcel
you are a nasty hon and extremely mentally ill and annoying marie, you should rope already, you are just wasting your time
I feel it is difficult to do that and improve my life and generally just break free of my own mind prisons. Like god I cant stop being jealous of people for having hobbies AND being trans/women. Seriously feel trapped.
no they don't, hip implants last for life
understandable, spent a long time repping, you have to be the one who makes that choice real sorry but when it happens you wont wanna die
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Every day was a spate of gusts and now a largish hand touches my waist. Just when the smell of my sweat seeps through the ecstatic vales of my fingerprints: fire. I shall fire. In my digestive tract I feel the stout gun barrel its slick muzzle kissing the back of my clenched teeth. Then at the moment I close my eyes for the blast just what have I spit in lieu of a bullet.
I am not repping thats the funniest part
I just started injections while I was on pills for months
It all feels so difficult still. It was nice for a while but idk what changed in me.
its fine for it to take some time to figure out, the real mind killer is chopping and changing, pick a path and fucking punch on with your problems
dont ill miss you, even though we dont exactly know eachother
many such copes
oh really? i assumed they were like breast implants
>chopping and changing, pick a path and fucking punch on with your problems
I miss the point here, you mean coping?
And yeah im very much rotting with very few resources and a LOT of baggage
next month things will be better...I hope
hold onto the hope inside of you and don't let the dust of rumours make you miss that shot
no they're more durable. breast implants last between 15 to 20 years now.
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mfw the gang's all here
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Gonna play two headed giant mtg with sarah tomorrow. Think thats gonna be really fun
I be fighting my demons
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Such fun kanji
Just got back from lunch, tranny I had lunch with is a lesbian but she said she's cool with me not being lesbian, said she just wants to hang out again sometime.
don't lead the poor girl on
very cool but what does being a lesbian have to do with wanting to hang out lol
>what about ugly people who feel suicidal over being ugly
>they don't get cosmetic surgery covered by insurance

great point
Well cause she thought I was a lesbian, she just assumed most trans women are.
Are you sure. I think they will get worse so I'm not doing anything about it
>Well cause she thought I was a lesbian
I guess I meant like, I didn't get why it was a point she brought up lol I don't walk up to my friends and say "I'm a dyke but ur alright :D"
>she just assumed most trans women are.
it's kinda weird when people just assume all trannies are lesbians but then again I'm a completely out of touch weirdo who still thinks the 360 era is "modern gaming"
Isn't it meant to be hagsama or some other super gay shit like that?
I'm not Carol
God I'm so fucking out of touch, anons.
so why use the term? stolen valour or it just really resonated with you from the manga stuff?
Is hag fucking copyrighted by Carol or what?? How retarded are you?
settle petal I was just asking yeesh meds
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>tfw empty shell of a woman
Damn what is it like to have an identity sis
Like having bags of sand inside you
stop posting pics of my gf tf, she just told me that she loves me after i send her a pic of my pp, she called me 'dad' for some weird reason but that is okay, it is just her being quirky

>t. 12 year old

jk ms moderator, *tips fedora*
Mirin quads tho
Sounds heavy :/
awake frome nap
I feel awful
Not doing well
going to 41% at work tn count on it
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don do dat shit
Because I feel sad
hardest line ever
bitchin docs
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men's bathroom:
>washing my hands
>guy steps in and looks at me
>looks confused
>steps back
>looks at the door
>looks back at me
>does this like two more times
>male coworker walks in and the guy finally enters the restroom
>immediate embarrassment
women's bathroom:
>forced to use the women's bathroom because the men's is closed for maintenance
>greeted by woman staring at me in fear as soon as i walk in
>go into stall to pee
>she literally stands in the bathroom for an entire minute not doing anything
>finally leaves
>almost cry and then finally pee
do i just piss outside now? holy fuck, i hate my life.
need to get better at stiching so I can become my own cheap unpaid sweatshop
what would u make?
there are three answers to this
the "ideal" answer is to find a third option where possible, such as disabled / gn toilets
the "impractical" answer is just to not piss outside of your own home ever
the "actual" answer (as in, the reason for this whole thing) is to stop existing as an openly transgender person in public
not that it's your fault, this is just the effect of vested political interests
>stop existing as an openly transgender person in public
solid advice we can all rely on. thanks paige
to be clear, i'm not saying you should detroon or whatever, i'm pointing out that this situation wouldn't occur if bathrooms hadn't been turned into this bizarre battleground by vested political interests
also is paige a namefag or something?
shes working on her neptunia cosplay
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No mother dearest only suffering
we made it up
u kno wut it is about the piss routine that susses me so hard is how fuckin long i b pissing. these cissies squirt out like a drop and they're done but my massive dude bladder unleases a pisstsunami that takes like 4mins to finish expelling and i can here these bitches snickering as im austin powersing in the next stall. i wanna fucking die so bad please god get me on the fast track to srs idk how much longer i can take this embarassment of being a dickgirl.
this process i sso fucked.
day 1 should be bottom surgery idgaf.
i fucked my whole life down the drain with booze since i was a teen if i had a clear head then i coulda handled this troonery bs way better. fuck.
I dunno really
my only experience is sewing patches and mending rips back together somewhat haphazardly
but it would be nice to make something like picrel
mtfrens i have an in person interview for a wagie job at Target on Sunday
this will make my mom less worried
i'm not openly trans, i've been boymoding for a year lmfao
good luck friend
then why use womens...
i wish, this shit makes me want to fucking die
What's your deal buddy
Can someone be my mom
did u not read my post retard? the only reason i ever used the women's bathroom was because the men's was CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE!!!!!!!!! that's literally the only fucking time i've ever used the women's restroom in my god damn life ffs
oh man..
ty cc:
im happy happy
having money will b good too i can buy new clothes
just gotta not eff this up!!
that would actually be pretty awsome
used to attend my cities anime convention pretty often
Mow (sad meowing very sad meowing)
lol, don't pee straight down into the bowl, u need to aim above the water so it's silent
o that's cute
use the women's unless there's a like a law against it. if u act nervous u make other people nervous. You're not doing anything wrong.
yooo based they got the good insurance that covers all the tranny things. glgl
anything I could(want?) say would be inappropriate considering circumstances and overstep the distance that I should keep :/
..it's gonna be okay eventually, you dealt with worse...
Some day it will be I hope.. but I keep making things worse for myself and it makes me feel bad which makes me get them even worse after
Horrible cycle and it feels so hard to do something about it
I'm going to marry Grace.
as long as its not laguna i called dibs like a week ago
I only want Grace.
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anxious about visiting dad at the beach in a couple weeks
idk what to wear

really good film.
sex with my wife
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I know how hard that cycle is to break but u did it before
you can do it again
especially without any..."distractions" currently present in your life. you should use that opportunity to focus solely on yourself mh
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I guess so yeah.. things that are distractions sometimes serve to give reason to my actions so now that that's gone I have to find motivation within myself for me instead of having it to please someone else or to displease others so things are a bit harder
Surely if I just get my mind together and get some good positive habits I'll be able to go back to knowing how to be independent and care for myself well.. and hopefully I don't forget it again
navy 2.0
carol 2.0

you people are carbon copies of each other
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Very poor comparisons for both me personally I disagree
ur both dorky failed nerd boys who want mommy
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Someone as pretty as me cannot be considered a failure. Clearly I did many things right
both with huge inflated egos and delusions too
you can stop, ur only proving my comparison correct
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Boo whomp
Kat is an old groomer pedophile like navy, but Laguna isn't similar to Carol. If I got these posters mixed up, it's because no one trips any more so lalala
realizing that continuing the path of trannyism and being a freak would make my life just unbearably bad is why I decided I couldn't really do it anymore
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every response you have just solidifies my point
>ppl have been calling me that since I started posting
im aware
i was there when u finally started to tripfag and troon out
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Yeah.. it's more of a trade rather than just a positive but I always relied on it and now that I don't have anything I feel very weak and miserable
I'll get my shit together though for sure.. at some point.. probably
i... yeah...
>t. not entirely dissimilar :(
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Damn so many years on the board and still all you do in it is bitch and moan
have been watching the windowlicker music vid daily lately
always perks me up a bit lol
i don't give a fuck holmes!
>3 years
>so many years
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Somehow managed to bitch and moan even about that at this point I'm almost impressed
i have a pp, can't wear swimsuits like that plus i don't particularly like trump

i only have my "i <3 hot dads" shirt, but the fabric is too thick for beach use

kat's been here for way longer than that, remember the whole phienchen thing?
ok sherlock
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Janny I fear we have a bypasser here.
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also dodlle
>complain that i don't trip
>complain that i do trip
nice self portrait but u made it a little too fem
marie ive been thinking about something that has been on my mind for a while.
while i was in the hospital i heard a grown man crying "OW ow ow mommy, mom" i took a look at him and saw that his stomache was distended like a python with a buldge in its belly the size of a big dog.
why is it that people when in agony or i know its cringe but, dispair. cry for their mom.
it bugs me, like a mild annoyance
for everyones mental health its best you never drop trip
>b-b-but b-b-banned
make a new one
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The issue in common with this two is you posting here. Go ahead and solve it boy
Though if it wasnt paige who could've possibly been so cruel.. Did someone most evil drop trip to act malicious. How distasteful
sounds like you encountered a pregnant ftm in the emergency room holmes
>"I've seen things you troons wouldn’t believe... battles fought in the shadows of true identity... I’ve seen the brilliance of masculinity fade into tranny darkness. All those men will be lost, like tears in rain... It’s time to detransition."
>Did someone most evil
I don't drop trip unless I'm being bullied and desperately want to hide
lmao, kinda funny.
idk its just weird to me, i just dont like it, its pathetic
You werent even on the list of people that could've been them
I hate my mom and have wanted to murder her for most of my life, it's not something I would ever say in the ER.
>wanted to murder her for most of my life
yeah i get you. but its just strange that in a time of need you cry for your mom/dad like the pain turned you into a child again.
im here and i dont think such things
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but I am the most evil
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Can realate
lemme smash?
i wonder how many of you died in the years since i was here last.

Nice to know i am winning though.
totally normal human thing to say
u hav improved shroad. gj
You are not mother.
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if what wasn't me
i just haven't been using trip due to janigger issues
how am i being cruel :(
because she was a sadistic bitch
the same kind of thing happens when you have a near death experience, your adult personality fades away and you feel like a child again. it's hard to explain, but maybe adulthood is mental like body armor that you don't need anymore in the afterlife
yo nice. this is great
ty uwu
slowly but somewhat surely

ty uwu
just spending time in bed w anxious dog, and drawing is a nice relaxing thing to do to keep him calm
that toilet pic was forever burned into my memory
yeah the ego drops and if you haven't integrated the child then you regress
aw thats nice low intensity thing to do for dogy.
get over it, i have done and posted far worse things than that
it was during a bad episode of mental unwellness too
what made you think i hated it. dm me bbg
umm idk either i never was one to cry for my mom but i guess i can understand wanting to see someone who you trust when you're in pain
i resent my parents for never making me feel safe enough to want to turn to them when i was hurt, even when i was rly small i knew not to bother them with my issues
his face when i told him mama would be back soon

ugh forgot trip due to cross board posting kms

new jed
>and if you haven't integrated the child then you regress
wdym by integrated

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