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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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By 2030 all adult males under 5'9 will be either trans women or gay bottoms
>there is a difference
I hope so
there will be so few tops that each will have harems of bottoms
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I'm a 5'7 repper now and I will be a 5'7 repper in 2030
Literal astroturfed psyop that go memed into organic. Like pajeets and being poop eating sex offenders. As a millennial before the chinaphone it was never even a thought in our minds.
Same shit cuz I live in eastern europa shithole
I'm a 6'2 tranny rapehon
by 2044 gay men will all be located in a hunger games type forest for a huge battle royale watch party for the whole world to enjoy
the tops shall inherit the earth..
it's already ours
nigga we have diy in eastern europe, just be careful and manmode until you can move out. mask any faggotry unless you want to end up getting beat down and in the worst case blackmailed everywhere and put in jail.
this just diy and manmode, don't bother coming out to anyone, don't tell doctors you're on HRT
coming out would be a suicide
kek when I was a little drunk I almost did that with my mother, they suspect I'm a fag but suspicion is not the same as knowing
yeah suspicions are typically easy to downplay, if they bother you with it just say they are getting shizo or looking too much into it, always works to shut them up for some time
that's what I did, I told them that they're probably getting old that they're saying this and they just don't understand things anymore
>nigga we have diy in eastern europe, just be careful and manmode until you can move out

I'm too retarded to do that + 27 it is over
Smells like big amounts of cope >>36665370
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Are you dense? It’s already happened, next all 6ft and under will transition, only 6’2+ will ever have sex and reproduce. Life is literally dictated by height and face. No this isn't just women although they play a large role. If you're a manlet for instance you are completely and utterly rejected from having sex or dating, and as a result also outcast from all male socialising because men don't want to associate with a zero value manlet. Ultimately the life of a manlet is spent in solitude, desperately coping with le self improvement in the hopes that somehow if they get enough hobbies, if they bench 4 plates, if they studdymaxx and become a neurosurgeon earning hundreds of thousands annual it will make them a respectable or even worthwhile human being, but it won't. It's over. Pic rel manlets literally rope more than troons, even fake women have better quality lives with more sex/relationships, friend's and inherent worth than the average halfman

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