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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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It is well known Palestinians by and large are anti LGBT, as such its totally fine to feel uncomfortable promoting such a group at whats meant to be a pride event. After all, said group is against you.
It's fine to not want to be associated with another movement you don't fully agree with. Some supporters of Palestine go fairly extreme with outrigt supporting Hamas or spreading outright antisemitism. Its fair for anyone to not want their flag flying alongside another flag they may disagree with itself, or disagree with elements of.
It's fine to want pride marches and events to actually focus on Pride. Attaching other social causes to all of them just kinda dilutes the message and energy. Its totally fine for someone to prefer focusing on Pride Flags and the Pride community first and foremost; and thus wanting to avoid the inclusion of other flags.
Pride is terrible though and nobody likes it?
Done with Pride. Allah is my friend now.
I'm more uncomfortable around homophobic Christians because Christians pretend what they are doing isn't wrong and I should simply tolerate it because it is less centered around abject physical violence and more on psychological humiliation and abuse.
zionist shill thread
>m-muh antisemitism
kill yourself greasy subhuman
Child that’s some “I choose the bear” bullshit and you know it. Just be honest and say you hate your parents and/or white people.
Bears are objectively less harmful than human males.
I really don't have a reason to care about Hamas in my current living situation. You just want me to support Israel.
muslims are objectively less harmful to gays than christians are
Yes, I agree.
Only because human males got rid of most of them for you.
>Genocide is justified if...

Nazi thread
What good what getting a nobody tranner on 4chans underage board to support Israel even amount to? A 15 dollar google play card from last Christmas? Nah I’m just tired of you forcing ME to support Israel by making the Palestinian side look so cringe and unsympathetically ignorant
hmm i wonder which one is worse

>I don't like trannies and i wish they would all die

>*rapes and kills trannies in the name of allah*

btw the reason you enjoy the liberties u do nowadays is because of christianity.

if it wasn't for the spanish catholics the entire american continent would be muslim and you'd probably be dead for being a tranny like you would living in any muslim country rn :))
your propaganda campaign is losing. Zionists are so ghoulish and evil that queers prefer supporting terrorists. That's sad.
Muslim countries were thr first to legalize homosexuality. Muslim countries tolerated Jews for centuries. Societies all over the world tolerated third sexes before the first European ships arrived. The global spread of homophhobia and antisemitism, including in Muslim countries, is largely a result of colonization by Christian powers. This is literally a historical fact and claiming otherwise is whitewashing millennia of homophhobia and antisemitism.
i hate every religious persuasion except quakers, buddhists, hindus, daoists, sikhs and some african faiths. the rest of you are cringe genocidal maniacs and should be made to write an apology to every other person for supporting such tripe
We live in the modern era.
Also I don't think Saudi and Iran are against homosexuality because of European colonialism.
who said I supported israel? both sides are absolute shit i won't support any of them i really wish they would finally kill each other.

also "queers" pls go to reddit or twitter most people there already agree with you, this board isn't meant for ppl like u

ok and? look how they live nowadays gay ppl suffering from actual repression in muslim countries, death in most cases.

also third sexes weren't historically seen as how we view gender today, most cultures saw them as "different" men not an actual third sex, mukhannaths were actually pretty much common in the arabic world until islam dominated and now they pretty much don't exist. similar to eunuchs in the west world or muxes in latin america but they are not seen as an actual third sex.

i went to several native communities in my country and asked them about it when i had to do college practices outside of my city + i studied global social history for various semesters

>whitewashing homophobia and antisemitism

bro they all hated us, even if it was legal. however a historical fact you cannot deny either is that rights for lgbt people in the last century started in the us and europe, it was white countries that gave us that freedom, until other countries followed but still. I live in the third world, if it wasn't for the us and europe i would't be able to live freely as a tranny here.

get outside you privileged first world bubble and realise all ur arguments are just anti white rethoric
> Muslim countries were thr first to legalize [decriminalize] homosexuality
>mfw that was literally 18th century France
>”Muslim countries”
heh, checks out
>It's fine to want pride marches and events to actually focus on Pride. Attaching other social causes to all of them just kinda dilutes the message and energy
I agree with this part yeah. I am a leftie and it is extremely common for people to point that all struggles are part of a larger common struggle and thus you're not allowed to separate anything at all but I find that to be a bit retarded. There's a lot of LGBT people who have trouble going to Prides as it is for various reasons and first and foremost Pride should be a space for all of us to feel comfortable, forget outside struggles and celebrate and show the world our joy. Dragging other fights and struggles into it is a problem.
dont they both rape lil kids. bad lgbt representation
>We live in the modern era.
We don't live in era that is free of neo-colonization, sorry to burst your bubble.

>Also I don't think Saudi
Saudi Arabia is literally a Western puppet state. Salafism is a Western-sponsored religion that emerged less than 100 years ago. Jesus Christ, you don't even have to read a history book, even Wikipedia would be enough to know this.

Though, not surprising that someone from Spain is a denialist when it comes to colonial crimes and history.
Nevermind, go kill yourself

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