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When will Emily of Youtube channel Snake Discovery, finally come out formally as a transgender woman?
She could inspire a lot of other women.

2 more weeks
Even if she is trans, why should she have to come out?
To inspire other trans people that they can be proud to be transgender.
Some people feel it's a private medical issue that needs resolving, and nothing more, and that nobody needs to know about it. Just like nobody needs to know whether you had hemorrhoids.
Her skull is too small.
she had ffs, look at the hands
the overall length of skull, top to bottom, and front to back, is well within male range
What the fuck is your problem? LIke you keep posting this shit every single day. Dude who gives a shit if she is trans, if you think she is trans you can keep that in your own god damned head and be happy she is living her own life and being stealth.

But no you have to be a fucking insane piece of shit about this.
He has millions of subscribers. I think many of them would be interested to know if the youtuber they thought is a woman is actually a man.
She literally made recommendations on menstrual products based on personal experience.
>based on personal experience.
how would a man have experience menstruating? All he said was that calling Diva Cups for women or something is not inclusive.
She said "and this is personal but I find they make periods easier to deal with too" as an additional benefit besides the environmental one.
"and this is personal"
meaning it varies person to person
not that HE has menstruated
he's obviously a man his hands are giant
i think you are genuinely schizophrenic
She wouldn't be able to have a subjective opinion on it unless she subjectively experienced it.
The only two possibilities are she's a woman or she decided to go off on a tangent and lie about menstruation experience she doesn't have just to throw off transvestigators.
its a tranny trying to not offend his audience by saying female hygiene products are for females
You're talking about a follow-up apology comment, not the original video.
dude its a tranny
why are you covering for him?
look at his hands
Here's the exact quote
>And this is getting a little personal, but they also make your time of the month so much easier to maintain. But that's all I'll say about that because this is kind of an uncomfortable subject.
She was clearly talking about her own experience. You can only either say she's a woman or she weirdly decided to lie about menstruating in a video for no reason. If she was really a tranny she'd probably just not talk about menstruating.
I believe you're completely wrong and my OCD makes me want to correct you. Real trannies are almost always very blatant and easy to notice, especially with the voice. If this one is a tranny she'd be extraoridnary in how much she doesn't look or sound like a tranny across a variety of different attributes like voice, height, shoulder width, face, hair, hips, etc.
Also I could ask you the same thing. You're putting in more effort than anyone else in making a whole ongoing campaign of threads trying to convince people she's a tranny.
was this not a paid sponsorship post?
trannies are known for making creepy comments about menstruation anyways
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She could just say "it reduces how much plastic waste you'll create in your lifetime by X amount" instead of doing added commentary about it making her periods easier.
Her hands look tiny and slender next to a man's hands. Also when her fingers are all extended you can see she has equal length index and ring fingers (female typical), not a longer ring finger (male typical).
>wearing a pad right now
okay I'm not on my period but I wish I wasn't leaking
what? you can't even see his hands in those photos nor is he standing next to a cis woman...
You can see plenty of his hands and they're clearly much larger and thicker than her tiny girl hands.
She said the cup was for periods, not for urinary incontinence.
it's vaginal leaking unfortunately the cup wouldn't help there
Also while we're at it this that pic's also a clear skullpilled male vs. female head sizes demonstration. Her brain is probably half the size of his.
photo angles can be misleading/fish eye lens
snake guy is further away from the camera
the hands never lie and they are HUGE
yeah but maybe he is using it for SRS leakage and saying he is using it for period leakage

some types of SRS constantly produce fluid
pride month, next year
What if shes like, actually cis?
prove it
fucking prove it
show me a karyotype showing XX
This retard doesnt know what an SRY gene is
>there's only one working gene on the y chromosome

inb4 "but the y chromosome is really small!"
Is she post op?
yes, she uses a diva cup to catch her colonic vagina fluids all day long
i just wear a pad
well she prefers a diva cup, this decision is highly personal from one trans girl to another
I get it. "Egg."
But seriously bro. You gotta quit making these threads. Unless it's part of an art project/social experiment you're working on.
Damn. Putting her next to a human man, she seems very unlikely to be trans now.
its a social experiment to show how much trans women gaslight you when you point out an ostensibly "stealth" trans woman who you have clocked
wtf is your problem schizo? kys
if you look female, I call you she
simple as
That is 10 hundred percent a cis woman. You can tell based on her voice.
the voice sounds off to me and obviously fake
I don't get how people think its so great, its a nerdy male voice in a higher pitch
like I can give you videos of cishons speaking and you care hear a MARKED difference
You have brain worms if you think that. That is 2,000 percent a cis woman's voice. Not even close to sounding trans.
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She has a pic from when she was 9:
She graduated in 2012 so that'd make this pic circa 1998/1999. I don't think letting kids identify as the opposite sex and take hormones was a thing yet in the 1990s. A boy who wanted to be a girl in the 90s would just be a boy who maybe got away with wearing a dress on Halloween.
Disclosure is social detransition.
no, if I posted a cishon's voice you could easily tell the difference unless you were autistic
are you autistic?

>Ever since I was 9 years old I have been an avid bird lover.
does not mean that picture is of him when he's 9
he's maybe 16 in that picture or even 18
he's a youngshit, nobody is disputing that
that is NOT a fucking 9 year old lol
That looks a lot more like 9 than it does 18 and it's directly preceding the ever since being 9 text while also being the only noticeably much younger pic displayed. Even if all we had were a 16 year old pic that would still be pretty solid evidence she isn't a tranny since I have never heard of anyone in the mid-2000s taking female hormones as a sophomore in high school. Even just puberty blockers for trans kids didn't really happen in the US until the 2010s. Kim Petras made international news for being essentially the first child tranny (age 16 at the time) a couple years after when Emily would have been 16, and that was in Germany. If someone was dosing a kid with estrogen for a transition in the mid-2000s in the US you'd have heard about it in the news.
no it fucking doesn't
he's clearly a teen in those pictures
he started estrogen before 18, I agree, but the voice and hands are male
Nobody was letting kids take estrogen at that time outside of 1 very famous exception in Germany a little later.
I'm certain you never encountered any classmates on estrogen back in the 2000s at whatever school you attended if you were still in school back then (other than the cis girls taking estrogen as birth control pills).
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well they clearly were
kim petras is just a very publicized example, gender clinics existed in big cities in the 90s
Can you find 1 case of an American 16 or younger in 2005 or earlier being allowed to take estrogen for a gender transition?
When I try looking for first trans kid in the US all the search returns are for Jazz and she only took puberty blockers at age 11 (which was in 2011) and estrogen not until age 14 (2014).
And like Petras, Jazz was all over the news, as in it wasn't common or typical even that recently in history for a child to do that.
why would there be records of that that I could access?
>wear a p
I told my parents in the early 2000s and they told me I didn't need to become a girl just because I was too girly and should man up instead (now I don't have a penis)
the penis is stapled inside now
also you still have an internal penis
Yeah, exactly. I'm 3 or 4 years older than Emily from Snake Discovery and I remember my mom telling me one of the neiborhood boys got caught wearing his sister's clothes. Neither my mom, myself, this kid's parents, nor anyone else at the time thought of this as a case of a transsexual needing treatment. It was just meant to be a funny story people laughed at and bullied him over. Now if this had happened in the 2020s of course everyone would think about the kid being transgender, but that sort of awareness didn't really exist back then and you were just a wimpy boy doing something shameful if you were caught dressing like or wanting to be a girl.
what does that even mean
all that's left is a little clitoris
part of the bulb of the penis exists inside of you still, they only remove and refashion some of it that is external
if you saw it on an ct scan it would be easier to explain
are you talking about my clitoris?? part of it is inside yes
no, the bulb of your penis that the surgeon did not touch that remains inside of you
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Not that anon but the whole point of trying to do sex change operations is taking advantage of anatomical homologues. A penis is mostly just a clitoris that was grown under the influence of androgens (mostly DHT) from the womb through puberty. So surgeons take advantage of that and use the material to form the female configuration of genitals. You can call it a penis still but that just means you'd call any sort of flesh configuration a penis if the person it's attached to was born male. If someone has something that looks like a vagina and can take dicks I think it's fair just to call it a vagina, same as how you'd usually call a reconstructed penis for a war injured soldier a "penis" and not "an approximation of a penis made from flesh sourced elsewhere from his body."
of course he touched it lol where do you think my pee comes out?
you don't get it, part of the bulb was destroyed but part of it remains inside you
the penis has an internal and an external section
Fuck off newfags stop responding to this spam
ok sorry
I absolutely want to call reconstructed pensies, i.e. from war wounds, "approximations made from flesh sourced elsewhere from the body" from this day forth.
so they gouged it out so I can pee and you're claiming it's still there
because they didn't remove the whole thing, a part of the penis is still inside you, separate from the "vagina"
find me a cis woman with hands that big
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again that's called my clitors
You're pathetically obsessed, gincel
Not a tranny. She doesn’t have the tranny falsetto or height

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