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>no drama edition
Want passing tips but too obviously not giving a shit/not passing to post on passgen? Post here and get tips as long as you're <18months hrt!
Always give advice to others first before selfposting.
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blablabla it's over blabla 11months hrt, 19, 6'2
unsee cc/album#gQeei68Qo1ni
just kill me

hihi, mtf 18, 2 months hrt. always get mixed results some people saying ill never pass and some saying i already do :(. just need tips
ffs 100%
maybe prog or pio later down but just start weight cycling. its not over!!
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Its never been more fucking over
You could pass as an ugly woman
Calm down, sir.
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Good one
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No face today because I'm cripplingly insecure, just want to know what you think of this,
What do you see in this picture? Describe it to me.

wouldn't say you're passing perfectly quite yet but my answer to the question "COULD I pass?" would be a confident yes. With ffs 100% but even without it i think so probably. I know it's become kinda a meme, but I genuinely think bangs would be magical for you. like so so much. also make up but that's true for everyone. Hang in there you're doing great it's not too late.
2 months is nothing and too early to tell but i'm pretty confident you'll be passing eventually. Not an insult and i hope it doesn't come off as insulting but your eyebrows are pretty thick. Which isn't always a bad thing, but if you're looking for tips i think thinning them out and shaping them up a bit might be the be a good place to start.
can't tell if you're mtf or ftm, which is a good sign either way. i think with enough time and effort you could pass as either gender, which means it's definitely not over.
A skinny little faggot, slouching.
Jealous of your build desu
Holy shit your arms look like they reach down to your knees. Horror build
in real life they don't even reach halfway down my thigh :(
that's just how i'm standing. am i really that scary?

posting the link just to get your hopes up
ITT: Post 'em and guess letters

This one I found online because I'm repairing my laptop atm
maybe just pink shirt and long hair but i’d read you as a woman
Holy shit I'm retarded I thought I left the thread
22yo vs 19yo, I was pretty pissed about my midface back then and desisted. Did aging without HRT fuck me up or ngmi without FFS anyway?

https://unsee cc/album#SpSHLJE0d8QT

might need light ffs
just grow hair out
figure is slim enough
>22yo vs 19yo
Was there supposed to be a difference in how much you do not look like a woman?
everyone always looks passably fine in these types of threads, cipg threads feel like a psyop to make us rope when we're literally normal and fine looking.

so far everyone itt is looking good.

also, like, im prob never gonna get ffs cause i can survive just fine without it and that's unnecessary surgery, and you never wanna have surgery if you don't absolutely 100% need it cause that's a route for infection and you could die.

"ffs 100%" is a lie invented by big dysphoria to sell more dysphoria
>veryone always looks passably fine in these types of threads
If you're blind, sure. So don't feel too bad faggot, you can't be much worse than any of the others.
Last time I posted these it was a thread for pre-transition or questioning people?
Gonna save up for ffs anyways don't care I just wanna make my future husband happy
as one of the people who had the words "ffs 100%" in my post i'd like to clarify that i didn't mean "you 100% need ffs", i meant "if you had ffs you definitely (100%) would pass". ffs has a huge impact on passibility

who the fuck goes out in the street
like in the store or whatever
and goes like "oh yeah ffs would fix them" "i think they should get bangs" "its over for them" "absolute passoid"

ik its not a revelation but this is such a weird echo chamber for stuff that does not matter at all outside of these threads and i feel like people take it too seriously

yeah i know what you meant by it, i just feel like it's unnecessary for basically all of the people i see it recommended to.
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Can't wait for some third worlder to cut through my skull like birthday cake lol.
Squabble just can't be avoided on 4chud
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you look awful and I havent even seen your face
thank god i didn't post it
Don't listen to this faggot
thats what i thought clicking on here
why? why shouldn't i? i think i look awful too
Eh I mean if you aren't fat and hairy and retarded you are doing better than atleast 41% of the people here
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you look pretty fem in some pics. 6'2 solidarity
yes. give it time
you pass as a middle school girl

1 week hrt today yay . i think my face will pass but i my shoulders are fucked. ist es over fur mich?
https://unsee cc/album#9ZjFmyOOrbNx
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17 months hrt, 5'4 130 lbs. only boymoding for now and dont rlly malefail. face is kind of unfortunate :/ not sure what to do besides wait for hrt to do its thing but makeup or exercise tips or advice in general is appreciated.

no makeup https://unsee cc/album#VoegFwl6dNJz

agree with the other anon that said to get bangs. also the pics where you bunch all your hair together with ur hands look better than with your hair down, so maybe wear it in a ponytail more often. since your hair is kinda thin search up the ponytail volume trick you'll find loads of results and it'll look similar to when you bunch your hair with your hand
hi fren! mogs me at 2 months its over. not much to do besides wait for hrt to work then you're probably gonna pass. maybe pluck your brows and shave your arms though, it'd make a pretty big difference
are you mtf? your shoulders are rlly slim and your face is pretty fem so you have a good chance of passing. grow out your hair and get on hrt. not much advice i could give now
you're totally passing. you didn't post face but your body reads female. ignore the anon saying your arms are super long what does that even mean lmfao
you barely masculinized so it isn't the end of the world. just get on hrt and you might make it. would definitely pass with ffs tho
face is pretty fem in first and second pics and waist is also good. your shoulders are kind of unfortunate but they'll slim down when the muscles atrophy on hrt. might take a while though
you're right, your face is definitely good.
you have wode shoulders, but also wide hips so if you weight cycle and wear clothes that compliment your shape then it really shouldn't clock you!
>6'2 solidarity
favourite twinkhon <3
currently look like a fruity dude
thick eyebrows are usually seen as manly
stop posting selfie camera close-ups
they distort your face so much
put the phone down on chest height level
put the front camera on a timer
stand 2~3 meters away
or just take pics in the mirror
you look younger now
gmi w/ffs def
shoulders don't matter if your face passes that well
you'll gain fat in your rear and thighs and this will fix itself
>only boymoding for now and dont rlly malefail
>dont rlly malefail
do you do voice training? does your voice pass? I literally can't think of any other possible reason why you wouldn't be passing, you're so beautiful. i can't believe you "don't really malefail", this is crazy
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mtf, 18, 4 months hrt, 6'3 lalallala

unsee cc/album#hGXf5uxdOLgN

you look like a girl to me
really pretty face
really pretty body
in desperate need of boyremoval

i'm blind to asian faces ofc
so i might be hugboxxing
but you look like a cis girl face and body wise to me


okay i'll post myself
20yo, 2months hrt, 183cm
https://unsee cc/album#ymnKWYPzOVoQ
gmi <3
absoLUTELY gna make it,
you'll be fine
You look pretty good to me, you seem very short, good eyes and upper body
You look great stop getting in your own head

Do i pass at all? Almost 1 month on hrt, 6 foot tall and very skinny too. I do malefail but only on extremely rare occasions
what causes this "punched in the face" look in so many tranners?
hello again cipg. I've decided I actually want to transition now cause I can't stand this boymoding thing anymore. I will shape my eyebrows and cut my hair and start wearing better clothes cause fuck this I can't deal with it living like this anymore.

shnoz and browbone, time on e will make you skin pook alot better. maybe asli get your fringe/bangs shaped less straight but it's up to you obvs if that's how you like it styled.
are you mtf or ftm? If your mtf jesus your lucky to not have puberty hit you at hall at fucking 20. You will pass in prbly a year and a half most likely. Very lucky anon good for you :)
doesn't load for me
prbly pass bit cant see browbone so that could change rating
face looks a tad bit wide so you might need jaw surgery or smth maybe, browbone looks fine I think and your face looks soft in general but that could be lighting.
your a cute twink. I think you might pass
eyebrows need shaping, I know that's ironic coming from me lol. you should prbly get into skincare and haircare I think that would help alot.
prbly browbone and a nosejob for ffs. shaping eyebrows and getting into skincare would help alot with acne.
heres more pics of me with different lighting and camera lense length to get a better frame of my face.
are you on hrt? you look like a pre t pooner
>face looks a tad bit wide
I used to be underweight at the bottom pic, doubt it's related to aging
that's a child
>you look younger now
Bottom pic is the 19yo one

8mo HRT, 3 laser sessions. I'm in my mid 30s and am trying to get over passing. I tried to transition when I was 18 but it went bad and I didn't pass, but I can't rep anymore. I malefail some... Getting in touch with FFS surgeons and trying to lose weight.

I think you're doing great. Let it cook a little more and practice makeup and your basically there.
Ygmi, love your hair
Your body passes and looks good
Long mid face but features are good. Ygmi
Your face basically already passes, ygmi
Passes to me??
Dead link
Wtf did you even have puberty? Ygmi
too old
that hair regrowth pic is unbelievable. you've come so far and look so much happier now
https://unsee cc/album#KgURMJ5FdX7E

its over but oh well, just somethin abt me is so UGLY
i think you're beautiful
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18 mtf and 16 months on hrt .
one image is with hair extensions and one is my natural hair (about a month old though )
broken link but regardless how are you so pretty? what am i going to do when this is what girls look like? why would anyone ever consider me when there's people walking around who look like you?
how could anyone ever love me when i don't look like you
>If your mtf jesus your lucky to not have puberty hit you at hall at fucking 20
>that's a child
>Wtf did you even have puberty? Ygmi
tbf i had a fairly slow puberty
i didn't fully get to the last stage of body developments before hrt
though i have lots of body hair on my inner thighs which is characteristic for male tanner 5
so idk

i think most of my puberty was supposed to happen now
i had testosterone 21nmol/l pre-hrt which is fairly high
i started seeing more changes after 19yo (more facial&body hair, mpb, face shape)
which thankfully forced me to finally stop repping

>absoLUTELY gna make it, you'll be fine
>You will pass in prbly a year and a half most likely. Very lucky anon good for you :)
thank you <3

pretty silky hair <3
you're post ffs no?
your boymode is very weak
you look like a tomboy
in desperate need of boyremoval <3
set to one view?
already a girl, you’ll never see yourself the way others see you
real i will never be good enough for anyone and should remove myself from their lives immediately!
you posted while i was writing xc
obviously gmi if you don't pass already
link is broken

i am literally in love (you know who i am)
posted on the board earlier this week and got a couple replies. just want some more thoughts on if i'm fucked or not. wanted to transition since 18 but my living situation and mental struggles prevented it. i'm 24 now. had a mental breakdown a week ago. starting diy soon. i know my hairline is fucked. i already take finasteride for it and i'm going to a stylist next week to alleviate the forehead issues lmao.

https://unsee cc/album#2Mkhusl0QaPB
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I'm feeling shitty today here is me let me know how over it is.
I'm 21 mtf 3 months on hrt
I'm hoping once I'm back in college I can get a more feminine haircut and start learning makeup until then im stuck in the south T_T

https://unsee cc/album#dccjDWuGoLS0
you are really cute anon, love your hair! looks very fluffy :3 i the new cut and and learning makeup i think can go a long way for you!
call me crazy but imo if you just got like a different hair cut and some light natural makeup I could see you malefailing as just a slightly mid girl.

Your forehead and hairline really is the only thing holding you back in my eyes
ahhhh thank you anon... I've always kept my hair really pretty before I started transitioning. When it was long I even male failed before I had to sell it for money.

I am definetly gonna grow it really really long from now on. Im so happy you said cute I really hopeing I can look cute in the future...
thanks. that means a lot and makes me feel a lot better. i think seeing how much younger than me a lot of people are on this board has really fucked with my head.
sociopathic youngshit passoids can't stay out of one thread without acting like they don't pass to fish for compliments. pretty insulting to people who want genuine advice instead of their asshole licked for the eleventh time today. most people who honestly want to know if they might have a chance won't ever post because you raise the bar so high
i saw your face already. you’re cute af
yeah, but what can you do? atleast they're also miserable

Im so frustrated at myself for repping until my late twenties when ive known since i was like 8, is it too late for me? pics are between 2-4 months hrt but ive felt like i should give it up these last weeks

don't be so insecure anon. just let people be and post your own picture to get some pointers, geez it's that big of a deal.
not a chance, this isn't supposed to be a ylyl thread
my post
every unsee i tried was dead and replying on mobile takes forever

a shy girl

pretty andro leaning fem but i think pass soon

id say pass if you had longer hair, this short defualts as male to me

:( I hope one day you get some confidence anon.
fat fucking chance of that, i don't need to post my face here so people can tell me what i already know which is that only by a miracle could i ever pass

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