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i strongly believe that some external force, probably from a political organization or corporate entities, made me transgender. i grew up prefectly content with being male and having extremely malebrained hobbies (coding, rubiks cubes, pokemon). i was perfectly fine with male socialization and even now i have almost exclusively malebrained interests (chess, building computers, math). they wish to blur the lines between male and female to create one unified gender that will be the perfect subdued worker for national corporations.

my theory is that powerful people have recognized that the working class is begining to wise up to the powers that be and is looking to subdue the general population into being wagecucks. a global pandemic (whether it was planned or natrual) is the perfect excuse to test the waters out and see how controlable people really are. around this time femboys also became a large trend which i unfortunately fell victim to which started the seed for my agp.
then they began ramping up the mind control, upgrading cell towers to 5g, mandating vaccines that contained creepy crawlers, and even more lgbt propoganda almost entirely fueled by large corporations. im not sure how contrapoints playing into this, whether she is apart of the government psyop or is actually just independent. but her youtube channel was the final straw that made me decide to transgender. im sure years of microplastics exposure contributed as well by disrupting the endocrine system.

of course, now that the election cycle is approaching and it is the orange man's turn to excecute his parties ideology, we see tranny hater increase 10x, with bad actors like kris tyson being thrown in to stir up even more drama.

that leaves me now stuck being transgender with no alternatives, controlled by the governments wishes. i cant beleive i have been fooled into a life of shame, degeneracy, and submission when i could have been a great man. maybe in another life.
Holy schizophrenia
did you even read it I know what I'm talking ab
This is some straight up Alex Jones rant!!!

I’m literally reading this in his voice and then hearing Super Male Vitality at the end.
okay so the government made you trans, what now?
i love this story
s c h i z o
it was clearly the lizard people using 5g v2k nanowave cubic time to trick your brain bank brain on the jew moon so they can power their space lasers with your ego dystonia
Holy shit did u actually write all of that out
I dont know that's what I'm trying to figure out
ur making me sound crazy, do you seriously not belive the people above have an agenda to control those below?
Yes they have an agenda to control but not to the extent that you make it sound.

They certainly don’t want a bunch of men turning into women, but a lot of the issues surrounding that are not direct as one would think.
its also no coincidence most trannies are super high IQ too
but youve already fully lost, and if you keep trying to fight it, people are going to just turn on you and make life worse and frame you as mentally ill
just put on the dress, make yourself pretty, enjoy the fact that you transitioned very young and are now a very cute young lady, and never question any of this ever again if you know whats good for you
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insane take, I've already failed at my biological purpose
yes? it's true if you read it and pay attention
>biological purpose
lmao what are you, an ant? no desires or will of your own? go learn an instrument or something you dicksucker
terminally online schizo rant, feel free to skip

I think its due to predatory social media algorithms. The most lonely and isolated men are specifically chosen to be fed content depicting women getting endless attention for free (not exactly representative of real life, but its the way its often portrayed online) and are just generally shown "women living life on easy mode". These algorithms will take your demographic (whether male or female), and tell you that you are oppressed while the opposite demographic has it much better. It might not happen to you, but many people are constantly fed "the grass is greener on the other side" type content simply because it keeps people engaged and profitable for the social media companies. General normalized gender hatred online, things like saying all the evil aggressive men have "predator eyes" while the poor innocent women have "prey eyes" (can be interpreted as misogyny and/or misandry depending on person), you might not care on the surface but being casually demonized your whole life may have at least a subconscious effect on the more emotionally/mentally vulnerable population. Might not apply to you specifically, but if you're American then male genital mutilation being totally normalized could have had an impact as well. i believe having your penis ripped apart at birth without your consent has some kind of hidden psychological impact that could be causing many men to unknowingly associate their genitals with suffering and punishment for simply having a y chromome, hence the majority of trannies being circumcised, transgenderism exploded in america (world capital of male circumcision) while only moderately increasing in other western countries. Obviously not all guys are like this, many don't care at all but its just a thought. Misandry has been normalized, misogyny is rightfully criticized. Male social expectations were maintained or even strengthened, female social expectations were abolished
incel take. no "isolated man" wants to troon bc they think women have it easy, everyone is aware that trannies are at the bottom of the social hierarchy. it's social suicide to transition, one only chooses to out of pure willpower or if they have nothing to lose. also I'm not sure wtf circumcisions have to do with this, I rly don't think men are looking at thier circumcised dick going "might as well just get rid of the whole thing"
my desires are to be a woman, which is something that will never happen, so ig I've failed at both my biological purpose as well as my own purpose
I may have worded it in a poor way, but how is saying that social media misrepresentation and internet delusion contribute transgenderism an incel take?
>also I'm not sure wtf circumcisions have to do with this
yeah it was kind of an autistic tangent sorry
>I rly don't think men are looking at their circumcised dick going "might as well just get rid of the whole thing"
obviously not, lmfao. i didnt mean to argue that at all, i worded it like an idiot but i meant to convey that its a subconscious traumatic association, not a blatant thought that pops up in the mind like you're saying
> no "isolated man" wants to troon bc they think women have it easy
do you have any idea how many incels transition? its literally a stereotype at this point lol. sure the more self-aware trans women are aware they will be at the bottom of the social hierarchy but i'm not really talking about them
>one unified gender
You're not a tranny, you're just a retarded trender. There's no conspiracy, you're just dumb.
Ew loser
my point is that the deep state is trying to feminize men and masculinize women
your point is well known its not like you discovered some groundbreaking news
ok so how does that make me a retarded trender then if u agree with me

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