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Imagine having been taking hrt for over 10 years, and because of these people and others, the public image of the community has gone to hell. Before, people only wanted to be themselves. Now, we have sexual degenerates harassing children, being the image of what it means to be trans. We are lost.
If you turn anything into a "community" it's gonna end up shit
Just be you and don't groom kids
>Before, people only wanted to be themselves.
>Now, we have sexual degenerates harassing children
It always was, faggot.
Transbians have been a disaster for the trans community overall.
this, the gatekeepers were right
>tfw no husstuss/chud alliance where we find out which agps are pedos and set them up to be ambushed by chuds
All of you are just one step away from being this, so you all need to go.
I wish I was harassed by them as a 15 yo.
Nah. I don't care if there are fake trans everyone should be allowed to do what they want with their own bodies.
I am not a huge fan of Icky giving advice like she has decades of experience being trans BITCH YOU ARE BABY TRANS FUCK OFF
I could have done with being molested by f1nn when I was a kid. The other tranny could watch.
Literally my life Im way too far down the pipeline now Im fucked to endure the backlash the babytrans provoked I transitioned as a teenager what do I even do?
as someone who has been around as a trans woman for far too long, this is a classic trait of the trans community. Bitches get to two years on HRT and act like they are a guru of trans culture. Hell, Ive known trans women who are still in the fucking closet who tried to tell me how things work as a trans woman who had been out for several years

Basically we had to watch the community gain prominence in the public sphere, have people push for visibility, had people who had no interest in transitioning become very vocal proponents of the community and then the crazy element (which has always been there) got to have a public stage to be degenerates on).

now that the tide is pushing back against trans people all these non-transitioning "activists" are blending back into the cis world, theres a subculture of crazy people trying to hunt us down and there is barely any change in our healthcare.

But at least cis people know to ask me what my pronouns are to show they are cool....
Ring wing media mentions of "trans" in the last month
Sky news:
Fox News
Paul Joseph Watson
Tucker Carlson

I'm baby trans, been on HRT for three months, still not out to my very right wing family, and I live in THE most conservative part of regional Australia.


This is only an issue in our tiny little echochamber, and we're dealing with it the right way for once.
t.MEF sissy with blacked fetish
the transfem community just has something innately pedophilic about it and it's not even hard to see. you almost gotta be blind to see it. thats not to say that all transfems are pedo, but considerable parts of transfem culture is weirdly sus.
the literal mascot of trasfemininity is a plush toy made for children
a major signifier of transfem is cute, adorable, squeaky voiced cartoon characters (spoiler: loli), which pervade everything from pfps to meme templates to reaction gifs, as well as general imitation ("uwu senpai im puppy")
the incredibly weird, overwhelming obsession with trans children, the relentless war for giving them access to the drugs that enable you to be trans too (with this one niche issue being a major trans battleground)
a significantly disproportionate interest in child memorabilia and toys and hobbies (once you notice how many trans girls have plush toy collections, it's very hard to unsee

yet obviously, no one except genocidal transphobes is ready to have this conversation yet
nobody knows who these people are IRL. get off the Internet
>anon discovers women act like children
Oh youre right your 3 months of boymoding has given you more experience with being trans than any of us
Thats agp culture for you, its based off a mutual fetish what do you expect?
I assume thats a trip? It feels like everyone on this site is babytrans
oh yeah no, because if you go to cis female communities, whether online or offline, they're all acting like a bunch of uwu 12 year olds and talking about how they wanna be fucked by mommy and hugging blahaj and advocating for putting children on puberty blockers, totally common cis female behavior
"agp culture" nice dodge, all of the above is literally mainstream transfem culture
mainstream trans culture is agp quite shrimply
99% of you are baby trans or pre trans and some of us who lurk have a ton of experience
How long till Finn actually gets outed as a pedo?
The thread is literally about babytrannies.
And my 20 years of experience in conservative politics makes the rest of that post divine writ as far as you're concerned bitch.

Waving your qualitifications in people's faces with the tired exasperation of someone who does it a lot only PROVES you don't have anything interesting to say. Because if you had something interesting to say, you'd say that instead.
40yo “boymoder”?
Yeah but don’t co-opt medicine to force compliance through sympathy in that case. I can shit on someone for getting tats, it shouldn’t be a hate crime to shit on a gigahon for wearing a princess dress.
>Transbians have been a disaster for the trans community overall.
Nah, OP is right. The problem is babytrans not transbians. I'll take an eldertrans gigapassoid transbian over a babytrans hsts hon any day.
>Liking plushies = pedo
... I just find them comfy and they give me emotional support and help me sleep.

>Cute anime girl reaction images are a trans thing
It's more of an anime community thing which overlaps heavily with tranners due to a lot of us being nerds. Tho the anime community does have its issue with lolicon pedo types and the fact that a chunks of anime sexualizes Loli chars sort of grooming people into it.

>Hrt for trans kids
I was able to get hrt at 16 and it saved me from having to finish male puberty and now I get to pass and the only thing I would change would be to come out sooner and start hrt sooner. And I want other trans people to have the same opportunity I had and that's why I support her for trans kids not some weird groomer shit. But also 16 is kind of late and I just got lucky with late puberty genes and early intervention is the difference between becoming a hon with permanent self esteem issues due to not passing and being able to live life as a normal women when you grow up.
> Tho the anime community does have its issue with lolicon pedo types and the fact that a chunks of anime sexualizes Loli chars
Fuck off with your colonization gajin
But one it's not a hate crime to misgender people just a dick move. And 2 dysphoria exists and starting as an ogre hon doesn't make your dysphoria less valid than someone who starts as a giga twink and passes easily. I just don't believe in gatekeeping because I'd rather some weirdo fetishists get hrt than a dysphoric person be denied it due to gatekeeping.
It's not colonization and I don't even really advocate for censorship as I'm anti censorship in general.

But I'm just noticing a pattern where there's a segment of online anime communities that is sus with the Loli stuff. The reaction images are fine but you know some sus waifus. And there's probably some people who would've had a normal sexuality that fapped to much to a Loli char they liked when they were 13 and now are attracted to lolis as an adult.
> ogre hon doesn't make your dysphoria less valid
Kinda does. Hons look more like men than they did as men because the lack of suitability of clothing choice and makeup highlights their male features. I can’t accept that you’re dysphoric if you can’t even see yourself for yourself.
Some people just are kind of retarded especially when your new to fashion and get the "ooh shiny" mindset while also hating yourself no matter what you wear.
Lolis are cute. Coomers like sexualizing cute things. Most of the time it doesn’t extend further than this. Then you have pedophiles that see loli as depictions of children. Both of these form a Venn diagram with lolicons in the middle. Same thing occurs in the furry space. Anthros are cute. People like masturbating to cute. Zoophiles see anthros as cartoon depictions of actual animals, which they want to have sex with.
>be trans
>can have a new childhood, a new lease on life, new experiences, new new new!!
>is strangely an adult??

anon it's really easy. you could just date a trans girl
i've been on it almost 15 and im still super masculine looking. sucks. didn't work for me at all aside from sorta wider hips and slight breasts.
it's especially hypocritical how the trans community is viewed as entirely pedos when the vast majority of pedos are straight and cis parents and family.
hell, even the majority of youtube and twitch pedos are straight and cis but noooo we're the evil ones because there's a few degens.
I didn't say boymoder.
>... I just find them comfy and they give me emotional support and help me sleep.
how strange then that the same is true for a wildly disproportionate percentage of trans girls. why isnt the same true for cis men and women, i wonder? curious!

>It's more of an anime community thing which overlaps heavily with tranners due to a lot of us being nerds. Tho the anime community does have its issue with lolicon pedo types and the fact that a chunks of anime sexualizes Loli chars sort of grooming people into it.
very convenient, anon! still doesnt explain why tranners choice of characters just so happen to constantly be representations of little kids, instead of just a normal mixture of a range of adults, but sure! proud of you for thinking up that one yourself, maybe someone with a concussion will think it makes sense before they slip off into a coma

>lolis are cute
a particularly prevalent opinion with trannies in especially. weird! you'd think if "cuteness" was the obsession, they'd just stick to dogs or something like normal people, instead of drawn representations of small children
I see. I mean like I don't think things like. Cute anime girl reactions are inherently pedo. But I do feel like Loli could be someone's gateway drug into other sus things at least depending on the type of Loli.
>... I just find them comfy and they give me emotional support and help me sleep.
... So, literally like a child?
> weird! you'd think if "cuteness" was the obsession, they'd just stick to dogs or something like normal people, instead of drawn representations of small children

Most don’t look like children for one, for two, who says I’m not jerking to Pokémon and furries either?
>Most don’t look like children for one
lolis are literally drawn representations of children you fucking rocket
Yes? Mickey Mouse is a drawn representation of a mouse. You’re just acting obtuse to continue getting high off moralfagging but like.

Saying you need to be a pedo to get of to loli is like saying you need to be straight to get of to trannies. Because all trannies are perfectly representative of cis women right?
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>The plushy thing
I mean it's childish but that isn't pedo at worst it's peterpan syndrome. But it could also just be that I form strong emotional attachments to them so it's hard to not have a plushy collection by my bed. And I have the confidence to not be embarrassed by them.

Idk my choice of chars to represent me aren't those because they don't relate to my ideal self that much. Youngest looking char I've used as an adult is pic rel but that's partly due to the art style. And some highschool aged pfps are inevitable if you use anime pfps as most of the important charachters are that age in a lot of anime
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>just straight up admits he gets off to loli
Where do you think you are? Threads?
But that's doing something with someone else's body anon
being obsessed with plushies isnt pedo directly. what is highly suspicious is that you have this one particular group of people who by a wildly disproportionate margin collect items meant for children, with that just being a single fragment of a collection of different behaviors and traits that seem to pertain to children and childhood in some outstanding way

you're making lots of excuses, but i think even you know that there isn't a single demographic more eerily obsessed with childishness than trans girls, except for literal children themselves. the strange mixture of sex and childishness practically pervades all of transfemme culture, on top of the stack of mental health issues, self-loathing and hatred against women rooted in pathologized envy
I mean I care about other people... Like my friends and family. And on a philosophical level it's important to respect others freedom because I want my freedom respected so the best way to do that is a different what you want as long as you don't hurt anyone approach. And pedoing on kids is hurting them therefore violates the fundamental harmony of existence.
not to even mention how the societally agreed upon notion of how people under 18 cannot consent to major decisions that pertain to their bodies (such as tattoos, drugs, alcohol, piercings or sex), just gets thrown completely out of the window by trans people with their insistence that even a prepubescent child has the mental wherewithal to make decisions of the magnitude such as stopping puberty and living as the other sex. to trans people, the idea that children can't consent must definitionally erroneous as they necessarily must simultaneously believe that they are fine to make life-spanning decisions such as the termination of puberty to their bodies due to topics they can barely yet understand
I mean I'll be real I struggle with peter pan syndrome as a MtF. It is 100% non sexual tho and more related to my mental health issues.
>I have a bunch of regrets that I wish I could get a do over like my eating disorder and Neet moding.
>I developed a crippling fear of puberty due dysphoria as a kid that didn't get better until I started HRT at 16 but the mental scar remains
>I can't unconnect the idea of being an adult growing up and getting older with my fear of sickness and death
>I hate working most jobs desu and being an adult means that when I finish college I have to work 40+hours
>General fear of this concept I call "The death treadmill" where you lose time for your interests and life devolves Into a degrading cycle of work chores sleep becoming a boring Adult TM
>Also probably doesn't help that in a lot of media I consume highschool aged people are the main charachters.

I cope with the fact that I look young for my age and how I will be the cool irresponsible adult with no kids like my uncle. And I indulge in childish interests and behavior because I fundamentally view becoming a "responsible adult" as being hollowed out to become a cog in society. And their is nothing wrong with me liking plushies, pokemon and being silly.

So yes I hate regrowing up the fact that I'm 24 gives me suicidal thoughts sometimes and my birthdays fill me with melancholy but none of that makes me a creepy pedo. Just mentally ill and pathetic
dude really im pushing 40 and i have ed she'll be fine
everyone point at the pedo and laugh
thats very honest and I'll respect you for that, and then throw the all back to you and ask,
given that this might be a common situation to be in for trans girls (it is), do you think being in a sort of chronologically regressed state of maturity makes many trans girls feel like they can relate better to lolis as persons of infatuation? because if so, here we finally have a theory that makes sense, as you can imagine a 23 year old trans woman who is mentally stuck in the past, in her younger self, whether its due to stunted mental growth or the terror of growing up, and given that she is now an adult with a sexual drive and romantic inclinations, she finds safety in the notion of being attracted to someone of her own "mental age," i.e a young girl
i'd be pretty tempted to believe that as a cause for pedophilia for at least some of the trans population
I mean the major differen is if you don't get a tattoo at 16 you can get one just as good and likely better and less cringey at 18.

At 18 you'll still be able to have a fulfilling sexual relationship likely better than you'd have as a teenager and also we allow sex between minors just not with adults due to power imbalance

Drugs and alcohol have noteable destructive effects and the only benefit is hacking your brain to make them think you like them. (But I'd honestly drop the age for drinking down to 16 like in a lot of euro countries)

Meanwhile if you don't trans at 15 and wait until 18 when your arbitrarily mature enough to make the decision. Suddenly you have facial hair to remove, a hon ribcage, if unlucky you got a masc instead of twink face. If cursed some early or even advanced male pattern baldness. And you lost the chance for hip growt. All of which could have been prevented by starting hrt just a few years earlier. That's the difference none of the other things are going anywhere
when communities stop being heavy gatekept they always go to shit
>I can't unconnect the idea of being an adult growing up and getting older with my fear of sickness and death
100% of people die get over it
>hate all 3 of these "people"
>never seen any of their "content"
>just know about them b/c of their shitty theatrics posted on /tttt/
Yep, trans things were way comfier a decade ago.

t. been on HRT for 15 years
at least you tried

to claim that it's totally fine and harmless if a child is injected with exogenous hormones and other drugs to radically alter their bodies and that they can effortlessly consent to such a procedure, and in the same breath say that a person of similar age would be catastrophically harmed by having sex, is a pretty damning demonstration of how none of the logic that is being used here even has a possible chance of staying consistent. you're just making everything up on the fly with a lap full of incongruities and contradictions at the end
I'm more or less better with my eating disorder. I still strugglebwithbfood anxiety and my hunger cues are permanently messed up but Ive been at a healthy weight and trying to gain a little for a few years. I just hate how instead of trying my best to enjoy my transition despite the bullying I ana coped ruing the end of highschool for myself and hurt my parents and friends in the process.

I suppose thats possible I can't really add my perspective their as I rarely have crushes but when I do I usually prefer people older and more mature, sophisticated etc. I don't want to feel like the older partner. But I can see how it could be the opposite and more about someone you view as similar or relatable
>shoot up the kid with drugs that will morph their bodies irreversibly in ways they're too young to understand
>no problem, they can consent! protect trans kids!

>kid has sex
I can't I'm not saying it's a healthy mindset but I had my sense of mortality fucked up as a kid because I had a baby cousing become one of those cancer kids. And at the same time was a gullible kid in elementary and the leader of my friend group as part of our LARPING said we were immortal and I kind of believed it as a cope for a few years. And my mindset just kind of broke from those 2 things.

I mean it's less about the harm. As much as the power dynamic. Ok before you go on about Dr Patient dynamic the Doctors are vastly more incentivised to put kids on psych meds than troon them infact that's what conversion therapy people want. Meanwhile adults have power over kids and pedo adults have lustful desires providing a motive to abuse that power.

Like a loving relation ship is probably possible between a teenager and adult and historically marriages and such often worked that way. But the power imbalance makes it so things have the potential to go very wrong so we don't allow it. And again like I said waiting to have sex with your adult bf until your 18 shouldn't matter if he truly loves you. But waiting tell 18 for hormones almost universally screws you over.
Hrt isnt sexual and you never consented to your birth gender either. This is giving kids the option. Its not that complicated but youre just gay and wont admit it
Because 90% of people who give a shit about trans stuff at all tend to be either 100% pro or 100% against, and group all trannies together, most people won't actually realize the truth of why things like this happen, lol.

You realize a lot of us experienced extreme dysphoria from like 12 on right? Like we didn't really live normal guy lives from the beginning.

IDK, every time some GC person says "AGPs are going to hurt women" in some way, I just think about how that's already happened to some youngshit MtF lol.

IDK whatever. It doesn't matter, at the end of the day we're male trannies so there will never be sympathy for any of us lol. Isn't it great who that ends up serving.
people hated us just as much back when they didnt understand what we are. the answer is still the same, stealth.
>a 23 year old trans woman who is mentally stuck in the past, in her younger self, whether its due to stunted mental growth or the terror of growing up
This is true
>she finds safety in the notion of being attracted to someone of her own "mental age," i.e a young girl
This is not.

I don't honestly think transgirls are a demographic at risk for pedophilia more than other groups.
thats just cringe internet culture. most trannies irl arent into that shit. touch grass
brother, almost the entirety of trans culture is cultivated, developed and kept online. "it's different irl" is a pretty hilarious claim given that the majority of trans girls just coop up at home and play video games and make memes
hrt not being sexual is relevant how, exactly? in both cases, we are talking plainly about the ability to consent to acts involving ones own body that might come with later consequences. "but one is sex and one isn't!" doesn't address anything but just state the very same problem all over again
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theres literally always been the issue in this community that normal passers fade into society and weird babytrans stay in the spotlight
Seems like the only way for us to break out is for passoids to come out of stealth.
Perhaps if they're forced out it'd be easier. Like if Elon makes a chromosome test everyone uses all the time
>Now, we have sexual degenerates harassing children, being the image of what it means to be trans
This was always the goal, always the undercurrent of the queer movement, you were just too ignorant and blind to see it before. The whole thing is degeneracy. The whole thing is satanic.
>This is only an issue in our tiny little echochamber, and we're dealing with it the right way for once.
Nobody cares
What are you talking about? The pedo comes entirely from oriental culture. Idk why but chinks, gooks, and zipperheads all just love little boys and little girls. Its fucking disgusting, but you see sexualized children in every peice of eastern media and its horrendously gross.
That’s just their culture and you’re enforcing western values onto them
desu. i got the same impression from my irish labour catholic boomer relatives. the moderate liberal wing isn't really interested either. although the sports issue is a tenuous topic with how integral sports culture is here
Then you have public opinions from 1991 silence of the lambs. Eventually it comes to single point. Are you passable and did you figure this yourself or was this some sort of community fetish you found online?
Trans rights are MAP rights!
Does "baby trans" or "baby gay" mean you've only come out recently/taken HRT recently or that you are very, very young and very, very submissive?
shut the fuck up retards
Based but chuds are cringe. Just use non-political chasers instead.
you're cringe, slag

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