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What is up with gay faces? There is something off about the way gay men smile. There is something exaggeratedd/childish/artifical about their expressions that I can't explain.
Smiling is inherently fem. Straight men look fem when they smile too.
My natural facial expression is a scowl. I agree with the idea that only psychopaths can smile on command, because smiling is supposed to be a spontaneous reaction, not something you walk around doing all the time in order to not look threatening. People are so stupid.
Maybe. But there is still something more to it. And I wouldn't even describe it as female. Gay men just seem more floaty and spaced out in general. Hard to explain.
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Red/white, cocksexual, drug addicted, (low-key) pedophilic men... You really can't make this shit up.
I wonder what in the brain would cause that?
Feminized in utero, made them more feminine in all aspects, from sexuality to facial features.
is this why troons hate fags, because fags are naturally feminine while troons aren't?
Because gay is genetic and their bone structure is feminized.
Which explains the narcissism, emotional issues, self-destructive behavior.

The average gay man is a bpd girl with a male's sexual aggression and physical body. What a disaster. A joke of the universe.
the leading scientific theory is that people have gender dysphoria because they received too much estrogen in the womb so no I don't think that's true
That sounds really bad for a person. Like being a woman trapped in a man's body. There is no way to cure that if it is in utero though and homosexuality is so bad for society.

This is a lose-lose for everyone
Trans people don't hate gay people? Wgat are you even talking about. Most trans people are gay? Trans seems to be the result of extreme masculinity (autogynephiles) or extreme feminity (homosexual transexuals.) It seems to be related to autism but I'm not sure how.
no its more like being intersex but closer to male than female
but society isn't ready to outright acknowledge that even exists
>in utero
its genetic
>Most trans people are gay?
70+% of trans women like men, thus are straight or bi
I'm ftm. I don't "hate" fags... I just these these specific type of fags in picrel...
that's only true for hussies
Imagine looking at pic related and thinking they got estrogenized in utero xd
if it was genetic we would have found the genes
it's from early developmental environmental conditions that affect sexed brain development
It can be hormonal too? If it's genetic who passes it on?
Yes. Autogynephiles (extreme autistic masculinity) are usually straight. Homosexual transexuals are the minority.
Everyone hates those kinds of fags, even me and I'm gay
no, that's specious reasoning
things can be genetic without you understanding which genes cause them

no, gay is 100% genetic
We're talking about males there.

Most female homoshit is caused by feminism/rape reponse/being fat and ugly/autism etc.

And it's wayyy more of a choice with women.
slightly on topic but my background is in linguistics, specifically sociolinguistics, and I have seen so much research of fag voice and how it's picked up socially. Two of my good friends are leading researchers and publishers in the field about it.

But as a teen I also worked at a southern bible daycare with toddlers and each year there were kids under the age of 3 with the voice who had no way of 'picking it up' (their family were christ-obsessed and there's no gay community, plus no access to youtube that young) and I've always just kept it to myself because why bother trying to argue it.
Of course. Because of twin studies. A lot of identical twins are gay (and end up dating one another so there's that.) But ir isn't 100%

The rate of fraternal gay twins is pretty high too. So it could well be genetic but also a hormonal response in the room.
identical twins are not fully identical
the name is perhaps a bit misleading
Interesting. I have fag voice (and fucking hate it.)

I think it is related to some sort of mimicking disorder. Autistic people have problems with mirror neurons (so mimicking voices etc.)

I think gay men are inocrrectly wired to mimic female voices.

I think the brain picks up on the very feminine body and acts accordingly.

Homosexuality and autism are very related.
>its genetic
The fraternal birth order effect disproves that.
Regardless of genetics, the more older brothers you have the more likely you are to be gay, this clearly suggests some odd in utero mechanism that makes males gay, a mechanism that has nothing to do with genetics.
Curiously, Ray Blanchard (tttt's favorite gay man) is one of the finders of this effect :)
>no, gay is 100% genetic
objectively wrong, see >>36667834
Ray Blanchard is a gay liberal man and is completely biased on the science. I wouldn't take anything he says too seriously.

Why would they let a pro gay do research on the topic and not expect bias.
he's everywhere!
We need a non-gay, non-jewish research on homosexuality. The past 50 years have been a clown job of biasm
>The fraternal birth order effect disproves that.
no it does not
also you are judging a trait that many are dishonest about, and assuming everyone who says they are gay, are, and says they are not, isn't
so it's a little hard to evaluate
And if this is true then it confirms homosexuality is essentially the universe telling gays they don't deserve to breed/are useless/don't deserve to pass genes.
there is no intentionality to biology
it just happens
there's no deliberate efforts
being gay is caused by genes alone
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This article is fascinating read on homosexuality and its brain correlates
>no it does not
How the fuck does it not?
Fraternal birth order makes it that, regardless of genes, if you have more older brothers, you are more likely to be an homosexual man.
This CLEARLY, and without a doubt, implies that being gay is not 100% genetic, environment can make you gay, things that happen in utero can make you gay, independent of genes.
>The effect becomes stronger with each additional male pregnancy, with odds of the next son being homosexual increasing by 38–48%.
>Biochemical evidence for this hypothesis was identified in 2017, finding mothers with a gay son, particularly those with older brothers, had heightened levels of antibodies to the NLGN4Y Y-protein than mothers with heterosexual sons.
How is there no intentionality to biology? We obviously evolve for survival and to improve passing on genes
I wouldn't trust Ray Blanchard's findings. There is a lot at stake politically with the answers. What are the odds that his answer makes libtards and jews happy?
It's been replicated many times, the evidence is overwhelming, Blanchard was just one of the first researchers that studied it.
Subtle feminity in otherwise masculine bodies triggers the uncanny valley response?

Not really there is just something about Gay men that's sets them apart from straight men. Bi men can be 50/50
Are there different types of homosexuality. Twinks are much different from those "bi" guys?
Three times by jews.

>homosexuals have siblings (like everyone else on earth.)

Good detective work
>Are there different types of homosexuality.
Yes I am sure of it, the masculine gay tops are gay for a different reason than the fem bottoms , there are different types of homosexuals.
>We obviously evolve for survival and to improve passing on genes
no, there's no intent, shit just happens
there's plenty of neutral and negative mutations that persist generationally

>This CLEARLY, and without a doubt, implies that being gay is not 100% genetic
no, b does not follow from a

you can have a connection with male siblings to homosexuality AND have a polygenetic trait

the idea that straight people are being turned gay by certain environments is literally just somehting homophobes say to justify persecuting gays
How are you this retarded
Bi men aren't real. Literally no such thing.

>>A straight man with no morals who will fuck a guy for money/drugs

>>a fag in denial

>>A confused molestation victim/retard

>>Straights guys who say they are bi for wokepoints but never actually engage in gay sex.
>>homophobes say to justify persecuting gays

Starights: Maybe stop having anal sex, covering yourself in shit, molesting children and getting aids and dressing like women

Gays: Reeeeeer, why do straights hate us??
It's a stupid theory. The correlation is absurd. More males obviously increases the likelihood of someone being gay (because there are more males.)

Like how the odds of breast cancer go up the more women there are in families (because there are more women around.)

It's not a cause, it's a correlation
We need to label them.
That's retarded, it's very obvious that the implication of the older brother effect is that being gay is not 100% genetic.
Are you suggesting that being gay is 100% genetic but having more older brothers from the same mother activates the gay genes?

Why would being gay be 100% genetic? No human trait is 100% genetic, why would sexuality be that way?

>the idea that straight people are being turned gay by certain environments is literally just somehting homophobes say to justify persecuting gays
So you are just starting from the conclusion you want (being gay is 100% genetic because that's better for optics) and going backwards.
Where does pedophilia fit into this? There is clearly a relation between this is homosexuality?
The guy trying to shill Blanchard's theory is moron. Obviously older brothers would make this a horomonal thing in utero
Eh a lot of masc muscle gays are pretty fem the minute they open their mouths.
>it's very obvious that the implication of the older brother effect is that being gay is not 100% genetic.
how do you get that?
show me the logic
>but having more older brothers from the same mother activates the gay genes?
the fraternal birth order effect in no way proves somehow that older brothers "activate" the gay gene
just that being gay is present in a biological ratio

you are homophobic and want to believe being gay can be "caused" by straight people being brainwashed or molested, so you work backwards from there
>Trans people don't hate gay people?
t. cis gay
Isn't it odd how people who hate fags and trannies are camped on /lgbt/ 24/7
>More males obviously increases the likelihood of someone being gay (because there are more males.)
What? You are not understanding this correctly.
If you have 10 brothers that all have the same mother, the youngest brother is less likely to be gay than the oldest brother.
This is not saying that the more brothers we have, the higher the chance that a certain brother will be gay, the effect only applies to having older brothers, if you are the oldest brother, you aren't more likely to be gay.
>the youngest brother is less likely to be gay than the oldest brother.
Sorry, the other way around - the oldest brother is less likely to be gay than the youngest brother.
I did this test on /gaygen/ once and they tend to have more older brothers, and almost none of them were the oldest brother.
What about gays with just sisters or ones without any siblings
Yeah. All gays have feminine faces and weird vocals even when they're muscled.

I think the "masculine" gays are more psychopsthic while the feminine ones are more bipolar.

Both are severely narcissistic and body obsessed.
Most gays are self-hating because deep down we all know what this is.

I'm gay but have the intellectual honestly to know that this is a mental illness
it's not blanchard's theory, it's a well known phenomenon that's been independently confirmed a number of times. No scientists nowadays think that homosexuality is purely genetic, and pretty much nobody ever did because it's the sort of thing that wouldn't survive evolutionary pressures if it was.
Trannies and gays are the same thing
Transgenderism is extreme hetereosexuality on one end (autogynephiles) and extreme homosexuality on the other end (homosexual transexuals.)
>how do you get that?
>show me the logic
Without any knowledge of your genetic code, the amount of older brothers that you share a mother with tells me something about how likely you are to be a homosexual man.
This doesn't work with older brothers that you only share a father with but not a mother.
This doesn't work at all for females.
This OBVIOUSLY OBVIOUSLY OBVIOUSLY suggests an in utero mechanism with mother-fetus interactions that has nothing to do with genetics.
> There is no effect when the number of older brothers is increased by adopted brothers or stepbrothers. It has been hypothesized that this is caused by an in-utero maternal alloimmune response, specifically, the mother's immune system becoming sensitized to H-Y antigens involved in the sexual differentiation of male vertebrates,[87] and producing antibodies that attack these antigens.[14][7][39][87] Specifically, maternal antibodies to the neuroligin NLGN4Y protein, Y-chromosome protein important in male fetal brain development, have been found to be involved in the fraternal birth order effect.[88]
>you are homophobic and want to believe being gay can be "caused" by straight people being brainwashed or molested, so you work backwards from there
This is your brain on identity politics kool-aid
female siblings don't seem to affect it
So being gay is godbessentially sterilizing leftover babies. Damn. That's harsh.
So being gay is god sterilizing leftover babies?? damn, that's harsh. Sorry for doubleposting.
The fraternal birth order effect is only responsible for a 1/7 to 1/3 of homosexual men IIRC, there is more to homosexuality than just that.
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the difference between gay and straight faces is that gay faces are cute af and straight faces are fucking disgusting
>the glasses on the composite gay faces
Yeah. It's just one piece of this bizarre puzzle.
being gay is not a mental illness
self hating gays are just brainwashed copers
yes absolutely, it's just one method by which the homosexual brain can occur
does anyone have the picture of composite faces compared to digit ratio?
define mental illness
Yes it is

>literally makes you averse from breeding and having children
>makes you hypersexual
>increases chances of gaining stis/hiv
>makes you attracted to only assholes (which produce fecal matter
>causes you to behave in bizarre cross-sex ways and makes you a narcissistic attention-whore.
>increases all sexual dysfunctions (beastiality,pedophilia,exhibitionism.)

It's like a textbook mental illness
Arguing with liberals is the worst. It is the pinnacle if mental illness. It affects every aspect of your behavior (negatively) and disinsentivises breeding.
It's almost universally associated with pedophilia, hypersexuality, shit and disease. We literally caused two plagues within the past 30 years (AIDS, Monkeypox.)

I love my boyfriend and like being gay, but let's be real. We have bathouses in every city. We are not normal.
Men expel excess estrogen through semen. Gay men get dosed in the ass, bypasses the liver straight to the bloodstream, causes mild feminization. It's why they have big butts and lips.
Wouldn't they already be gay if they were getting fucked in the ass in the first place?
Brainwashed copers? You're the ones that cry to the government when someone doesn't bake you a cake.

The pro-gay movement is entirely based on denial or reality.

Love is not love and there is no pride in getting anally fucked.
funny but unfortunately not real
what is real is that rectal semen causes the body to produce anti-sperm antibodies, which can attack the bottom's own sperm, eventually causing partial or complete infertility
They won't be having children anyway so it doesn't matter.
it's the sad look of childhood molestation that made them that way
Female brained bottoms
There's no cure for that

There is no evidence of this
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>> NO ITS NOT “genetic” its a “BIOLOGICAL MECHANISM”. Thats the same shit wtf im not a scientist but obviously he intended to say the same thing that you just proved.?? They just meant to say PRE-BIRTH, THIS NIGGA GOT THE GAY.

When someone says “being gay is genetic” they mean yea its fucking biologically obvious that gay men have a different physical appearance, voice, personality, brain than straight men.

And thats why us HSTS trannies are fundamentally disgusted by lesbian trainnies and how theyre troglodytes who bullied boys for being naturally effeminate during our school years but now all of a sudden “noo i knew this whole timee im such a soft cinnamon roll uwu anime girl even tho i jack off to loli.”
>And thats why us HSTS trannies are fundamentally disgusted by lesbian trainnies and how theyre troglodytes who bullied boys for being naturally effeminate during our school years but now all of a sudden “noo i knew this whole timee im such a soft cinnamon roll uwu anime girl even tho i jack off to loli.”

Shutup, HSTS trannies are only slightly better than autogynephiles. You both are disgusting mentally ill freaks.
>Thats the same shit wtf im not a scientist but obviously he intended to say the same thing that you just proved.?? They just meant to say PRE-BIRTH, THIS NIGGA GOT THE GAY.
No that's not what he intended to say.
You can have ultra giga chad heterosexual masculine genetics but your mom's immune response in utero made you a total flamer bottom fag, you aren't gay genetically, you just got faggotized in the womb
TFW lesbian tranner and also was the guy who got bullied for being effeminate I can't win
Yeah wtf faggots are way attractive
This is literally why I transitioned. I am very happy now. I LOVE gay men but as friends
You were bullied and ostracized for being a disturbing little fella. Your perv tendencies were noticed and created uncanny effect on ppl. Transbians NEED to understand that’s a completely different bullying than what femme twinks experienced
so straight people look like white trash rednecks while gay people look hot?
Now there's a schizo theory. How do you explain their tendency to "want to be punished" for being feminine, like with sissification and cuckoldry stuff (more often than not by some faceless superior hypermasculine figure)?
Maybe straight men just have this kind of stoicness they have to uphold. Obviously more on the defensive.
Actually they are. If you swap them around and they lie about who's who, nobody would be able to tell the difference.
not the greatest photo, of course when you smile earnestly with your eyes you'll look more fem. hence the AGP smirk thing, straight men don't know how to smile.
but i think archetypal gayface is when a guy has features closer together, tighter facial planes, and maybe opened orbitals
>if it was genetic we would have found the genes
>it's from early developmental environmental conditions that affect sexed brain development
do you know what the field of epigenetics is?
It’s called flushing. When you’re a bottom your skin changes texture a bit. Sort of
Like how vaginas lubricate but all over
>Two of my good friends are leading researchers and publishers in the field about it.
Lmao imagine being a lead researcher in field of fag voice
lmao @ ur job but good anecdote

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