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anime letter guess thread
bump please i need more anime recs
i've watched like four anime
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I'm not a big anime fan desu, most of these I either watched on tv as a kid or my sister showed me (specifically prison school)
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MtF Bi
Cis Bi male
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bi mtf (probably around 19 years old)
cis bi trans guy
cis gay
bi mtf
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I haven't watched much this year other than Frieren lel
femboy or straight girl
oldshit but accepted their fate
transbian/babytrans mtf
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based mtf
cis gay maybe?
older bi mtf
cis lesbian
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bi male
lesbian mtf over thinks a lot
cis gay
mtf les
cis les
straight mtf
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manga is better


bi guy, maybe repper

for some reason I wanna say ftm

honestly no idea
agp bpd
neither, and guessing bpd when I have kikou no hito on my chart is very funny to me
I find it kinda funny that just cause I don't like anime much that most people here assume I have to be cis gay lol, is there some sort of link to anime and being trans or something?
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probably mtf bc of glt, good list
bi male for some reason nichijou is like a bi cis guy anime to me. haibane is also sooo good it would def me #10 for me
rare non super weeb mtf
mtf i rlly need to watch .hack frrr
bi mtf. hana and alice has been on my list need to get to it
straight guy? maybe like a super malebrained tranny
gay dude, kinos journey yusss
bi dude some solid picks
thanks for the recs
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My sweet 3x3
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has seriously no one put down lain
mtf fujo
straight guy? but tokyo ghoul is making me think otherwise so bi mtf?
ayyy love to see people appreciating kino. straight mtf maybe?

guess peoples letters >:(
theyfab? depends on whether or not you ship farcile
How did you know? WwW
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(im not really an anime person)

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cis les
straight mtf or bi cisf idk
bi male
idk but good taste! i loved saikano. also does hack sign get good? i watched like the first 10 episodes and it never really clicked
bi mtf
straight mtf
idk any of these so hard to say, but, blame is so good! im reading it, im on volume 5 right now, its so good. are any of the anime adaptations wroth watching? i saw some of them have a really ugly cg style
bi or straight mtf
bi mtf. good taste though, im watching texhnolyze right now, its so cool :D, i love ran
straight mtf
Bi mtf
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did shows only and had some tragic cuts, tempted to post my movie 3x3 tho
bi mtf
millennial bi mtf
gay cism
bi cism
les mtf
bi ftm
>also does hack sign get good? i watched like the first 10 episodes and it never really clicked
If you don't like it by then it won't click for you. It's not for everyone but I love it
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Nailed it
>millennial bi mtf
????? i'm attracted exclusively to men

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