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File: Snapchat-1297321538.jpg (693 KB, 1440x2560)
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>low self esteem
>decide to make porn of myself to share and boost confidence
>spend an hour doing make up and picking out lingerie, getting camera set up, toys and lube set aside
>do the things
>watch video after
>my foundation looks incredibly yellow compared to my pale skin
>cant even see anything else
>feel gross
>want to die
>gonna have to do it all over again after buying new foundation

Can anyone offer any good advice on how you're supposed to do this properly? I didn't have any extra lightning in the room or anything and the one overhead light was NOT flattering.

Also how do I learn not to make stupid faves while getting fucked? It's my natural instinct to bite my lip but it looks dumb as fuck. Most bitches I see just like, leave their mouth hanging open?

I dunno I botched this one pretty good. Second attempt coming soon.
Let your dad fuck you.
He's dead so that would be difficult.
Maybe just don't overthink it and also work with someone who has experience directing porn. Most of the quality of porn is going to be determined by the directing and camera work, not the actors. You can make a really shitty porn with perfectly fine actors in it just by filming it badly, or a really high quality porn with terrible actors just by filming it well.
If you just want to so minimalist webcam stuff for onlyfans or something though then just accept it'll be low quality and still don't overthink it.
Thanks for the food advice anon. Someone out there would probably think it's hot, I just can't get past the foundation mess up.
>work with someone who has experience directing porn
Have you seen the grooby/femout/etc amateur shoots? Being a director does NOT mean they'll shoot you in a flattering way, learn your own lighting and angles, you will do the best job at creating flattering content of yourself, might take a minute to learn. Industry people just put you in harsh lighting and go for it, their gooners will goon regardless
>porn addicted
>porn producer
>self loather
there really never is anything new under the sun
Lighting is a HUGE part of taking good nudes/porn so you might wanna wait until you can get a better lighting setup for round 2. Most people look really bad filmed with normal overhead lighting like that even if they’re really hot irl it just makes everything look like a weird snuff film or something.
you don't look ugly because you know nothing about makeup and picked the wrong foundation colour, you look ugly because you're a walleyed, retarded-looking gigahon, who sucks absolute ass at makeup. not to mention your fashion sense, which is just as bad. please do the entire world a favour and do not post that digusting stuff. it would be good if you were pretty and/or passing, but you are obviously neither.
no one cares fag. jealous hon hands typed this
Passable pretty trans girl with solid makeup look...

Solanine is a seething hon confirmed
Never make porn
I am telling you this for your own good
Are you strabic?
ew agpig let your wife help you with your degen porno
She is pretty desu
he asked for help, buddy. also, i'm not a tranny.
>solid makeup look
kek. as i said to the other anon, i'm not a tranny.
depends on how low standards are
it's not good, it's not extremely terrible but definitely not good

top and necklace are cute though
what are u? i cant tell if ur a gay man or a gay woman. ur good at dragging bitches on the board

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