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how do chasers fumble trans girls so bad? Trans girls were the boys who never got any love, if you show them basic human kindness they'll fall head over heels for you. How do chasers struggle so much to find one?
trans girls also tend to hate being fetishized and chasers think of us as men
This is always my thing with chasers. Most trans women's standards are embarrassingly low and you can't meet them, it's wild. I'm pretty sure treating her well and saying she looks cute would earn the undying loyalty of 90% of trans women.
i think this is mostly true of babytrans though, since after a while they learn what it means to be treated well no? will i be like this for life?
Most of the issue is distance, though the last one that was close to me was clearly not ready and backed out.
Main one is distance (I just want a girl I can hang out irl in the city)
Second one is interests (turns out most of them don't share my interests)
Because I was also a boy who never got any love so I have no idea what to do once I get my foot in the door and panic and isolate
>tfw no fetishist cis gf who chases me for piv lesbian sex
Im a pretty cute tranny and even i can’t find one. Last one i talked too ditched me for a ugly rapehon and a pedofile polycule
Because the one i fumbled was out of my league, gorgeous, and I really didn't deserve her.
>How do chasers struggle so much to find one?
I could find other trans girls no problem, and lots of them hit me up but I never wanted to date a trans girl before her. But I fumbled it badly, probably on purpose.
trannies are rare in the wild
I've only met two trans women in my life and both were ex-sex workers so that was a no go for me
What are your interests? Not that I'm in any city, just curious
i'm a chaser and have tried talking to like 12 different trans girls and i've failed with each one
Fighting games, arcade games, metal, hardcore, grunge, drum'n bass, sci-fi anime, psychological anime, chinese cinema
Nothing really obscure here and I'm not asking to share all these interests. At least one though, but it seems I'm asking too much.
This. Literally all you have to do for me to be obsessed with you is occasionally comment on how I look cute or how I’m such a girl. I never want my dick getting attention, but then they basically tell me that’s all they want.
>chinese cinema
ive only seen whats popular overseas but do you think the original drunken master from the 70s is better than the 90s one i do
I look for extremely specific shit so all the girls I like end up being insane in some way, typically very timid and hard to get to open up at ALL, and also typically extremely reliant on physicality to form a full connection, and fucking NO ONE lives near me.
Genuine kindness without having a clear 'quirk' also tends to make girls with trust issues EXTREMELY weird. If what your 'deal' is isn't obvious they start to guess what it is and they always guess the worst possible shit. And will just not fuckin address it or ask any questions.
After the last few months I just flirt as a distraction because it's just not worth playing nonsense mindgames with girls who don't know how to communicate.
Wanna help me learn how to talk better then? It might benefit us both..
Chasers are gay bottoms addicted to cock they can’t understand guys who want to be girls
I already have 2 BPDemons with communication issues to contend with and go to sleep thinking it'd be cool if I didn't wake up. I do not have any energy to work on someone unless they happen to be the 1 in a billion that hits all the notes like the last one that broke my heart.
I couldn't stand the first Drunken Master. Pacing and combat scenes were so slow
That's fair, sorry, didn't mean it that way. I'm just some weird plural girl.
Im a Chaser and im here to show you how i

Audience: FUMBLE_____THE_____BAG!!!!!!!!!

Step one be poor
Step two have intense mental illness and negative rizz
Step three be nonbinary
Step four be a switch
Step five live in ohio
Step six have a fetish for big gocks on women despite researching what estrogen (= frenzy/insane desire bc ancient greeks hated women a bit too much ) does to most peoples dicks
Step seven no car while living in a country that lacks good public transportation
Step 8 not wanting to hurt people in the long run so breaking things off
Step nine being an inherently worthless piece of shit in a world succumbing to fascism and bigotry as if gods giving you the biggest hardest middle finger possible
How do you do with cis women?
Tgirls always want to be dicked down, and I can’t provide that because I don’t have one and wearing a strap on reminds me that I’ll never have one. Such is life.
I don't interact with them like that, i really don't want to.

To be completely honest im Incredibly disinterested in cis women cis men and trans men and i feel no attraction what so ever

Ive resorted to gay sex with masculine men because i live in the anti mtf zone and ive gone a few years without sex

Seems like i deserve to die alone and be miserable, my fault i guess?
Okay but are cis women attracted to you?
You can dick me down pls
i'll suck on it with such heart and spirit that you'll never be able to guess i'm pretending and have never done it before [spoiler]i might flick it and make a "boooo-iiing" sound too its hard to tell[/spoiler]
because they’re bottoms
I'm fat and only 5'8 I fumble before I even speak or message them
With what? My personality?
Ive never had an interaction that would confirm this unless you count older booze hammered women trying to sexually harass me as some sort of " ive still got my rizz " wine aunt thing, i assume everyone just takes pity on me for being so hideous and malformed, im a nonexistent wagie worker drone, living in bumfuckistan, cis women my age have no interest in me nor do i want them to

Go ahead and assume im butt Ugly, i feel ugly
Questionnaire for <trannies>
(Most trannies fail this simple test)

Do you pass as a woman?

Do you have actual hobbies and aspirations in life?

Are you into men?

Are you willing to be in a LDR?

Are you a degenerate, immoral, mentally deficient, deviant person?

(since most trannies will say no to one of these questions means no matter how attractive or cool you are, you won't get a kawaii tranny gf. just not how it works pal.)

[ ]
I got ava's discord once and added her. We started talking and I fumbled the conversation so badly that I deleted my discord and made a new one with a different name so that she would never be able to identify me if we added each other again. I was so fucking cringe. I just couldn't talk to her normally. She was so intimidating.
You should move to Seattle and join a polycule, you'll be fine.
Why's the last one necessary?
You deserve to get your ass reamed for this response. Dubs means you were being truthful too.
So it gets more attention. It's a nonsense question. Advertisement 101
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because most chasers are complete losers and social rejects that they cant even manage to get a desperate self hating troon. like nobody wants to date a dude in his 30s living with parents (90% of chasers hitting on me for example)

and if transgirls are attractive we realize we can get away with similair standards that cis women have, if enough higher value dudes date you or want you, then there is even less of a reason to bother with said chasers
I moved to Seattle last year, but how do you find a polycule..? Most of them don't seem like they have I guess the space for "another" tsundere trans little.. .-.
I doubt you pass. No real man is gonna want to date you. That's the reality.
Either be prettier or less picky
Lmao what did you do?
nice projection. i have literally had 8 long term relationships in the past 14 years, probably more than you will ever have lol
I accidentally made myself seem like a weird indian incel I just lost all social ability
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Because its ridiculously entertaining to act like a subhuman creep to women and if i do it to cis women i'm getting the spicy spray or arrested, its the same reason i go on night walks and powerwalk behind women which is the only socially acceptable harassment i'm left with to direct at ciswomen
Well that's a problem in itself, the girl i love is so unused to being treated like a human and being wanted that it's causing her feelings to get all tangled up with confusion and guilt. I hope she can figure it out though, with or without me. She deserves the world.
Based for your honesty.
>8 long term relationships
>past 14 years
are you being fr
more like 8 niggas who say I ain't want what you got and threw your ass to the streets lmao
I wonder if all bottom chasers are like this. It really does feel like it's some kind of fetish but not the obvious one (into gock), like it feels like there's a humiliation or masochistic aspect to it.
>i literally cannot keep a relationship past the honeymoon period which is how i know i'm a high value woman
>8 long term relationships in the past 14 years
>8 long term relationships in the past 14 years
This is not a brag.
Based gold digger
>basic human kindness
what extremely specific shit do you look for?
All moids are scum and deserve it, more power to her
The notion that a woman is just living her life working a shit boring job then a disgusting man materializes from the aether and sends her 20 dms about baby going bam bam in his diapy and other bizarre fetish posts is very funny to me and where i derive my enjoyment from - although it is humor rather than a sexual kink i'm after. Bottom chasers probably get off to being called a pathetic faggot creep or whatever
Yea I think there's definitely a humiliation kink aspect rather than just a cock kink going on with them.
And lmao think the diapy dm explains a lot of kinks. That they're funny rather than sexual. Scat too probably. Voyeurism is the actual fetish
i basically just play their own game. older guys picked me when i was young broke trans girl in hope to exploit me sexually, so i exploited them financially in return, and in the end we both got what we wanted and thats what dating really is about, mutual transaction.

besides i wasnt always dumped, lots of relationships ended because we both wanted to move on and sometimes i was the one initiating it.

i consider everything over 1 year long term cause modern dating is a complete joke and most relationships dont make it past a few months.
What do (You) like then?
Sad but real. Finding true love as a transgirl is a pipe dream. We are just a fetish everyone looks to exploit and throw away...
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Same, i tried my best bros. I dress up nice, try to be interesting and caring, have hobbies, etc.
i feel bad for you girls, i hope you both can one day find a non-discriminating cishet man to sweep you off your feet and wife you up
8 long term relationships in 14 years. Ok, so you're a middle aged tranny who's not currently in a relationship. Interesting. I wonder why you're pushing 40 but nobody wants to date you. Might be cause you're ugly inside and out. That's just a theory, a game theory.
sister nobody cares if you want to fuck divorced boomers for robux and doordash, just have the social nous to know you are only one-step up from a trafficked south east asian bangmaid and not a model for successful relationships
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>30 is now middle aged to zoomers
its so over bros
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I'm asian
why you trying to date a zoomer? i can act like one if you want, skibidi~~
all these baby trans here yapping about true love and how their current chaser boytoy is totally gonna marry them and adopt kids with always make me laugh, like being this gullible is cute, they are in for a rough awakening lol.

people here always talk about that stuff but in the end how many actual married long term tttt couples, especially with adopted kids have you truly seen? i been here for a decade and i cant think of a single one.

thats the reality of being a transgirl, you either exploit the exploitive chasers back, stay single or go transbian and end up in a dysfunctional bpd polycule.
thats the conclusion you will inevitably come to when you become older and more experienced with the transwoman dating pool.
At least you didnt go on grooby girls
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im not i just want them to be nice to me
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Same. I only like white trannies
38 is technically middle age and 30 is nearly there. So yes, it is old man.
Being on 4chan, saying shit like "baby trans". The way you talk is insane for someone in their thirties. You sound lobotomized. You always feel the need to add "lol" at the end of every sentence too.
kek, that porn site? no i havent done porn
How old are you. The cat reaction images are way too high effort. Fucking relax. This is 4chan, you're not getting any upvotes for this.
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Thats because they date chad and get pump and dumped. Those guys are never gonna settle on anyone but a 10/10 stacy

If youngshits dated the average chaser they will be married with 2 adopted kids, guaranteed
I know one chaser who would marry his tranny. He's a good man. He loves her.
Unfortunately she's an extremely evil BPDemon who won't love him the way he wants. He's an older bear type and she likes younger yaoi bois.
A lotta stuff regarding mutual and non-mutual interests so that we'd actually mesh will in that way that would be too much to list, specific kind of disposition that reflects off me well, and most importantly, enough self awareness to recognize when they've made mistakes, why they did, wanting to fix things, even if they know they probably wont even be forgiven, and of course actually learning and striving to be a better person.
Thought I met someone who hit every single note but, turns out, they weren't as self aware as they made themselves out to be, and all my attempts at getting them to take a step back just seems to have made them hate me.
baby trans is the established term, im not gonna type out, young transwomen, early in their transition every time when everyone knows what baby trans means.
This fucking guy, what a cornball. "kek"
Twitch speak, wow slang in today's age. Old timer, please get off 4chan dawg.
i'm a similar age to you and i know plenty of transwomen and men in actual committed LTRs, both with cis and trans patners, and some even married and starting families - universalizing your poor choices isn't an productive coping strategy and your outlook is effectively the same as an incel.
I mean that all sounds very reasonable and you sound like a nice person. I believe you'll find someone :)
What the fuck is a yaoi boy. Do you mean Twink?
Rain, do you have any hobbies? You strike me as a shrewd individual.
kek and lol are used everywhere here to this day, maybe use the catalog and search function once in a while newfag. im not leaving, i been here longer than you
>What the fuck is a yaoi boy. Do you mean Twink?
Eh. I mean she points to Yaoi cartoon characters and says "I want that!"
In practice it means trying to sleep with underage guys while her chaser orbiter pays for everything.
kek is only used by millennials. It's such a gay thing to say. It literally just means lol. Saying "lol" after each sentence is ultra retarded. You're obviously chronically online dude.
Be honest, you don't have any friends right?
yea i have hobbies and interests, i just tend to come here for a month or two then leave again for half a year once im bored
calling someone chronically online while explaining detailed lore about specific old online terms, and using 4chan tttt is pretty ironic, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Heard that too many times to count. I appreciate the positivity but I am genuinely cursed.
>Be honest, you don't have any friends right?
I'm not friends with her anymore if that's what you mean.
This individual absolutely exists. She has a mid 40s chaser orbiter who would settle down and marry her and is a decent guy all around. He takes care of her. But what she doesn't consider it a relationship and chases after underage pretty boys.
I don't get why that's hard to believe. Chasers get screwed just as trannies do.
Bro has a dedicated name on here. Do your hobbies include dilation?
Explaining lore, is that what you derived from that. Enjoy your 30s, my guy. I hope you get in another long term relationship real soon.
>tfw guy I was in love with left me
>think it was just bad luck and it will get better
>read this
Blackpilled again
So I'm right about you not being friends. Cool. That's all I needed.
Yes, get blackpilled by the middle aged personification of a used rag.
yes literally all you do is nitpick autistically about some online terms i use, like who even gives a shit.

you call me chronic online then care about the most irrelevant shit imaginable to a point you write 4 replies about it.
Its bad luck
>How do chasers struggle so much to find one?
Our problem isn't the courting stage, but the the finding of them beforehand is the challenge. You girls are just too rare
I mean, those are all things (the deep self awareness, and desire to improve) I basically require in a partner but they’re really rare in general I think? I’m kinda in a similar position where I broke up with someone after a long term relationship over that type of stuff. I still believe in you though, just have to be patient :>

you sound like you’d make a wonderful partner for the girl that does end up meeting your requirements
transgirls are just shiny girls
>most people rejected her message
>they hated rain because she told them the truth
If shiny is a double entendre for mentally ill then yes. Y'all are pokemon shiny's
Every single trans woman ive rizzed up, ive hurt them, i despise myself

Ive developed obsessions towards trans women who will never be interested in me and i hate it

Im just meant to be a miserable bastard
People like you give credit to rain's bitterness on chasers...
you should take more heart that you've been able to rizz so many trans women.
Youre not sorry if you gotta type this humblebrag garbage
ive talked to 3 tranners and 2/3 were totally impossible to talk to because they never had anything to say and didn't respond to any sort of kindness. the third one was cool as hell but was a transbian. my takeaway is that most are broken people and are content to just hornypost with serial ghoster chasers here
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Ignoring every post in this thread because the real certified answer is tranners ALWAYS ghost. They ghost day 1, they ghost day 100, they ghost 4 years into a relationship.
It's inevitable.
They're just attention seeking hussies who can't even commit to their transition so how would they ever commit to another person.
This. No luck with tranners or cisgirls
Im okay with the fact ima die alone
This is why most transgirls are transbian, moids aint shit!
Just worried I'll get worse if I have to wait too long. Already been waiting too long. Not sure I even wanna keep trying when it keeps ending with me adding another person to the list of those I gotta watch fail to help themselves.
You think im honestly happy that I can't find someone to be with, that i yearn constantly for affection but am completely aware of my inability to be with another person due to being a complete failure

They're better off without me besides it was all esex anyway, they'll find better potential partners

I don't want to be hated, no one does but i sure do fucking deserve it and it hurts to be hated

Why though i can't physically be with any of them i was wasting their time, im just a negative distraction
Its not bragging, the thirsty in the desert envy a person surrounded by water even when its salty

The ocean is a desert
>i dont want to be hated
>breaks every transgirls heart and hurt them on purpose according to own post
Have you tried just not doing that? crazy i know
I still love you
Just become a transbian sis, not all of us are ugly hons this meme is a chaser psyop
I wish i was never born to begin with life feels meaningless and i feel like i ruin everything, i get home from work and scream fuck you and other hurtful things at myself in the mirror for about on hour on really bad days

Im only admitting this rn because i genuinely don't care to hide how weird shitty and ugly i am as a person, im disgusting
You get to have sexos i cant relate

If i got to have sex even once i wouldnt be depressed i would cherish my tranny for allowing me to spend time with her
I wish I could hug you and hold you and tell you everythings gonna be okay
I have legit never encountered a transwoman who wasn't a toxic self-absorbed narcissist. Everything is about them and their gender identity. They use it in place of getting an actual personality. They only want to hang out with other trans/queer people. They're reverse bigots. They want to be accepted as women despite having different biology, yet don't see the irony when they can't accept that men are inherently sex-mad and like to fetishize in order to get off.

No, really. Keep telling me the good ones are out there. I've yet to meet one.
yeah i know, im bi and actually came close to dating transgirls a few times and most of em looked pretty great.
It just never really happened in the end due to many circumstances around those times.


spoiler: it wont get better
Same. Right now my neighbors are banging on my wall because i keep shouting. I just want to never hurt another tranner again i just keep self destructing all my relationships
You just need a hug is all
I need you so badly it hurts
Ive never been in another persons bed before always cars always with people who weren't the people i was into, i have not had physical sex in over three years, and jerking off with someone on cam doesn't get rid of that itch for affection

I feel trapped in my life, doesn't matter if im noticed on here, im nobody irl and i deserve that for all the fucked up shit ive done
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Why do tranners like these jokerfied guys
What the fuck?????
Its not all that different though a penis is a modified clitoris and testicles are modified ovaries
>i had not had sex in 3 years
NTA but likewise. I feel like im being punished for previous sins
"I can fix him" - every woman ever when they see a cute sad emotional dude
You deserve better
The recurring issue I've run into is they don't usually wanna commit to the bit sexual, I can treat you like a girl, but the second you wanna try to top me of make you suck you off, it just kinda kills the vibe for me. I'm not even against acknowledging your estrodick when the mood is right, but when yall start getting pushy about it, it just kills the illusion.
I want you though.
I want you so fucking bad
Got a discord?
Because they are still people. They're not literally going to throw themselves at anybody. If anyone is in need of basic human kindness and nothing else, I'd love to see it. Some chasers also suck.
As a chaser I have to admit, this is my reality. I'm dating a nice tgirl right now and she's very nice, my spic upbringing is always screaming in the back of my head that I need to find a real woman soon and start pumping out babys. It sucks cause I can tell she cares for me and I don't want to damage her, but I don't know how much longer I can ignore that tick in my head, especially with my parents getting older and demanding grandkids every holiday.
i never been into this type of guy
Im probably not compatible with you desu, i appreciate the interest but........

Like i said you deserve better, you really don't need a bottom verse chaser who's a whiny little loser

Find someone better than me, that's all i ask if i can't be happy id rather see others be, even if it hurts besides im just some anon
They don't
Good you're avoiding pain
dude what. all i suggest you was not to hurt transwomen, i dont want to fucking date you
I wish i delt with these types if women because id welcome this completely

Im more yin than yang, im passive until im empowered and enpassioned

I wax and i wane and thus behold one of the names i bare to myself carries some of the notes in the sky song of the moon
I responded to the wrong person oops im very tired

Kinda wish i had a quick method of instant death rn

Lmao fml
This is for you
Yeah i was in the middle of making a response to you but it got a bit too ranty and i forgot to delete your text code Before responding to the next person

I love having adhd i just adore having a brain that loses focus its sooooooooo fun

Just so you know im trying to keep my distance from others because of my past mistakes
I deserve to get my skull bashed in
oh no problem
probably for the best then to keep distance if you know you gonna hurt people
Im isolating myself, its not good for my mental health, but maybe i shouldn't have made friends with the demographic im into
at least you are honest about it, adoption is a meme and in the end no guy wants to raise another dudes kid when you can make kids yourself, transgirls just cope about this truth and delude themself too often
>how do autistic losers fail at social interaction?
Wow, I don’t know.
he spams this shit in multiple threads he's a nutcase save your sympathy
no no no
not like men, but like

you know
>chinese cinema
what is even of value there. so inferior to its neighbours. chinese cinema has been perpetually stifled by the utterly despondent political grip on art. even the soviet union had a better sense of art
i hate you faggot ricecels so much
if you would stop being so pathetic, insular, and chinky, you would have so much luck with women. you are literally the most conscientious, diligent, and intelligent minorities other than jewish men, yet you refuse to go to the gym or pub and socialise like a western individual. I have met so many attractive asian australian men, but the poorly assimilated ones are almost repulsive, and really make me realise how true the bugman stereotype is
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I never fumbled a trans girl. I haven't struggled to find them either. I'm everything they want, and I drop them when they make it clear they don't deserve me. I don't want a drug addict, a self harm enthusiast, an ADHD failure who trusts big pharma with estrogen but won't take her adderall, or a psychopath criminal. I don't want someone who's addicted to the validation I give her, and doesn't actually value the rest of me the rest of the time. I've met six and had all six in the palm of my hand, but none of them were good people I'd spend my life with.
>the guy I was in love with left me
I bet you never even met him outside of discord
10/10 true
>i dump transgirls when im tired of them instead of comitting and working issue out together and replace them with the next
All these chasers proving rain right in this thread...
>checks all except passing
I can't stand how long it takes this is agony. Are bi chasers a thing?
Lol get fucked I don't need to explain my whole fucked up relationship history to you. I tried to fix them. They claimed to want to change. They didn't. And not just little stuff. Horrific life-altering bad decisions.
The kind of man who wants to have sex with a tranny is also the kind of man to be mentally unstable, neurologically disabled and generally worthless.
most of them are bi, but tranners HATE bi men because they hate the idea of being viewed as an outlet for a repressed gay guy or being viewed as masculine in any way, and often cannot believe that someone who could ever be attracted to a man could ever fully view them as a woman
you cant win
>ever time i break up its the transgirls fault never my fault
Or maybe you are just a narcissist? If it smells like poop wherever you walk, its your shoes.
True, for them it's mostly about the dominance, hatred of anything perceived as effeminate, usually some degrading sissies fetish.
>it's completely inconceivable that most trannies are in bad mental health spirals despite the overwhelming evidence on this very board
>it must be the chaser
Your critical view only justifies my feelings of worthlessness but thats not your fault nor will it ever be, congratulations anon you pointed out that im clearly not mentally okay, its good that your able to parse my writing style, i figure should leave 4chan, this board doesn't need me

Honestly giving me your Apathy and ignoring me would hurt more but i figure it took this to maybe consider it better if further self imposed isolation automated the process
people that root around in the bargain bin generally aren't going to be that well put together
Shut up, trans women aren't worthless
And same evidence on the board exists that most chasers are mentally ill deranged losers
I mean I look like a man so I'm not pulling straights anytime soon. I don't care about sexuality I just want someone to hug
Cope, all troons are mentally ill delusional freaks and only want 6ft+ chad even though theyre hideous failedmale chuddettes in dresses. MAGA 2025 btw
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not the original guy but there's a lot of good hong kong cinema if you count that as chinese, Sammo hung, Jackie Chan, Tony Leung. Wong Carr-wai, Golden Harvest productions. If he meant straight up just chinese cinema though than I'm just as confused.

Rain is pretty much a heartless psychopath. People like rain cannot feel emotions like love. She will never understand that and that's why she only ends up with heartless psychopathic men.

She said many times that she dates mostly wealthy older dudes, those ceo and banker types are usually heartless psychopaths too.
Typical ranting

Give up your hate otherwise its gonna kill you
>not the original guy but there's a lot of good hong kong cinema if you count that as chinese,
I would not. it would be like calling taiwanese cinema chinese, or singaporean. i find it distasteful to let them culturally claim the place, they don't politically deserve it
tfw no heartless psychopath gf that sucks the life out of me
you realize the entire foundation of taiwan is a nazi sympathizer that got his ass whooped ny mao, and tyhen fled to this island and insisting that its the real china?

the only reason the west supports it is because chyna bad
I don't really know or care for Chinese history, I just like cantonese movies...
>the only reason the west supports it is because chyna bad
and thank god for that, because China is bad! culturally barren retard Confucians who are both artistically and historically mogged by their hindu and buddhist neighbors next door
see this post for more details. japan was settled by chinamen yet after millenia of disavowment of chinkism they've surpassed them in every possible way. have you seen The Last Emperor? the most important, and most beautiful artistic achievement about Chinese history was directed by an Italian romantic, financed by Hollywood, with the wonderful presence of Peter O'Toole.
all these little places that have been spiritually liberated from the yoke of retard communist confuscianism, jumping into the arms of our historically progressive western civilisation, have been all the better for it.
Okay so Taiwan fascist sympathy and china slowly becoming sino-nazis

America and Europe falling to fascism

Oh those nazi bastards were playing the long con weren't they

Even some of the "jews" zionists are nazis now

The present and future are scary and the past is sad
i can only pity you, wumao. it truly is a shame that the CPC can't lay claim to great filmmakers like Edward Yang, Ang Lee, Hsiao-Hien Hou, etc. a sad state of affairs, maybe it could have been different for the confucian heartland? but when bugmen and communism mix it's a violent alchemical concoction
yes to all too much. expect pass idk well cuz im a permaboymoder
The natural state of humanity is anarchism with horizontal hierarchies

We need to work together centralized power corrupts individuals
pretty much yes but history doesnt matter western politics is all about hypocrisy and moralfagging while ignoring their own allies crimes

its ironic the west turned so hard on china and plays the moralfag now, the west literally made china what it is today, short sighted greed and exporting the entire industry to china
Reminder the first american nazi party only shut down because we entered WWII, they've always been skulking around
Can confirm I'm not a bottom but I find it hot to be called pathetic by cute tranners.
>short sighted greed and exporting the entire industry to china
lol, have you been keeping up with the times? all the manufacturing and tech has been steadily moving to india, vietnam, and taiwan, because they dont have a retarded government that keeps a stranglehold on any sort of innovation or free development. their prominence in tech is a huge bubble too, who's going to use chinese applications after they've shown how dangerous tik tok is? not to mention their high rises which crumble at the seams
America inspired the nazis manifest destiny and the enslavement of africans inspired hitlers ideas
because trans women in my area are only looking for transbian ou T4T relationship, if it's not just to get a dick in the ass by the first dumbass they met, and traumatize themself by being beaten up by said dumbass who didn't knew the were trans, they then pipeline to the transbian/t4t bullshit with tath excuse
pls sister, give me hope, not despair...
>when Americans do it it builds the strongest country in the world and one of the most powerful empires in history lasting for hundreds of years, with the victims being a permanent social underclass
>when Europeans do it it collapses in 12 years and the victims leave with their own ethnostate
and yet 99% of products in your household still have a made in china label, i bet. besides it doesnt disapprove what i said its at best just a recent development that industry is moved elsewhere

its better to learn the harsh truth and accept it than lying to yourself with empty copes about real love, long term wise its healthier this way
The debt is long overdue my friend
when a kind guy like osakasyndrome marries a trans love of his life you all shit on him
No, I'm a good boy ok.

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