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How would you respond to this transbian?
i like to think that i would be totally unimpressed and would just walk past her but i might be way too gay to pull that off and i would just do what she wants.
i would be happy that someone wants to talk to me and is interested in me
I would only respond positively to this if she self identified as a futa.
I would look behind me to see who she is actually talking to...
if you're stopping me mid run like this, I'll be taking my seat where it's warm, cushioned, and throbbing instead thank you~
You don't look like that tho
Wake up because trannies with big working cocks are a dream.
ask where you got shorts where the sack for your sack is as big as the pant legs
god i wish that was the fucking reality. life sucks.
(Firstly how do i know your gay)
Secondly im a disgusting fat morbid looking chaser why are you trying to seduce me, is this a trap? mind you we're in public and i feel incredibly awkward now, you show cover yourself up Miss, its not safe to be like this out in the open.

You deserve better pls don't rizz me because your meta attracted
Dil do
i would have a seat
Why is her bulge shaped like that?
Call the cops and say there’s a male crossdresser with a gun threatening people
Stay to film and hope he dies
>the police arrive and find an unarmed woman and arrest you for a false report
I wouldn't say a thing I would listen and that is what no one else did.

Real answer though is I would violently abuse her prostate with my cock while she was dick deep in some other fag until her brain melts out of her ears. I am a big hairy cis guy by the way.
None of you freaks look anything like that in real life. Stop rotting your brain with anime porn. You're being used by demonic forces to destroy civilization. Get a fucking grip.
tire iron
>You're being used by demonic forces to destroy civilization.
Wow, I didn't know trannies were THAT based
Give me a tranny bottom who looks like this.
File: 1615190834346.jpg (10 KB, 227x220)
10 KB
Me too. I will literally give virgin bussy to the first guy who's nice to me.
Id let her rape me
not true, my deals with demonic forces are mutual

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