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>too old to benefit from blockers
>too old for childhood socialization
>too young to have saved money/built a career during repper years
>just the right age to quietly start hormones, never come out at school, crash out of college and end up an unemployed loserhon who watches everyone around them continue to grow and move on
i started younger and have been on hormones longer than ~95% of people i know yet i feel like ive made zero progress, i was cursed with the world's ugliest fucking neanderthal genes and induced pseudo-schizoid tendencies (minus the part that makes you actually like the loneliness lol)
i still cant get a job and it feels like my life has completely frozen in place, it's driving me fucking insane and i have very little hope or will to keep living atp.
any other midshits know this struggle?
waow are you literally me ?
do you also hate your parents for having you literally 1 year too early to benefit from being a woke nuzoomer and instead having to grow up with the last class of whiny racist ben shapiro retards who ran around wearing trump hats in 2016 right when you were about to come out and convinced you to stay in the closet instead
>youngshits think i’m a rogd hon
>oldshits think i shouldn’t complain since i’m a youngshit to them
it’s a lonely road
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and after everything you drag yourself through to finally come out the other side fully transitioned
>neither overly ugly nor attractive
not really, i’m from terf island
i look at my face and i look at old photos and i start crying, i dont even want ffs at this point, like id take it if it were offered to me but i know it wont fix things the way i want, i dont want it i dont want surgery i want my own face back, i want my own life back. i look in the mirror and it's not just dysphoria, it's something more, it's an alien figure, it isn't mine. i feel like i died when i was 11 or 12 and ive been floating around as a ghost ever since. any sort of "progress" i could make is heavily impeded by the crushing pain of knowing ill never be allowed to have the one thing i actually want
>start hormones, never come out at school, crash out of college and end up an unemployed loserhon who watches everyone around them continue to grow and move on
literally me except im a manmoder not a hon
me personally im a nevergooutsidemoder
im sorry anon :(
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so real. i think the worst part is knowing that u had what it takes to get hormones underage but u were still 1 or 2 years too late to not get stuck looking like an ugly teenaged boy forever
>stuck looking like an ugly teenaged boy forever
its over
ill never be anything but rotting loophole bait for gay ephebophiles :(
>too old
>at school
almost got me
some of us had mothers who married the first man that didnt scream at her who happened to be an ugly neanderthal retard who gave us 100% of our genes and then made us morbidly obese in second grade because theyre an undiagnosed picky eater sperg who cares more about getting to keep eating like an 8 year old than teaching us healthy anything ever so instead of stunting our neanderthal gorilla pubertirs with anorexia like every other troon figured out we squeeze every last bit of t damage out such that having a "started as a minor" badge rendered no actual benefit
duck is doing the same pose as that one tranny college library drawing jej
literally like i had the same sort of "finding out" as people a few years younger than me, i found out hormones existed online and was determined to started them asap, but by the time i found out it was already too late. maybe if i was less of a tunnel visioned retard...
How the fuck did you describe me in 99% accuracy. The fuck? Only difference is that I was only overweight and not obese

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