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how did bottoming change you?

be honest
I'll get back to you when I've tried it.
Made me realise I was just a top coping with tons of trauma
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Bottoming? Don't you mean topping?
when I get bottomed I moan like a sissy

wow ur funni
it made me realize I could actually enjoy sex
Full story?
>Made me realise I was just a top coping with tons of trauma
Could you tell us your story? I hope you feel better with yourself now.
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Thank you. Now get back down there.........
the schizophrenic has left containment
I already knew I was hot but I felt even hotter bottoming and looking at myself in the mirror.

Also it felt as great as I imagined.
Nothing salacious, it just didn't feel anything like what I imagined and the power dynamic did nothing for me
Turns out I'm actually a transbian top with strong empathy for the other side of the dynamic and a ton of unresolved baggage around failed relationships and being bullied
It made me more obedient, more agreeable, and more passive and submissive. I started taking care of my skin hair and nails, i started pio, gained weight, started doing ass exercises, started dressing more feminine and more slutty. It also made me realize that the only way I could satisfy my control freak tendencies was to be a complete submissive.
Did the power dynamic stuff and being submissive turned you on in your fantasy before?
Well I realized im a switch and i need topping reparations after getting m'bahps demolished

M'bahps = My booty asshole's pleasure spot
Very much so, but my biggest fetish of all is "women cumming" so it all took on a life of its own in my head I think
Made me crave being the little spoon to a big strong man. Im so intoxicated by men I find myself hitting on them and puffing my boobs out and really working towards giving them head or letting them fuck me silly
Do you like your old or new self more?
It made me realize that getting buttsexed just feels like pooping in reverse, which isn’t for me. I’m a side exclusively.
made me realize that I am a girl. It was a lot of fun. I had a great experience. Good dick changes you.
my older trans gf got me to bottom, and it felt so unbelievably good that i've exclusively bottoming for her for a year now. works out great, because she much prefers topping.
Describe how does it feel. Do cum without touching?
it feels like a big fat cock is pounding my prostate. ever take a really good shit and it feels pleasant? imagine that feeling but 10 times better, and it doesn't stop. i can cum from anal with her handsfree, but i love jerking off and cumming with her. she has an 8 inch dick, which is crazy. she's also super flexible, and can suck herself while i eat her ass.
Estrogen shrinks the prostate, so mtf lose anal pleasure. As men get older and longer on T the prostate gets bigger and bigger. Old hairy-assed men love getting fucked. It's unfair.
sucks to be you, i've never used my prostate for anal orgasm anyways lol
Imagine thinking you could bottom once and go back to being a top. Ain't how that works. If you open your gates for penetration, your fort has been captured for good and there isn't any chance of taking it back. It's over. You've passed the threshold. Might as well troon out and become a sissy bimbo slut for cock.

Once a bottom, always a bottom.

Goes contrary to popular belief doesn't it?
shit my dick just twitched reading this
but it rewires ur brain too so u like to psychologically so maybe it evens itself out
I hate people like you.
I don't think I would really even love being penetrated by dick, it would just hurt. I just want my prostate massaged once a while it makes my orgasm have that sticky stuff as well. I'm not even attracted to male bodies. I guess I'm just an old man with a hairy ass and enlarged prostate
It made me want to be the bottom always and to be taken care of. No one wants that from me though. Somehow no matter what I always end up with some needy bottom wanting me to be their mommy and because I'm so lonely and tired of being rejected I accept their love and I just sit there regretting ever meeting them.
It's over... isn't it

I like my new self a lot more, I am glad I started bottoming

Yeah just like estrogen also kills your sex drive and yet despite having no testosterone in my body and orchiectomy for years I am sexually voracious and just fucked my boyfriend for the third time tonight. It's just the 1000th variety of "trans women can't enjoy sex" and it's epically false.
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After being fucked by first time at 16 I realized it was over lol (bi to tranny pipeline)

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