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Wanting to be a man is a rational pursuit of power.
Wanting to be a woman is a humiliation fetish.
What if I feel disempowered as a man and empowered as a woman?
So true!
It depends, some people undeniably see it as a part of fulfilling their masochism fetish, but some people don't believe being feminine detracts from their inner person and will
Estrogen inhibits hulkamania from running wild.
This. I am a stronger person on estrogen. Not literally, due to losing muscle mass obviously, but still. People who think like OP associate women with weakness because they are misogynists.
Based and true
I’m a cis man but if I could magically become a femdom goth girl or someone like pic re I would. I want to manipulate men and leverage my social powers to make $$$ and cuck dudes.
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Logically, that's true.
But yet somehow my power grows the further I go.
If you dont have power, being a man instead of a woman wont help. Only old and rich men have power.
NOTHING can hurt him when hes in hulkamania!!!
Then why do i want to be a hot woman and not an ugly one? Women can be ego driven
Power is not evenly distributed anywhere
Rights are not real, only privilege is
Only if your a misogynist. From the moment I understood the concept of gender I saw being male as a humiliation and source of shame. Just the very act of doing or being treated in anyway masculine felt degrading. And I saw maleness as vulgar and Savage. My hierarchy of ideal ways to be a guy had femme twinky bishounens at the top because they retained the beauty, elegance, refinement and intelligent nature of being female.

To me being a girl was the prideful choice to be the better option despite being born in an inferior position.
What even is male power to women anyway? The power to wield brawn to abuse people? Do you want to work your ass off for the rest of your life with no way out? Do you want to be constricted internally? Do you want to be shot at and seen as a threat? That is what manhood is about, to me. All it does is endanger and oppress me and hold me to higher standards than women and deprive me of rights and social advantages women have. Seriously, what the fuck is good about being a young, poor man with male socialization? Getting to go to the strip club and get herpes from some cunt who has had 3 abortions and probably abuses her pets? I fucking hate women. They have everything and I have nothing. They always get protected. I always get put in danger to prove myself. I was pressured to play sports that caused me to have a concussion. Fuck pooners. I want to die. I don't want to work anymore. What is the point? There is no value for me in this society. I should be destroying society because it is aggressive to me be cause I am male and white. I celebrate terrorism against so-called refugees and abortion clinics. I withdraw from the public. I feel I am trapped in a degenerating suburban shithole and familial bonds created by abusive women in my family. America has been ruined by women, capitalist white guys, and Jews. I hate you all.
behind every powerful man is a woman with power over him.
Hereditary privilege exists within the context of the right to private property and inheritance. The rights are the foundation of the privilege. If they did not have the right to be rich, they would have to enter combat to protect their hoards. They would not last long against a radicalized population of brave men, which is why the culture aims for docility, stupidity, and sickness.
Estrogen would fix you
I believe in many forms of power, and fundamentally I have also come to believe that running on testosterone renders you incapable of understanding and exploiting it effectively if only by merit of granting the ability to ignore or mask conflating raw effort and force of will without purpose or direction as power
Not to mention the first thing that happened to me in my life was THEY CUT A PART OF MY COCK OFF.
Ooh! How enviable! Before I even get to see my mother's face, I am already being injured by this life intentionally and routinely for being male. I hate this fucking insane society of violent conformity.
How? And why even bother? Suicide would fix the fact that I subjectively have an experience at all, potentially but death is such a mystery and whatever is next may be even worse than this. If reincarnation is real, maybe I will be reborn as a slug or a pig or something. That seems worse.
>Not to mention the first thing that happened to me in my life was THEY CUT A PART OF MY COCK OFF.

I think about that more and more lately too. The fact that you can't even feel upset over it
i just want to be a woman there isn’t anything humiliating about it if i don’t humiliate myself
Realistically, being a woman for me is both humiliating and empowering. It's humiliating because I am forced to adopt highly regulated and prescribed gender roles and act submissive and deferential towards men, and am physically weaker, but it's empowering because I am able to turn feminity to my advantage and thrive in this role, it suits my personality.
Probably not very different from how you were to begin with
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How is it humiliating to be a hot female? My skin is so soft and squishy it's ridiculous
Ooooo i'm so powerful i suck penis & eat semen POWER!!!
>How is it humiliating to be a hot female?
now add a penis™ and reimagine
God damn.
Beauty is more powerful than might.
>a rational pursuit of power.
power isn't about physical ability anymore
economically a dollar in a woman's hands is as valuable as in a man's
socially you can achieve high status as a man or a woman
physically a man will die to bullets as fast as a woman
Men control society and hold most of its wealth and political power.
Women role in society has mostly always been as either baby factories or prostitutes.
Once artificial wombs and AI sex bots are a thing, women will be relegated to a relic of the past, like an extinct species.
The current great trooning is part of the AFAB extinction event, men become women and bio women lost their shit over it (TERF), someone is going into their niche as whores and prostitutes.
>Men control society and hold most of its wealth and political power.
because of testosterone and natural inclinations
>Women role in society has mostly always been as either baby factories or prostitutes.
yes due to biological limitations. the more technology advances the less valuable inherent male strength will get
>Once artificial wombs and AI sex bots are a thing, women will be relegated to a relic of the past,
once that happens males would equally be drones in the factory breeding farms
Even getting fucked in the ass is dehumanizing
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it's men who are slaves to women
the greatest power is the one you can't even see

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