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Women stole my manhood. Their perfect smooth skin, perfect proportions, perfect smiles, always taunting me with how unattainable their bodies were.

I was a rejected, isolated, lonely beta male incel. Women refused to date me, so I became a compulsive masturbator. But masturbation can only last so long.

Eventually I did what I had to do. I kneeled before men, and began debasing myself for their pleasure. At first I hated the taste of semen. At first, when my anus was defiled by a man, my eyes watered from the pain. I whimpered in humiliation at the indignity.

But by then, it was too late to go back. I was forced to take estrogen, learn the feminine art of seduction, makeup, skincare. my feelings of attraction toward women were replaced with competition and envy, and my feelings of aggression toward men were replaced with submission and finally, most pathetically, with desperate need for protection and emotional support.

I have accepted my fate, I rely on my boyfriend and I fulfill his needs, but I still burn with humiliation. I am a casualty in the war between the sexes, in which women mercilessly de-select men from the human gene pool, men who in an earlier age would have been warriors and conquerors.
You're just a bi bottom who went too far...
Why didn't you hire hookers? Or fucked less attractive women?
man cmon
OP typed this with one hand.

> hire hookers.

I accompanied a group of male friends to a brothel once. They each had sex with cookers, I could not bring myself to. Paying for sex is not a conquest, it's not a win, it's a transaction. I could not bear to meet the hooked eyes I was so ashamed and self conscious. What could be more of a failure than paying for sex when you want to be desired? I left the brothel in shame and still a virgin, but it would be years before my willpower finally broke and I gave up my virginity to a man.

>fucked less attractive women.

I am only interested in extremely attractive women. If I can't be with an attractive woman there was literally no point.

I did however try to make moves on some more plain looking girls out of desperation, but it was like they saw me coming a mile away. I would be decisively friend zoned instantly-- after a while I was forced to go along with the assumption that I was a homosexual to justify my long term total failure to get with women.

Meanwhile men constantly chased me and propositioned me like I was a fresh piece of meat. It was embarassing.
I wonder how many LGBT people share similar stories like yours... Homosexual behaviour in nature for the most part is just a cope for lack of females. Some become "tops" (the ones with some low-tier pedo tendencies already) and others become "bottoms" (with some AGP tendencies already I guess). In my case I don't think I would consider touching a guy ever again if I were succesful with girls but hey here we are posting in the tranny board ;)
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Why did you ignore all the girls who want shy nerdy bfs?

I have come to have a grudging respect for men and my sexuality and emotions have shifted over the years. You can fuck a few men without internalizing it too much, but after year after year when your entire sex live consists of riding, sucking, fucking, and obeying it does change your psyche, and I am sure the estrogen plays a role in that.

The fact is, whenever I went to any bar or party, men would hit on me. Whenever I went on any dating app, men would flood my inbox, both serious single high value men looking for dates and low quality filthy men just wanting sex. The discrepancy in interest was so vast that I basically had no other choice. The only way to be desired, courted, kissed, hugged, touched, and have the privileges of. A relationship and hopefully a family was to make myself an object of male desire and fulfill their fantasies, and I will say i eventually became quite skilled at it. But I still resent this humiliation every time i see cis men confidently enjoying the status I lost. There is no logging harder than watching other men become successful and heterosexual, impregnating their wives and claiming their birthright while I exist to serve them and adopt and raise surplus children who aren't mine. I have come to accept it, but it is a lot to swallow.


Women don't actively express attraction or interest, or if they do it was too subtle for me to realize. I was so afraid of being regarded as a predator or rapist that i was too afraid to pursue women. I only felt safe flirting with strong, virile aggressive men.
So horny.
Hot story OP

It's not a story it's literally my life.
damn that's relatable OP. i just didnt feel like i could act as a man enough for a woman, i had no choice but to gaymaxx and then transmaxx to achieve a decently pleasurable sex and romantic life.
transitioning with MEF feels like a forbidden pleasure, an enjoyment through loss so thorough that most would never be able to comprehend
Are you still wearing wigs op?
don't delude yourself, you don't even resemble a woman you stupid faggot

Never worn wigs idk where you go that idea.


Hate to say it but I have always been very attractive and pass for the most part, I'm one of the very few trannies not really worried about my looks. Keep seething about it though chud.
>I am only interested in extremely attractive women. If I can't be with an attractive woman there was literally no point.
You are hyper-fixated on other people looks. Women are just people, same as men. All of this glory is made up by. Also feels like you're objectifying other people
>Women stole my manhood. Their perfect smooth skin, perfect proportions, perfect smiles, always taunting me with how unattainable their bodies were
PSA women are real people they can also be ugly not every woman is a supermodel, i know it's hard for someone like you to know that since you don't go outside or talk to any women except your mother
pic related is cis woman in her late 20s
I think this is an extremely common occurance with non-HSTS trans women and probably a much bigger factor behind transitioning than is being talked about yet
as a woman nah, we're not responsible for you being a massive faggot in fact there were no women involved in your story just two scrotes being homosex incels for each other as per their patriarchal pederasty tradition
crystal cafe, not even once
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Rather, just mend and abandon that lifestyle. The purpose of life is holyness. You yourself admit that sin is just humiliation and there is never inner peace in that life since we are fighting agaisnt our purpose. Turn to dignity.
Meds, AGPedo, and I'm not talking about estrogen.
Why do androphiles always need to go through retarded faggot gymnastics to justify their condition when gynephiles just say "fuck it?"
See, I think TERFs take it too fare but I'll always appreciate their hate for AGP shits
Amazing post as always, MEFanon.
>Why do androphiles always need to go through retarded faggot gymnastics to justify their condition when gynephiles just say "fuck it?"
Because she's not an actual androphile like regular gays and HSTS. She doesn't crave men.

Most "bi"sexual males have very little androphilia (if not at all) but like women (they are gynephiles) and also enjoy feeling "feminine" or submissive plus prostate stimulation (autogynephilia).

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