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how do we get the pajeet chasers off this board?
>add guy on here
>find out after weeks of talking he's literally an indian
>ghost him
god online dating sucks
why didnt you ask race initially?
Date them all so there are no single ones left
Shitjeets ruined every board over the last 5 years, and I'm sorry but it's the funniest thing I've seen with them becoming tranny chasers now. They'd fuck anything with a white hole.

> be a man pretending to be a woman
> cry about indian men pretending to be white

Its like poetry.
IP ban Canada.
Jeets are the worst fucking race on the planet. An absolute locust on the Earth.
wow didn't realize they were here
You can't call them men and expect them to fuck you Parcrap
who do you think is doing the ava tyson spam? lol
emotion parasite.
kek they didn't like this one prajesh
Canada is like half of 4chan
Why don't indians just leave the board?
Why don't racists just leave the board?
we're not all jeets, some of us are people
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>picrel, why trannies hate indians
Trannies still haven't recovered from this
not racist, just don't like indians
I'm a euro
euros have such unhinged hatred for gypsies (literally indian descendants) they complain about them all the time
there's a Indian jannie and he's prob gonna ban half the board for complaining
Just don't like racists is all
i dont like racists either, indians are my exception
this and muslims and blacks and mexicans
i dont hate blacks and mexicans totally, i think they have the capacity to be good people that id personally befriend
indians on the other hand, are irredeemable and their voices alone make me cringe
unfathomably based
this is so cucked lol. niggers literally mass breed dysgenic mutts that kill white babies, they gang rape white women who visit european citadels, they burn down cities for criminals with multiple felonies on their belt, yet indians are more problematic?
indian men are almost harmless in comparison if you dont visit unwashed areas of the country. also u can play backyard cricket with them. the only thing that's annoying is their tendency to take service jobs with their stupid incomprehensible accents. but at that point i just pity them. i dislike the chinese more
sorry for insulting your people saar
If you were here and had listen to their disgusting chimping all the time, you would think it's justified, damn.
Even negros are more civil.
Everyone gets what he or she deserves.
im an australian irish jew. it's really a shame that to tarnish your brahmic sacred nigger cow that you must mark me as indian. have you even spoken to a british indian? id prefer that less indians would come here, but id prefer that the africans and muslims and chinese would be dealt with more vehemency
>australian irish jew
what a disgusting combination
not really. do you know who john monash was? he was an australian jew. john curtin was an irish catholic. irish catholics practically built this nation, and jews have been here from before federation. im proud to be able to trace my ancestral line through so many migrations, to be a part of such historic peoples bringing their hope for a better life to this scrappy little upstart of a country.
do you have the same ancestral and national pride as I? or are you a deracinated cuck who worships niggers who literally dont have a history past the buck breaking atlantic slave trade?
fuck you we're not leaving
you think we can't make you?
Is that you mathshroom?
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i wish i knew, but pojeets are genuine the most disgusting race on the entire planet, they live in shit ,eat shit, throw corpses in their drinking water rivers, everywhere garbage and trash, i wish the british would have wiped them out completely.

never seen a more repulsive people in my entire life.
if you lived around euro gypsies instead of us gypsies youd understand that, they are as revolting as pajeets, if not even more.
time to go volunteer with the bund little chuddie monash would not be pleased
i do live in melbourne where the labour bund still survives today but they seem a bit vestigial. jewish life without israel is nonsensical in today's world
We have to do like the Indian eunuchs and be annoying as humanly possible, clapping loudly, threatening to curse them, etc. Then they will leave. Oh and don’t forget to beg for rupees.
or we could install toilets in tttt, that will drive them off
you can't
all you have to do is ask them what their favorite matchbox 20 song is. if their answer is anything other than "what's that" they are white
what's that?

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