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>chuds and kiwifags suddenly are moralfagging over loli
Such is the nature of chuddies and kiwis, Anon, they moralfag when they can use it to fuck over people. What else is new?
lolicons are subhuman and should go to jail for cp. i'm not a chud but they're right
Ditto. I don't think anyone is unironically denying that.
yeah not gonna ever defend people that like loli/shota or anything that resembles it
i get that you probably cant help being a pedo because i cant imagine anyone would willingly choose that life, so i kinda feel sorry because of the parallels, but there has to be a better solution than letting you guys collect and beat off to cartoon kids
sending someone to jail for not hurting anyone is retarded. If loli is to be criticized i think it's better to go after it's creators as they are the ones giving people deranged loli fetishes. Where as fapping to loli harms only yourself
while looking at loli can be sometimes weird, you have to understand that as a consenting adult chris was not committing any crimes. he was just looking at fictional drawings. the mentions and accusations that he was interacting with minors in porn-oriented chats are very strategically taken out of place and misdirected to make a fellow tranny look bad. its all to make trannies look bad, to make transbians acceptance and to push back on the things we have spent years fighting for. after all, there is nothing "morally" wrong with talking about some porn, loli or not, with people that are not of age. we all looked at porn when we were younger, its a normal thing that while does not need to be incentivised, it cant be ignored so easily through pure ignorance and hatred
what no fuck off
Another superficial game to prove you pass
Rightoids are open about the fact that they don't have principles or an attachment to reality. They will sacrifice anything and anything to win their war.
they wore diapers for trump......
shut the fuck up troon
take the rope

u guys even put diapers on ur ears like trump..
theyre not DIAPERS theyre bandages for the 45th & 46th & 47th.
show respect for someone who survived an asasination attempt
Normalfags against the wall
Does Vaporeon porn make you want to fuck a dog?
CP is bad because it victimizes kids. Who does lolicon victimize or hurt?
Just being a pedophile shouldn't be illegal if you don't actually hurt people.
kiwifags and chuds lost their touch
i even have fully suppressed t and i still jerk off to loli, so idk what to do really, im also a sort of meta attracted i guess agp and thats kinda what makes it hot for me
If you wanna fuck vaporeon's ultra moist pussy, you ain't trans. Simply too BUILT for human male dick
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Chuddies are retarded and will do whatever lets them own the troons
The tranners sperging about it on the other hand are pathetic
Why does your critical thinking of norms stop right where it stops being beneficial to you? Zero harm comes from lolisho content and frankly there is basically no evidence of harm from most willing, nonviolent sexual interactions involving a minor
You are still in under chuddy's control when you bow down to appease them by shutting off your brain and just going "eww that's icky because um it just is okay" and appealing to greatly varying laws as if they define morality
I jerk to loli as wel
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Kiwifags are moral drifters
They'll make fun of one guy for losing his shit over loli hentai but freak out when another dude's waifu is canonically 16
>one of the longest lasting memes on this site is literally telling children who wander here to watch Boku no Pico
Caring about anime drawings when no one is being hurt is retarded and the amount of antilolicons who end up liking actual kids should be studied
Didn’t the latest Cartoon Network pedophile that was caught go on anti-lolicon rants?
I assumed it was made up until I read this post.
I have no idea what the context is, but based on this reaction alone I now 100% believe they wore diapers for trump en masse.
im sorry but this is actual cope
Is there any cure for us
Lol what Vaporeon porn is way to degen for me idk If I was depraved enough to get turned on by that anything would do. Only wholesome chaste bishounen/Yuri ships for me
goon yourself into furfaggotry and nobody will care
I think in this case it's pretty telling how they swept the ACTUAL GROOMING ALLEGATIONS under the rug so they could obsess over muh Shadman muh Shadman. Almost like they're deliberately trying to lower the bar for future cases.
It reduces actual child abuse.
You’d rather children get raped than for something you find icky to exist online.
You are a bad person.
It there any evidence that it reduces CSA? I've heard this being said B4 but I haven't seen any proof
yes it should. if it's certifiably provable someone is into kids they should be forced into genpop in a male's prison regardless of their biological sex or gender identity
Stigmatization of pedophilia leads to pedos not seeking help. Being into real kids is disgusting but it's also not something someone chooses to be and they should be treated not immediately imprisoned
give proof. i should also add its one thing if the character is like 16 or 17 or has no canon age or if they're like 9. the former isn't loli but it's suspicious, i've only met ONE lolisho that had no interest in real kids and had it proven
i don't care if they choose it or not. them breathing makes them a danger to society
> i should also add its one thing if the character is like 16 or 17 or has no canon age or if they're like 9
All that ever matters is if they have secondary sex characteristics. If they do it is never pedophilia.
They wore fake gold diapers and shirts that read "Real Men Wear Diapers" at rallies after the rumors about Trump constantly shitting himself picked up steam
And now they wear ear diapers
>i don't care if they choose it or not. them breathing makes them a danger to society
Ok but you're never going to be able to tell who is a pedophile unless they admit to it or they actually hurt someone directly or indirectly. Gut reactions of "kill/imprison them all" protects no children
Imprisoning people for mere attractions will lead to pedophiles not getting help and repressing unhealthily which can lead the to hurting people in the future. You don't give a shit about kids— if you did, you wouldn't be advocating for doing the very thing that'll lead to more of them getting hurt. You're nothing but a moralfag with no critical thinking skills. God I fucking hate normies
>The Age of consent in Serbia is 14 years old.
>The Age of consent in Canada is 16 years old.
hmm? I wonder why.
>pedos surprised that 90% of people think they're sickso who deserve death
Child porn is linked to lower instances of child sexual abuse since potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children.

>Following the effects of a new law in the Czech Republic that allowed pornography to a society previously having forbidden it allowed us to monitor the change in sex related crime that followed the change. As found in all other countries in which the phenomenon has been studied, rape and other sex crimes did not increase. Of particular note is that this country, like Denmark and Japan, had a prolonged interval during which possession of child pornography was not illegal and, like those other countries, showed a significant decrease in the incidence of child sex abuse.

Of course, real life child porn is horrible and exploitative and should not be legalized. But kodocon is an alternative to child porn in which no child is actually harmed. If it prevents people from hurting kids, why should it be banned?
It’s unlikely there’s a single actual pedo itt. Try /b/ or /r9k/
>guy jerks off to gay porn
>guy jerks off to child porn
>ummm ackshually they're just pictures dewd
if you've had unfortunate interactions with them you'd feel this way too. there's no helping those subhumans
If you're retarded you can just say that instead
Yeah I wouldn’t say jerking off to a trap tomgirl doujin means someone is gay.
Pedo cope
every pedo I’ve met has been pretty cute and funny tho.
I was once irrationally upset by cuck porn. Years later it’s the primary focus of my coom. You might want to investigate your emotions anon, I think the lady doth protest too much.
Cuck cope
Kek this is the first thread I saw on /b/
/tv/ has been sharing childporn since its inception
Literally what is the point of this reply?
yes lol, he got someone fired for drawing loli and it turned out he had SIXTEEN FUCKING TERABYTES of actual filmed CP
Chuddies are pedos and you have a micropenis clitty
What can be done about lolicons? I found out someone i met from here is a lolicon and i hate her
It is pretty funny though that bringing attention to shadman is going to drag down other people who associated with him like oney, though.
no cap my internet journey in the 2010s was straight from neo nazi posting on stormfront to SJW making tumblr entries about problematic internalized racism and sexism.
i haven't thought about it beyond exile and laws banning lolicon content as obscenity. i wouldn't make it as harshly punished as real cp but absolutely would carry a sentence IF the character in question has visibly not hit puberty
So your reply has nothing to do with my post and you're projecting, cool.
I doubt it. There's a gap between interracting with someone and enjoying their content.
Not for white knighting repressors like the ones itt lol
its weird how 4chan became so moralfag obsessed with this, this sites root is literally all about loli, pedo memes and other shit.

i remember when 4chan was on the news and the headline was smt like 4chan left wing extremist site providing porn to pedophiles. times really changed
There’s even still pedobear/yotsuba pics when you get banned.
How would i go about reporting said person without a legal name and address?
Nah oney was way too involved with shadman
Yes it is the people who find pedos unsavoury who are weird and not the people who feel the need to defend them.
They were both Newgrounds fags and had similar friends. There's 20 different ways you can say "I didn't like his content but thought he was an alright guy and I regret it" and the whole thing will just blow over.
You can find whatever you want unsavory. Impotently screeching about it on an anonymous imageboard begs more investigation into your character than anyone else’s though. Why don’t you try the comments section on nhentai next?
yeah exactly, being on 4chan since the beginning really surprised me to see this place of all to end up being all moral nowadays like this is the last site i had imagined to change so much. 8ch is still the same for the most part.
You know someone has absolutely nothing worth saying when they have to insert projections like "impotently screeching".
I think its weird how moral faged out they are
the admins hate me
>no u
It’s all in how the words are used. That post was clearly more of a self talk in denial lashing out than an actual statement of intent/rejecting the premise.
Who are you quoting?
4chan ahsnt been 4chan for a long time thats why. during gamergate all the original 4chaners moved to 8ch, and so 4ch culture slowly changed and died out on 4chan, what was left of 4chan was mostly redditors (from when reddit wasnt a msn gov simping cuck site) and more like 4chan lite, then with 2016 the crhsitcucks, stormfront boomers, migatards etc flooded the site and nu redditors, twitterfags etc and basically thats whats left of this site.
first time I realized things had changed was getting banned off /a/ in 2016 for making what basically amounted to a family guy joke about high school girls.
I don’t think any studies have been made because what kind of academic would want to put his or her name on a peer reviewed on non acting pedos or former sex offenders, but the thinking is that if pedos goon to drawings rather than acts of sexual abuse then the financial incentives that allow human trafficking, cp, and other illegal means pornography creation would go down. It’s kind of like the rhetoric around drug legalization. By making safer drugs available through a channel that does not pose the risk of incarceration or punishment, the illegal channels that rely on organized crime will naturally lose their market share.

Granted, just like the drug argument, porn is also capable of acting as a gateway to deeper extremes in the search for more dopamine, it’s not unusual for simple fetishes to evolve into something actually unsafe, so the argument can go both ways as the ease of access to loli shit very well could be making more men’s sexuality more overtly pedophilic (it already is very attracted to youth but not like prepubescent youth)
you are literally carrying water for the people who want all trannies dead, but i guess i shouldn't be surprised at troons trying to commit suicide
why do i have to fight for pedophiles just to not die
im not doing that there has to be another way
tis what your ancestors did
>rain is an 8ch*ner
That explains sooo much
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>vaush (repping tranny sex pest) is caught with loli
>dude wow vaush is a gross pedo
>mrs.beast (open tranny sex pest) is caught with loli
>ummm actually I think we need to take a measured approach to this
Vaush was caught on stream with explicit pornography. Wasn’t even loli though. Borderline at best.
t. Loli appraiser
any kind of obscenity laws targeted at artistic expression will immediately be used against trannies. or have you not noticed that a large portion of the population already considers you to be a child-grooming pedophile by virtue of being trans, and thinks that any kind of interaction between a trans person and a child is inherently pedophilic? you're asking for a world where publicly supporting any kind of steps towards transition for minors is illegal
moralfags should be banned for being moralfags. go back to twitter if you want to whine about fictional drawings and expect anybody to care.
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i been on 4chan since the early days long before 8ch was made but yeah i consider 8ch my true home (and tumblr too but havent used it in forever), i just come to 4chan still over old habbits and some boards i still hang out on. or trip on.
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>the general public is finally faced with undeniable evidence that many world leaders and powerful figures are directly involved with the rape and sexual exploitation of children, including production of child pornography
>over the next several years, there is a concerted attempt to muddy the waters and broaden the definition of "pedophile" and "child pornography", including the introduction of euphemisms like "child sexual exploitation material" that sound more clinical and have less of a psychological impact
aauuuggghhh i'm nooooooticing
Epstein dealt in teenage girls. And they got paid more than either of us will make in our lifetimes to have sex with the most powerful men in the world.
I have never in my life seen a more IRON LAW OF WOKE PROJECTION post holy fucking shit
Wheeliechan is completely dead
Like 1 post per month dead
im not talking about 8kun, that site is a honeypot, the real 8ch is on the darknet now
>trans women arent sexual predators chud

>ok yeah maybe we are and thats a good thing shut up

not a good look sisters
U should spend less time on dead internet image boards and more time enjoying your new life
the chud obsession with muh children panic is beyond retarded, none of these losers will ever have children anyway. they just looking for any excuse to hawk on trannies
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>moralfagging bad
>which is why I will now moralfag for pedophiles
The left’s obsession with age gaps and dating people under 25 ain’t much better tbhon. You know they don’t mean this shit, everyone’s just looking for an angle to get likes and updoots. Weird little social market capitalism thing we invented.
like i said its not dead, darknet 8ch (the real one) is very alive and well. also what do you mean by new life? i transitioned over a decade now.
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what stage are we at right now?
What always confused me is how one can think that the jump from a hypersexualised and ideal version of what a minor is and the real life disgusting goblins that kids are, to be immediate.

The argument against loli porn always reeked of "videogames cause violence" rhetoric.
anime characters have more in common with betty boop than they do real-life people
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>incels are now men who DON'T jerk off to children
You will never be homelander
You will never be powerful or respected/feared
Lol look at this disingenuous worm argument. The problem isn't that "loli causes pedophilia" the problem is that you have to be a pedophile to enjoy loli. Videogames may not cause violence but you have to enjoy violence to enjoy violent videogames.
There's this weird deranged take that you pedos seem to have but you're still jerking off to children. There's a million things you could jerk off to and you're choosing to jerk off to children. You're a pedophile.
nah, they can exist but they should be treated like dalits
im sure we can take good example from your caste system saar
>you have to enjoy murder to enjoy video games where you murder people
>ergo you are a murderer
>Videogames may not cause violence but you have to enjoy violence to enjoy violent videogames.
do you actually fucking believe this? That everyone who played doom would also enjoy blowing someones brains out given the chance?
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people really think that jerking off to moeblobs that essentially look like pic related makes you a pedophile because they're categorized as fictional children. this mass psychosis has to stop. take someone who plays GTA online for 18 hours every day and kill someone in front of them. i guarantee you for the vast majority of people who play video games like that they would be horrified, disgusted, permanently scarred and traumatized. take someone who jerks off to anime and show them real child porn and the same thing will happen. it's fucking fictional. get over yourselves
this is what children look like, apparently. someone said these horrifying alien creatures were underage so if you feel any sexual attraction to them then you're a pedophile. even though no one looks like this in real life and no one ever will. it's still pedophilia because ???. no thought given to any kind of material reality, just pure knee-jerk reaction
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this is what a human that actually looks like that would look like, by the way. is this pedophilia? are you a pedophile for jerking off to an adult wearing a mask?
Troons also do this though
you mean that thing that the supreme court is unable to define?
I think it’s more so;
A. Loli is cp so anyone advocating for it is a creep
B. Chris was an adult sending hentai and Loli (porn) to minors which is grooming.
It's hypocritical from two groups full of pedophiles is what
creation of child pornography involves the abuse and exploitation of a real child. Its fucking sickening and should always be a serious fucking crime.

creation of loli art involves drawing. no matter how you dress it up these are not comparable.

the one caveat would be art depicting real children, which falls under the same realm as deepfake porn causing distress for the persons depicted.

being so loosey goosey with what we call cp blurs the line around why its so fucking awful. either that or we start calling regular cp something else i guess.
>being so loosey goosey with what we call cp blurs the line around why its so fucking awful. either that or we start calling regular cp something else i guess.
this is already happening where people are starting to think that guys who were arrested for CP were arrested for loli and people are referring to actual CP as "CSAM" and it feels fully fucking intentional that the lines are being blurred
Didn't say that, get your reading comprehension up
Everyone who enjoyed doom would also enjoy blowing the brains out of a murdering demon, yes.
Whoops another disingenuous faggot. If you go out of your way to jerk off to loli then you are jerking off to characters because they are children. Pedophiles like you should be killed.
>Everyone who enjoyed doom would also enjoy blowing the brains out of a murdering demon, yes.
i don't think that's true at all actually
I mean I mostly said that in jest but thats a little alarming to hear. The term "child pornography" has connotations that have stuck, and for good reason. That term should invoke disgust. I really don't want to love in a world where someone hears "cp" and isn't immediately sure what is actually being referred to. Also "CSAM" is just so much less concise and immediately apparent. "Child sexual abuse material" is just so much less clear and concise, especially when hidden behind an acronym that people are going to be too lazy to google.
>If you go out of your way to jerk off to loli then you are jerking off to characters because they are children.
>if you do this then it's because of this because i just said so okay???
It is. You're retarded. If you enjoy something you enjoy it. If you enjoy killing hookers in GTA it is becaused it tickles the part of your brain that wants to kill hookers. Does that mean you think killing hookers is okay? Not necessarily. But you don't live out a fantasy if you don't enjoy.
Jerking off to loli doesn't mean you'd fuck a kid, but it does make you a pedophile categorically and you should be executed.
Okay so why jerk off to loli specifically then? Don't try to worm your way out of answering now.
a couple days ago someone on here linked the wikipedia article for the rurouni kenshin author and claimed that he was arrested for having loli art when he was very infamously arrested for having full-on CP videos. when that mighty magiswords guy got arrested recently, people on twitter were debating whether it was loli or CP he got caught with. the water has absolutely been muddied
>If you enjoy killing hookers in GTA it is becaused it tickles the part of your brain that wants to kill hookers. Does that mean you think killing hookers is okay? Not necessarily. But you don't live out a fantasy if you don't enjoy.
the fact that you believe this says more about you than it does about anyone else. you need mental help
>actually from my point of view it is the non-pedophiles who need help
This is why pedophiles need to be wiped out, they are the most incredibly weasely, disgusting people around
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I’m confused how people still openly defend Loli type shit. Can someone explain how you’re not a pedo when you’re going out of your way to find pornography that has characters that are meant to be kids. Like how what? I don’t understand how anyone can seriously say you’re not a pedo if you’re getting off to Loli
Who are you quoting?
They can't. It is pedophilia. People just feel safe because they've created an edgy elitism around it. The very premise of the thread reveals the slimeball brain that enjoys it, they imply that only small groups of people find them disgusting as opposed to pretty much everyone who isn't them.
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because it's a fucking cartoon. pic related is apparently okay to crank it to because it's labeled as 18 years old, but if it said 8 years old then it'd be bad. it's not real. WHO GIVES A SHIT
You are in no position to call anyone disingenuous with this response. Like fine, hitman then? Average person a-okay murdering someone for cash? If someone does a hit and run in gta are they ignoring the devil on their shoulder telling them to veer onto the sidewalk everything they drive?
See I understand that it’s a cartoon or art but you’re completely ignoring the fact that it’s art of minors doing sexual acts specifically for grown men to get off to. Does that not register in your brain?
In other words, Loli is made for pedos
Disingenuous argument once again. You're so fucking wormy lol.
Don't ask them why they specifically seek out porn involving fictional minors if they're not a pedo.
People like violence. That is the point of videogames. The fact that you're a moral creature doesn't mean that there isn't a part of you that likes violence. What you keep saying has nothing to do with the point. At no point did I say that lolifags are garaunteed to predate on minors. I said they are pedophiles which is fact and nothing you've said has even challenged that idea you've just tried to worm your way into changing the context of my arguments.
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Low key why is this a thing? No one thinks it’s weird how the Chris guy was openly into Loli? No one thinks it’s weird how so many trans women are openly into Loli and weird underage anime shit?
In the same way that I think you conflating the simulation of violence present in a work of fiction to enjoyment of violence perpetrated in real life makes you delusional, I think that conflating arousal from loli art to an arousal to actual children does not ring ture. Just like the differences between violence present in videogames and real life lead to enjoyment of one and distaste for the other, the differences between loli art and actual child pornography are the same. There is a separation of what is enjoyed in fantasy and in real life. As much as you claim I'm weasleing around your argument the fact of the matter is that real life children are not the subject of sexual fantasy for lolifags, loli's are. I fundamentally disagree that they are interchangeable, they are different by nature that they are fabrication, just like videogame violence is different from real life violence. I'm not trying to change the context of the argument, since the difference between fiction and reality is at the center of this debate
Loli's are children, that is their defining characteristic. If you seek out loli porn you are seeking it out because the idea of a minor in a sexual context is arrousing to you. Therefore you are a pedophile. Nothing you say can change this from being factual. The fact that real life men don't look like like Yaoi doesn't make jerking off to to Yaoi not gay. It is homoerotic stimulus therefore it is gay. Fact or fiction has nothing to do with anything, it doesn't matter.
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I keep finding these and I’m starting to believe it
Yeah I never used to put much stock in the "trannies are pedos" claims but look at this shit
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>there are people who go on 4chan to moralfag about japanese cartoons
it's over, this website is just tumblr 2.0 by now
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>using the term porn addiction unironically
>there are people who on 4chan to defend pedophiles
Shoo shoo
>Stigmatization of pedophilia leads to pedos not seeking help.
In a couple years we'll probably have ai that can spot pedos via facial recognition. "Lolicons" will get a choice between reeducation and indefinite imprisonment.
>when you’re not deemed a pedophile yet still b cranking it to some loli

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