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What's the most fucked up / weirdest thing you've ever done?
wasted my entire life on a website for weeaboo pedophile nazis with divorced parents
Fucked my couch
i believed my ex when he said he would never leave me
Left a makeshift dildo in me when I went to physical therapy.
one time i stuck my finger shallowly in a roast pigs nostril and put it in my mouth
Took drugs that would cause me to grow breasts and started dressing like a woman.
Parents caught me making my teddy bear give me a sloppy blowjob when I was 4
Told my childhood /female crush bras and panties when she was sunbathing. I stole maybe 3 pairs.
>for some reason i think i dont have the correct brain
You seem normal to me, Anon!
threw a rock at a bird causing slow horrile death and cut some baby mice in half
Married a fat immigrant woman with a putrid vagina, only to realize I've been a retarded repper my whole life.
i had sex with a raw chicken breast because it felt like a vagina. no I'm not trans, don't assume.
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I prefer not to say.
had unprotected sex with a rando off grindr
did he ever try to see you again?
I've been close friends with a guy for a while (we dated for a bit) but I pretend he's my brother full time and not just for a sex thing. I asked him to call me his little brother even just once as a birthday present to me and now he plays along when I call him my brother.
Yeah ;-;
He didn’t
stuck a rockband drumstick up my ass
cheated on my gf with her next door neighbor. sometimes in the same night. I'd go to neighbors house first then gfs place for 2nds. broke both their hearts in the end
For me it was a guitar whammy bar
I once wore a stp and got so turned on while looking at suoer kinky porn that I filled half a shotglass with 'precum' and drank it
>t ftm
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i constantly worry that i've somehow managed to violently sexually assault somebody i love through brainwaves and psychological contact. i have never had sex and i do not know anybody outside of family i live with in a two-hour radius from where i live.
t. diagnosed schizo ftm
had sexual relations with down-low brotha meth addict covered in gang tattoos in rehab.
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you know it happened, you're just trying to forget it. everyone else plays along with it because they feel bad for the schizo who cant control their own thoughts. why are you lying to yourself? are you that desperate to be someone worthy of others pity? kys ^^
I put my dick in the family dog's mouth once when I was 11

I will never forgive myself

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